Mathematical Concepts, School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, Fall 2015/16

This is a first year undergraduate refresher course for basic maths skills needed in our University of Sussex Informatics courses. The course is taken by all undergraduates. The lectures linked below are slides from the academic year 2015/16.

Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Number systems
Lecture 3: Sums and Products
Lecture 4: Proof by Induction
Lecture 5: Sets and regular expressions
Lecture 6: Finite State Automata
Lecture 7: Indeterministic Finite State Automata
Lecture 8: Pushdown Automata and Grammars
Lecture 9: Turing Machine
Lecture 10: Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Lecture 11: Matrix Algebra I
Lecture 12: Matrix Algebra II
Lecture 13: Matlab Demo
Lecture 14: Calculus I: Functions
Lecture 15: Calculus II: Limits
Lecture 16: Calculus III: Derivatives
Lecture 17: Calculus IV: Integrals
Lecture 18: Probability I
Lecture 19: Probability II
Lecture 20: Statistics I
Lecture 21: Statistics II
Lecture 22: Revisions I
Lecture 23: Revisions II
Lecture 24: Revisions III

Workshop "The computational neuroscience of olfaction",

Madrid, March 2009

Lecture1: Olfaction - The sense of smell
Lecture2: The connectionist approach I: Tools
Lecture3: The connectionist approach II: Modelling insect olfaction
Lecture4: Rate models of the antennal lobe; Hopfield's model of olfaction
Lecture5: The pheromone subsystem

Barcelona, June 2009

Lecture1: Olfaction - The sense of smell
Lecture2: The connectionist approach I: Tools
Lecture3: The connectionist approach II: Modelling insect olfaction; Hopfield's model of olfaction
Lecture4: Rate models of the antennal lobe; Heteroclinic dynamics
Lecture5: Heteroclininc Dynamics in a model with Hodgkin Huxley neurons; The pheromone sub-system
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