Prof Thomas Nowotny
Group Leader
Current DPhil/PhD Students
Balazs Meszaros
Thomas "Tom" Shoesmith
Oluwaseyi "Seyi" Oladipupo Jesusanmi
Sussex Neuroscience
Anindya Ghosh
Lydia Ellison
Leverhulme Trust
| Camilo Jara Do Nascimento |
| Kai Mansfield |
Former members
Former Research Fellows
Dr. James "Jamie" Knight
Brains on Board
Dr. James "Jim" Bennett
Brains on Board
Dr. Alex Dewar
Brains on Board
Dr. Mario Pannunzi
Odor Objects / HBP SGA2
Garibaldi Pineda Garcia
Dr. Esin Yavuz
Green Brain Project: Developing models of the bee olfactory system on
massively parallel GPU hardware. GeNN simulator development.
Dr. Alan Diamond
Human Brain Project: Neuromorphic systems for large scale classification problems.
Dr. Michael Schmuker
Marie Curie Fellow: Neuromorphic Computing.
Dr. Christopher
L. Buckley
Criticality in sensory systems, the moth pheromone subsystem
Dr. Andrei Zavada
Component concentration ratio detection in the moth pheromone subsystem
Completed Dphil/PhD
Dr. Efstathios "Stathis" Kagioulis
Computational models of visual navigation using auto-encoders.
Dr. Stefan Meyer
Visual processing for navigation.
Dr. Fabian Steinbeck
Computational models of bee brain circuits.
Dr. James Turner
GPU computing and error estimation in numerical simulations.
Dr. Felix Kern
Online Computational Electrophysiology.
Dr. Dan
Cellular basis of learning in an invertebrate model system.
Dr. Manuel Baltieri
Dr. Ho Ka Chan
Asynchronous odour mixture perception
(Odor Objects project, HFSP).
Dr. Gang
("Rick") Wu
GPU computing for the acceleration of FLIM (Fluorescent Lifetime Imaging Microscopy).
Dr. Michael Crossley (with George Kemenes and Kevin
Learning and memory in the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis
Dr. David Samu (with Anil Seth and George Kemenes)
Hybrid systems and large scale neural networks
Dr. Lucas Wilkins (with Daniel Osorio)
Aspects of color vision in evolution
Completed MSc Projects
Mohannad Abu-Aisheh
Ehsan Pour Yazdan Panah Kermani
Mushroom Bodies and Variance Encoding in
Reinforcement Learning
Timothy Jose Sanmoogan
Bicycle recognition with machine learning
Arnav Ray
Equivalence of biological and machine learning
Haiming O Ou
Feature selection and classification of a chemical
sensor arrays
| Divya Sivaram
Interface from the BRIAN simulator to the GeNN simulator.
Md Korban UI Akter
Feature selection for classifying spiked human breath samples with Enoses.
| Nicholas C. Hockings
Model of the human hand on GPUs.
| Plutarco Naranjo
AI driven trading strategies for FOREX
| Dylan Lentini
On the equivalence of biological and SVM learning in two class classification
| Swarup Karavadi
Multi-species Genetic Algorithm based Elastic Load Balancer for
optimal Elastic Scale on the Cloud applied to an over
the cloud turn based gaming engine
David Vardanjan
Using STDP clustering in a biomimetic neural network for handwritten
digit classification on a Nvidia GPU |
| Damien Drix
GPU implementation of neuronal networks |
David Samu
A high fidelity brain-machine interface in
a hybrid system: Implementation, test and comparison of a real-time
electrode-response compensation technique on a
Dynamic Clamp system
Neil Mather
3D Visualisation Software for Neural Networks: NeuroML interface for NeurAnim
Completed Final Year Projects
2019 |
Alessia Nigretti
Biofeedback-Driven Virtual Reality Tool
Craig Gibbs
Biological vs Machine Learning: A comparison of artificially reconstructed Hebbian learning systems and SVM machine learning methods
Yifan Zhou
Rendering engine combining Raytracing and
2018 |
Yunis Murad
Gain control in neural networks
Vasyl Kodre
Visualising neuronal networks with Blender and
Sze Yin Lai
Visualising neurons with Blender using its Python
2017 |
Daniel Saska
Fast methods for building accurate models of
individual neurons (Brandwatch prize for best artificial
intelligence project 2016)
2016 |
Daniel Hellawell
Applet for analysis and exploration of neurons
2015 |
James Turner
Spiking Neural Network Parallelisation and
Optimisation on Heterogeneous Computer Architectures
2013 |
Philip Woods
Stock market strategies for small investors based on AI
2012 |
Steven Muggeridge
Neural Network Simulation Tool Using NVIDA CUDA
2011 |
Farrell Hayman
Java Audio Application
Ioannis Limistiras
Web-based dynamic multimedia project
Patrick Quish
Artificial Intelligence for PacMan