The book that preceded the credibility crisis, yet gave the grounds for many solutions ...
Cabbai, G., Dance, C., Dienes, Z., Simner, J., Forster, S., & Lush, P. (2024). Investigating relationships between trait visual imagery and phenomenological control: the role of context effects. Collabra: Psychology 10 (1): 92941.
Dienes, Z. (2024). Use one system for all results to avoid contradiction: Advice for using significance tests, equivalence tests, and Bayes factors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(5), 531-534. Highlighted APA article.
Dienes, Z. (2024). The inner workings of Registered Reports. In Austin Lee Nichols & John E. Edlund (Eds), Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, pp 305-326. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dienes, Z. (in press). How to deal with regression to the mean when selecting out conscious trials in order to analyse unconscious trials. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, Retrieved from
Ling, X., Zhang, Q., Sun, P., Zhao, L., Zheng, L., & Dienes, Z. (2024). Facilitating Implicit Learning of Multiple Non-adjacent Dependencies Regardless of Language Experience: The Role of a Brief Pre-exposure. Retrieved from
Lush, P., Scott, R. B.,, Moga, G., & Dienes, Z. (2024). Computer versus live delivery of the Sussex Waterloo Scale of Hypnotizability (SWASH). Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 11(2), 209–216.
Sheldrake, K., & Dienes, Z. (2024). Can Imagining Actions as Occurring Involuntarily Cause Intentional Behaviour to Feel Involuntary?. Retrieved from Stage 1 Registered Report recommended at Peer Community In Registered Reports, recommendation here:
Sheldrake, K., Konakanchi, Y., & Dienes, Z. (2024). The Experience of Responding to Imaginative Suggestions: Micro-phenomenological Interviews.
Silvey, C., Dienes, Z., & Wonnacott, E. (in press). Bayes factors for logistic (mixed effect) models. Psychological Methods,
Stockart, F., Schreiber, M., Amerio, P., Carmel, D., Cleeremans, A., Deouell, L., … Mudrik, L. (2024). Studying unconscious processing: towards a consensus on best practices.
Chen, Y., Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2023). Is conscious perception necessary to direct attention? A replication of Jiang et al. (2006). Retrieved from For PCI RR In Principle Acceptance of this Stage 1 see:
Dienes, Z. (2023). The pragmatics of statistical inference. D. Trafimow (Ed.), Research Handbook on the Replication Crisis. Retrieved from
Dienes, Z. (2023). Testing theories with Bayes factors. In Austin Lee Nichols & John E. Edlund (Eds), Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, volume 1: Building a program of research, pp 494-512. Cambridge University Press.
Dienes, Z. (2023). The credibility crisis and democratic governance: How to reform university governance to be compatible with the nature of science. Royal Society Open Science, .10220808220808 Also: Times Higher piece on the paper
Dienes, Z., & Lush, P. (2023). The role of phenomenological control in experience. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32(2), 145–151. Comment in Observer
Jurchiș, R., & Dienes, Z. (2023). Implicit Learning of Regularities Followed by Realistic Body Movements in Virtual Reality. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 269–279. Featured Psychonomic Society Article
Lush, P., Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2023). Expectancies and the generation of perceptual experience: Predictive processing and phenomenological control. In T. Cheng, R. Sato, & J. Hohwy (Eds.) Expected Experiences: The Predictive Mind in an Uncertain World. Routledge. Retrieved from
Schumann, F., Smolka, M.,
Dienes, Z., Lübbert, A., Lukas, W., Rees, M. G., Fucci, E., & van Vugt, M.
(2023). Beyond kindness: a proposal for the flourishing of science and
scientists alike. Royal Society Open Science, 10, 230728-230728
Skora, L., Livermore, J. J. A., Dienes, Z., Seth, A., & Scott, R. B. (2023). Feasibility of Unconscious Instrumental Conditioning: A Registered Replication. Cortex, 159, 101-117
Dienes, Z. (2022). Review of "“Evidence-Based Statistics: An Introduction to the Evidential Approach - from Likelihood Principle to Statistical Practice”; Cahusac, Peter ." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 185(1), 430.
Dienes, Z., Palfi, B., & Lush, P. (2022). Controlling phenomenology by being unaware of intentions. In Weisberg, J. (Ed.),Qualitative Consciousness: Themes from the Philosophy of David Rosenthal (pp 229-242). Cambridge University Press
Dienes, Z., Lush, L., Palfi, B., Rooseboom, W., Scott, R., Parris, B., Seth, A., & Lovell, M. (2022). Phenomenological control as cold control. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 9(2), 101–116.
Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2022, August 15). Conscious and unconscious mental states. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. doi:
Gurney, A., Dienes, Z., & Scott, R. B. (2022). Hypnotic suggestibility is unaffected by a challenging inhibitory task or mental exhaustion. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 9(2), 141–158.
Lovell, M., & Dienes, Z. (2022).
Minimal mindfulness of the world as an active control for a full mindfulness of
mental states intervention: A Registered Report and Pilot study, in principle
acceptance of version 4 by Peer Community in Registered Reports. Recommendation:
Lush, P., Seth, A., Dienes, Z., & Scott, R. B. (2022). Trait phenomenological control in top-down and bottom-up effects: ASMR, Visually Evoked Auditory Response and the Müller-Lyer illusion.
Moga, G., & Dienes, Z. (2022). Expressing
unconscious general knowledge using Chevreul’s pendulum. American Journal of
Clinical Hypnosis, 64, 306-315.
Palfi, B., Parris, B. A., &
Dienes, Z. (2022). Strategies that reduce Stroop interference. Royal
Society Open Science.
Stewart, S., Pennington, C. R., Silva, G., Ballou, N., Butler, J., Dienes, Z., … Samara, A. (2022). Reforms to improve reproducibility and quality must be coordinated across the research ecosystem: The view from the UKRN Local Network Leads. BMC Res Notes, 15, 58,
Dienes, Z. (2021). How to use and report Bayesian hypothesis tests. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 8, 9–26
Dienes, Z. (2021). Obtaining evidence for no effect. Collabra: Psychology,7 (1): 28202.
Jurchiș, R., Costea, A., Dienes,
Z., Miclea, M., & Opre, A. (in press). Evaluative conditioning of
artificial grammars: Evidence that subjectively-unconscious structures bias
affective evaluations of novel stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
General, 149(9), 1800–1809.
Larsson, D. E. O., Esposito, G., Critchley, H., Dienes, Z., & Garfinkel, S. (2021). Sensitivity to changes in rate of heartbeats as a measure of interoceptive ability. Journal of Neurophysiology, 126, 1799-1813.
Leganes-Fonteneau, M., Scott, R., Duka, T., & Dienes, Z. (2021). Avoiding pitfalls: Bayes factors can be a reliable tool for post hoc data selection in implicit learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, 1848–1859
Lu, J., & Dienes, Z. (2021, June 10). Do second language learners always know what they know about L2 collocations? Exploring the acquisition of conscious and unconscious structural knowledge of L2 collocations.
Lush, P., Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2021, April 23). Rubber hand illusion report is confounded by demand characteristics and may entirely reflect compliance, bias and implicit imaginative suggestion effects.
Lush, P., Scott, R. B., Seth, A., &
Dienes, Z. (2021). The
Phenomenological Control Scale: Measuring the capacity for creating illusory
nonvolition, hallucination and delusion. Collabra: Psychology, 7 (1): 29542.
Lush, P., Seth, A., & Dienes, Z. (2021). Demand characteristics confound asynchronous control conditions in indirect measures of the rubber hand illusion. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 210911-210911
Malejka, S., Vadillo, M. A., Dienes, Z., Shanks, D. R. (2021). Correlation analysis to investigate unconscious mental processes: A critical appraisal and mini-tutorial. Cognition, 212, 104667
Palfi, B., Parris, B. A., McLatchie, N., Kekecs, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2021). Can unconscious intentions be more effective than conscious intentions? Test of the role of metacognition in hypnotic response. Registered Report. Cortex, 135, 219-239.
Parris, B. A., Hasshim, N., & Dienes, Z. (2021). Look into my eyes: Pupillometry reveals that a post-hypnotic suggestion for word blindness reduces Stroop interference by marshalling greater effortful control. European Journal of Neuroscience, 53, 2819-2834.
Vadillo, M. A., Malejka, S., Lee, D. Y. H., Dienes, Z., & Shanks, D. R. (2021). Raising Awareness about Measurement Error in Research on Unconscious Mental Processes. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Aczel, B., Hoekstra, R., Gelman, A., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Klugkist, I.-G., Rouder, J. N., Vandekerckhove, J., Lee, M. D., Morey, R. D., Vanpaemel, W., Dienes, Z., van Ravenzwaaij, D. (2020). Discussion points for Bayesian inference. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 561–563. For my contribution, see:
Lakens, D., McLatchie, N., Isager, P. M.,
Scheel, A. M., & Dienes, Z. (2020). Improving Inferences about Null Effects
with Bayes Factors and Equivalence Tests. The Journals of Gerontology,
Series B: Psychological Sciences, 75, (1), 45–57.
Lush, P., Botan, V., Scott, R. B., Seth, A.
K., Ward, J., & Dienes, Z. (2020). Phenomenological control: response
to imaginative suggestion predicts measures of mirror touch synaesthesia,
vicarious pain and the rubber hand illusion. Nature Communications, 11, 4853 (2020).
B, & Dienes, Z. (2020). Why Bayesian “evidence for H1” in one
condition and “evidence for H0” in another does not mean Bayesian evidence for
a difference between conditions. Advances in Methods and Practices in
Psychological Science, 3 , 300–308.
Palfi, B., Moga, G., Lush, P., Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2020). Can Hypnotic Suggestibility Be Measured Online?. Psychological Research, 84,1460–1471.
Skora, L., Livermore, J. J. A., Dienes, Z., Seth, A., & Scott, R. B. (2020, May 4). Feasibility of Unconscious Instrumental Conditioning: A Registered Replication. Cortex,
Waroquier, L., Abadie, M.., & Dienes, Z. (2020). Distinguishing the role of conscious and unconscious knowledge in Evaluative Conditioning. Cognition. 205, 104460
Zhang, R., Li, F., Jiang, S., Zhao, K., Zhang, C., Zheng, L., … Dienes, Z. (2020, November 21). Simulations of implicit learning of symmetries: The importance of prior knowledge and the nature of the memory buffer.
Dienes, Z. (2019/written 2001). The role of implicit and explicit knowledge in understanding mathematics. (Background to) Keynote for 2nd International Conference on Heuristics: Motivating, Orienting and Modeling Invention. Balatonfüred, August 30 – September 1, 2019
Dienes, Z. (2019). How do I know what my theory predicts? Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2, 364-377.
Dienes, Z. & Martin, J.-R. (2019). The role of hypnosis and meditation in consciousness research. An interview with Zoltan Dienes. ALIUS Bulletin, 3, 32-38.
Kiyokawa, S. & Dienes, Z. (2019). Getting insight by talking to others – Or loosing insight by talking too much? In A.K. Goel, C.M. Seifert, & C. Freksa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2018-2023). Montreal, QB: Cognitive Science Society.
Lush, P., & Dienes, Z. (2019). Time perception and the experience of agency in meditation and hypnosis. PsyCh Journal, 8, 36–50
Lush, P., Roseboom, W., Cleeremans, A., Scott, R.B., Seth, A. K., & Dienes, Z. (2019). Intentional binding as Bayesian cue combination: Testing predictions with trait individual differences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(9), 1206-1217.
Martin, J. R., & Dienes, Z. (2019). Bayes to the rescue: Does the type of hypnotic induction matter? Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6(4), 359–370.
Norman, E.,
Scott, R. B., Price, M. C., Jones, E., & Dienes, Z. (2019). Can
unconscious structural knowledge be strategically controlled? In Cleeremans,
A., Allakhverdov, V., & Kuvaldina, M. (Eds), Implicit learning: 50
years on. Routledge (pp 159-173).
Palfi, B., & Dienes, Z. (2019). When and how to calculate the Bayes factor with an interval null hypothesis. PsyArXiv
Dienes, Z., Coulton, S., & Heather, N. (2018). Using Bayes Factors To Evaluate Evidence For No Effect: Examples From The SIPS Project. Addiction, 113, 240-246.
Dienes, Z., & McLatchie, N. (2018). Four reasons to prefer Bayesian over significance testing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 207-218.
Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. K. (2018). Conscious versus unconscious processes. In G. C. L. Davey (Ed.), Psychology (BPS Textbooks in Psychology) pp 262-323 . Wiley: Chichester
Fu, Q., Sun, H., Dienes, Z., & Fu, X. (2018). Implicit sequence learning of chunking and abstract structures. Consciousness & Cognition, 62, 42-56. Data set.
Ling, X., Zheng, L., Guo, X., Li, S., Song, S., Sun, L., & Dienes, Z. (2018). Cross cultural differences in implicit learning of chunks versus symmetries. Royal Society Open Science, 5,
Lush, P. Moga, G., McLatchie, N., & Dienes, Z.(2018). The Sussex-Waterloo Scale of Hypnotisability (SWASH): Measuring capacity for altering conscious experience. Neuroscience of Consciousness,
Palfi, B., Parris, B. A., McLatchie, N.,
Kekecs, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2018). Can unconscious intentions
be more effective than conscious intentions? Test of the role of metacognition
in hypnotic response. Cortex, (Stage 1 Registered Report)
Qiao, F., Sun, F., Li, F., Ling, X., Zheng, L., Li, L., Guo, X., & Dienes, Z. (2018). Tonal symmetry induces fluency and sense of well-formedness. Frontiers in Psychology, 9,
Scott, R. B., Samaha,
J., Chrisley, R., & Dienes, Z. (2018). Prevailing theories of
consciousness are challenged by novel cross-modal associations acquired between
subliminal stimuli. Cognition, 175, 169-185
Benjamin, D. J., Berger, J. O., Johannesson, M., et al. (2017). Redefine statistical
signfiicance. Nature Human Behaviour, doi: 10.1038/s41562-017-0189-z
Fu, Q., Liu, Y., Dienes, Z., Wu, J., Chen, W., Fu, X. (2017). Neural correlates of subjective awareness for natural scene categorization of color photographs and line-drawings. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 210,
Lush, P. , Caspar, E. A., Cleeremans, A., Haggard, P., Magalhães De Saldanha da Gama, P.A., & Dienes, Z (2017). The Power of Suggestion: Post-hypnotically induced changes in the temporal binding of intentional action outcomes. Psychological Science, 28 (5), 661-669.
Martin, J. R.,
Sackur, J., & Dienes, Z. (2017). Attention or Instruction? Do sustained
attentional abilities really differ between high and low hypnotisable persons. Psychological Research,
Seth, A., & Dienes, Z. (2017).The value of Bayesian statistics for assessing credible evidence for animal sentience. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling, 16 (22).
Beard, E., Dienes, Z., Muirhead, C., West, R. (2016). Using Bayes Factors for testing hypotheses about intervention effectiveness in addictions research. Addiction, 111 (12), 2230–2247.
Caspar, E. A., Desantis, A. Dienes, Z., Cleeremans, A., & Haggard, P. (2016) The sense of agency as tracking control. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0163892. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163892
Dienes, Z. (2016). How Bayes factors change scientific practice. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 72, 78-89.
Z., Lush, P., Semmens-Wheeler, R., Parkinson, J., Scott, R. B., & Naish, P.
(2016). Hypnosis as self-deception; Meditation as self-insight. In A. Raz
and M. Lifshitz (Eds), Hypnosis and Meditation: Toward an integrative
science of conscious planes. Oxford
University Press, pp 107-128.
Fu, Q., Liu, Y., Dienes, Z., Wua, J., Chen, W., & Fu, X. (2016). The role of edge-based and surface-based information in natural scene categorization: Evidence from behavior and event-related potentials. Consciousness and Cognition, 43, 152–166.
Kekecs, Z., Szollosi, A., Palfi, B., Szaszi, B., Kovacs, K. J., Dienes, Z. & Aczel, B. (2016). Commentary: Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 155, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00155
X., Li, F., Qiao, F., Guo, X., & Dienes, Z. (2016). Fluency Expresses
Implicit Knowledge of Tonal Symmetry. Frontiers in Psycholology, 7, 57, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00057
Lush, P., Naish, P., & Dienes, Z. (2016). Metacognition of intentions in mindfulness and hypnosis. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 1-10, doi: 10.1093/nc/niw007 ( received the 2018 Henry Guze Award for Best Research Paper on Hypnosis by the Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis)
Lush, P., Parkinson, J., & Dienes, Z. (2016). Illusory temporal binding in meditators. Mindfulness,7, 1416–1422 doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0583-z
Martin, J.R., Sackur, J., Anlló, H., Naish, P., & Dienes, Z. (2016). Perceiving time differences when you should not: Applying the El Greco fallacy to hypnotic time distortions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1309, doi: org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01309
Norman, E., Scott, R. B., Price, M. C., & Dienes, Z. (2016). The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning. Consciousness and Cognition, 42, 229–236.
Parkinson, J., Garfinkel, S., Critchley, H. , Dienes, Z., , and Seth, A. (2016). Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: Volitional choices to act or inhibit are modulated by subliminal perception of emotional faces. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, doi:10.3758/s13415-016-0477-5
Aczel, B., Palfi, B., Szaszi, B., Szollosi, B., & Dienes, Z. (2015). Commentary: Unlearning implicit social biases during sleep. Frontiers in Psycholology, 6, 1428 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01428
Chambers, C. D., Dienes, Z., McIntosh, R. D., Rotshtein, P., & Willmes, K. (2015). Registered Reports: Realigning incentives in scientific publishing. Cortex, 66, A1-2.
Dienes, Z (2015). How Bayesian statistics are needed to determine whether mental states are unconscious. In M. Overgaard (Ed.), Behavioural Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 199-220.
Ling, X.,Guo, X., Zheng, L., Li, L., Chen, M., Wang, Q., Huang, Q., & Dienes, Z. (2015). The neural basis of implicit learning of task‑irrelevant Chinese tonal sequence. Experimental Brain Research, doi 10.1007/s00221-014-4184-6
E., & Dienes, Z. (2015). Facial beauty affects implicit and explicit
learning of men and women differently. Frontiers in Psycholology, 6, 1124. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01124
Anderson, H. P., Seth, A. K., Dienes, Z., & Ward, J. (2014). Can Grapheme-Colour Synaesthesia be Induced by Hypnosis? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:220. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00220
Armstrong, A. M., & Dienes, Z. (2014). Subliminal Understanding of Active vs. Passive Sentences. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 32-50.
Dienes, Z. (2014). Using Bayes to get the most out of non-significant results. Frontiers in Psycholology, 5: 781. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00781
Eitam, B, Glass, R. S., Hillel, A., Dienes, Z., Shoval, R., & Higgins, E. T. (2014). Are Task Irrelevant Faces Unintentionally Processed? Implicit Learning as a Test Case. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(5), 1741-1747
Mealor, A., Dienes, Z., & Scott, R. B. (2014). Unconscious sources of familiarity can be strategically excluded in support of conscious task demands. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(3), 229-242.
Parris, B. A., Dienes, Z., Bate, S., and Gothard, S. (2014). Oxytocin impedes the effect of the posthypnotic word blindness suggestion on Stroop task performance. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9 (7), 895-899. doi: 10.1093/scan/nst063.
Rohrmeier, M., Dienes, Z., Guo, X., & Fu, Q. (2014). Implicit learning and recursion. In F. Lowenthal & L. Lefebvre (Eds), Language and Recursion, Springer Verlag, pp 67-85.
Scott, R. B., Dienes, Z., Barrett, A. B., Bor, D., & Seth, A. K. (2014). Blind Insight: Metacognitive Discrimination Despite Chance Task Performance. Psychological Science, 25 (12), 2199-2208.
Tan, L. F., Dienes, Z., Jansari, A., & Goh, S. Y. (2014). Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Brain-Computer Interface Performance. Consciousness and Cognition, 23(1), 12-21.
Zheng, L., Guo, X., Zhu, L., Li, J., Chen, L., & Dienes, Z. (2014). Whether Others Were Treated Equally or Not Affects Neural Responses to Unfairness in the Ultimatum Game. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu071
Ziori, E., Pothos, E., & Dienes, Z. (2014). Role of Prior Knowledge in Implicit and Explicit Learning of Artificial Grammars. Consciousness and Cognition, 28(1), 1-16.
Armstrong, A. M., & Dienes, Z. (2013). Subliminal Understanding of Negation: Unconscious Control by Subliminal Processing of Word Pairs. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (3), 1022-1040.
Barrett, A., Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2013). Measures of metacognition in signal detection theoretic models. Psychological Methods, 18(4), 535-552.
Dienes, Z, & Hutton, S. (2013). Understanding hypnosis metacognitively: rTMS applied to left DLPFC increases hypnotic suggestibility. Cortex, 49, 386-392. (This paper was directly replicated and extended by a team at Macquarie University, as part of the Cortex Pre-registered Reports scheme: Coltheart, M., Cox., R., Sowman, P., Morgan, H., Barnier, A., Langdon, R., Connaughton, E. , Teichmann, L., & Williams, N. (in press). Belief, delusion, hypnosis, and the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Registered Reports. Cortex, They find an increase in hypnotic response with right nut not left rTMS to DLPFC.)
Fu, Q., Bin, G., Dienes, Z., Fu, X., Gao, X. (2013). Learning without consciously knowing: Evidence from event-related potentials in sequence learning. Consciousness and Cognition, 22 (1), 22-34.
Fu, Q., Dienes, Z., Shang, J., & Fu, X. (2013). Who learns more? Cultural differences in implicit sequence learning. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71625. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071625
Guo, X., Li, F., Yang, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2013). Bidirectional transfer between metaphorical related domains in Implicit learning of form-meaning connections. PLoS ONE, 8(7): e68100. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068100
Guo, X., Jiang, S., Wang, H., Zhu, L., Tang, J., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2013). Unconsciously Learning Task-irrelevant Perceptual Sequences. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(1), 203–211.
Guo, X., Zheng, L., Wang, H., Zhu, L., Li, J., Wang, Q., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2013). Exposure to Violence Reduces Empathetic Responses to Other's Pain. Brain and Cognition, 82, 187-191.
Guo, X., Zheng, Li., Zhu, L., Li, J., Wang, Q., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2013). Increased neural responses to unfairness in a loss context. NeuroImage, 77, 246–253.
Li, F., Guo, X., Zhu, L., Yang, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2013). Implicit learning of mappings between forms and metaphorical meanings. Consciousness & Cognition,22 (1), 174-183.
Li, F., Jiang, S., Guo, X., Yang, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2013). The nature of the memory buffer in implicit learning: Learning Chinese tonal symmetries. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (3), 920-930.
Mealor, A. D., & Dienes, Z. (2013). The speed of metacognition: Taking time to get to know one’s structural knowledge. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (1), 123-136.
Mealor, A. D., & Dienes, Z. (2013). Explicit feedback maintains implicit knowledge. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (3), 822-832.
Parris, B. A., & Dienes, Z. (2013). Hypnotic suggestibility predicts the magnitude of the imaginative word blindness suggestion effect in a non-hypnotic context. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (3), 868-874.
Parris, B. A., Dienes, Z., & Hodgson, T. L. (2013). Application of the ex-Gaussian function to the effect of the word blindness suggestion on Stroop task performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 647. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00647
Parris, B.A., Dienes, Z., and Hodgson, T.L. (2013). Temporal constraints of the word-blindness post-hypnotic suggestion on Stroop task performance. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(S), 160-166. (Selected for the promotional edition of this new APA journal. Reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2012.)
Parris, B. A., Dienes, Z., Bate, S., & Gothard, S. (2013). Oxytocin impedes the effect of the word blindness posthypnotic suggestion on Stroop task performance. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, doi: 10.1093/scan/nst063
Perner, J., & Dienes, Z. (2013). How to Assess Metacognition in Infants and Animals? Infant and Child Development, 22 (1) , 102-104.
Semmens-Wheeler, R., Dienes, Z., & Duka, T. (2013). Alcohol Increases Hypnotic Susceptibility. Consciousness & Cognition, 22 (3), 1082–1091.
Shang, J., Fu, Q., Dienes, Z., Shao, C. &, Fu, X. (2013). Negative affect reduces performance in implicit sequence learning.PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54693. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054693.
Dienes, Z. (2012). Conscious versus unconscious learning of structure. In P. Rebuschat & J. Williams (Eds), Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition. Mouton de Gruyter Publishers (pp. 337 - 364).
Dienes, Z (2012). Is hypnotic responding the strategic relinquishment of metacognition? In M. Beran, J. L. Brandl, J. Perner, & J. Proust (Eds), The Foundations of Metacogntion. Oxford University Press (pp 267-278).
Dienes, Z., Baddeley, R. J., & Jansari, A. (2012). Rapidly Measuring The Speed Of Unconscious Learning: Amnesics Learn Quickly And Happy People Slowly. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33400. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033400
Dienes, Z., Kuhn, G., Guo, X. Y., & Jones, C. (2012). Communicating structure, affect and movement: Commentary on Bharucha, Curtis & Paroo. In Rebuschat, P., Rohrmeier, M., Cross, I., Hawkins (Eds), Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press (pp 156-168).
Dienes, Z., & Semmens-Wheeler, R. (2012). Response to Terhune: Testing Cold Control Theory. Journal of Mind-Body Regulation, 2(1), 169-171.
Guo,X., Zheng, L., Zhang, W., Zhu, L., Li, J., Wang, Q., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2012). Empathic neural responses to others' pain depend on monetary reward. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7 (5), 535-541
Jiang, S., Zhu, L., Guo, X., Ma, W., Yang, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2012). Unconscious structural knowledge of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 476-486.
Kiyokawa, S., Dienes, Z., Tanaka, D., Yamada, A., & Crowe, L. (2012). Cross Cultural Differences in Unconscious Knowledge. Cognition, 124, 16-24.
Mealor, A. D. & Dienes, Z. (2012). No-loss gambling shows the speed of the unconscious. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 228-237.
Mealor, A. D., & Dienes, Z. (2012). Conscious and unconscious thought in artificial grammar learning. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 865-874.
Parris, B. A., Dienes, Z., & Hodgson, T. L. (2012). Temporal constraints of the word blindness post-hypnotic suggestion on Stroop task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 38(4), 833-837.
Rohrmeier, M., Fu, Q., & Dienes, Z. (2012).Implicit learning of recursive, hierarchical grammatical structures. PLoS ONE 7(10): e45885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045885
Semmens-Wheeler, R., & Dienes, Z. (2012). The Contrasting Role of Higher Order Awareness in Hypnosis and Meditation. Journal of Mind-Body Regulation, 2(1), 43-57.
Ziori, E., & Dienes, Z. (2012). The Time Course of Implicit and Explicit Concept Learning. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 204-216.
Chen, W., Guo, X., Tang, J., Zhu, L., Yang, Z., & Dienes, Z. (2011). Unconscious Structural Knowledge of Form-meaning Connections. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 1751-1760.
Dienes, Z. (2011). Bayesian versus Orthodox statistics: Which side are you on? Perspectives on Psychological Sciences, 6(3), 274-290.
Dienes, Z., Scott, R. B., & Wan, L. L. (2011). The role of familiarity in implicit learning. Higham, P., & Leboe, J. (Ed.) Constructions of Remembering and Metacognition: Essays in honour of Bruce Whittlesea. Palgrave Macmillan (pp 51-62).
Guo, X., Zheng, L., Zhu, L., Yang, Z., Chen, C., Zhang, L., Ma, W., & Dienes, Z. (2011). Acquisition of conscious and unconscious knowledge of semantic prosody. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 417-425.
Kirsch, I. Cardeña, E., Derbyshire, S.,
Dienes, Z., Heap, M., Kallio, S., Mazzoni, G., Naish, P., Oakley, D., Potter,
C., Walters, V., Whalley, M. (2011).
Definitionen von Hypnose und Hypnotisierbarkeit und deren Bezug zur Suggestion
und Suggestibilität: Ein Konsensus Statement. Hypnose- Zeitschrift für
Hypnose und Hypnotherapie, 6(1+2), 11-21..
Kirsch, I. Cardeña, E., Derbyshire, S., Dienes, Z., Heap, M., Kallio, S., Mazzoni, G., Naish, P., Oakley, D., Potter, C., Walters, V., Whalley, M. (2011). Definitions of Hypnosis and Hypnotizability and their Relation to Suggestion and Suggesitibility: A Consensus Statement. Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy, 28(2), 107-11.
Norman, E., Price, M. C., Jones, E., & Dienes, Z. (2011).Strategic control in AGL is not attributable to simple letter frequencies alone Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 1933-1934.
Scott, R.A., Minati, L., Dienes, Z., Critchley, H. D., & Seth, A. K. (2011). Detecting conscious awareness from involuntary autonomic responses. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 936-942.
Dienes, Z. (2010). Measuring the conscious status of knowledge. In L. A. P. Miranda & A. I. Madariaga (Eds), Advances in Cognitive Science: Learning, evolution and social action, pp 113 - 128. University of the Basque Country Press.
Dienes, Z., Scott, R. B., and Seth, A. K. (2010). Subjective measures of implicit knowledge that go beyond confidence: Reply to Overgaard et al. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 685-686.
Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2010). The conscious and the unconscious. In G. F. Koob, M. Le Moal, & R. F. Thompson (Eds), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, volume 1, pp. 322–327. Oxford: Academic Press.
Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2010). Gambling on the unconscious: A comparison of wagering and confidence ratings as measures of awareness in an artificial grammar task. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 674-681.
Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2010). Measuring any conscious content versus measuring the relevant conscious content: Comment on Sandberg et al. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 1079-1080.
Fu, Q., Dienes, Z., & Fu, X. (2010). Can unconscious knowledge allow control in sequence learning? Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 462-475.
Fu, Q., Dienes, Z., & Fu, X. (2010). The distinction between intuition and guessing in the SRT task generation: A reply to Norman and Price Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 478-480.
Reed, N., McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (2010). Implicit knowledge and motor skill: What people who know how to catch don't know. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 63-76.
Scott, R., & Dienes, Z. (2010). The metacognitive role of familiarity in artificial grammar learning: Transitions from unconscious to conscious knowledge. In A. Efklides and P. Misailidi (Eds), Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research. Springer ( pp 37 - 62).
Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2010). Knowledge applied to new domains: The unconscious succeeds where the conscious fails. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 391-398.
Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2010). Prior familiarity with components enhances unconscious learning of relations. Consciousness & Cognition, 19, 413-418.
Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2010). Fluency does not express implicit knowledge of artificial grammars. Cognition, 114, 372-388.
Ward, J., Jonas, C., Dienes, Z., & Seth, A. (2010). Grapheme-Colour Synaesthesia Improves Detection of Embedded Shapes, But without Pre-Attentive “Pop-Out” of Synaesthetic Colour . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 1021-1026. Supplementary materials
Zhu, L., Guo, X., Zheng, L., Li, J., Pei, M., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2010). Graded versus Threshold Contributions of the Hippocampus to Multifeatural Episodic Encoding. Neuroreport, 21, (13), 902-906
Dienes, Z. (2009). Artificial grammar learning. In P. Wilken, T. Bayne, & A. Cleeremans, (Eds) Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford University Press.
Dienes, Z., Brown, E., Hutton, S., Kirsch, I. , Mazzoni, G., & Wright, D. B. (2009). Hypnotic suggestibility, cognitive inhibition, and dissociation. Consciousness & Cognition, 18 , 837-847.
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2009). Representation. In P. Wilken, T. Bayne, & A. Cleeremans, (Eds) Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford University Press.
Barnier, A. J., Dienes, Z., & Mitchell, C. J. (2008). How hypnosis happens: New cognitive theories of hypnotic responding. In Nash, M., & Barnier, A. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Hypnosis: Theory, Research, and Practice. Oxford University Press, pp 141-178.
Cleeremans, A., & Dienes, Z. (2008). Computational models of implicit learning. In R. Sun (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology. Cambridge University Press, pp 396 - 421.
Dienes, Z. (2008) Subjective measures of
unconscious knowledge. Progress in Brain Research, 168, 49 - 64.
Fu, Q., Fu, X., & Dienes, Z. (2008). Implicit sequence learning and conscious awareness. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 185-202.
Kirsch, I., Roberts, K., Mazzoni, G , Dienes, Z., Hallquist, M. N., Williams, J., & Lyn, S. J. (2008). Slipping into trance. Contemporary Hypnosis, 25, 202-209.
Kuhn, G., & Dienes, Z. (2008). Learning non-local dependencies.Cognition, 106, 184-206.
Scott, R. B., & Dienes, Z. (2008). The conscious, the unconscious, and familiarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 34, 1264-1288 .
Seth, A., Dienes, Z., Cleeremans, A., Overgaard, M., & Pessoa, L. (2008). Measuring Consciousness: Relating Behavioural and Neurophysiological Approaches. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, 314 - 321.
Tanaka, D., Kiyokawa, S., Yamada, A., Dienes, Z., Shigemasu, K. (2008). Role of Selective Attention in Artificial Grammar Learning. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 15, 1154-1159.
Wan, L. L., Dienes, Z., & Fu, X. L. (2008) Intentional control based on familiarity in artificial grammar learning.. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 1209-1218.
Ziori, E. & Dienes, Z. (2008). How does prior knowledge affect implicit and explicit concept learning? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 601-624.
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2007). The cold control theory of hypnosis. In G. Jamieson (Ed.), Hypnosis and conscious states: The cognitive neuroscience perspective. Oxford University Press, pp 293-314.
Garfinkel, S. N., Dienes, Z., & Duka, T. (2007). The effect of alcohol and repetition at encoding on implicit and explicit false memories. Psychopharmacology, 188, 498-508
Kuhn, G., & Dienes, Z. (2006). Differences in the types of musical regularities learnt in incidental and intentional learning conditions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 1725-1744.
McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z. (2006). The Generalised Optic Acceleration Cancellation theory of catching. Journal of Experimental Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 139-148
Ziori, E., & Dienes, Z. (2006). Subjective measures of unconscious knowledge of concepts. Mind & Society 5, 105-122.
Dienes, Z., & Scott, R. (2005). Measuring unconscious knowledge: Distinguishing structural knowledge and judgment knowledge. Psychological Research, 69, 338-351. [The original publication is available at]
Kuhn, G., & Dienes, Z. (2005). Implicit learning of non-local musical rules. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 31, 1417–1432. Materials.
Dienes, Z. (2004). Assumptions of subjective measures of unconscious mental states: Higher order thoughts and bias. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 11 (9), 25-45.
Dienes, Z. &
Longuet-Higgins, H. C. (2004). Can musical transformations be implicitly
learned? Cognitive Science, 28, 531-558. Materials
Some obituaries for
Christopher Longuet-Higgins: 1 2 3 4 5
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2004). Assumptions of a subjective measure of consciousness: Three mappings. In R. Gennaro (Ed.), Higher order theories of consciousness. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam (pp 173-199).
Boucher, L., & Dienes, Z. (2003). Two ways of learning associations. Cognitive Science, 27, 807-842 .
Dienes, Z., & Altmann, G. T. A. (2003). Measuring learning using an untrained control group: Comment on R. Reber and P. Perruchet. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 117-123.
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2003). Unifying consciousness with explicit knowledge. In Cleeremans, A. (Ed.) The unity of consciousness. Oxford University Press (pp 214-232).
McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z. (2003). How fielders arrive in time to catch the ball. Nature, 426, 244-245.
Perner, J., & Dienes, Z. (2003). Developmental aspects of consciousness: How much of a theory of mind do you need to be consciously aware? Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 63-82.
Seabrook, R., & Dienes, Z. (2003). Incubation in problem solving as a context effect. Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, July 31-Aug 2, 2003. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ (pp. xxx-xxx).
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2002). A theory of the implicit nature of implicit learning. In French, R M & Cleeremans, A. (Eds), Implicit Learning and Consciousness: An Empirical, Philosophical, and Computational Consensus in the Making? Psychology Press (68-92).
Z., & Perner, J. (2002).
The metacognitive implications of the implicit-explicit distinction. In
Chambres, P., Izaute, M, and Marescaux, P.-J.,. (Eds), Metacognition: Process, function, and use. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic
Publishers (pp 171-190).
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2002). What sort of representation is conscious? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 336-337.
McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z. (2002). The optic trajectory is not a lot of use if you want to catch the ball. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 1499-1501.
Perner, J. & Dienes, Z. (2002) Implicit versus Explicit Representation and Intra- versus Inter-modular Processing. Computational Intelligence, 18, 55-58.
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (2001). When knowledge is unconscious because of conscious knowledge and vice versa. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1-4 August, Edinburgh, Scotland. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ (pp. 255-260).
Duka T, Weissenborn R and Dienes Z. (2001) State-dependent effects of alcohol on recollective experience, familiarity or awareness of memories. Psychopharmacology, 153, 295-306.
McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z. (2001). What we do not know about how people run to catch a ball. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 1347 - 1355.
Dienes, Z. (2000). Unifying consciousness with explicit knowledge. Consciousness and Cognition, 9, S32.
Rodway, P., Dienes, Z., & Schepman, A. (2000). The effects of cigarette smoking on negative priming. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8, 104-111.
Altmann, G. & Dienes, Z. (1999) Rule learning by seven-month-old infants and neural networks. Science, 284, 875.
Dienes, Z. (1999). Review of Handbook of Implicit Learning, by Stadler & Frensch. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13, 192-194.
Dienes, Z., Altmann, G., & Gao, S-J. (1999) Mapping across domains without feedback: A neural network model of implicit learning. Cognitive Science, 23, 53-82. (Published by Elsevier; article copyright held by Cognitive Science Society)
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (1999) A theory of implicit and explicit knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 22, 735-755.
Perner, J., and Dienes, Z. (1999) Higher order thinking. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 22, 164-165.
Perner, J., & Dienes, Z. (1999). Deconstructing RTK: How to Explicate a Theory of Implicit Knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 22, 790-808.
Dienes, Z., & Fahey, R. (1998) The role of implicit memory in controlling a dynamic system. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 51A, 593-614.
Dienes, Z., & Altmann, G. (1997). Transfer of implicit knowledge across domains? How implicit and how abstract? In D. Berry (Ed.), How implicit is implicit learning? (pp 107-123). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dienes, Z., & Berry, D. (1997). Implicit learning: below the subjective threshold. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4, 3-23.
Dienes, Z.,
& Berry, D. (1997). Implicit synthesis. Psychonomic Bulletin and
Review, 4, 68-72.
Dienes, Z., Kurz, A., Bernhaupt, R., & Perner, J. (1997). Application of implicit knowledge: deterministic or probabilistic? Psychologica Belgica, 37, 89-112.
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (1996) Implicit knowledge in people and connectionist networks. In G. Underwood (Ed), Implicit cognition (pp 227-256), Oxford University Press.
McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1996) Do fielders know where to go to catch the ball, or only how to get there? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 531-543.
McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1996). Calculations and catches. Mathematics Today, 32, 100.
McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1996) How do fielders know where to go to catch the ball? In J. Mohan (Ed.), Sports psychology. Friends Publications: New Delhi
Altmann, G., Dienes, Z., & Goode, A. (1995). On the modality independence of implicitly learned grammatical knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 21, 899-912.
Dienes, Z. (1995). Unconscious knowledge of one thing after another: Review of Cleeremans "Mechanisms of implicit learning: Connectionist models of sequence processing". American Journal of Psychology, 108 (4)
Dienes, Z., Altmann, G., & Gao,
S-J (1995). Mapping across domains without feedback: A neural network model of
transfer of implicit knowledge. In L.S. Smith and P.J.B. Hancock (Eds), Neural Computation and Psychology:
Proceedings of the 3rd Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW3),
Stirling, Scotland, 31 August - 2 September 1994, pp 19-33. Springer-Verlag:
Dienes, Z., Altmann, G., Gao, S-J, & Goode (1995). The transfer of implicit knowledge across domains. Language and Cognitive Processes, 10, 363-367.
Dienes, Z., Altmann, G., Kwan, L, Goode, A. (1995) Unconscious knowledge of artificial grammars is applied strategically. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 21, 1322-1338.
Dienes, Z., & Fahey, R. (1995). The role of specific instances in controlling a dynamic system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 21, 848-862.
McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1995) Cricket spoof or proof? Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Applications, 31, 137-139.
Dienes, Z. (1994). Finding it hard to say how one's weights are tuned: Review of Cleeremans "Mechanisms of implicit learning: Connectionist models of sequence processing". Contemporary Psychology, 39, 732 (July, 1994).
Dienes, Z. (1994). Understanding consciousness: Review of Bock and Marsh (Eds.) "Experimental and theoretical studies of consciousness". The Psychologist,7, 174 (April, 1994).
Dienes, Z., & Perner, J. (1994). Dissociable definitions of consciousness. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 17, 403-404.
Berry, D. C. and Dienes, Z. (1993). Implicit learning: Theoretical and empirical issues. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Dienes, Z., & McLeod, P. (1993) How to catch a cricket ball. Perception, 22, 1427-1439.
McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1993). Running to catch the ball. Nature, 362, 23.
Berti, A., Allport, A., Driver, J., Dienes, Z., Oxbury, J., & Oxbury, S. (1992). Levels of processing for visual stimuli in an 'extinguished' field. Neuropsychologia, 30, 403-415.
Dienes, Z. (1992). Connectionist and memory array models of artificial grammar learning. Cognitive Science, 16, 41-79.
Driver, J., McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1992). Are direction and speed coded independently by the nervous system? Evidence from visual search. Spatial Vision, 6, 113-147.
Driver, J., McLeod, P., & Dienes, Z. (1992). Motion coherence and visual search: Implications for guided search theory. Perception and Psychophysics, 51, 79-85.
Berry, D. C. & Dienes, Z. (1991). The relationship between implicit memory and implicit learning. British Journal of Psychology, 82, 359-373.
Dienes, Z., Broadbent, D. E., & Berry, D. C. (1991). Implicit and explicit knowledge bases in artificial grammar learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 17, 875-882.
McLeod, P., Driver, J., Dienes, Z., & Crisp, J. (1991). Filtering by movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17, 55-64.