Mathematical Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flows

  A Sussex School and Workshop on the
  Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations

Workshop lectures:

Jean-Yves Chemin
About some possible blow-up for the incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations


Sara Daneri
The Cauchy problem for dissipative solutions of the Euler equations

(video coming soon)

Alberto Enciso
Vortex reconnection: creation and destruction of knotted vortex structures in 3D Navier-Stokes

Julien Guillod
On the nonuniqueness of the Navier-Stokes initial value problem


Philip Isett
A Proof of Onsager’s Conjecture for the Incompressible Euler Equations


Christophe Lacave
Vanishing viscosity and rugosity limit

Evelyne Miot
Uniqueness and stability issues for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes system

James Robinson
Good approximation using spaces of eigenfunctions and the energy equality for the CBF equation