Old teaching Materials


Research methods II 2003:

I organized the final module on this course for BSc students.
Interaction and main effects in two-way designs
Analyzing two-way between subjects design with SPSS
notes on writing up


Materials for the old second year research methods course taught in Experimental Psychology until 2002

These are the materials for the course in research methods that was taken by second year Bsc students in Psychology, studying in the then Laboratory of Experimental Psychology.

course handbook

The British Psychological Society has produced a Code of Conduct for psychologists to adopt. The relevant section on ethical principles for conducting research with human participants is reproduced here. For a consideration of ethical issues relevant to animal research, see Pete Clifton's page.

How to write up a lab report

module 1

summary of logic of one-way between-subjects ANOVA
module 1 experiment
SPSS one-way between-subjects
notes on writing up

module 2

two way designs and interaction
interactions and main effects
SPSS two-way between
notes on writing up

module 3

Regression: I
Regression: II
Belief in a Just World
SPSS regression

module 4

Logic of repeated measures
SPSS one-way repeated measures

SPSS two-way repeated measures
SPSS two-way mixed
Concepts in multi-way ANOVA and use of SPSS
sample exam
exam marking scheme

Interdisciplinary Studies II

I used to give lectures on this now defunct course:

Evolutionary psychology powerpoint

Human Sperm competition: word powerpoint

Pain and fMRI powerpoint