MVGC "GCCA compatibility mode" demo

Demonstrates usage of the MVGC toolbox in "GCCA compatibility mode"; see Miscellaneous issues in the Help documentation. This is partly for the benefit of former users of the Granger Causal Connectivity Analysis (GCCA) Toolbox [2], and partly as an implementation of a more "traditional" approach to Granger causality computation. The chief difference is that here two separate VAR regressions - the full and reduced regressions (see [1]) - are explicitly performed (see GCCA_tsdata_to_pwcgc), in contrast to the MVGC Toolbox preferred approach (see mvgc_demo), which only requires a full regression and is consequently more flexible and numerically accurate.

Granger-causal pairwise-conditional analysis is demonstrated on generated VAR data for a 5-node network with known causal structure (see var5_test), as in the main MVGC Toolbox demonstration script, mvgc_demo. A drawback of the traditional dual regression approach is that in the frequency domain, conditional spectral causalities cannot be estimated to an acceptable standard; see [1] and GCCA_tsdata_to_smvgc for more detail.



[1] L. Barnett and A. K. Seth, The MVGC Multivariate Granger Causality Toolbox: A New Approach to Granger-causal Inference, J. Neurosci. Methods 223, 2014 [ preprint ].

[2] A. K. Seth, "A MATLAB toolbox for Granger causal connectivity analysis", J. Neurosci. Methods 186, 2010.


ntrials   = 10;     % number of trials
nobs      = 1000;   % number of observations per trial

regmode   = 'OLS';  % VAR model estimation regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default)
icregmode = 'LWR';  % information criteria regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default)

morder    = 'AIC';  % model order to use ('actual', 'AIC', 'BIC' or supplied numerical value)
momax     = 20;     % maximum model order for model order estimation

tstat     = '';     % statistical test for MVGC:  'chi2' for Geweke's chi2 test (default) or'F' for Granger's F-test
alpha     = 0.05;   % significance level for significance test
mhtc      = 'FDR';  % multiple hypothesis test correction (see routine 'significance')

seed      = 0;      % random seed (0 for unseeded)

Generate VAR test data

Note: This is where you would read in your own time series data; it should be assigned to the variable X (see below and Common variable names and data structures).

% Seed random number generator.


% Get VAR coefficients for 5-node test network.

AT = var5_test;
nvars = size(AT,1); % number of variables

% Residuals covariance matrix.

SIGT = eye(nvars);

% Generate VAR time series data with normally distributed residuals for
% specified coefficients and covariance matrix.

ptic('\n*** var_to_tsdata... ');
X = var_to_tsdata(AT,SIGT,nobs,ntrials);

Model order estimation

% Calculate information criteria up to max model order

ptic('\n*** tsdata_to_infocrit\n');
[AIC,BIC] = tsdata_to_infocrit(X,momax,icregmode);
ptoc('*** tsdata_to_infocrit took ');

[~,bmo_AIC] = min(AIC);
[~,bmo_BIC] = min(BIC);

% Plot information criteria.

figure(1); clf;
plot((1:momax)',[AIC BIC]);

amo = size(AT,3); % actual model order

fprintf('\nbest model order (AIC) = %d\n',bmo_AIC);
fprintf('best model order (BIC) = %d\n',bmo_BIC);
fprintf('actual model order     = %d\n',amo);

% Select model order

if     strcmpi(morder,'actual')
    morder = amo;
    fprintf('\nusing actual model order = %d\n',morder);
elseif strcmpi(morder,'AIC')
    morder = bmo_AIC;
    fprintf('\nusing AIC best model order = %d\n',morder);
elseif strcmpi(morder,'BIC')
    morder = bmo_BIC;
    fprintf('\nusing BIC best model order = %d\n',morder);
    fprintf('\nusing specified model order = %d\n',morder);

Granger causality estimation

% Calculate time-domain pairwise-conditional causalities. Return VAR parameters
% so we can check VAR.

ptic('\n*** GCCA_tsdata_to_pwcgc... ');
[F,A,SIG] = GCCA_tsdata_to_pwcgc(X,morder,regmode); % use same model order for reduced as for full regressions

% Check for failed (full) regression

assert(~isbad(A),'VAR estimation failed');

% Check for failed GC calculation

assert(~isbad(F,false),'GC calculation failed');

% Check VAR parameters (but don't bail out on error - GCCA mode is quite forgiving!)

rho = var_specrad(A);
fprintf('\nspectral radius = %f\n',rho);
if rho >= 1,       fprintf(2,'WARNING: unstable VAR (unit root)\n'); end
if ~isposdef(SIG), fprintf(2,'WARNING: residuals covariance matrix not positive-definite\n'); end

% Significance test using theoretical null distribution, adjusting for multiple
% hypotheses.

pval = mvgc_pval(F,morder,nobs,ntrials,1,1,nvars-2,tstat);
sig  = significance(pval,alpha,mhtc);

% Plot time-domain causal graph, p-values and significance.

figure(2); clf;
title('Pairwise-conditional GC');
title(['Significant at p = ' num2str(alpha)])

fprintf(2,'\nNOTE: no frequency-domain pairwise-conditional causality calculation in GCCA compatibility mode!\n');

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