
Calculate pairwise-conditional time-domain MVGCs (multivariate Granger causality) from time series data by "traditional" method (as e.g. in GCCA toolbox)


   [F,A,SIG,E] = GCCA_tsdata_to_pwcgc(X,p,regmode)


See also Common variable names and data structures.


   X          multi-trial time series data
   x          vector of indices of target (causee) multi-variable
   y          vector of indices of source (causal) multi-variable
   p          model order (number of lags)
   regmode    regression mode (default as in 'tsdata_to_var')


   F          Granger causality matrix
   A          VAR coefficients matrix
   SIG        residuals covariance matrix
   E          residuals time series


Returns the matrix F of pairwise-conditional time-domain MVGCs

(where [ij] denotes omission of the ij-th variables) between all pairs of variables represented in G, for a stationary VAR process with autocovariance sequence G. Note that the first index i of F is the target (causee) variable, the second j the source (causal) variable. See ref. [1] for details. The regression mode is set by the regmode parameter, which may be 'LWR' or 'OLS' (see tsdata_to_var for details and defaults). The VAR parameters A,SIG and residuals E of the full regression are (optionally) returned.

If p is a scalar, p lags are used for both the full and reduced regressions. Otherwise, if p is a vector of length 2, then p(1) is the number of lags for the full regression and p(2) the number of lags for the reduced regression (note: this is generally a bad idea! - see the accompanying documentation [1] for reasons).

The caller should take note of any warnings issued by this function and test results with a call isbad|(F,false)|.

This routine is included mainly for compatibility with the Granger Causal Connectivity Analysis (GCCA) Toolbox [2]; the MVGCs are calculated by performing separate full and reduced regressions - see [1] for details and mvgc_demo_GCCA for example usage. Note that the preferred MVGC Toolbox method of calculating MVGCs via the autocovariance sequence (see autocov_to_pwcgc, mvgc_demo) only requires a single regression step and are thus generally more accurate.


[1] L. Barnett and A. K. Seth, The MVGC Multivariate Granger Causality Toolbox: A New Approach to Granger-causal Inference, J. Neurosci. Methods 223, 2014 [ preprint ].

[2] A. K. Seth, "A MATLAB toolbox for Granger causal connectivity analysis", Journal of Neuroscience Methods 186, 2010.

See also

GCCA_autocov_to_mvgc | autocov_to_pwcgc | tsdata_to_var | mvgc_demo_GCCA | isbad