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27.4 Selecting the learn/highlight window.

If the wiring graphic is selected by entering ``1`` or ``2'' (for 1d or 2d) in #27.3 above, the wiring graphic appears in the lower half of the screen, together with a top right prompt described fully in #14. This example of the prompt is for a 1d network,

show cell wiring/rule, use arrows to move, jump-j

one cell with right/left arrow, 10 cells with up/down arrow (values shown are examples)

options-o, print box-p, revise wiring-w, revise/transform rule-r/t (``r/t`` only if a rule scheme was set)

show avZ-z, learn/highlight-l, cont-ret: (``z'' only if mixed rule network set)

Enter ``l'' to open the learn/highlight window. Note that direct changes to the wiring and rules may be made directly from this prompt, described in detail in #14.4 and #14.6). These options may be used in conjunction with automatic learning/forgetting.