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27.3 Selecting the wiring graphic.

Whenever the network is reviewed as a 1d or 2d wiring graphic (#14), learning or highlighting may be implemented. The following prompt is presented, depending on whether the network was set up as 1d or 2d (Note that for 2d networks, both a 1d and 2d ``wiring graphic'' is applicable).

learn/show/revise rulemix + wiring -1: (for 1d networks)

learn/show/revise rulemix + wiring: 1d-1 2d-2: (for 2d networks)

This prompt may be reached from various points in DDLab, including the following,

1. After the network architecture is specified (see #14 and #14.4.4).

2. After attractor basins are complete (see #25.3) or interrupted, (see #25.1.1).

3. If ``forwards only'' space-time patterns are interrupted, and ``q'' is entered to backtrack (see #26.5.5).

In the case of 2 and 3 above, a top left prompt presents various options including the following,

network: view/revise/learn-n

Enter ``n'' to review the network and implement learning or highlighting..