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27.5 Select the ``target'' state.

If ``l'' is entered at #25.6 above, the wiring graphic window is replaced by a series of ``learn/forget/highlight`` windows. The initial prompts allow a ``target'' state to be selected. Prompts are presented in two separate windows, one above the other. The top window indicates that the target state is to be set,

learn/forget/highlight: set target state:

The lower window presents the first of a series of prompts to select the target state,

Select target state, empty-e fill-f (default-dec) (``default-dec`` if n<=32, otherwise se ``default-random``)

random-r 1d-b 2d-B hex-h repeat-p load-l:

These prompts are the same as for selecting a seed. They are the fully described in #15.1-10.