Grecia Garcia Garcia, PhD

Research Fellow in Cognitive Science

I am a Research Fellow in Cognitive Science at the Representational Systems Lab, in the Informatics Department at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.

My main interest is in how external representations (e.g., diagrams, charts, graphs, etc.) can aid human cognition and support teaching and learning. In particular, I work on projects that involve the creation of diagrams for people with visual impairment, use cognitive learning analytics methods to evaluate Maths competence, and develop an AI system for automatic selection of representations adapted to the particular user and problem. See the section Research Projects for more details.

I am also a UX and CRO specialist with a focus on supporting businesses to improve the user experience of their websites. for a cultural digital marketing company. For this, I do user research (typically with users across different countries), utilise different methods to observe users from a distance (e.g., analytics, heat-maps), conduct A/B and multivariate testing (conversion rate optimisation, CRO), and heuristic evaluations.

Note that my first name is Grecia, and my surename is composed of two words (with a space between them): Garcia Garcia. This is because in Mexico, we have two surenames, which in my case, it happens that both surenames are the same.


Dr. Grecia Garcia Garcia
Department of Informatics
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton
