
Build MVGC mex files





   force_recompile  forced recompilation flag (default: false)
   verbose          verbosity flag (default: false)


Builds and then tests all MVGC mex files from C source in the C subdirectory. If a mex file for the current platform already exists in the mex subdirectory it is just tested, unless the force_recompile flag is set, in which case it is recompiled. A build is not considered successful unless it has also been successfully tested.

Assumes a working Matlab-compatible C compiler for your platform. Sensible defaults are hard-coded, but you may have to (or want to) tweak this function for your platform/compiler.

Note 1: The toolbox is currently distributed with pre-built and tested mex files for 64-bit Unix (including Linux), Windows and Mac, as these were the only test platforms available to us. If Matlab crashes on you, there is a very good chance that a pre-built mex is to blame. In this case (assuming you have a Matlab-compatible C compiler available) you should try running mvgc_makemex with the force_recompile flag set.

Note 2: The pre-built Windows 64-bit mex files distributed with the toolbox were compiled with Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010. Apparently code compiled with this compiler requires the Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010 runtime components. There is not much we can do about this; if you do not have Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010 installed on your 64-bit Windows system you can install the required components from here, or recompile the mex files using a different compiler, again by running mvgc_makemex with the force_recompile flag.

See also

startup | mex