MVGC statistics demo
Demonstrates MVGC toolbox time series statistical and spectral analysis tools.
[1] L. Barnett and A. K. Seth, The MVGC Multivariate Granger Causality Toolbox: A New Approach to Granger-causal Inference, J. Neurosci. Methods 223, 2014 [ preprint ].
ntrials = 10; % number of trials nobs = 1000; % number of observations per trial regmode = 'OLS'; % VAR model estimation regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default [set in startup.m]) icregmode = 'LWR'; % information criteria regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default [set in startup.m]) morder = 'AIC'; % model order to use ('actual', 'AIC', 'BIC' or supplied numerical value) momax = 20; % maximum model order for model order estimation acmaxlags = 1000; % maximum autocovariance lags (empty for automatic calculation) tstat = ''; % statistical test for MVGC: 'F' for Granger's F-test, 'chi2' for Geweke's chi2 test or leave empty for default alpha = 0.05; % significance level for significance test mhtc = 'FDR'; % multiple hypothesis test correction (see routine 'significance') fs = 200; % sample rate (Hz) fres = []; % frequency resolution (empty for automatic calculation) specm = []; % power spectrum estimation method: 'WELCH' (Welch method - default) or 'MT' (multi-taper) etests = false; % do experimental (unit-root stationarity) tests? stlags = []; % number of lags for stationarity tests (or leave empty for automatic default) acorr = true; % plot autocorrelation (else autocovariance)? seed = 0; % random seed (0 for unseeded)
Generate VAR data
% Seed random number generator. rng_seed(seed); % Get VAR coefficients for 5-node test network. AT = var5_test; nvars = size(AT,1); % number of variables % Residuals covariance matrix. SIGT = eye(nvars); % Generate VAR time series data with normally distributed residuals for % specified coefficients and covariance matrix. ptic('\n*** var_to_tsdata... '); X = var_to_tsdata(AT,SIGT,nobs,ntrials); ptoc;
Unit root stationarity tests (EXPERIMENTAL)
if etests if ntrials > 1 % multitrial fprintf(2,'\nWARNING: unit-root stationarity tests are experimental and not really suitable for multi-trial data!\n'); else fprintf(2,'\nWARNING: unit-root stationarity tests are experimental!\n'); end % Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit-root test (EXPERIMENTAL) [adftstat,adfcval] = mvgc_adf(X,alpha,stlags); fprintf('\nADF statistics (critical value = %f)\n',adfcval); disp(adftstat); adfsig = adftstat > adfcval; % unit root; but how do we correct for multiple hypotheses? adfnonstat = find(adfsig); if isempty(adfnonstat) fprintf('all time series are stationary by ADF test at significance %g\n',alpha); else if ntrials > 1 % multitrial for r = 1:ntrials adfnonstat = find(adfsig(r,:)); if ~isempty(adfnonstat) fprintf(2,'WARNING: non-stationary time series by ADF test at significance %g for trial %d, variable(s): %s\n',alpha,r,num2str(adfnonstat)); end end else fprintf(2,'WARNING: non-stationary time series by ADF test at significance %g for variable(s): %s\n',alpha,num2str(adfnonstat)); end end % KPSS unit-root test (EXPERIMENTAL) [ksstat,kscval] = mvgc_kpss(X,alpha,stlags); fprintf('\nKPSS statistics (critical value = %f)\n',kscval); disp(ksstat); kssig = ksstat > kscval; % unit root; but how do we correct for multiple hypotheses? ksnonstat = find(kssig); if isempty(ksnonstat) fprintf('all time series are stationary by KPSS test at significance %g\n',alpha); else if ntrials > 1 % multitrial for r = 1:ntrials ksnonstat = find(kssig(r,:)); if ~isempty(ksnonstat) fprintf(2,'WARNING: non-stationary time series by KPSS test at significance %g for trial %d, variable(s): %s\n',alpha,r,num2str(ksnonstat)); end end else fprintf(2,'WARNING: non-stationary time series by KPSS test at significance %g for variable(s): %s\n',alpha,num2str(ksnonstat)); end end end
Model order estimation
% Calculate information criteria up to max model order ptic('\n*** tsdata_to_infocrit\n'); [AIC,BIC] = tsdata_to_infocrit(X,momax,icregmode); ptoc('*** tsdata_to_infocrit took '); [~,bmo_AIC] = min(AIC); [~,bmo_BIC] = min(BIC); % Plot information criteria. figure(1); clf; plot((1:momax)',[AIC BIC]); legend('AIC','BIC'); amo = size(AT,3); % actual model order fprintf('\nbest model order (AIC) = %d\n',bmo_AIC); fprintf('best model order (BIC) = %d\n',bmo_BIC); fprintf('actual model order = %d\n',amo); % Select model order if strcmpi(morder,'actual') morder = amo; fprintf('\nusing actual model order = %d\n',morder); elseif strcmpi(morder,'AIC') morder = bmo_AIC; fprintf('\nusing AIC best model order = %d\n',morder); elseif strcmpi(morder,'BIC') morder = bmo_BIC; fprintf('\nusing BIC best model order = %d\n',morder); else fprintf('\nusing specified model order = %d\n',morder); end
VAR model estimation and autocovariance calculation
% Calculate VAR model; return residuals E too, since we need them later for % statistical routines. ptic('\n*** tsdata_to_var... '); [A,SIG,E] = tsdata_to_var(X,morder,regmode); ptoc; % Check for failed regression assert(~isbad(A),'VAR estimation failed'); % Now calculate autocovariance according to the VAR model, to as many lags % as it takes to decay to below the numerical tolerance level, or to acmaxlags % lags if specified (i.e. non-empty). ptic('*** var_to_autocov... '); [G,info] = var_to_autocov(A,SIG,acmaxlags); ptoc; % Report and check for errors. var_info(info,true); % report results (and bail out on error) % Empirical autocovariance GE = tsdata_to_autocov(X,info.aclags); figure(2); clf; plot_autocov(cat(4,G,GE),{'model','data'},1/fs,[],true,acorr);
Spectral analysis
ptic('*** autocov_to_cpsd... '); [S,fres] = autocov_to_cpsd(G,fres); % for model ptoc; ptic('*** tsdata_to_cpsd... '); SE = tsdata_to_cpsd(X,fres,specm); % from data (empirical) ptoc; % plot (auto-)spectra figure(3); clf; plot_cpsd(cat(4,S,SE),{'model','data'},fs,[],true);
VAR stats tests
% Check that residuals are white (Durbin-Watson test). [dw,dwpval] = whiteness(X,E); fprintf('\nDurbin-Watson statistics =\n'); disp(dw); dwsig = significance(dwpval,alpha,mhtc); % significance adjusted for multiple hypotheses notwhite = find(dwsig); if isempty(notwhite) fprintf('all residuals are white by Durbin-Watson test at significance %g\n',alpha); else fprintf(2,'WARNING: autocorrelated residuals at significance %g for variable(s): %s\n',alpha,num2str(notwhite)); end % Check R^2 stats. [~,RSQADJ] = rsquared(X,E); fprintf('\nRSQ (adjusted) =\n'); disp(RSQADJ); rsqthreshold = 0.3; % like GCCA badqsq = find(RSQADJ < rsqthreshold); if isempty(badqsq) fprintf('adjusted r-squares OK: > %g%% of variance is accounted for by the model\n',100*rsqthreshold); else fprintf(2,'WARNING: low adjusted r-square values (< %g) for variable(s): %s\n',rsqthreshold,num2str(badqsq)); end % Check model consistency (ie. proportion of correlation structure of the data % accounted for by the model). cons = 100*consistency(X,E); % percent fprintf('\nmodel consistency = %.0f%%\n',cons); consthreshold = 80; % like GCCA if cons > consthreshold fprintf('consistency OK: > %g%%\n',consthreshold); else fprintf(2,'WARNING: low consistency (< %g%%)\n',consthreshold); end