MVGC permutation test demo

Demonstrates permutation significance testing with MVGC on generated VAR data for a 5-node network with known causal structure (see var5_test). Pairwise-conditional Granger causalities are estimated and significance tested using both the theoretical and permutation test null distributions. The theoretical and permutation test null distributions for all pairs are plotted together and compared using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (see kstest).



[1] L. Barnett and A. K. Seth, The MVGC Multivariate Granger Causality Toolbox: A New Approach to Granger-causal Inference, J. Neurosci. Methods 223, 2014 [ preprint ].

[2] M. J. Anderson and J. Robinson, Permutation tests for linear models, Aust. N. Z. J. Stat., 43(1), 2001.


ntrials   = 10;     % number of trials
nobs      = 1000;   % number of observations per trial
nperms    = 100;    % number of permutations for permutation test
bsize     = [];     % permutation test block size: empty for automatic (uses model order)

regmode   = 'OLS';  % VAR model estimation regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default)

acmaxlags = 1000;   % maximum autocovariance lags (empty for automatic calculation)

tstat     = '';     % statistical test for MVGC: 'F' for Granger's F-test, 'chi2' for Geweke's chi2 test or leave empty for default
alpha     = 0.05;   % significance level for all statistical tests
mhtc      = 'FDR';  % multiple hypothesis test correction (see routine 'significance')

seed      = 0;      % random seed (0 for unseeded)

Generate VAR data

% Seed random number generator.


% Get VAR coefficients for 5-node test network.

AT = var5_test;
nvars = size(AT,1);  % number of variables

% Residuals covariance matrix.

SIGT = eye(nvars);

% Generate VAR time series data with normally distributed residuals for
% specified coefficients and covariance matrix.

ptic('\n*** var_to_tsdata... ');
X = var_to_tsdata(AT,SIGT,nobs,ntrials);

VAR model estimation and autocovariance calculation

morder = size(AT,3); % actual model order; on real data - i.e. with no generative model
                     % available - use information criteria to estimate (see 'mvgc_demo')

% Calculate VAR model

ptic('*** tsdata_to_var... ');
[A,SIG] = tsdata_to_var(X,morder,regmode);

% Check for failed regression

assert(~isbad(A),'VAR estimation failed');

% Now calculate autocovariance according to the VAR model, to as many lags
% as it takes to decay to below the numerical tolerance level, or to acmaxlags
% lags if specified (i.e. non-empty).

ptic('*** var_to_autocov... ');
[G,res] = var_to_autocov(A,SIG,acmaxlags);

% Report and check for errors.

fprintf('\nVAR check:\n'); disp(res); % report results...
assert(~res.error,'bad VAR');         % ...and bail out if there are errors

Granger causality estimation

% Calculate time-domain pairwise conditional causalities.

ptic('*** autocov_to_pwcgc... ');
F = autocov_to_pwcgc(G);

% Theoretical significance test (adjusting for multiple hypotheses).

pval_t = mvgc_pval(F,morder,nobs,ntrials,1,1,nvars-2,tstat);
sig_t  = significance(pval_t,alpha,mhtc);

Permutation test

ptic('\n*** tsdata_to_mvgc_pwc_permtest\n');
FNULL = permtest_tsdata_to_pwcgc(X,morder,bsize,nperms,regmode,acmaxlags);
ptoc('*** tsdata_to_mvgc_pwc_permtest took ',[],1);

% (We should really check for permutation estimates here.)

% Permutation test significance test (adjusting for multiple hypotheses).

pval_p = empirical_pval(F,FNULL);
sig_p  = significance(pval_p,alpha,mhtc);

Plot causalities, p-values, significance and cdfs

figure(1); clf;
title('Pairwise-conditional GC');
title({['Significant at p = ' num2str(alpha)];'(theoretical)'});
title({'p-values';'(perm test)'});
title({['Significant at p = ' num2str(alpha)];'(perm test)'});

% Plot empirical vs theoretical null cdfs, perform Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests on
% null/theoretical distributions.

figure(2); clf;
pval_ks = nan(nvars); % KS test p-value
fmax = max(FNULL(:));
k = 0;
for i = 1:nvars
    for j = 1:nvars
        k = k+1;
        if i ~= j
            FN = sort(FNULL(:,i,j));
            PN = empirical_cdf(FN,FNULL(:,i,j));
            PT = 1-mvgc_pval(FN,morder,nobs,ntrials,1,1,nvars-2,tstat); % theoretical cdf = 1 - p-value
            plot(FN,[PN PT]);
            title(sprintf('%d -> %d',j,i));
            xlim([0 fmax]);
            [~, pval_ks(i,j)] = kstest(FN,[FN PT]); % 2-sided KS test of empirical vs. theoretical null distribution

% KS significance test (adjusting for multiple hypotheses).

sig_ks = significance(pval_ks,alpha,mhtc); % 1 = distributions are significantly different at level alpha

fprintf('\nKS-test p-values:\n\n'); disp(pval_ks);
fprintf('KS significance test; ones indicates that permutation and theoretical\nnull distributions are significantly different at p-value %g; \n\n',alpha); disp(sig_ks);

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