MVGC non-stationarity demo
Demonstrates usage of the MVGC toolbox for non-stationary time series by "vertical" (windowed) regression on multi-trial data, for a minimal 2-variable VAR with linear trend and sinusoidally varying causal coefficient. Data is generated using the var_to_tsdata_nonstat routine.
[1] L. Barnett and A. K. Seth, The MVGC Multivariate Granger Causality Toolbox: A New Approach to Granger-causal Inference, J. Neurosci. Methods 223, 2014 [ preprint ].
ntrials = 10; % number of trials nobs = 1000; % number of observations per trial dnobs = 200; % initial observations to discard per trial regmode = 'OLS'; % VAR model estimation regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default nlags = 1; % number of lags in VAR model a = 0.3; % var 1 -> var 1 coefficient b = -0.6; % var 2 -> var 2 coefficient cmax = 2.0; % var 2 -> var 1 (causal) coefficient maximum fs = 1000; % sample frequency tr = [5 -3]; % linear trend slopes omega = 2; % "minimal VAR" X <- Y (causal) coefficient sinusoid frequency ev = 10; % evaluate GC at every ev-th sample wind = 4; % observation regression window size morder = 1; % model order (for real-world data should be estimated) alpha = 0.05; % significance level for statistical tests mhtc = 'SIDAK'; % multiple hypothesis test correction (see routine 'significance') seed = 0; % random seed (0 for unseeded)
Construct multiple non-stationary VAR time series
rng_seed(seed); nvars = 2; tnobs = nobs+dnobs; % total observations per trial for time series generation k = 1:tnobs; % vector of time steps t = (k-dnobs-1)/fs; % vector of times c = cmax*sin(2*pi*omega*t); % causal coefficient varies sinusoidally trend = diag(tr)*repmat(t,nvars,1); % linear trend % set up time-varying VAR parameters AT = zeros(nvars,nvars,nlags,tnobs); % "minimal VAR" coefficients for j = k AT(:,:,nlags,j) = [a c(j); 0 b]; end SIGT = eye(nvars); % "minimal VAR" residuals covariance % generate non-stationary VAR X = var_to_tsdata_nonstat(AT,SIGT,ntrials); % add linear trend X = X + repmat(trend,[1 1 ntrials]); % discard initial observations X = X(:,dnobs+1:tnobs,:); c = c(dnobs+1:tnobs); trend = trend(:,dnobs+1:tnobs); k = 1:nobs; figure(1); clf; xrange = [0,nobs]; % plot causal coeffcient subplot(3,1,1); plot(k,c); xlim(xrange); title('Causal coefficient sinusoid'); xlabel('time'); % plot first 10 trial time series and trend for variable 1 subplot(3,1,2) plot(k,squeeze(X(1,:,1:min(10,nobs)))'); hold on plot(k,trend(1,:),'k'); hold off xlim(xrange); title('Time series (variable 1)'); xlabel('time');
"Vertical" regression GC calculation
wnobs = morder+wind; % number of observations in "vertical slice" ek = wnobs:ev:nobs; % GC evaluation points enobs = length(ek); % number of GC evaluations F12 = nan(enobs,1); F21 = nan(enobs,1); % loop through evaluation points for e = 1:enobs j = ek(e); fprintf('window %d of %d at time = %d',e,enobs,j); [A,SIG] = tsdata_to_var(X(:,j-wnobs+1:j,:),morder,regmode); if isbad(A) fprintf(2,' *** skipping - VAR estimation failed\n'); continue end [G,info] = var_to_autocov(A,SIG); if info.error fprintf(2,' *** skipping - bad VAR (%s)\n',info.errmsg); continue end if info.aclags < info.acminlags % warn if number of autocov lags is too small (not a show-stopper) fprintf(2,' *** WARNING: minimum %d lags required (decay factor = %e)',info.acminlags,realpow(info.rho,info.aclags)); end FF = autocov_to_pwcgc(G); if isbad(FF,false) fprintf(2,' *** skipping - GC calculation failed\n'); continue end F12(e) = FF(1,2); % estimated GC 2 -> 1 (significant) F21(e) = FF(2,1); % estimated GC 1 -> 2 (non-significant) fprintf('\n'); end % theoretical GC 2 -> 1 D = 1+b^2 + c(ek).^2; F12T = log((D + sqrt(D.^2 - 4*b^2))/2)'; % critical GC value at significance alpha, corrected for multiple hypotheses nhyp = 2; % number of hypotheses (i.e. 2 -> 1 and 1 -> 2) switch upper(mhtc) case 'NONE', alpha1 = alpha; case 'BONFERRONI', alpha1 = alpha/nhyp; case 'SIDAK', alpha1 = 1-realpow(1-alpha,1/nhyp); otherwise, error('unhandled correction method ''%s''',mhtc); end Fc = mvgc_cval(alpha1,morder,wnobs,ntrials,1,1,nvars-2); % plot GCs subplot(3,1,3); plot(ek',[F12T F12]); xlim(xrange); line(xrange,[Fc Fc],'Color','r'); % critical significance value legend('theoretical','estimated','cval'); title('variable 2 -> variable 1 causality'); xlabel('time');