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23.4 Partial pre-image histogram, non-local wiring.

Enter ``1'' or ``2'' at the final prompt (#23.2) for an inner view of the workings of the non-local reverse algorithm. A histogram will appear in the lower half of the screen showing the size of the partial pre-image stack for each successive cell in the network starting from the left. When the attractor basin is complete (or interrupted) final histogram gives the average over all histograms to date.

If ``1'' is entered, the histogram changes continually, and the following to right prompt appears.

partial pre-image histogram: start pause-p:

If ``2'' is entered at #23.2 (or ``p`` is entered above), there will be a pause after each pre-image fan (but not for garden-of Eden states), and the following top right prompt will appear,

abandon pause-p, see next-default:

Generally successive values in the histogram tend to increase up to a middle zone, then decrease. If the value reduces to zero, the state is a garden-of-Eden state (the histogram will not pause). The value of the last green column represents the final set of pre-images. However these pre-images may contain ``wildcard'' cells due to cells in the network that have no outwires. An additional red column on top of the last green column indicates additional pre-images that result from filling in these wildcards.