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23 Final options: subtree, single basin or basin of attraction field.

Before drawing attractor basins, a final prompt is presented giving a reminder of the following,

The type of attractor basin; subtree, single basin or field. i.e. subtree, single basin, basin field.

The network size, or start and finish sizes for a range of sizes. i.e. L=14, L=5-12.

The wiring; whether local 1d, or non-local (including regular 2d). i.e. (local), (non-local).

Local and non local wiring use different reverse algorithms to generate pre-images. The non-local algorithm is considerably slower. Some inner workings of these algorithm may be observed by viewing the partial pre-image stack (for local wiring), or the partial pre-image stack in the form of a histogram (for non-local wiring, with an optional pause). These options are described below, and typical examples of the final prompt are shown, .