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20.7.4 Single basin data file.

An example of the data for a single basin without tree data. The data order is the same as in #20.7.2 starting with the attractor state.

no tree data:single basin. 0c7c 4 (9) 831 81.2% 402 0.484 35 13

with tree data: decode

1. 0d01 3 13 7 0.538 5 4data, tree type 1.

2. 0c53 3 1 0 0 0 0data, tree type 2.

3. 0cc7 3 263 127 0.483 35 13data, tree type 3.

single basin. 0c7c 4 (9) 831 81.2% 402 0.484 35 13 see #20.7.2.