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20.7.3 Basin field data, including tree and subtree data.

An example of the data for the same a basin of attraction field as above (#20.7.1-2), but including tree and subtree data, which precedes the basin data summary. Note that the subtree data is given for each subtree type rooted on the pre-images of a uniform attractor (see #20.4.2).


ty. at no (p) s % g gd ml mpreminder of basin data order (see key #20.7.1 above).

tree. root no s g gd ml mpreminder of tree (or subtree) data order (see key below)

seg-fan=29 (4 segs) uniform state total in-degree and number of sub-tree types

1. 0492 3 2 1 0.5 3 1 data for each subtree type in basin 1.

2. 04aa 12 1 1 1 2 0

3. 052a 12 1 1 1 2 0

4. 0aaa 2 1 1 1 2 0

1. 0fff 1 (1) 34 0.83% 29 0.853 3 29data, basin type 1.

1. 0d01 3 13 7 0.538 5 4 data for each tree type in basin 2.

2. 0c53 3 1 0 0 0 0

3. 0cc7 3 263 127 0.483 35 13

2. 0c7c 4 (9) 831 81.2% 402 0.484 35 13data, basin type 2.

1. 0a09 6 2 1 0.5 1 2 data for each tree type in basin 3.

2. 089b 6 1 0 0 0 0

3. 0238 6 49 22 0.449 10 6

3. 08e0 2 (18) 312 15.2% 138 0.442 10 6data, basin type 3.

1. 04d3 3 1 0 0 0 0 data for each tree type in basin 4.

2. 01c7 3 3 1 0.333 2 2

3. 0410 3 13 8 0.615 4 7

4. 0041 2 (9) 51 2.49% 27 0.529 4 7data, basin type 4.

1. 0444 2 3 1 0.333 2 2 data for each tree type in basin 5.

5. 0111 2 (2) 6 0.293% 2 0.333 2 2data, basin type 4.

basins types=5 total basins=11 total number of basin types and basins in the field

field=4096 gE=1971 density=0.481 field = size of state-space, gE = total garden of Eden states, gE density

key to tree (and subtree) data order: tree. root no s g gd ml mp

tree (or subtree) type numbered in the order drawn.

root the state at the root of the tree (or subtree), in hex.

no the number of equivalent trees (or subtrees) of this type.

s the size of the tree (or subtree) including the root.

g number of garden-of Eden states in the tree (or subtree).

gd the density of garden-of-Eden states in the tree (or subtree).

ml the maximum number of levels in the tree (or subtree) from the attractor.

mp the maximum in-degree found in the tree (or subtree).

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