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20.2 Node display.

The nodes in attractor basins may be displayed in a variety of ways: symbolically as small circles or spots. explicitly as bit patterns in 1d or 2d depending on the dimensions of the network, though the nodes of a 1d network can also be shown in 2d, or as the hex or decimal value of the pattern. Alternatively, transient nodes need not be shown. A prompt to set the node display (similar to the following) is presented (see also #19.2.2). The default depends on previous selections,

nodes: none-n 2d-B 1d-b hex-h, dec-c, spot-s (default-B):

(``dec-c'' if n<=32, ``2d-bits-b`` for a 2d network)

Note that for non-regular CA, the prompt #20.1 is omitted, and this becomes the first prompt in the display/data sequence, preceded by the title ``DISPLAY/DATA``.

Select the node display as follows,

``s'' - as small circles or spots. One of 4 colors are set to contrast with transient arc colors (see #18.4), except garden-of-Eden states which are colored white..

``n'' - not to show any nodes in transients, only spots in attractor cycles.

``c'' - in decimal (for the network size, n<=32).

``h'' - in hex

``b'' - as bits in a 1d or 2d graphic array. Colors of 1s are set to one of 4 colors to contrast with transient arcs colors (see #18.4), except for states on attractor cycles without a transient tree which are colored black. The color of 0s are light grey.

``B'' - (for a 1d networks only) as bits shown in 2d. Colors of 1s as above, 0s white.

If nodes are highlighted in the learning ruotine (see #27.1), colors of 1s are black unless highlighted. In general the default node display will correspond to the seed selection method selected at #15.1.

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