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20.1.2 Suppress copies of trees (and subtrees).

If compression remains set, a further option is offered to suppress copies of transient trees, and subtrees from the two uniform states (all 0s and all 1s). These may be suppressed to varying degrees. The following prompt is presented.

suppress copies of trees (& subtrees from all 0s, 1s)

all-3, show g-of-E nodes-2, reduce g-of-E nodes-1:

Enter ``3'' to suppress all copies of equivalent trees or subtrees. This results in a clearer picture of crowded basins. The other options suppress all but the garden-of-Eden states in the equivalent trees or subtrees, showing just a ``shadow``. Enter ``2'' for a bold shadow, ``1'' for a subdued shadow where each g-of-E state is shown as one pixel.