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19.1 The layout preview.

The layout preview indicates the layout, spacing and scale of attractor basins as they would appear on the screen according to the current default settings. This is shown in a window representing the screen at 1/4 size, in the top left quadrant of the screen. Polar co-ordinates are used to scale and position basins, and these are indicated. The x and y axis divide the screen with the x,y co-ordinates 0,0 at the centre. At the left of the screen x= -100, at the right x= +100. At the top of the screen y= +100, at the bottom y= -100.

The layout preview represents the basins that might be drawn by concentric circles, where the inner circle is the maximum attractor diameter. Successive concentric circles indicate successive levels. The first basin representation shows the first 90 levels where the distance between successive levels decreases asymptotically (thereafter the distance between levels remains constant). In the first basin every 20th circle is highlighted, as well the attractor circle itself and the first 3 levels. Other basin representations show the attractor circle itself and the first 3 levels only.

If a single basin or subtree was selected, only one basin is shown, unless a range of system size n was also selected, in which case 8 basins are shown. For a basin of attraction field, 30 basins are shown. and for a range of fields, 8 sets of basins are shown, the first with 5 and the last with 12 basins.