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19 Layout of attractor basins.

Basins of attraction are drawn either singly, or in groups in the case of basin fields or a range of network size n. Groups of basins are drawn in successive rows starting from a top left position.

Before drawing starts , the following layout parameters may be altered (or defaults accepted): their scale, position, horizontal and vertical spacing, spacing increase in case of a range of network size n, and the minimum right border before the next row starts. Some layout parameters may be varied after each basin is drawn. A field may be displayed as a successive single basins as well as in a row. The default layout values depend on previous selections. Once revised, the new values generally become defaults, but may be reset to the original values.

If ``l'' is selected at the first ``output parameter'' prompt (#16.1), or if the output parameter prompts are viewed in sequence, a layout preview for attractor basins will appear, together with the first layout prompt described below (#19.2).