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15.2 Seed bit pattern display.

The display of seed bit patterns during the selection procedure is in 1d or 2d depending on the network geometry setting in #11.1. However, the bit pattern of a 1d network can also be shown in 2d.

Networks cells are indexed and arranged in a regular space with periodic boundary conditions as described in ``network geometry'' #9.1. A 1d space forms a ring of cells. A 2d space forms a regular square grid on the torus.

0s are coloured grey, 1s are coloured red. Normally a 1d bit pattern is displayed in a row, or successive rows for a large array, and broken up into byte size chunks, whereas a 2d bit pattern is shown as a rectangular or square block. The exceptions to this are that a 1d pattern is not broken into bytes in the ``setting bits'' (drawing) option (#15.7), and the 2d pattern is broken into bytes after being set in hex. The scale of the bit pattern graphic varies according to the size of the network.

If the bit pattern of a 1d network is selected in 2d, the 1d pattern is set out in successive rows starting with the maximum cell index in the top left hand corner (see also #20.2 for attractor basin node display of 1d networks in 2d).