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15.1 Setting the selection method for the seed.

If ``s'' for ``forward only, single basin or subtree'' (i.e. not a basin field) was selected at the first prompt (#5.1), an initial network state, or seed, needs to be specified. Various methods of setting the seed are available. A lower left window is displayed with the prompt below, which may vary according to context,

Select SEED, empty-e fill-f (default-dec) (``default-dec'' if n<=32, otherwise ``default-random``)

random-r 1d-b 2d-B hex-h repeat-p load-l: (for a 2d network ``2d-bits-b)

The seed can be set in a variety of different ways:

``e'' -reset all cells to 0 null, the program then reverts to the prompt above (#15.1).

``f'' -reset all cells to 1, the program then reverts to the prompt above (#15.1).

``d'' - in decimal (for the network size, n<=32).

``r'' - at-random.

``b'' - as bits in a 1d or 2d graphic array, drawing with mouse.

``B'' - as bits for a 1d network shown in 2d (1 networks only).

``h'' - in hex (in a mini ``spread sheet``)

``p'' - a repeat of the last seed.

``l'' - loaded from a ``*.eed`` file.

Once set, the seed remains current and can be amended by resetting bits (1d-b, 2d-B), resetting half bytes (hex-h) or loading a seed file (``*.eed``), which may be a small patch (1d or 2d) put onto the current seed. Resetting the seed to ``empty-e'' or ``full-f'' allows a clean slate for setting (drawing) 1 or 0 bits, or amending the seed as above. The various methods of setting and amending the seed are described in #15.2-8 below (they are similar to the rule setting methods #13.6-13).