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14.2 Wiring graphic, 1d.

If ``1'' is selected in #14.1 above, a window opens up showing (graphically and numerically) how each cell's pseudo-neighbourhood in the 1d array is wired up, one cell at a time, to cells at the previous time step i.e., from time-step t0 to t1. Cells at t0 are shown in a row above cells at t1, and the out degree of each cell is indicated by the depth of the cells at t0.

The following top right reminder and options are displayed.

show cell wiring/rule, use arrows to move, jump-j

one cell with right/left arrow, 10 cells with up/down arrow (values shown are examples)

options-o, print box-p, revise wiring-w, revise/transform rule-r/t (``r/t`` only if a rule scheme was set)

show avZ-z, learn/highlight-l, cont-ret: (``z'' only if mixed rule network set)

The options described below.