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14.1 1d or 2d wiring graphic and rule scheme.

Once the wiring is set with ``Special wiring`` in #11.1-5 (or in #10.4), or the rule scheme has been set in #13.1-17 above, the network's architecture may be reviewed and amended as a ``wiring graphic'' in 1d or 2d. (The wiring may alternativly be revised and amended as a ``wiring matrix'' described in #12.1-5).

The following prompt is presented,

learn/show/revise rulemix + wiring -1: (for 1d networks)

learn/show/revise rulemix + wiring: 1d-1 2d-2: (for 2d networks)

Note that for 2d networks, both a 1d and 2d ``wiring graphic'' is applicable.