Have you ever wondered about the different ways people learn? What is the impact on children and young people learning in a traditional classroom when that may not be how they learn best? On this episode we speak to Carlo, who for as long as he remembers has disliked school. He loses focus when he’s in the classroom, can’t concentrate and feels like he doesn’t connect with any subjects, despite being in his final year of A-Levels. He's now on the cusp of leaving his school days behind him and we reflect on his school experience.
We also speak to Dr Poppy Gibson, a senior university lecturer in education, who has carried out considerable research in education, how the curriculum affects children and how to inspire teachers to teach creatively. She explains what could be happening and helps us to understand the borders of the different ways we learn.
Is it time for the curriculum to change in the UK?
Copyright Free Illustrations created on www.canva.com
Intro and Outro - Borderscapes theme music by Helena Helena MacCormack
National Curriculum. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum
The Rose Review of the English Primary Curriculum. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/03004270903519188
Independent Review of The Primary Curriculum: Final Report. Available at: http://www.educationengland.org.uk/documents/pdfs/2009-IRPC-final-report.pdf