On Camera with Violet
On Camera with Violet

On Camera with Violet

On Camera with Violet

Claudia Fernández 

Violet is a student who also does online cam work. She logs on when she wants to, on a camera room, performs and gets paid for that. She is an animal lover, a vegan, and an anthropologist student with a deep interest in people, their experiences and what they enjoy. This episode explores her story and together, we enroll in a deep, private, and surprisingly revealing conversation where we explore not only her experiences with limits and boundaries as a sex worker, but also how as women, we face so many misguided and absurd standards about the way we should treat our bodies, the way we experience its borders and how we should draw our own personal limits around them, because we are the only ones entitled to do so.  


Intro & Outro Music: Mona Youssef 

Other music effects: Podington Bear licensed under CC BY 2.0: Frequently Cynical and Promptly Anxious by Chad Crouch, Lost and Found, Roscoe and Sunset Scroll by Sound of Picture Production Library 

Cover Image: Personal archive