Does political correctness have any value?
Does political correctness have any value?

Does political correctness have any value?

Does political correctness have any value?

Shannon Deddis

Political Correctness set out to protect minorities, so why has there been such a backlash to it? Whether you are fiercely for it or against it, it raises many issues surrounding free speech and if it is possible to draw borders around what you can and can’t say in the name of being politically correct. 

Despite the initial backlash, many people have lost their credibility and jobs due to the powerful platform that social media provides. Giving power to individuals who are quick to judge and looking for justice, to the point that people are scared to speak at all, in fear of being cancelled. Why did something that set out to do good, instead create more animosity and polarization in society? Tune in to my episode to find out more. 


  • Image – Royalty free illustration by Nikiforov Oleg found on Dreamstime  

Audio Music 

Sound Effects 

Intro & Outro Music  

Created by Mona Youssef