This selective bibliography is all on one page

'Egalitarian' is interpreted broadly

It is mainly of English-language material but some items in French and German are also listed

Printed out, the bibliography is about 130 pages long.

It is divided into about 50 main sections, each with up to 20 headings tagged with '@'

To return to the top of the page, press Ctrl-Home.

Diacritical marks (as in Lukács, Žižek) have been omitted in section headings

Links are to the publisher's page where possible, otherwise to Jstor, Semantic Scholar, ResearchGate or Google Books


[ ] = date of original publication (or of writing)

* = recommended

+ = introductory


Please e-mail suggestions for additions or improvements to Andrew Chitty, University of Sussex, England

See also PhilPapers social and political philosophy bibliography

Last updated 20 June 2024








Arendt: main works

Arendt: commentaries and collections

Arendt and agonism

Arendt and republicanism


Aristotle's political thought: texts

Aristotle's political thought: background

Aristotle's political thought: introductions

Aristotle's political thought: collections

Aristotle's political thought: fuller studies

Aristotle on friendship

Aristotle on civic friendship and concord (homonoia)

Relation between Aristotle's ethics and politics

Aristotle: function argument; human nature and ethics

Aristotle on human nature and the state

Aristotle on the common good

Aristotle on justice and equality

Aristotle on the best constitution

Aristotle on rights and natural law

Aristotle on property

Aristotle and slavery

Aristotle and economics


Bataille: texts


Bentham: short introductions

Bentham: longer introductions

Bentham on Common Law

Bentham on natural rights

Bentham on utilitarianism

Bentham on democracy and his 'political radicalism'

Bentham and the Panopticon


Buddhist philosophy

Non-self theory

Buddhist ethics

Buddhist political philosophy

Buddhism and human rights


Derrida's social and political thought: texts

Derrida's social and political thought: texts


Du Bois: texts

Du Bois: commentary

Double consciousness in Dubois

Dubois and Hegel

Black Reconstruction

Dubois and Marx

Dubois and colonialism, Dubois and cosmopolitanism

Dubois and pan-Africanism


Fanon: texts

Fanon and Hegel

Fanon and Marx

Fanon and existentialism, Fanon and phenomenology

Fanon and Sartre



Foucault on power and subjectification / subjectivation

Foucault on enlightenment

Foucault on neoliberalism and governmentality

Foucauldian ethics and political philosophy


Green: texts

Green: commentary


Grotius: texts

Grotius's theory of natural law

Grotius's international theory


Habermas: introductions

Habermas on postmetaphysical thinking

Habermas and human nature

Habermas's discourse ethics

Habermas on recognition

Habermas on solidarity

Habermas on deliberative democracy

Habermas on law and democracy

Habermas: communicative freedom

Habermas and multiculturalism

Habermas and constitutional patriotism

Habermas and Rawls

Habermas's international theory

Neoliberalism: texts

Neoliberalism: histories

Hayek: texts



General commentaries

Hayek on the market and catallaxy

Hayek on law

Hayek on liberty

Hayek's evolutionism, epistemology, critique of constructivism and socialism

Left critiques of Hayek and neo-liberalism



Hobbes: texts

Hobbes: introductions

Hobbes: alternative introductions

Hobbes: collections of articles

Hobbes: more advanced works

Hobbes: influential interpretations

Hobbes' historical context

Hobbes, natural law theory and Aristotle

Hobbes on human psychology and the state of nature

Hobbes and the public goods justification of the state

Hobbes on natural rights and laws of nature

Hobbes and political obligation: general

Hobbes and political obligation: criteria for a state to be legitimate

Hobbes on self-preservation, the right of self-defence and the right of resistance

Hobbes on representation, authorisation and democracy

Hobbes on the personhood of the state

Hobbes and freedom

Hobbes and utopianism

Hobbes's method

Hobbes and international relations

Hobbes and feminism


Honneth: texts

Honneth: commentaries

Honneth on recognition

Honneth's epistemology of injustice

Honneth on social justice

Honneth on social pathology

Honneth on orders of recognition and historical progress

Honneth on recognition and ideology

Honneth on recognition and power

Honneth on normative reconstruction

Honneth and capitalism: general

Honneth and capitalism: social freedom

Honneth and socialism

Honneth on Hegel

Honneth and Marx

Honneth and Lukács

Honneth and critical theory


Hume's political and legal philosophy: texts

Hume's political and legal philosophy: commentaries

Hume on justice and artificial virtues and convention

Hume on social contract

Hume on government and allegiance

Hume on history


Kant and self-consciousness

Kant and self-consciousness: impersonal interpretations

Kant and Spinoza

Political content of Kant's three critiques

Kant's ethics: texts

Kant's ethics: introductions

Kant's ethics: commentaries

Kant's ethics: collections of essays

Kant's ethics and constructivism and constitutivism

Derivation of morality from rationality or freedom in Kant, the reciprocity thesis

Formula of universal law in Kant

Formula of humanity in Kant, respect and self-respect in Kant

Happiness and well-being in Kant

Sympathy and duty of beneficence in Kant

Formula of autonomy, and the relation between the formulas, in Kant

Kant and free will and spontaneity

Autonomy of the will in Kant

Kingdom of ends in Kant

Highest good in Kant

Community in Kant: general

Community in Kant: ethical community

Kant and perfectionism

Kant's political philosophy: texts

Kant's political philosophy: introductions

Kant's political philosophy: more advanced studies

Kant's political philosophy: collections

Kant's political philosophy and constructivism and constitutivism

Universal principle of right in Kant

Innate right to freedom in Kant

Kant and social contract, general will and consent

Kant and property

Kant and the market and labour

Kant and citizenship and civil independence

Kant and social justice, poverty and welfare

Kantian socialism and egalitarianism: 1870s-1920s

Kantian socialism and egalitarianism: in recent thought

Public reason in Kant

Kant and revolution

Kant's international theory

Kant and colonialism

Kant and Eurocentrism

Kant's philosophy of history: texts

Kant's philosophy of history: commentary

Kant's anthropology

Kant and race

Black and anti-racist Kantianism

Kant and feminism


Kropotkin: texts


Leibniz's political philosophy: texts

Leibniz's political philosophy: commentary


Levinas's social and political thought: texts

Levinas's social and political thought: commentary


Locke's political philosophy: texts

Locke's political philosophy: introductions

Locke's political philosophy: fuller treatments

Locke's political philosophy as ideology

Locke on natural law, natural rights, and the state of nature

Self-ownership and property in Locke

Locke on political legitimacy

Locke on democracy

Locke on political obligation

Locke on trusteeship

Locke on the right of rebellion

Locke on democracy and property-ownership



Mead: texts (especially on social formation of the self)

Mead: introductions

Mead: general commentary

Mead on the self

Mead on social order and social explanation

Mead's political thought

Mead and collective action

Mead and Blumer

Mead and Marx

Mead and the Frankfurt School


Mill on liberty: texts

Mill: short introductions

Mill: longer introductions

Mill's political theory as a whole

Mill and feminism

Mill on liberty: introductions

Mill on liberty: collections

Mill on liberty: commentaries

Mill's justification for the principle of liberty

Mill and the self-regarding/other-regarding distinction

Paternalism and self-harm

Toleration and legal moralism

Mill's socialism


Nancy: texts

Nancy: commentaries


Nozick: text

Nozick: introductions

Nozick: fuller treatments

Nozick: collections

Nozick's foundations for natural rights

Nozick on natural property rights

Nozick's entitlement theory of justice (the principles of transfer and rectification)

Nozick's entitlement theory and freedom

Nozick's freedom-based critique of distributive justice (Wilt Chamberlain argument)


Pufendorf: texts

Pufendorf: introductions

Pufendorf: commentaries

Pufendorf on natural law and the state of nature

Pufendorf on property

Pufendorf on the state and political authority

Pufendorf, Hobbes and Locke


Rawls: texts

Rawls: short introductions

Rawls: book-length introductions

Rawls: commentaries

Rawls: collections

Reflective equilibrium in Rawls

Rawls and utilitarianism

Original position in Rawls

Veil of ignorance reasoning

Veil of ignorance in Dworkin and inequalities in natural goods

Rawls and Kant, Rawls and constructivism

Public reason in Rawls: texts

Public reason in Rawls: as condition for legitimate power

Public reason in Rawls: as basis for principles of justice

Public reason in Rawls: as basis for state neutrality

Public reason in Rawls: reasonableness

Public reason in Rawls: religion

Political liberalism and overlapping consensus in Rawls

Rawls and modus vivendi

Rawls and communitarianism

Primary goods in Rawls

Well-ordered society in Rawls

Principle of liberty in Rawls

Principle of fair equality of opportunity in Rawls

Difference principle in Rawls: derivation

Difference principle in Rawls: natural talents

Civic friendship and community in Rawls

Rawls and stability, Rawls and the sense of justice

Rawls and self-respect, Rawls and recognition

Rawls and work

Rawls and Rousseau

Rawls and Hegel

Rawls: left critiques

Rawls and inequality and envy

Property-owning democracy and welfare-state capitalism in Rawls

Rawls and socialism

Cohen's critique of Rawls

Rawls and Marx

Rawls and Aristotle

Rawls and the self

Rawls and intergenerational justice

Rawls's international theory: texts

Rawls's international theory: commentary

Rawls's international theory: intervention vs. sovereignty

Rawls and feminism

Rawls and feminism: neutrality

Rawls and race

Ideal and nonideal theory

Rawls's historical context

Rawls and the role of political philosophy

Rawls and discrimination

Rawls and egalitarianism

Rawls and Hegel

Rawls and Habermas

Rawls and Marx

Rawls and realism in political philosophy


Rorty (texts)

Rorty (commentary)

Rorty's political philosophy and ethics, the political implications of Rorty's pragmatism


Rousseau: texts

Rousseau: collected editions:

Rousseau's social and political thought: introductions

Rousseau's social and political thought: fuller treatments

Historically influential views of Rousseau's thought

Rousseau: biographies

Discourse on Inequality

Rousseau's historical anthropology

Pity and compassion in Rousseau

Amour-propre: general

Amour-propre: narrow interpretations

Amour-propre: wide interpretations

Rousseau and alienation

Rousseau and recognition

Rousseau and property and commercial society

General will, popular sovereignty and common good in Rousseau

Rousseau and freedom

Rousseau: the 'social autonomy' interpretation

Rousseau and political obligation

Rousseau and political legitimacy

Rousseau and natural law

Rousseau and republicanism

Civic virtue, the 'remarkable change in man' and the legislator

Rousseau and Hobbes

Rousseau and educational theory (Emile)

Rousseau's political thought: other topics

Rousseau and religion

Rousseau and women

Rousseau and critical theory


Smith: introductory

Smith: more advanced

Smith on sympathy vs. self-interest (the 'Adam Smith problem')

Smith on commercial society

Smith and Rousseau

Smith on freedom

Smith on the invisible hand and the state

Smith's conception of the good society

Smith's theory of history

Smith and women








Personhood and community, Menkiti-Gyekye debate


Critiques of Afro-communitarianism

Human rights and Afro-communitarianism


Consensual democracy and Afro-communitarianism

Economics and Afro-communitarianism

Rawls and Afro-communitarianism

Humanism and Afro-communitarianism


Anarchism: general




Communitarianism: introductions

Communitarianism: collections

Communitarianism: surveys

MacIntyre's communitarianism

Walzer's communitarianism

Taylor's communitarianism

Sandel's communitarianism

Social constitution

Liberal-communitarian debate

Liberal conceptions of community

Nationalism, patriotism and partiality


History of social contract theory

Contractarianism and contractualism in political philosophy

Constructivism in political philosophy

Constructivism in Rousseau


Democracy: Introductions

Democracy: general books

Democracy: historically influential views

Conceptions of democracy

What is politics?

Public/private division

Representative democracy

Democracy vs. justice and rights

Democracy vs. political philosophy

Social choice theory: introductions

Social choice theory and democracy

Agonistic democracy

Consociational democracy

Justifications of democracy (outcome and procedural)

Justification of democracy as being a necessary condition of political legitimacy

Paradox of democracy

Other material on the theory of democracy

Democracy and capitalism



Equality: introductory

What is the basis for equality?

Equality of what?

Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome

Radical egalitarianism

Levelling-down objection to radical egalitarianism



Luck egalitarianism

Relational egalitarianism


Feminist political philosophy: introductions

History of philosophy and feminism

History of political thought and feminism

Ethics of care in political philosophy


Feminism and contractarianism, contractualism and constructivism

Feminism and recognition

Feminism and Kant

Feminism and Rawls


Freedom: introductory

Freedom: collections

Freedom: the positive-negative freedom distinction

Freedom as absence of constraints by others


Domination and non-domination, the concepts

Structural domination

Freedom as ability or capability

Measuring freedom (of a society)

Collective freedom

Freedom as jointly achieved, sociality of freedom

Autonomy: introductions and surveys

Autonomy: collections

Autonomy: self-experience accounts

Autonomy: real self accounts

Autonomy: higher-order desire, identification and what-we-care-about accounts, Frankfurt

Autonomy: evaluation accounts

Autonomy: plan accounts

Autonomy: historical accounts

Autonomy: reasons-responsive accounts

Autonomy: reasoning-responsive accounts

Relational autonomy, autonomy and feminism

Relational autonomy: dialogue based approaches

Relational autonomy: self-worth approaches

Autonomy: other

Criticisms of autonomy as an ideal

History of idea of autonomy


Environmentalism: surveys

Environmentalism: collections

Environmentalism: histories

Nature, concept of

Environmental value theory

Environmental justice

Climate change and justice

Climate change and colonialism

Climate change and technological solutions

Climate change and individual motivations

Climate change: social cost of carbon approach

Anthropocene thinking

Ecological thinking and recognition theory

Environmental economics

Environmentalism and feminism, eco-feminism

Future generations




Exploitation: the concept

Exploitation in capitalism


International and global justice: general

Kantian cosmopolitanism right

O'Neill on global justice

Cosmopolitan citizenship, cosmopolitan ethics global identity

Cosmopolitan democracy, global democracy, cosmopolitan political community

Global governance

Global civil society

History of international theory in general


Intersectionality: key texts

Intersectionality: discussion


Justice: introductions

Distributive justice: introductions

Distributive justice: critiques

Structural injustice, systemic injustice and institutional injustice


Justice as mutual advantage

Justice as impartiality

Desert in the theory of justice


Epistemic injustice

Basic income


Philosophy of law: general

Philosophy of law: collections of articles

Command theory of law and legal positivism

Natural law and natural rights theories: historical surveys

Natural law and natural rights theories: Stoic

Natural law and natural rights theories: Cicero

Natural law and natural rights theories: Aquinas and Thomism

Natural law and natural rights theories: Judaism and Islam

Natural law and natural rights theories: 17th-18th century

Natural law theories: contemporary

Dworkin on law

Rule of law

Marx and law


Liberalism: surveys

Arguments for liberalism

Social liberalism

Neutrality: statements

Neutrality: full treatments

Interpretations of neutrality

Subject of neutrality

Neutrality and scepticism about values, and value pluralism

Rawls and neutrality

Arguments from the nature of the good and from equality of concern/respect

Neutrality as internally inconsistent, conceptions of the good and general interests

Neutrality as incompatible with support for political virtues

Education in political philosophy



Multiculturalism and multi-identity politics, politics of identity, minority rights

Multiculturalism: collections

Multiculturalism and autonomy

Raz's multiculturalist liberalism

Politics of difference

Deep pluralist politics, democracy and minorities


Perfectionism in political philosophy

Perfectionism and social justice

Needs, the concept

Needs in political philosophy

Basic human needs

Capabilities approach

Adjudication of needs


Political obligation: introductions

Political obligation: ideas of obligation and duty

Political obligation: surveys and collections

Political obligation: historically influential views

Political obligation: utilitarian arguments

Political obligation: consent and self-imposition arguments, democracy and political obligation

Political obligation: Gilbert

Political obligation: principle of fairness or fair play

Political obligation: natural duty of justice

Political obligation: constitutive rules and conceptual arguments

Political obligation: communitarian accounts

Political obligation: associative accounts (Gilbert)

Political legitimacy

Philosophical anarchism

Civil disobedience

Revolution and rebellion


Property: introductions

Property: fuller treatments


Public goods

Irreducibly social goods

Common good


Race and racialisation: general

Race, concept of

Racism: general

Racism: recognitional accounts

Structural racism, systemic racism and institutional racism

Racial justice

Racial exclusion in political philosophy


Race and capitalism, racial capitalism



Mills and Marx

Affirmative action, positive discrimination

Race and recognition


Realism: general

Realism and Rawls

Realism and critique


Recognition: collections

Recognition: single-author books

Recognition and intersubjectivity: histories

Recognition, concept of

Recognition as ontological

Recognition as an ethical or political ideal

Respect and esteem

Self-respect and self-esteem

Darwall and the second-personal standpoint

Recognition of identities, recognition and multiculturalism

Recognition and race

Recognition, work and class

Recognition and feminism


Empathy: psychological approaches

Empathy: phenomenological approaches

Empathy: critiques

Methodological negativism in political philosophy


Cultural relativism and human rights

Anti-foundationalist political philosophy


History of republicanism

Machiavelli and republicanism

Other classical republican thinkers

Contemporary republicanism: neo-Athenian or civic humanist strand

Contemporary republicanism: neo-Roman or civic republican strand

Republicanism and democracy

Virtues and republicanism


Civil society and the public sphere

Deliberative democracy, discursive democracy


Rights: introductions

Rights: collections

Rights, concept of

Interest vs. will conceptions of rights

Rights as founded in equality: Rawls and Dworkin

Natural rights, human rights

Natural rights as founded in collective rationality

'Right to liberty'



Left libertarianism



Social ontology: general

Social norms

Searle on social institutions

Other collective acceptance views of social institutions

Social ontology and recognition

Social institutions: convention and equilibrium-based views

Social institutions: Heideggerian views

Social kinds

Heidegger on sociality and intersubjectivity

Heidegger and social ontology


Social pathology: general

Social pathology: recognition-based approaches

Social pathogenesis

Fromm and social pathogenesis


Civic friendship

Solidarity: general

Solidarity, concept of

Solidarity: historical texts

Solidarity: histories of the idea

Solidarity in sociological theory

Solidarity in political philosophy

Solidarity and justice

Communal solidarity, community

Solidarity as necessarily local

Human and global solidarity

Solidarity and feminism

Solidarity and work

Solidarity: critiques


Utilitarianism in political philosophy: introductions

Utilitarianism and equality

Utilitarianism and rights


Work: general

Work: histories of the idea

Work in Ruskin and Morris

Meaningful work

Productive justice, contributive justice

Work and solidarity

Workplace democracy

Post-work theory








@ Arendt: main works

   Arendt, Hannah (1951) The Origins of Totalitarianism

   Arendt, Hannah (1958) The Human Condition

   Arendt, Hannah (1961) Between Past and Future

   Arendt, Hannah (1963) Eichmann in Jerusalem

   Arendt, Hannah (1963) On Revolution

   Arendt, Hannah (1969) Crisis of the Republic

   Arendt, Hannah (1994) Essays in Understanding, 1930-1957


@ Arendt: commentaries and collections

   Hillel, H.A. (ed) (1979) Hannah Arendt: The Recovery of the Public World

   Parekh, Bhikhu (1981) Hannah Arendt and the Search for a New Political Philosophy

   Young-Bruehl, E. (1982) Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World

   Kateb, G. (1983) Hannah Arendt: Politics, Conscience, Evil

   Hansen, P. (1988) Hannah Arendt: Politics, History and Citizenship

   Kaplan, G.T. and Kessler, C.S. (eds) (1989) Hannah Arendt: Thinking, Judging, Freedom

   Canovan, M. (1992) Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation of her Political Thought

   D'Entrèves, M.P. (1994) The Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt

   Gottsegen, M.G. (1994) The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt

   Benhabib, S. (1996) The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt

   Villa, D.R. (1996) Arendt and Heidegger: The Fate of the Political

   Pitkin, H.F. (1998) The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Social

   Villa, D. (ed) (2000) The Cambridge Companion to Hannah Arendt

   Hull, M.B. (2002) The Hidden Philosophy of Hannah Arendt

   Hiruta, Kei (ed) (2019) Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution contents


@ Arendt and agonism

   (See also 'Agonistic democracy')

   Canovan, Margaret (1983) 'Arendt, Rousseau and human plurality in politics', The Journal of Politics 54(2) abstract

   Roberts-Miller, Patricia (2002) 'Fighting without hatred: Hannah Arendt's agonistic rhetoric', JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 22(3) preview

   Fossen, Thomas (2008) 'Agonistic critiques of liberalism, perfection and emancipation', Contemporary Political Theory 7 abstract


@ Arendt and republicanism

   Springborg, Patricia (1989) 'Arendt, republicanism and patriarchalism', History of Political Thought 10(3) preview

   Lloyd, Margie (1995) 'In Tocqueville's shadow: Hannah Arendt's liberal republicanism', The Review of Politics, 57(1) abstract

   Breen, Keith (2019) 'Arendt, republicanism, and political freedom', in Kei Hiruta (ed) Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution abstract



   (Political thought)


@ Aristotle's political thought: texts

   Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics bks. 1,5,10

   Aristotle, Politics books 1.1-1.7, 3.1-3.4, 7.1, 7.13-7.14


@ Aristotle's political thought: background

   Sinclair, T.A. (1951) A History of Greek Political Thought, 2nd ed. 1967, ch. 11

   Wolin, S. (1960) Politics and Vision, ch. 2 sec. 4-7 (pp. 51-66)

   Finley, M.I. (1985) Democracy Ancient and Modern


@ Aristotle's political thought: introductions

   Ross, W.D. (1923) Aristotle, 5th ed. 1949, ch. 8

   Barker, E. (1946) The Politics of Aristotle, introduction

* Mulgan, Richard J. (1977) Aristotle's Political Theory: An Introduction for Students of Political Theory, chs. 1-3

   Morrall, J.B. (1977) Aristotle, ch. 4

   Barnes, Jonathan (1982) Aristotle, chs. 16-18

   Irwin, Terence H. (1988) Aristotle's First Principles, ch. 19 'The state'

   Coleman, Janet (2000) A History of Political Thought: From Ancient Greece to Early Christianity, pp. 149-158, 186-222

   Schofield, Malcolm (2000) 'Aristotle: an introduction', in C. Rowe and M. Schofield (eds) The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (2003) 'Aristotle: ethics and politics' in C. Shields (ed) The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy


@ Aristotle's political thought: collections

   Keyt, D. and Miller, F.D. (eds) (1991) A Companion to Aristotle's Politics

   Lord, C. and O'Connor, D. (eds) (1991) Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science

   Barnes J. and others (eds) (1997) Articles on Aristotle vol. 2: Ethics and Politics

   Rowe, C. and Schofield, M. (eds) (2000) The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought, section on Aristotle


@ Aristotle's political thought: fuller studies

   Newman, W.L. (1887-1902) The Politics of Aristotle, 4 vols., translated with essays

   Barker, E. (1946) The Politics of Aristotle

   Salkever, S.G. (1990) Finding the Mean: Theory and Practice in Aristotelian Political Philosophy

   Swanson, J.A. (1992) The Public and the Private in Aristotle's Political Philosophy

   Nichols, M. (1992) Citizens and Statesmen: A Study of Aristotle's Politics

   Yack, B. (1993) The Problems of a Political Animal: Community, Justice, and Conflict in Aristotelian Political Thought

   Nichols, M. (1993) Citizens and Statesmen: A Study of Aristotle's Politics

   Saunders, T.J. (1995) Aristotle: Politics, Books 1 and 2, translated with a commentary

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics

   Davis, M. (1996) The Politics of Philosophy: A Commentary on Aristotle's Politics

   Simpson, P. (1998) A Philosophical Commentary on the Politics of Aristotle

   Kraut, R. (2002) Aristotle: Political Philosophy


@ Aristotle on friendship

   Nicomachean Ethics 5.2, 8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 9.1, 9.5, 9.9

   Eudemian Ethics 7.2, 7.4, 7.7

   Rhetoric 1380b36-1381a2

   Cooper, J.M. (1977) 'Friendship and the good in Aristotle', Philosophical Review 86(3)

   Annas, J. (1977) 'Plato and Aristotle on friendship and altruism', Mind 86(344)

   Cooper, J.M. (1977) 'Aristotle on the forms of friendship', Review of Metaphysics 30(4)

   Cooper, J.M. (1980) 'Aristotle on friendship', in A.O. Rorty (ed) Essays on Aristotle's Ethics

   Nussbaum, Martha C. (1986) 'The vulnerability of the good human life: relational goods', in The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy

   Sherman, N. (1987) 'Aristotle on friendship and the shared life', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47(4)

   Irwin, T.H. (1988) Aristotle's First Principles, ch. 18 'The good of others'


@ Aristotle on civic friendship and concord (homonoia)

   Nicomachean Ethics, books 8,9

   Eudemian Ethics 7.10

* Cooper, John M. (1990) 'Political animals and civic friendship', in G. Patzig (ed) Aristoteles' 'Politik': Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum 1987, reprinted in N.K Badhwar (ed) Friendship: A Philosophical Reader 1993, and in Cooper's Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 4.7, 6.4

   Klonoski, R. (1996) 'Homonoia in Aristotle's ethics and politics', History of Political Thought 17(3)

   Mulgan, R. (1999) 'The role of friendship in Aristotle's political theory', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2(4), reprinted in P. King and H. Devere (eds) The Challenge to Friendship in Modernity 2000

   Vander Valk, F. (2004-5) 'Political friendship and the second self in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics', Innovations 5

   Irrera, E. (2005) 'Between advantage and virtue: Aristotle's theory of political friendship', History of Political Thought 26(4)

   Cooper, J.M. (2009) 'Political community and the highest good', in J.G. Lennox (ed) Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf, also available online

   Ward, Ann (2011) 'Friendship and politics in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics', European Journal of Political Theory 10(4)

   Bentley, R.K. (2013) 'Civic friendship and thin citizenship', Res Publica 19

   Leontsini, Eleni (2013) 'The motive of society: Aristotle on civic friendship, justice, and concord', Res Publica 19(1)

   Hope, Simon (2013) 'Friendship, justice, and Aristotle: some reasons to be sceptical', Res Publica 19(1)

   Inamura, Kazutaka (2015) Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy, ch. 5 'Civic friendship'


@ Relation between Aristotle's ethics and politics

   Cashdollar, S. (1973) 'Aristotle's politics of morals', Journal of Hellenic Philosophy 11

   Adkins, A.W. (1984) 'The connection between Aristotle's ethics and politics', Political Theory 12(1)

   Irwin, T.H. (1985) 'Moral science and political theory in Aristotle', History of Political Thought 6

   Kraut, R. (1989) Aristotle on the Human Good, chs. 1,6

   Irwin, T. (1990) 'The good of political activity', in G. Patzig (ed) Aristoteles' Politik

   Mulgan, R. (1990) 'Aristotle and the value of political participation', Political Theory 18(2)

   Bodéüs, R. (1993) The Political Dimensions of Aristotle's Ethics

   Tesssitore, A. (1996) Reading Aristotle's 'Ethics': Virtue, Rhetoric, and Political Philosophy


@ Aristotle: function argument; human nature and ethics

   Aristotle, De Anima, at

* Glassen, P. (1957) 'A fallacy in Aristotle's function argument about the good', Philosophical Quarterly 7

   Sorabji, Richard (1964) 'Function' Philosophical Quarterly 14

* Nagel, Thomas (1972) 'Aristotle on eudaimonia', Phronesis 17, reprinted in A. Rorty (ed) Essays on Aristotle's Ethics

   Clark, S. (1972) 'The use of 'man's function' in Aristotle', Ethics 82(4)

+ Williams, Bernard (1972) Morality: An Introduction to Ethics, pp. 69-76

* Wilkes, K.V. (1978) 'The good man and the good for man in Aristotle's Ethics', Mind 87, reprinted in A. Rorty (ed) Essays on Aristotle's Ethics

   Clark, S.R.L. (1975) Aristotle's Man ll.1

   Kraut, Richard (1979) 'The peculiar function of human beings', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9

   Whiting, Jennifer (1988) 'Aristotle's function argument: a defense', Ancient Philosophy 8

   Gill, C. (1990) 'The human being as an ethical norm', in C. Gill (ed) The Person and the Human Mind

   Nussbaum, Martha (1995) 'Aristotle on human nature and the foundations of ethics', in J.E.J. Altham and R. Harrison (eds) World, Mind, and Ethics: Essays on the Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams

   Tuozzo, T.M. (1996) 'The function of human beings and the rationality of the universe: Aristotle and Zeno on parts and wholes', Phoenix 50(2)

   Kitcher, P. (1999) 'Essence and perfection', Ethics 110

* Korsgaard, C.M. (2008) The Constitution of Agency: Essays on Practical Reason and Moral Psychology, ch. 4 'Aristotle's function argument'


@ Aristotle on human nature and the state

   (Humans as political animals and the state as existing by nature)

   (See also 'Aristotle on holism vs. individualism')

   Bradley, A.C. (1880) 'Aristotle's conception of the state', in E. Abbott (ed) Hellenica

   von Fritz, K. and Kapp, E. [1950] 'The development of Aristotle's political philosophy and the concept of nature', in J. Barnes et. al. (eds) Articles on Aristotle vol. 2, 1977

   Develin, R. (1973) 'The good man and the good citizen in Aristotle's Politics', Phronesis 18

   Mulgan, R.G. (1974) 'Aristotle's doctrine that man is a political animal', Hermes 102(3)

   Clark, S.R. (1975) Aristotle's Man: Speculations in Aristotelian Anthropology, 2.1, 3.3

   Ambler, W. (1985) 'Aristotle's understanding of the naturalness of the city', Review of Politics 47

   Everson, S. (1988) 'Aristotle on the foundations of the state', Political Studies 36

   Kullmann, W. (1991) 'Man as a political animal in Aristotle', in D. Keyt and F.D. Miller Jr. (eds) A Companion to Aristotle's Politics

   Arnhart, Larry (1990) 'Aristotle, chimpanzees and other political animals', Information 29(3)

   Cooper, John M. (1990) 'Political animals and civic friendship', in G. Patzig (ed) Aristoteles' 'Politik': Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum 1987, reprinted in N.K Badhwar (ed) Friendship: A Philosophical Reader 1993, and in Cooper's Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory

   Keyt, D. (1991) 'Three basic theorems in Aristotle's Politics', in D. Keyt and F.D. Miller Jr. (eds) A Companion to Aristotle's Politics

   Chan, J. (1992) 'Does Aristotle's political theory rest on a blunder?', History of Political Thought 12(2)

   Nederman, C.J. (1994) 'The puzzle of the political animal: nature and artifice in Aristotle's political theory', Review of Politics 56(2)

* Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 2 'Nature and politics'

   Depew, D.J. (1995) 'Humans and other political animals in Aristotle's History of Animals', Phronesis 40

+ Taylor, C.C. W. (1995) 'Politics' in J. Barnes (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle

   Annas, J. (1996) 'Aristotle on human nature and political virtue', Review of Metaphysics 49

   Cheery, G. (2006) 'Does Aristotle's polis exist by nature?', History of Political Thought 27(4)

* Kraut, Richard (2007) 'Nature in Aristotle's ethics and politics', Social Philosophy and Policy 24(2), sections 1-4

   Ober, Josiah (2013) 'Political animals revisited', The Good Society 22(2)

    Schwartzberg, Melissa (2016) 'Aristotle and the judgment of the many: equality, not collective quality', Journal of Politics 78(3)

   Abbate, Cheryl E. (2016) ''Higher' and 'lower' political animals: a critical analysis of Aristotle's account of the political animal', Journal of Animal Ethics 6(1)


@ Aristotle on the common good

   (See also 'Common good')

   Barnes, Jonathan (1990) 'Partial wholes', Social Philosophy and Policy 8(1)

   Cooper, John M. (1990) 'Political animals and civic friendship', in G. Patzig (ed) Aristoteles' 'Politik': Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum 1987, reprinted in N.K Badhwar (ed) Friendship: A Philosophical Reader 1993, and in Cooper's Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 6 'The best constitution''

   Smith, Thomas W. (1999) 'Aristotle on the conditions for and limits of the common good', American Political Science Review 93(3)

   Khan, C. (2005) 'Aristotle, citizenship, and the common advantage', Polis 22

   Murphy, Mark (2005) 'The common good', Review of Metaphysics 59, reprinted in his Natural Law in Jurisprudence and Politics 2006

   Cooper, J. (2011) 'Political community and the highest good', in R. Bolton and J. Lennox (eds) Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf

   Guyette, Fred (2012) 'Friendship and the common good in Aristotle', Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences 3(2)

   Morrison, Donald (2013) 'The common good', in M. Deslaurier and P. Destrée (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Politics

   Hoipkemier, Mark (2018) 'Justice, not happiness: Aristotle on the common good', Polity 50(4)


@ Aristotle on justice and equality

   Politics book 3

   Ross, W.D. (1923) Aristotle, 5th ed. 1949, pp. 209-215

   Allan, D.J. (1965) 'Individual and state in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics' in La 'Politique' d'Aristote, Fondation Hardt, Entretiens Xl

   Hardie, W.F. (1968) Aristotle's Ethical Theory, 2nd ed. 1980, ch. 10

   Williams, Bernard (1980) 'Justice as a virtue', in A.O. Rorty (ed) Essays on Aristotle's Ethics

   Von Leyden, W. (1985) Aristotle on Equality and Justice: His Political Argument

   O'Connor, D.K. (1991) 'The aetiology of justice', in C. Lord and D.K. O'Connor (eds) Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 3 'Justice'

   Inamura, Kazutaka (2015) Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy


@ Aristotle on the best constitution

   Vander Waerdt, P.A. (1985) 'Kingship and philosophy in Aristotle's best regime', Phronesis 30(3)

   Coby, P. (1986) 'Aristotle's four concepts of politics', Western Political Quarterly 39(3)

   Newell, W.R. (1987) 'Superlative virtue: the problem of monarchy in Aristotle's Politics', Western Political Quarterly 40(1)

   Lindsay, T.K. (1991) 'The 'god-like man' versus the 'best laws': politics and religion in Aristotle's Politics', Review of Politics 53(3)

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 6 'The best constitution'

   Schofield, Malcolm (1999) 'Equality and hierarchy in Aristotle's political thought', in Schofield's Saving the City: Philosopher-Kings and other Classical Paradigms

   Alexander L.A. (2000) 'The best regimes of Aristotle's Politics', History of Political Thought 21(2)

   Inamura, Kazutaka (2015) Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy, ch. on 'Democracy, polity and the mixed constitution'


@ Aristotle on rights and natural law

   Yack, B. (1990) 'Natural right and Aristotle's understanding of justice', Political Theory 18(2)

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, especially ch. 4 'Rights'

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1996) 'Aristotle and the origins of natural rights', Review of Metaphysics 49(4)

   Schofield, M. (1996) 'Sharing in the constitution', Review of Metaphysics 49(4)

   Kraut, R. (1996) 'Are there natural rights in Aristotle?', Review of Metaphysics 49(4)

   Burns, T. (1998) 'Aristotle and natural law', History of Political Thought 19(2)


@ Aristotle on property

   Politics 1.8-1.9, 2.5-2.7, 7.9 (last paras)

   Irwin, T.H. (1991) 'Aristotle's defense of private property', in D. Keyt and F.D. Miller (eds) A Companion to Aristotle's Politics

   Mayhew, Robert (1993) 'Aristotle on property', The Review of Metaphysics 46(4)

   Miller, Fred D. Jr. (1995) Nature, Justice and Rights in Aristotle's Politics, ch. 9


@ Aristotle and slavery

   Nussbaum, Martha (1988) 'Nature, function and capability: Aristotle on political distribution', in J. Annas and R. Grimm (eds) Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy sup. vol. 1988

   Annas, Julia (1995) The Morality of Happiness, ch. 4 'Aristotle: nature and mere nature'

   Goodey, C.F. (1999) 'Politics, nature and necessity: were Aristotle's slaves feeble minded?' Political Theory 27(2)

   Frank, J. (2004) 'Citizens, slaves and foreigners: Aristotle on human nature', American Political Science Review 98


@ Aristotle and economics

   Polanyi, Karl (1957) 'Aristotle discovers the economy', in Karl Polanyi, Conrad Arensberg and Harry Pearson (eds) Trade and Market in the Early Empires




@ Bataille: texts

   Bataille, Georges [19?] 'The schema of sovereignty', in The Bataille Reader 1997

   Bataille, Georges [1949] The Accursed Share: vol. I: Consumption, tr. 1991




@ Bentham: short introductions

   Plamenatz, John (1958) The English Utilitarians

   Letwin, S. (1965) The Pursuit of Certainty, ch. on Bentham

   Hart, H.L.A. (1983) 'Introduction' to Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, eds J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart

   Hampsher-Monk, I. (1992) A History of Modern Political Thought, ch. on Bentham


@ Bentham: longer introductions

   Harrison, R. (1970) Bentham

   Steintrager, J. (1977) Bentham

   Dinwiddy, J. (1989) Bentham, Pastmasters [1, o(Jan 97)]


@ Bentham on Common Law

   Bentham A Fragment on Government

   Tarleton, C. (1972) 'The overlooked strategy of Bentham's Fragment on Government', Political Studies 20

   Postema, G.J. (1986) Bentham and the Common Law Tradition


@ Bentham on natural rights

   Bentham 'Anarchical fallacies: being an examination of the Declaration of Rights issued during the French Revolution', 46-69 of J. Waldron (ed) Nonsense Upon Stilts: Bentham, Burke and Marx on the Rights of Man; also in J. Bowring (ed) The Complete Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol II; also in part in B. Parekh (ed) Bentham's Political Thought; also in part in Melden (ed) Human Rights

   Long, D.G. (1977) Bentham on Liberty: Jeremy Bentham's Idea of Liberty in Relation to his Utilitarianism


@ Bentham on utilitarianism

   Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, chs. 1-3,7,14

   Lyons, David (1973) In the Interests of the Governed: A Study of Bentham's Philosophy of Utility and Law


@ Bentham on democracy and his 'political radicalism'

   James Mill An Essay on Government

   Bentham 'Manuscript comments on Mill's Essay on Government', as B. Parekh (ed) Bentham's Political Thought, appendix B

   Ryan, A. (1972) 'Two concepts of politics and democracy: James and John Stuart Mill', in M. Fleischer (ed) Machiavelli and the Nature of Political Thought

   James, M.H. (1981) 'Public interest and majority rule in Bentham's democratic theory' Political Theory 9

   Rosen, F. (1983) Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy


@ Bentham and the Panopticon

   Bentham, The Panopticon and Other Prison Writings, ed. M. Bozovic [2o(Jan 97)]

   Himmelfarb, G. (1968) 'The haunted house of Jeremy Bentham', in her Victorian Minds

   Hume, L.J. (1981) Bentham and Bureaucracy

   Lyon, D. (1991) 'Bentham's Panopticon: from moral architecture to electronic surveillance', Queens Quarterly 98(3), 596-617

   Semple, J. (1993) Bentham's Prison: A Study of the Panopticon Penitentiary

   Gaonkar, D.P. and McCarthy, R.J. (1994) 'Panopticism and publicity: Bentham's quest for transparency', Public Culture 6(3), 547-575



   (See also Oxford bibliographies: Buddhism and politics, Matthew M. Moore)


@ Buddhist philosophy

   Harvey, Peter (1990) Introduction to Buddhism

   Emmanuel, Steven M. (2015) A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy


@ Non-self theory

   Mitchell, Donald W. (1969) 'The no-self doctrine in Theravāda Buddhism', International Philosophical Quarterly 9(2)

   Giles, James (1993) 'The no-self theory: Hume, Buddhism, and personal identity', Philosophy East and West 43(2)

   Siderits, Mark; Thompson, Evan; and Zahavi, Dan (eds) (2010) Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions

   Tuske, Joerg (2015) 'The non-self theory and problems in philosophy of mind', in Steven M. Emmanuel (ed) A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy

   Chadha, Monima (2018) 'No-self and the phenomenology of ownership', Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(1)


@ Buddhist ethics

   Saddhatissa, Hammalawa (1971) Buddhist Ethics: Essence of Buddhism

   Harvey, Peter (2000) An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues

   Gowans, Christopher W. (2015) 'Ethical thought in Indian Buddhism', in Steven M. Emmanuel (ed) A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy

   Keown, Damien (2016) The Nature of Buddhist Ethics

   Cozort, Daniel and Shields, James Mark (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics


@ Buddhist political philosophy

   Myint, Tun (2015) 'Buddhist political thought', in Michael T. Gibbons (ed) The Encyclopedia of Political Thought

   Moore, Matthew M. (2016) Buddhism and Political Theory


@ Buddhism and human rights

   Husted, Wayne R. and others (eds) (1998) Buddhism and Human Rights

   King, Sally B. (2011) 'Buddhism and human rights', in Witte, John and Green, M. Christian (eds) Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction



   (On the social and political)


@ Derrida's social and political thought: texts

   Derrida, J. (1990) 'Force of law: the mystical foundations of authority', Cardozo Law Review 11, reprinted in D. Cornell, M. Rosenfeld and D.G. Carlson (eds) Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice 1992

   Derrida, J. [19?] Spectres of Marx, tr. 1994

   Derrida, J. [19?] The Politics of Friendship, tr. G. Collins 1997

   Derrida, J. [19?] Adieu: To Emmanuel Levinas, tr. P.-A. Brault and M. Naas 1999

   Derrida, J. [19?] On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, tr. 2001

   Derrida, J. [19?] Of Hospitality, tr. R. Bowlby 2000

   Derrida, J. (2001) Deconstruction Engaged: The Sydney Seminars


@ Derrida's social and political thought: texts

   Fraser, N. (1984) 'The French Derrideans: politicizing deconstruction or deconstructing politics', New German Critique 33

   McCarthy, T. (1991) 'The politics of the ineffable: Derrida's deconstructionism', in his Ideals and Illusions: On Reconstruction and Deconstruction in Critical Theory

   Critchley, S. (1992) The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas

   Cornell, D. and others (1992) Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice

   Menke, C. (1993) 'Für eine Politik der Dekonstruktion. Jacques Derrida über Recht und Gerechtigkeit', Merkur 47

   Kearney, R. (1993) 'Derrida and the ethics of dialogue', Philosophy and Social Criticism 19

   Bennington, G. (1994) Legislations: The Politics of Deconstruction

* Honneth, A. (1995) 'The other of justice: Habermas and the ethical challenge of Postmodernism', in White, S.K. (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Habermas

   Beardsworth, Richard (1996) Derrida and the Political




@ Du Bois: texts

   Du Bois, W.E.B. (1903) The Souls of Black Folk

   Du Bois, W.E.B. (1909) John Brown

   Du Bois, W.E.B. (1935) Black Reconstruction in America: A History of the Part Which Black Folk Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860-1880

   Du Bois, W.E.B. (1940) Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept

   Lewis, David Levering (ed) (1995) W.E.B. Du Bois: A Reader abstract


@ Du Bois: commentary

   Zamir, Shamoon (1995) Dark Voices: W.E.B. Du Bois and American Thought, 1888-1903 summary

   Reed, Adolph (1997) W.E.B. Du Bois and American Political Thought: Fabianism and the Color Line summary

   Morris, Aldon D. (2015) The Scholar Denied: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology summary

   Valdez, Inés (2019) Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft summary

   Douglas, Andrew J. (2021) W.E.B. Du Bois and the Critique of the Competitive Society summary

   Morris, Aldon D. and others (eds) (2022) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois contents


@ Double consciousness in Dubois

   (See also 'Racism: recognitional accounts')

* Du Bois, W.E.B. (1897) 'Strivings of the negro people', The Atlantic Monthly, August 1897, slightly revised as 'Of our spiritual strivings', ch. 1 of The Souls of Black Folk 1903 html

   Du Bois, W.E.B. [1897] 'The conservation of races', reprinted in J. John H. Bracey and others (eds) Black Nationalism in America 1970

   Allen, Ernest Jr. (1992) 'Ever feeling one's twoness: 'double ideals' and 'double consciousness' in The Souls of Black Folk', Critique of Anthropology 12 preview

   Bruce, Dickson D. Jr. (1992) 'W.E.B. Du Bois and the idea of double consciousness', American Literature 64(2) preview

   Allen, Ernest Jr. (1992) 'On the reading of riddles: rethinking Du Boisian 'double consciousness'', in Lewis R . Gordon (ed) Existence in Black: An Anthology of Black Existential Philosophy preview

   Adell, Sandra (1994) Double-Consciousness / Double Bind: Theoretical Issues in Twentieth-Century Black Literature, ch. 1 'The Souls of Black Folk: reading across the color line' preview

   Balfour, Lawrie (1998) 'A most disagreeable mirror': race consciousness as double consciousness', Political Theory 26(3) preview

   Allen, Ernest Jr. (2002) 'Du Boisian double consciousness: the unsustainable argument', The Massachusetts Review 43(2) preview, reprinted in The Black Scholar 33(2), 2003 preview

   Gooding-Williams, Robert (2011) In the Shadow of Du Bois: Afro-Modern Political Thought in America, ch. 2 'Intimations of immortality and double consciousness' contents

   Kirkland, Frank M. (2013) 'On Du Bois' notion of double consciousness', Philosophy Compass 8(2) abstract

   Meer, Nasar (2019) 'W.E.B. Du Bois, double consciousness and the 'spirit' of recognition', The Sociological Review 67(1) abstract

   Thomas, James M. (2020) 'Du Bois, double consciousness, and the 'Jewish question'', Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(8) abstract

   Basevich, Elvira (2022) 'Self-respect and self-segregation: a Du Boisian challenge to Kant and Rawls', Social Theory and Practice 48(3) preview


@ Dubois and Hegel

   Williamson, Joel (1978) 'W.E.B. Du Bois as a Hegelian', in David Sansing (ed) What was Freedom's Price?

   Adell, Sandra (1994) Double-Consciousness / Double Bind: Theoretical Issues in Twentieth-Century Black Literature, ch. 1 'The Souls of Black Folk: reading across the color line' preview

   Zamir, Shamoon (1995) Dark Voices: W.E.B. Du Bois and American Thought, 1888-1903 summary

   Siemerling Winfried (2001) 'W.E.B. Du Bois, Hegel, and the staging of alterity', Callaloo 24(1) preview

   Meer, Nasar (2019) 'W.E.B. Du Bois, double consciousness and the 'spirit' of recognition', The Sociological Review 67(1) abstract

   Harris, Kimberly Ann (2021) 'Du Bois and Hegelian idealism', Idealistic Studies 51(2) abstract


@ Black Reconstruction

   Du Bois, W.E.B. (1935) Black Reconstruction in America

   Bunche, Ralph (1935) 'Reconstruction reinterpreted: book review of W. E. B. Du Bois, Black Reconstruction', Journal of Negro Education 4

   Harris, Abram Harris [1935] 'Reconstruction and the negro', reprinted in in William A. Darity Jr. (ed) Race, Radicalism, and Reform: Selected Papers of Abram L. Harris

   Allen, James (1937) Reconstruction: The Battle for Democracy

   Robinson, Cedric (1977) 'A critique of W.E.B. Du Bois' Black Reconstruction', The Black Scholar 8(7)

+ Foner, Eric (2013) 'Black Reconstruction: an introduction', South Atlantic Quarterly 112(3)

   Basevich, Elvira (2022) 'What is an anti-racist philosophy of race and history?: a new look at Kant, Hegel, and Du Bois', Critical Philosophy of Race 10(1) abstract


@ Dubois and Marx

   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Black and decolonial Marxism')

   Anderson, Patrick (2017) 'Pan-Africanism and economic nationalism: W.E.B. Du Bois's Black Reconstruction and the failings of the 'Black Marxism' thesis', Journal of Black Studies 48(8) abstract

   Buschendorf, Christa (217) ''Race' as a function of capitalism and imperialism: W.E.B. Du Bois's appropriation of Marxian ideas in 'The Black Flame'', Amerikastudien/American Studies 62(4) abstract

   Salman, Michael J. (2020) 'Du Bois and Marx, Du Bois and Marxism', Du Bois Review 17(1) abstract

   Burawoy, Michael (2022) 'The making of Black Marxism: the complementary perspectives of W.E.B. Du Bois and Frantz Fanon', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract

   Douglas, Andrew J. (2022) 'Du Bois and Marx's Influence: Black Reconstruction', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract


@ Dubois and colonialism, Dubois and cosmopolitanism

   Valdez, Inés (2019) Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft summary

   Al-Hardan, Anaheed (2022) 'Sociology Revised: W.E.B. Du Bois, colonialism, and anticolonial social theory', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract

   Danns, George K, and Paget Henry (2022) 'W.E.B. Du Bois: anticolonialist activist and theoretician', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract

   Getachew, Adom, and Jennifer Pitts (2022) 'Disclosing the problem of empire in Du Bois's international thought', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract

   Itzigsohn, José (2022) 'The line between W.E.B. Du Bois and Karl Marx: racialized modernity and racial and colonial capitalism', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois abstract


@ Dubois and pan-Africanism

   Lewis, David Levering (2000) 'Du Bois and Garvey: Two 'Pan-Africas'', in W.E.B. Du Bois vol. II, The Fight for Equality and the American Century, 1919–1963

   Kendhammer, Brandon (2007) 'Du Bois the pan-Africanist and the development of African nationalism', Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(1) abstract

   Magubane, Zine (2022) 'W.E.B. Du Bois and Pan-Africanism', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois



   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Black and decolonial Marxism')


@ Fanon: texts

   Fanon, Franz [1952] Black Skin, White Masks

   Fanon, Franz [1959] A Dying Colonialism (L'an V de la révolution Algérienne)

   Fanon, Franz [1961] The Wretched of the Earth

   Fanon, Franz [1964] Toward the African Revolution


@ Fanon and Hegel

   Turner, L. (1996) 'On the difference between the Hegelian and Fanonian dialectic of lordship and bondage', in L.R. Gordon and others (eds) Fanon: A Critical Reader

   Gibson, N. (2002) 'Dialectical impasses: turning the table on Hegel and the black', Parallax 8(2), 30-45

   Chari, A. (2004) 'Exceeding recognition', Sartre Studies International 10(2)


@ Fanon and Marx

   Burawoy, Michael (2022) 'The making of Black Marxism: the complementary perspectives of W.E.B. Du Bois and Frantz Fanon', in Aldon D. Morris and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Du Bois


@ Fanon and existentialism, Fanon and phenomenology

   Gordon, Lewis (1995) Fanon and the Crisis of European Humanity

   Macey, David (1999) 'Fanon, phenomenology, race', Radical Philosophy 1995

   Liberman, K. (1999) 'The dialectics of oppression: a phenomenological perspective', Philosophy Today 43(3)

   Oliver, K. (2003) 'Alienation and its double; or, the secretion of race' in R. Bernasconi (ed) Race and Racism in Continental Philosophy

   Moore, T. Owens (2005) 'A Fanonian perspective on double consciousness', Journal of Black Studies 35(6)

   Gordon, Lewis (2015) What Fanon Said

   Ndlovu, Siphiwe (2020) 'Race and the coloniality of being: the concept of alienation in the existential thought of Frantz Fanon', Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies 45(1)

   Laubscher, Leswin and others (eds) Fanon, Phenomenology, and Psychology


@ Fanon and Sartre

   Sartre, Jean-Paul [1946] Anti-Semite and Jew (Réflexions sur la question juive)

   Sartre, Jean-Paul [1961] Preface to Fanon, Wretched of the Earth

   Butler, Judith (2006) 'Violence, non-violence: Sartre on Fanon', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27(1)

   Bernasconi, Robert (2010) 'Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth as the fulfillment of Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason', Sartre Studies International 16(2)

   Bernasconi, Robert (2012) 'Racism is a system: How existentialism became dialectical in Fanon and Sartre', in Steven Crowell (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism

   Etherington, Ben (2016)' Answer to the question: what is decolonization? Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth and Jean-Paul Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason', Modern Intellectual History 13(1)



   (See A Hegel bibliography)




@ Foucault on power and subjectification / subjectivation

   (And Foucauldian critiques of constructivism and humanism)

* Foucault, Michel [1975] Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, tr. 1977, especially pp.27-28, 201-209

   Foucault, Michel [1976] The History of Sexuality vol. 1: The Will to Knowledge, tr. 1990

   Foucault, Michel [197?] 'Truth and power', in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77, also in P. Rabinow (ed) The Foucault Reader

   Foucault, Michel [197?] 'Two lectures', in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77

+ Foucault , M. (1982) 'The subject and power', in H. Dreyfus and P. Rabinow (eds) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics 1982, also in P. Rabinow (ed) Power: Subjectivity and Truth: Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, vol. 3, 2000

   Foucault, Michel [19?] 'Disciplinary power and subjection' in S. Lukes (ed) Power 1987

   Foucault, Michel ([19?] 'Sex, power and the politics of identity', in P. Rabinow (ed) Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984 vol. 1, 1997

   Hoy, D.C. (ed) (1986) Foucault: A Critical Reader

   Martin, L.H. and others (eds) (1988) Technologies of the Self, a Seminar with Michel Foucault

+ Dews, Peter (198?) 'Power and subjectivity in Foucault', in Smart (ed) Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments

   Fraser, N. (1989) 'Foucault's body language', in N. Fraser (ed) Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender

   Mahon, M. (1992) Foucault's Nietzschean Genealogy: Truth, Power, and the Subject

   Butler, Judith (1992) 'Contingent foundations: feminism and the question of 'postmodernism'', in J. Butler and J.W. Scott (eds) Feminists Theorize the Political

   McHoul, A. and others (1993) A Foucault Primer: Discourse, Power and the Subject

   Heler, Kevin John (1996) 'Power, subjectification and resistance in Foucault', SubStance 25(1)

   Butler, Judith (1997) The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection

   Whitebook, J. (2002) 'Michel Foucault: a Marcusean in structuralist clothing', Thesis Eleven 71

+ Lynch, R.A. (2013) 'Foucault's theory of power', in D. Taylor (ed) Michel Foucault: Key Concepts


@ Foucault on enlightenment

   (And Foucault's late notion of 'critique of the present' as salvaging what is valid in enlightenment)

   Foucault, Michel [197?] 'What is Enlightenment?', in P. Rabinow (ed) The Foucault Reader, also available online

   Dreyfus, H.L. and Rabinow, P. (1983) What is maturity? Habermas and Foucault 'What is Enlightenment?' in D. Couzens Hoy (ed) Foucault: A Critical Reader

   Foucault, Michel (1993) 'Kant on enlightenment and revolution', in M. Gane and T. Johnson (eds) Foucault's New Domains

   Ingram, D. (1994) 'Foucault and Habermas on the subject of reason', in G. Gutting (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Foucault

   Norris, C. (1994) ''What is Enlightenment?' Kant according to Foucault', in G. Gutting (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Foucault

   Habermas, J. (1995) 'Taking aim at the heart of the present', in M. Kelly (ed) Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate

   D'Entrèves, M.P. (2000) 'Critique and enlightenment: Michel Foucault on 'Was ist Aufklärung?'', in N. Geras and R. Wokler (eds) The Enlightenment and Modernity

   Devos, R (2002) 'The return of the subject in Michel Foucault', American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76(2)

   Allen, A. (2003) 'Foucault and enlightenment: a critical reappraisal', Constellations 10(2)


@ Foucault on neoliberalism and governmentality

   Foucault, Michel [1979] The Birth of Biopolitics, tr. 2008

   Peters, Michael A. (2007) Foucault, biopolitics and the birth of neoliberalism', Critical Studies in Education 48(2)

   Read, Jason (2009) 'A genealogy of homo-economicus: neoliberalism and the production of subjectivity', Foucault Studies 6

   Zamora, Daniel and Behrent Michael C. (eds) (2015) Foucault and Neoliberalism

   Zamora, Daniel (2019) 'How Michel Foucault got neoliberalism so wrong', Jacobin


@ Foucauldian ethics and political philosophy

   (The possibility of an ethics, political philosophy or emancipatory practice from a Foucauldian perspective)

   Foucault, Michel (1977) Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, ed. D.F. Bouchard

   Foucault, Michel [19?] 'Revolutionary action: until now', in Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, ed. D.F. Bouchard

   Foucault, Michel [198?] 'The ethic of care for the self as a practice of freedom', in Bernauer, J. and Rasmussen, D. (eds) The Final Foucault 1988

   Veyne, P. (1993) 'The final Foucault and his ethics', Critical Enquiry 20(1)

   Bernauer, J.W. and Mahon, M. (1994) 'The ethics of Michel Foucault', in G. Gutting (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Foucault

   Bernstein, R. (1995) 'Foucault: critique as a philosophic ethics', in M. Kelly (ed) Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate

   Gardiner, M. (1996) 'Foucault, ethics and dialogue', History of the Human Sciences 9:33

   Moussa, Mario and Scapp, Ron (1996) 'The practical theorizing of Michel Foucault: politics and counter discourse', Cultural Critique 33

   Ewald, F. (1999) 'Foucault and the contemporary scene', Philosophy and Social Criticism 25(3)

   Yoon, P.J. (2001) 'The political philosophy of intersubjectivity and the logic of discourse', Human Studies, 24(1-2)

   Butler, Judith (2002) 'What is critique? An essay on Foucault's virtue', in D. Ingram (ed) The Political: Readings in Continental Philosophy, shorter version available online

   Mourad, R. (2003) 'After Foucault: a new form of right', Philosophy and Social Criticism 29(4)

   Trainor, B. (2003) 'Foucault and the politics of difference', Philosophy and Social Criticism 29(5)




@ Green: texts

   Green, T.H. (1882) Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation

   Green, T.H. (1883) Prolegomena to Ethics


@ Green: commentary

   Dimova-Cookson, M. (2001) T. H. Green's Moral and Political Philosophy: A Phenomenological Perspective

   Dimova-Cookson, M. (2003) 'A new scheme of positive and negative freedom: reconstructing T. H. Green on freedom', Political Theory 31(4)

   Carter, M. (2003) T.H. Green and the Development of Ethical Socialism

   Wempe, B. (2nd ed. 2004) T. H. Green's Theory of Positive Freedom: From Metaphysics To Political Theory




@ Grotius: texts

   Grotius [1625] De jure belli ac pacis


@ Grotius's theory of natural law

   Tuck, R. (1979) Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development, ch. 3

   Haakonssen, K. (1985) 'Hugo Grotius and the history of political thought', Political Theory 13

   Haakonssen, K. (1996) Natural Law and Moral Philosophy: from Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment, ch. on Grotius

   Buckle, S. (1991) Natural Law and the Theory of Property: Grotius to Hume, ch. 1


@ Grotius's international theory

   Grotius, H. [1625] De jure belli ac pacis

   Tooke, J.D.(1960) The Just War in Aquinas and Grotius

   Edwards, C.S. (1981) Hugo Grotius: The Miracle of Holland

   D'Amato, (1985) A. 'What does Tel-Oren tell lawyers?' American Journal of International Law 79



   (For fuller Habermas bibliographies see 'Publications by Jurgen Habermas' and 'Habermas bibliography')


@ Habermas: introductions

   Bernstein, R.J. (1985) 'Introduction' to Bernstein (ed) Habermas and Modernity

   Outhwaite, W. (1994) Habermas: A Critical Introduction

   Eriksen, E. and Weigard, J. (2003) Understanding Habermas: Communicative Action and Deliberative Democracy

   Finlayson, G. (2005) Habermas: A Very Short Introduction


@ Habermas on postmetaphysical thinking

   (As the methodological foundation of his discourse ethics and theory of law)

* Habermas, J. [1988] Postmetaphysical Thinking, tr. 1992

   Yates, Melissa (2011) 'Postmetaphysical thinking', in Barbara Futner (ed) Jürgen Habermas: Key Concepts

   Puntel, Lorenz B. (2012) 'Habermas's postmetaphysical thinking: a critique', available online


@ Habermas and human nature

* Habermas, J. (2003) The Future of Human Nature


@ Habermas's discourse ethics

   (See An ethics bibliography)


@ Habermas on recognition

   (For his commentary on Hegel see A Hegel bibliography: 'Habermas and Hegel')

   Joas, H. (1998?) Die Entshteung der Werte

   Baynes, Kurt (2002) 'Freedom and recognition in Hegel and Habermas', Philosophy & Social Criticism 28(1)


@ Habermas on solidarity

   Habermas, Jürgen (1989) 'Justice and solidarity: on the discussion concerning stage 6', Philosophical Forum 21(1-2), reprinted in M. Kelly (ed) Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics and Politics 1990, and in T. Wren (ed) The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion Between Philosophy and the Social Sciences 1990

   Pensky, Max (2009) The Ends of Solidarity: Discourse Theory in Ethics and Politics

   Carrabregu, Gent (2016) 'Habermas on Solidarity: An Immanent Critique', Constellations 23(4)


@ Habermas on deliberative democracy

   (This is on his model of democracy. For the relationship between this and law-making see 'Habermas on law and democracy')

   Habermas, J. [1962] The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, 2nd German ed. 1989, tr. 1989

* Habermas, J. (1994) 'Three models of democracy', Constellations 1(1), reprinted as 'Three normative models of democracy' in S. Benhabib (ed) Democracy and Difference, in Habermas's The Inclusion of the Other, and in S.M. Cahn (ed) Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts

   Habermas, J. [1992] Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, tr. 1996


@ Habermas on law and democracy

   (See also 'Habermas and Rawls')

   (For others on this relationship, see 'Democracy vs. justice and rights')

   Habermas, J. (1988) 'Law and morality', Tanner Lectures on Human Values 8

   White, S.K. (1989) The Recent Work of Jürgen Habermas: Reason, Justice and Modernity

* Habermas, J. [1992] Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, tr. 1996

   Murphy, T.F. (1994) 'Discourse ethics: moral theory or political ethic?', New German Critique

   Bohman, J. (1994) 'Complexity, pluralism, and the constitutional state: on Habermas's Faktizität und Geltung', Law Society Review 28(4)

   O'Neill , O. (1994) 'Practical reason and possible community: a reply to Jean-Marc Ferry', Ratio Juris 7(3)

   Peters, B. (1994) 'On reconstructive legal and political theory, Philosophy and Social Criticism 20(4)

   Hoffe, O. (1994) 'Una conversione della teoria critica? sulla teoria del diritto e dello stato di Habermas', Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto 71(4)

   Habermas, J. (1994) 'The internal relation between the rule of law and democracy', in Habermas's The Inclusion of the Other, reprinted in S.M. Cahn (ed) Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts

   Larmore, Charles (1995) 'The foundations of modern democracy: reflections on Jürgen Habermas', European Journal of Philosophy 3(1)

   Baynes, Kurt (1995) 'Democracy and the 'Rechsstaat': Habermas's 'Faktizitat und Geltung'', in S.K. White (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Habermas

   Deflem, M. (ed) (1996) Habermas, Modernity and Law

   Rosenfeld, M. and Arato, A. (1998) Habermas on Law and Democracy: Critical Exchanges

   Scheuerman, W.E. (1998) 'Between radicalism and resignation: democratic theory in Habermas's Between Facts and Norms' in P. Dews (ed) Habermas: A Critical Reader

   Cohen, Joshua (1999) 'Reflections on Habermas on democracy', Ratio Juris 12(4)

   Chevigny, P.G. (2000) 'Law and politics in Between Facts and Norms' L.E. Hahn (ed) Perspectives on Habermas

   Michelman, F. (2000) 'Human rights and the limits of constitutional theory', Ratio Juris 13(1)

   Mahoney, J. (2001) 'Rights without dignity? Some critical reflections on Habermas's procedural model of law and democracy', Philosophy and Social Criticism 27(3)

   Olson, K. (2003) 'Do rights have a formal basis? Habermas' legal theory and the normative foundations of the law', Journal of Political Philosophy 11(3)


@ Habermas: communicative freedom

   Günther, K. (1998) 'Communicative freedom, communicative power, and. jurisgenesis', in M. Rosenfeld and A. Arato (eds) Habermas on Law and Democracy: Critical Exchanges scribed

   Martin, M. (2001) Rethinking the Communicative Turn: Adorno, Habermas, and the problem of Communicative Freedom


@ Habermas and multiculturalism

   (Including communitarian critiques of discourse ethics and of Habermas's deliberative democracy and accusations that it is Eurocentric)

   Habermas, J. [1981] The Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 1: Reason and the Rationalisation of Society, tr. 1984, c. pp. 60-70, 181-4

   Heller, Agnes (1984-85) 'The discourse ethics of Habermas: critique and appraisal', Thesis Eleven: 10/11

   Cohen, J.L. (1989) 'Heller, Habermas and justice: a review of Agnes Heller Beyond Justice', Praxis International 8(4)

   Taylor, Charles (198?) 'Language and society' in A. Honneth and H. Joas (eds) Communicative Action, tr. 1991

   Habermas, J. [1985] 'Morality and ethical life: does Hegel's critique of Kant apply to discourse ethics?', in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action 1983, tr. 1990

   Habermas, J. (1996) 'On the cognitive content of morality', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 96(3)

* Benhabib, S. (ed) (1996) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, especially articles by Habermas, Dallmayr, Young

   Dallmayr, F. (1996) 'Democracy and multiculturalism' in S. Benhabib (ed) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political

   Young, Iris Marion (1996) 'Communication and the other: beyond deliberative democracy', in Benhabib, S. (ed) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political

   Habermas, J. (1996) 'Three normative models of democracy', in S. Benhabib (ed) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political


@ Habermas and constitutional patriotism

   Habermas, Jürgen [1986] 'A Kind of Settlement of Damages (Apologetic Tendencies)', New German Critique 44, 1988

   Habermas, Jürgen [1986] 'On the Public Use of history', New German Critique 44, 1988

   Habermas, Jürgen (1989) Political Culture in Germany since 1968', in Shierry Weber Nicholsen ed. The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate

   Habermas, Jürgen (1989) 'Historical Consciousness and Post-Traditional Identity: The Federal Republic's Orientation to the West', in Shierry Weber Nicholsen ed. The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate

* Habermas, Jürgen [1990] 'Citizenship and National Identity', Appendix 2 of Between Facts and Norms

* Müller, Jan-Werner (2000) Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification, and National Identity, ch. 4 'Jürgen Habermas and the debate on the Constitution: 'DM nationalism' versus Verfassungspatriotismus'

   Grimm, D. (2005) 'Integration by Constitution', International Journal of Constitutional Law 3(2)

   Müller, Jan-Werner (2007) 'A general theory of constitutional patriotism', International Journal of Constitutional Law 6 (1)


@ Habermas and Rawls

   (See also 'Habermas on law and democracy')

   Benhabib, S. (1982) 'The methodological illusions of modern political theory: the case of Rawls and Habermas', Neue Hefte fur Philosophie 21

* McCarthy, T. (1994) 'Kantian constructivism and reconstructivism: Rawls and Habermas in dialogue', Ethics 105

   Baynes, Kurt (1992) The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls, Habermas

   Power, M. (1993) 'Rawls and transcendental arguments', Philosophy of the Social Sciences 23

* Habermas, J. (1995) 'Reconciliation through the public use of reason: remarks on John Rawls' Political Liberalism', Journal of Philosophy 92(3), reprinted as 'Political Liberalism: a debate with John Rawls', in Habermas's The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory 1999

* Rawls, John (1995) 'Reply to Habermas', Journal of Philosophy 92(3), reprinted as lecture IX of the paperback edition of his Political Liberalism 1996

   Larmore, C. (1999) 'The moral basis of political liberalism', The Journal of Philosophy, 96(12), reprinted in his Morals of Modernity

   McMahon, C, (2000) 'Discourse and morality', Ethics 110

   De-Oliveira, N.F. (2000) 'Critique of public reason revisited: Kant as arbiter between Rawls and Habermas' Veritas 45(4)

   McMahon, C. (2002) 'Why there is no issue between Habermas and Rawls', Journal of Philosophy 99(3)

   Forst, R. (2002) Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism

   Lafont, Christine (2003) 'Procedural Justice? implications of the Rawls-Habermas debate for Discourse Ethics', Philosophy and Social Criticism 29(2)

   Moon, J.D. (2003) 'Rawls and Habermas on public reason: human rights and global justice', Annual Review of Political Science 6

* Finlayson, J.G. and Freyenhagen, F. (eds) (2010) Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political

   Hendrick, T. (2010) Rawls and Habermas: Reason, Pluralism, and the Claims of Political Philosophy

   Finlayson, J.G. (2019) The Habermas-Rawls Debate


@ Habermas's international theory

   Habermas, J. [1992] 'Citizenship and national identity: some reflections on the future of Europe', Praxis International, 12(1), 1992, reprinted in B. van Steenbergen (ed) The Condition of Citizenship 1994

   Mertens, T. (1996) 'Cosmopolitanism and citizenship: Kant against Habermas', European Journal of Philosophy 4

   Habermas, J. (1997) 'Kant's idea of perpetual peace with the benefit of two hundred years' hindsight' in J. Bohman and M. Lutz-Bachmann (eds) Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal

   Habermas, J. [1998] The Postnational Constellation, tr. 2001

   Habermas, J. (1999) 'Bestiality and humanity: a war on the borders between legality and morality', Constellations 6(3)

   Zolo, D. (1999) 'A cosmopolitan philosophy of international law? a realist approach', Ratio Juris 12(4)

   Fine, R. and Smith, W. (2003) 'Jürgen Habermas's theory of cosmopolitanism', Constellations 10(4)

   Habermas, J. (2003) 'Interpreting the fall of a monument', Constellations 10(3)




@ Neoliberalism: texts

   Buchanan, James and Tullock, Gordon (1962) The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy


@ Neoliberalism: histories

   Foucault, Michel [2004] The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-1979: Lectures at the College De France, 1978-1979, tr. 2008

   Mirowski, Philip and Plewhe, Dier (2015) The Road from Mount Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective

   Brown, W. (2015) Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution

   Davies, W. (2017) The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty and the Logic of Competition


@ Hayek: texts

   Hayek, F. [1936] 'Economics and knowledge', in his Individualism and the Economic Order

   Hayek, F. (1944) The Road to Serfdom

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty

   Hayek, F. (1967) Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics ch 11

   Hayek, F. (1973) Rules and Order

   Hayek, F. (1973-79) Law, Legislation and Liberty

   Hayek, F. (1976) The Mirage of Social Justice

   Hayek, F. (1978) New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas, Pts I and II

   Hayek, F. (1979) The Political Order of a Free People

   Hayek, F. (1988) The Fatal Conceit


@ Introductions

   Sampson¸ G. (1984) An End to Allegiance: Individual Freedom and the New Politics, ch. 6

   Green, D.G. (1987) The New Right: The Counter-Revolution in Political, Economic and Social Thought, ch. 5

   Barry, N. 'F.A. Hayek and Modern Liberalism' in Tivey and Wright Political Thought Since 1945

   Bosanquet, N. After the New Right ch. 2

   Ebenstein, F. (2001) Friedrich Hayek: A Biography


@ Collections

   Seldon, A. (ed) (1961) Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's 'The Constitution of Liberty'

   Machlup, F. (ed) (1977) Essays on Hayek

   Birner, J. and van Zijp, R. (1994) Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics and the History of Ideas

   Frowen, F. (ed) (1997) Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher


@ General commentaries

   Barry, N. (1979) Hayek's Social and Economic Philosophy chs 3-7 and 9

   Brittan, S. (1983) The Role and Limits of Government ch 3, also in Butler and Pirie (eds) Hayek on the Fabric of Human Society

   Butler, E. (1985) Hayek: His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thought of our Time

   Kukathis, C. (1989) Hayek and Modern Liberalism

   Gamble, A. (1996) Hayek: The Iron Cage of Liberty

   Barry, N. and others Hayek's 'Serfdom' Revisited, especially ch 1

   Hoy, C. A Philosophy of Individual Freedom

   Gray, J. Post-Liberalism ch 3 'Hayek as a Conservative'


@ Hayek on the market and catallaxy

   Hayek, F. (1973) Law, Legislation and Liberty, vol.1: Rules and Order

   Tomlinson, J. (1990) Hayek and the Market


@ Hayek on law

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty

   Hayek, F. (1976) Law, Legislation and Liberty vol. 2: The Mirage of Social Justice


@ Hayek on liberty

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty

   Gray, J. (1984) Hayek on Liberty, chs 2, 3, 4 and 6

   Gray, J. (1989) Liberalisms ch 6


@ Hayek's evolutionism, epistemology, critique of constructivism and socialism

   Hayek, F. (1976) Law, Legislation and Liberty vol. 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

   Hayek, F. (1988) The Fatal Conceit

   Saunders, P. (1993) 'When prophecy fails' Economy and Society 22(1)

   Parsons, T.D. (1997) 'Hayek and the limitations of knowledge: philosophical aspects', in F. Frowen (ed) Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher


@ Left critiques of Hayek and neo-liberalism

   Hindess, B. (1987) Freedom, Equality and the Market, chs 8 and 9

   Miller, David (1990) Market, State and Community, Pt I

   Hoover, K. and Plant, R. (1989) Conservative Capitalism, ch 10

   Martell, L. (1993) 'Rescuing the Middle Ground: Neo-Liberalism and Associational Socialism' Economy and Society 22(1)

   Wainwright, H. (1994) Arguments for a New Left: Answering the Free Market Right

   Bosanquet, N. 'Challenging the New Right' in Kilmarnock The Radical Challenge



   (See A Hegel bibliography)




@ Hobbes: texts

   Hobbes, De Cive [1642] (tr. as Philosophical Rudiments of Government and Society [1650]), chs. 1-8, 14 (Included in B. Gert (ed) Man and Citizen 1970)

   Hobbes, Leviathan [1651], chs. 11-30, Review and conclusion (Especially chs. 11, 13-21, 29-30)


@ Hobbes: introductions

+ Redhead, Plato to Nato, ch. 7

   Raphael, D.D. (1977) Hobbes: Morals and Politics, see especially ch. 7

   von Leyden, W. (1981) Hobbes and Locke: The Politics of Freedom and Obligation, chs. 1-3

   Tuck, Richard (1984) Hobbes (Pastmasters)

   Rapaczynski, A. (1987) Nature and Politics: Liberalism in the Philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau, chs. 1-2

   Ryan, Alan (1996) 'Hobbes's political philosophy', in T. Sorell (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes

+ Wolff, Jonathan (1996) An Introduction to Political Philosophy, pp. 8-18

   Cohen, G.A. (2014) 'Hobbes' in his Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy, ed. J. Wolff


@ Hobbes: alternative introductions

   Wolin, S. (1961) Politics and Vision, ch. 8

   Hirschmann, A.O. (1977) The Passions and the Interests, part 1

   Jacobsen, Norman (1978) Pride and Solace, ch. 3

   Riley, Patrick (1982) Will and Political Legitimacy: A Critical Exposition of Social Contract Theory, ch. 2


@ Hobbes: collections of articles

   Brown, K.C. (ed) (1965) Hobbes Studies

   Baumrin, B. (ed) (1969) Hobbes's Leviathan

   Rogers, G.A.J. and Ryan, A. (ed) (1988) Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes

   Lively, J. and Reeve, A. (eds) (1989) Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx (two articles on Hobbes)

   Dietz, Mary G. (ed) (1993) Thomas Hobbes and Political Theory

   Sorell, Tom (ed) (1996) The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes

   Malcolm, Noel (2002) Aspects of Hobbes

   Sorell, Tom and Foisneau, Luc (eds) (2004) Leviathan after 350 Years

   Springborg, Patricia (ed) (2007) The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan


@ Hobbes: more advanced works

   Goldsmith, M.M. (1966) Hobbes's Science of Politics

   McNeilly, F.C. (1968) The Anatomy of Leviathan

   Gauthier, D.P. (1969) The Logic of Leviathan

   Watkins, J.W. (1973) Hobbes's System of Ideas

   Kavka, G. (1986) Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory

   Sorell, T. (1986) Hobbes

   Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition

   Kraynak, R. (1990) History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes

   Kraus, J.S. (1993) The Limits of Hobbesian Contractarianism

   Flathman, R.E. (1993) Thomas Hobbes: Skepticism, Individuality and Chastened Politics

   Martinich, A. (1997) Thomas Hobbes

   Skinner, Quentin (2002) Visions of Politics vol. 3: Hobbes and Civil Science

   Curran, Eleanor (2007) Reclaiming the Rights of the Hobbesian Subject


@ Hobbes: influential interpretations

   Oakeshott, M. (1946) 'Introduction' to Leviathan, ed. M. Oakeshott, reprinted in Oakeshott's Hobbes on Civil Association 1975

   Strauss, L. (1953) Natural Right and History, ch. 5A reprinted as 'On the spirit of Hobbes' political philosophy', in Brown ed. Hobbes Studies

   Strauss, L. (1936) The Political Philosophy of Hobbes

   Macpherson, C.B. (1962) The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, ch. 2 or 'Introduction' (1969) to Penguin edition of Leviathan or 'Hobbes today' (1945) Canadian Journal of Philosophy, reprinted as 'Hobbes' bourgeois man' in Brown ed. Hobbes Studies


@ Hobbes' historical context

   Skinner, Quentin (1974) 'Conquest and consent: Thomas Hobbes and the engagement controversy', in G.E. Aylmer (ed) The Interregnum

   Sommerville, Johann P. (1992) Thomas Hobbes: Political Ideas in their Historical Context

   Tuck Richard (1993) Philosophy and Government 1572-1652

   Fukuda, Arihiro (1997) Sovereignty and the Sword Harrington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English Civil Wars

   Collins, Jeffrey R. (2007) The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes

   Sreedhar, Susanne (2010) Hobbes on Resistance: Defying the Leviathan


@ Hobbes, natural law theory and Aristotle

   (See also 'Hobbes's ethical stance')

   (See also 'Natural law and natural rights theories: historical surveys')

   (On what kind of 'break' Hobbes makes with the classical and medieval traditions)

   Bobbio, N. [19?] Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition, tr. 1993

   Spragens, T.A. (1973) The Politics of Motion

   State, S. (1991) Thomas Hobbes and the Debate over Natural Law and Religion

   Riedel, M. [1982] 'Paradigm evolution in political philosophy: Aristotle and Hobbes', in R. Lilly (ed) The Ancients and the Moderns 1996

   Forster, G. (2003) 'Divine law and human law in Hobbes's Leviathan', History of Political Thought 24(2)


@ Hobbes on human psychology and the state of nature

   Macpherson, C.B. (1962) The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, Introduction, section on 'Human nature and the state of nature'

   McNeilly, F.S. (1966) 'Egoism in Hobbes', Philosophical Quarterly 64

   Kavka, G. (1983) 'Hobbes's war of all against all', Ethics 93

   Kavka, G. (1986) Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory, chs. 2-3

   Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, chs. 2-3

   Hoekstra, Kinch (2007) 'Hobbes on the natural condition of mankind', in Patricia Springborg (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan

   Moehler, Michael (2009) 'Why Hobbes' state of nature is best modeled by an assurance game', Utilitas 21(3)


@ Hobbes and the public goods justification of the state

   Hobbes, Leviathan, chs. 6, 10-13

   Godwin, W. [18?] Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, abridged and (ed) K. Carter 1971

   Gauthier, D.P. (1969) The Logic of Leviathan, ch. 1

   Nozick, Robert (1975) Anarchy State and Utopia part 1

   Taylor, M. (1976) Anarchy and Cooperation, 2nd ed. 1987 (as The Possibility of Cooperation) chs. 1, 6 (sec. 1), 7

   Laver, M. (1981) The Politics of Private Desires, chs. 1-2

   Taylor, M. (1982) Community, Anarchy and Liberty, chs. 1-2

   Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, ch. 3

   Kavka, G. (1986) Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory, ch. 3


@ Hobbes on natural rights and laws of nature

   (See also 'Hobbes, natural law theory and Aristotle')

   Hobbes Leviathan, OUP 1996, 7, 106, 371

   Taylor, A.E. (1938) 'The ethical doctrine of Hobbes', Philosophy ?, reprinted in Brown (ed) Hobbes Studies and in Lively and Reeve (eds) Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx

   Nagel, Thomas (1959) 'Hobbes' concept of obligation', Philosophical Review 68, reprinted in Brown (ed) Hobbes Studies

   Gauthier, D.P. (1969) The Logic of Leviathan, ch. 2

* Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, ch. 1 sec. 5

+ Wolff, Jonathan (1996) An Introduction to Political Philosophy, 14-18


@ Hobbes and political obligation: general

   Hobbes, Leviathan, chs. 14-18, 21

   Plamenatz, John (1963) Man and Society vol. 1, ch. 4, sec. 4 'The making and keeping of the covenant'

   Gert, B. (1972) 'Introduction' to Hobbes, Man and Citizen. (ed) B. Gert

   Barry, Brian (1968) 'Warrender and his critics', Philosophy 42, reprinted in Lively and Reeve (eds) Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx

   Steiner, Hillel (1974-75) 'Individual liberty', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75

   Taylor, M. (1976) Anarchy and Cooperation, 2nd ed. 1987 (as The Possibility of Cooperation) ch. 6 sec. 1

   Kavka, Geoffrey (1986) Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory, ch. 10

   Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, chs. 7-9

   Wolff, Jonathan (1990-91) 'What is the problem of political obligation?', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 91


@ Hobbes and political obligation: criteria for a state to be legitimate

   Skinner, Quentin (1974) 'Conquest and consent: Thomas Hobbes and the engagement controversy', in G E Aylmer (ed) The Interregnum

   Hoeckstra, Kinch (2004) 'The de facto turn in Hobbes's political philosophy', in T. Sorell and L. Foisneau (eds) Leviathan after 350 Years


@ Hobbes on self-preservation, the right of self-defence and the right of resistance

   Plamenatz, John (1963) Man and Society vol. 1, ch. 4, sec. 6

   Morgan, G. (1982) 'Hobbes and the right of self-defence', Political Studies 30(3)

   Lott, T.L. (1982) 'The psychology of self-preservation in Hobbes', Revue Europeenne des sciences sociales 20(61)

   Trainor, B. (1984) 'Hobbes's sovereign and the right of self-defence', Political Studies 32(2)

   Hampton, Jean (1986) Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, ch. 4

* Kavka, G. (1986) Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory, secs. 4.4, 5.1, 5.5, ch. 8

   Burgess, G. (1994) 'On Hobbesian resistance theory', Political Studies 42(1)

   Murphy, M. (1995) 'Hobbes on conscientious disobedience', Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 77(3)

   Cohen, A. (1998) 'Retained liberties and absolute Hobbesian authorisation', Hobbes Studies 11

   Steinberger, P. (2002) 'Hobbesian resistance', American Journal of Political Science 46(4)

   Curran, Eleanor (2006) 'Can rights curb the Hobbesian sovereign? The full right to self-preservation, duties of sovereignty and the limitations of Hohfeld', Law and Philosophy 25(2)

   Curran, Eleanor (2007) Reclaiming the Rights of the Hobbesian Subject

   Sreedhar, Susanne (2008) 'Defending the Hobbesian right of self-defense', Political Theory 36(6)

   Sreedhar, Susanne (2010) Hobbes on Resistance: Defying the Leviathan

   Weber, E. (2012) 'Rebels with a cause: self-preservation and absolute sovereignty in Hobbes's Leviathan', History of Philosophy Quarterly 29(3)


@ Hobbes on representation, authorisation and democracy

   Leviathan, ch. 16

   De Cive, ch. 6 sec. 1

   Pitkin, Hannah (1961) The Concept of Representation, ch. 2 'The problem of Thomas Hobbes'

   Pitkin, Hannah (1964) 'Hobbes's concept of representation - II', American Political Science Review 58(4)

   Gauthier, David (1969) The Logic of Leviathan, pp. 99-177

   Orwin, C. (1975) 'On the sovereign authorization', Political Theory 3(1)

   Riley, Patrick (1982) Will and Political Legitimacy: A Critical Exposition of Social Contract Theory, ch. 2

   Gauthier, David (1988) 'Hobbes's social contract', Nous 22

   Tuck, Richard (2006) 'Hobbes and democracy', in A. Brett, J. Tully and H. Hamilton-Bleakley (eds) Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought

   Hoekstra, Kinch (2006) 'A lion in the house: Hobbes and democracy', in A. Brett, J. Tully and H. Hamilton-Bleakley (eds) Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought

   Brito Veira, Mónica (2010) The Elements of Representation in Hobbes: Aesthetics, Theatre, Law, and Theology in the Construction of Hobbes's Theory of the State

   Runciman, D. (2010) 'Hobbes's theory of representation: anti-democratic or proto-democratic?', in Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes, Elisabeth Jean Wood, and Alexander S. Kirshner (eds) Political Representation


@ Hobbes on the personhood of the state

   Brown, K. (1980) 'Thomas Hobbes and the title-page of 'Leviathan'', Philosophy 55(213)

   Copp, D. (1980) 'Hobbes on artificial persons and collective actions', Philosophical Review 89(4)

   Runciman, David (1997) Pluralism and the Personality of the State, ch. 2, 'Hobbes and the person of the commonwealth'

   Skinner, Quentin (1999) 'Hobbes and the purely artificial person of the state', Journal of Political Philosophy 7(1)

   Runciman, David (2002) 'What kind of person is Hobbes's state? A reply to Skinner', Journal of Political Philosophy 8(2)


@ Hobbes and freedom

   Pennock, R.J. (1960) 'Hobbes's confusing 'clarity' – the case of 'liberty'', American Political Science Review 54(2)

   Mill, D.V. (1995) 'Hobbes's theories of freedom', Journal of Politics 57(2)

   Harman, J. D. (1997) 'Liberty, rights and will in Hobbes: a response to David Van Mill', Journal of Politics, 59(3)

   Skinner, Quentin (2008) Hobbes and Republican Liberty


@ Hobbes and utopianism

   Tuck, Richard (2004) 'The utopianism of Leviathan', in T. Sorell and L. Foisneau (eds) Leviathan after 350 Years


@ Hobbes's method

   (As compared with the methods of physics and geometry)

   Hobbes Leviathan, OUP 1996, 8, 105-6

   Hobbes De Homine in On Man and Citizen ed. B. Gert, 41-43

   Hobbes De Cive in On Man and Citizen ed. B. Gert, 98-99

   Watkins, J.W. (1973) Hobbes's System of Ideas, ch. 3


@ Hobbes and international relations

   Williams, M. (1996) 'Hobbes and international relations: a reconsideration' International Organization 50(2)


@ Hobbes and feminism

   di Stefano, Christine (1983) 'Masculinity as ideology in political theory: Hobbesian man considered', Women's Studies International Forum 6(6)

   di Stefano, Christine (1991) Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern Political Theory, ch. 2 'Hobbesian (Hu)man'

   Slomp, Gabriella (1994) 'Hobbes and the equality of women', Political Studies 42(3)

   Green, Karen (1994) 'Christine De Pisan and Thomas Hobbes', Philosophical Quarterly 44(17)

   Sreedhar, Susan (2012) 'Hobbes on 'the woman question'', Philosophy Compass 7(11)

   Hirschmann, Nancy J. and Wright, Joanne H. (eds) (2013) Feminist Interpretations of Thomas Hobbes




@ Honneth: texts

   Honneth, Axel [1982] 'Communication and reconciliation: Habermas's critique of Adorno', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995 (abbreviated version translated in Telos 39, 1979)

   Honneth, Axel and Joas, H. [1980] Social Action and Human Nature, tr. 1988

   Honneth, Axel [1981] 'Moral consciousness and class domination: some problems in the analysis of hidden morality', Praxis International 2(1), 1982, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995, and in his Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel (1982) 'Work and instrumental action: on the normative basis of critical theory', Thesis 11 5/6, also in New German Critique 26, 1982, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

* Honneth, Axel [1985] The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Theory of Society, tr. 1991

   Honneth, Axel [1986] 'A fragmented world: on the implicit relevance of Lukács' early work', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel [1986] 'Diskursethik und implizites Gerechtigkeitskonzept. Eine Diskussionsbemerkung', in W. Kuhlman (ed) Moralität and Sittlichkeit: Das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik

   Honneth, Axel (1987) 'Critical theory', in A. Giddens and J. Turner (eds) Social Theory Today, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel (1991) 'Domination and moral struggle: the philosophical heritage of Marxism revisited', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 14(1), reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel (1992) 'Integrity and disrespect: principles of a conception of morality based on the theory of recognition', Political Theory 20(2), reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel (1992) 'Moral development and social struggle: Hegel's early social doctrines', in A. Honneth and others (eds) Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment

* Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995

   Honneth, Axel (1993) 'Max Horkheimer and the sociological deficit of critical theory', in S. Benhabib, W. Bonns and J. McCole (eds) On Max Horkheimer: New Perspectives

   Honneth, Axel [1993] 'Decentered autonomy: the subject after the fall', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel (1994) 'The social dynamics of disrespect: on the location of critical theory today', Constellations 1, reprinted in his Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel [1994] 'Pathologies of the social: the past and present of social philosophy', in D. Rasmussen (ed) The Handbook of Critical Theory 1996, also in Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth Axel (1994) 'History and interaction', in G. Elliott (ed) Althusser. A Critical Reader

   Honneth, Axel

   Honneth, Axel (1995) 'The other of justice: Habermas and the ethical challenge of postmodernism', in S.K. White (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Habermas, reprinted in Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel (1997) 'Recognition and moral obligation', Social Research 45(4), 1997

+ Honneth, Axel and Critchley, Simon (1998) 'Philosophy in Germany', Radical Philosophy 89

   Honneth, Axel (1998) 'Paradoxes of capitalism', Political Theory 26(6)

   Honneth, Axel (2000) 'The possibility of a disclosing critique of society: The Dialectic of Enlightenment in the light of current debates in social criticism', Constellations 7(1), reprinted in Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

* Honneth, Axel [2000] Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel (2001) 'Die Transzendentale Notwendigkeit von Intersubjektivität', in J.-C. Merele (ed) Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts

   Honneth, Axel (2001) 'Invisibility: On the epistemology of 'recognition'', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 75(1)

   Honneth, Axel [2002] 'Organized self-realization: paradoxes of individualization', in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth A. and others (2002) 'Symposium on Honneth's theory of recognition', Inquiry 45(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2002) 'Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions', Inquiry 45(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2002): 'The role of sociology in the theory of recognition', interview by A. Petersen and R. Willig, European Journal of Social Theory 5(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2003) Anxiety and Politics

   Honneth, Axel

* Honneth, Axel (2003) 'Redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', in Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange, pp. 110ff

   Honneth, Axel

   Honneth, Axel (2000) Suffering from Indeterminacy: An Attempt at a Reactualisation of Hegel's Philosophy of Right

   Honneth, Axel [2001] The Pathologies of Individual Freedom: Hegel's Social Theory, tr. 2010

   Honneth (2003) 'Anxiety and politics: the strengths and weaknesses of Franz Neumann's diagnosis of a social pathology', Constellations 10(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2004) 'A social pathology of reason: on the intellectual legacy of Critical Theory', in F. Rush (ed) Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory

   Honneth, Axel and Markle, Gwynn (2004) 'From struggles for recognition to a plural concept of justice: an interview with Axel Honneth', Acta Sociologica 47(4)

   Honneth, Axel [2004] 'Gerechtigkeit und Kommunikative Freiheit. Überlegungen in Anschluss an Hegel', in B. Merker, G. Mohr, and M. Quante (eds) Subjektivität und Anerkennung: Festschrift Ludwig Siep

   Honneth, Axel (2004) 'Recognition and justice: outline of a plural theory of justice', Acta Sociologica 47(4)

   Anderson, Joel and Honneth, Axel (2005) 'Autonomy, vulnerability, recognition, and justice', in J. Christman and J. Anderson (eds) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays

   Honneth, Axel (2005) 'Between Aristotle and Kant – sketch for a morality of recognition', in W. Edelstein and G. Nunner Winkler (eds) Morality in Context

   Honneth, Axel [2006] 'The realm of actualized freedom: Hegel's notion of a 'philosophy of right', in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth, Axel (2007) 'Recognition as ideology, in in B. van den Brink, and D. Owen (eds) Recognition and Power, reprinted in Honneth, The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition, tr. 2012

   Honneth, Axel (2007) 'Work and recognition, a redefinition', conference paper (audio link)

   Honneth, Axel and Moncelo, Goncalo (2013) 'Recognition and critical theory today: an interview with Axel Honneth', Philosophy and Social Criticism 39(2)

   Axel Honneth (2008) Reification. A New Look at an Old Idea

   Honneth, Axel (2008) 'From desire to recognition: Hegel's account of human sociality', in D. Moyar and M. Quante (eds) Hegel's 'Phenomenology of Spirit': A Critical Guide, reprinted in Honneth, The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth, Axel (2009) Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory    

   Honneth, Axel [2009] 'The fabric of justice: on the limits of contemporary proceduralism', in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth, Axel (2009) 'Justice as institutionalized freedom: a Hegelian perspective', A. Sorenson (ed) Dialectics, Self-Consciousness, and Recognition: The Hegelian Legacy

   Honneth, Axel (2009) 'Reconstructive social criticism with a genealogical proviso', in his Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory

   Honneth, Axel (2009) 'The irreducibility of progress: Kant's account of the relationship between morality and history', in his Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory

   Honneth, Axel and Cooke, Maeve (2010) 'A conversation about power', Journal of Power 3(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2010) 'Work and recognition, a redefinition', H.-C. Schmidt-am-Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition, reprinted in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth, Axel [2010] The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition, tr. 2012

* Honneth, Axel [2011] Freedom's Right: The Social Foundations of Democratic Life, tr. 2014

   Honneth, Axel [2010] 'Labour and recognition: a redefinition', in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Willig, R. (2012) 'Grammatology of modern recognition orders: an interview with Axel Honneth', Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 13(1)

   Marcelo, G. (2013) 'Recognition and critical theory today: an interview with Axel Honneth', Philosophy and Social Criticism 39(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2014) 'Die Krankheiten der Gesellschaft. Annäherung an einen nahezu unmöglichen Begriff', WestEnd, 11

   Honneth, Axel and Koch, Felix (2014) 'The normativity of ethical life', Philosophy and Social Criticism 40(8)

   Honneth, Axel [2015] The Idea of Socialism, tr. 2016

   Honneth, Axel (2017) 'Is there an emancipatory interest? An attempt to answer critical theory's most fundamental question', European Journal of Philosophy 25(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2021) ''You' or 'we': the limits of the second-person perspective', European Journal of Philosophy 29


@ Honneth: commentaries

   Deranty, Jean-Philippe (2009) Beyond Communication: A Critical Study of Axel Honneth's Social Philosophy

   Petherbridge, Danielle (ed) (2011) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays

   Petherbridge, Danielle (2013) The Critical Theory of Axel Honneth

   Zurn, Christopher (2015) Axel Honneth: A Critical Theory of the Social


@ Honneth on recognition

   (General, including Honneth's early philosophical anthropology)

   Honneth, Axel (1992) 'Integrity and disrespect: principles of a conception of morality based on the theory of recognition', Political Theory 20(2), reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

* Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995

   Alexander, J. and Pia Lara, M. (1996) 'Honneth's new critical theory of recognition', New Left Review 220

   Allen, J. (1998) 'Decency and the struggle for recognition', Social Theory and Practice 24

+ Foster, R. (1999) 'Recognition and resistance: Axel Honneth's critical social theory', Radical Philosophy 94

   Zurn, Christopher (2000) 'Anthropology and normativity: a critique of Axel Honneth's 'formal conceptions of ethical life'', Philosophy and Social Criticism 26(1)

   Heidegren, Carl-Göran (2002) 'Anthropology, social theory and politics: Axel Honneth's theory of recognition', Inquiry 45(4)

   Kauppinen, Antti (2002) 'Reason, recognition and internal critique', Inquiry 45(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2002) 'Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions', Inquiry 45(4)

   Anderson, Joel and Honneth, Axel (2005) 'Autonomy, vulnerability, recognition, and justice', in J. Christman and J. Anderson (eds) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays

   Markell, Patchen (2003) Bound by Recognition

   Thompson, Simon (2006) The Political Theory of Recognition: A Critical Introduction

   van den Brink, B. and Owen, D. (eds) (2007) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory

   Deranty, Jean-Philippe and Renault, Emmanuel (2007) 'Politicizing Honneth's ethics of recognition', Thesis Eleven 88(1)

   Kaupinnen, A. (2011) 'The social dimension of autonomy', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays

   Pensky, Max (2011) 'Social solidarity and intersubjective recognition: on Axel Honneth's Struggle for Recognition', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays

   Gunn, Richard and Wilding, Adrian (2013) 'Revolutionary or less-than-revolutionary recognition?', Heathwood Press, available online


@ Honneth's epistemology of injustice

   (Including methodological negativism in Honneth)

   (Also radicalisations of Honneth's theory)

   (See also 'Methodological negativism in political philosophy')

   Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995, ch. 9

   Honneth, Axel (1994) 'The social dynamics of disrespect: on the location of critical theory today', Constellations 1, reprinted in his Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

* Honneth, Axel [1981] 'Moral consciousness and class domination: some problems in the analysis of hidden morality', Praxis International 291) 1982, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995, and in his Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel (1997) 'Recognition and moral obligation', Social Research 45(4), 1997

   Honneth, Axel (2001) 'Invisibility: On the epistemology of 'recognition'', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 75(1)

   Renault, Emmanuel (2002) 'La philosophie critique: porte-parole de la souffrance sociale', Mouvements 34

   Honneth, Axel (2003) 'Redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', in Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange, pp. 110ff (section 1 of this essay)

* Deranty, Jean-Philippe (2004) 'Injustice, violence and social struggle: the critical potential of Axel Honneth's theory of recognition', Critical Horizons 5(1)

   Renault, Emmanuel (2004) L'Expérience de l'Injustice


@ Honneth on social justice

   (The redistribution vs. recognition debate)

* Fraser, Nancy (1995) 'From redistribution to recognition? dilemmas of justice in a 'post-socialist' age', New Left Review 212

   Fraser, Nancy (1997) Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the 'Post-Socialist' Condition

   Tully, J. (2000) 'Struggles over recognition and distribution', Constellations 7(4)

   Fraser, Nancy (2000) 'Rethinking recognition', New Left Review II/3

   Fraser, Nancy (2001) 'Recognition without ethics?', Theory Culture and Society 18(2-3)

   Yar, M. (2001) 'Beyond Nancy Fraser's 'perspectival dualism'', Economy and Society 30(3)

* Fraser, Nancy and Honneth, Axel (2003) Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange

   Honneth, Axel (2003) 'Redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', in Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange, pp. 110ff (sections 2-3 of this essay)

   Zurn, Christopher F. (2003) 'Identity or status? Struggles over recognition in Fraser, Honneth and Taylor', Constellations 10(4)

   Thompson, Simon (2005) 'Is redistribution a form of recognition? Comments on the Fraser-Honneth debate', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8(1)

   Zurn, Christopher F. (2005) 'Recognition, redistribution, and democracy: dilemmas of Honneth's critical social theory', European Journal of Philosophy 13(1)

   Honneth, Axel [2009] 'The fabric of justice: on the limits of contemporary proceduralism', in The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012


@ Honneth on social pathology

   (See also 'Social pathology')

   Honneth, Axel [1994] 'Pathologies of the social: the past and present of social philosophy', in D. Rasmussen (ed) The Handbook of Critical Theory 1996, also in Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

* Honneth, Axel (2000) 'The possibility of a disclosing critique of society: The Dialectic of Enlightenment in the light of current debates in social criticism', Constellations 7(1), reprinted in Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel [2002] 'Organized self-realization: paradoxes of individualization', in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Honneth (2003) 'Anxiety and politics: the strengths and weaknesses of Franz Neumann's diagnosis of a social pathology', Constellations 10(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2004) 'A social pathology of reason: on the intellectual legacy of Critical Theory', in F. Rush (ed) Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory

   Honneth, Axel [2011] Freedom's Right: The Social Foundations of Democratic Life, tr. 2014

   Zurn, Christopher F. (2011) 'Social pathologies as second-order disorders', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays: with a reply by Axel Honneth

   Willig, R. (2012) 'Grammatology of modern recognition orders: an interview with Axel Honneth', Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 13(1)

   Honneth, Axel (2014) 'The diseases of society: approaching a nearly impossible concept', Social Research 81(3)

* Freyenhagen, Fabian (2015) 'Honneth on social pathologies: a critique', Critical Horizons 16(2)


@ Honneth on orders of recognition and historical progress

   Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995 , ch. 9 'lntersubjective conditions for personal integrity: a formal conception of ethical life'

* Honneth, Axel (2002) 'Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions', Inquiry 45(4)

* Honneth, Axel (2003) 'Redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', in Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange

   Honneth, Axel (2009) 'The irreducibility of progress: Kant's account of the relationship between morality and history', in his Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory

   Honneth, Axel and Koch, Felix (2014) 'The normativity of ethical life', Philosophy and Social Criticism 40(8)

* Schaub, Jörg (2015) 'Misdevelopments, pathologies, and normative revolutions: normative reconstruction as method of critical theory', Critical Horizons, 16(2) (see section II.2)

   Honneth, Axel (2017) 'Is there an emancipatory interest? An attempt to answer critical theory's most fundamental question', European Journal of Philosophy 25(4)


@ Honneth on recognition and ideology

   Honneth, Axel and Markle, Gwynn (2004) 'From struggles for recognition to a plural concept of justice: an interview with Axel Honneth', Acta Sociologica 47(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2007) 'Recognition as ideology', in B. van den Brink, and D. Owen (eds) Recognition and Power, reprinted in Honneth, The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition, tr. 2012


@ Honneth on recognition and power

* van den Brink, Bert and Owen, David (eds) (2007) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory

   Honneth, Axel and Cooke, Maeve (2010) 'A conversation about power', Journal of Power 3(2)

   Renault, Emmanuel (2011) 'The theory of recognition and the critique of institutions' in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays


@ Honneth on normative reconstruction

   (And on the methodology of Freedom's Right n general)

   (For Hegel-centred discussions see 'Honneth on Hegel's Philosophy of Right')

   Renault, Emmanuel (2011) 'The theory of recognition and the critique of institutions' in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays

   Wilding, Adrian (2013) 'The problem with normative reconstruction', conference paper, available online

* Claassen, R. (2014) 'Social freedom and the demands of justice: a study of Honneth's Recht der Freiheit', Constellations 21 preview

   Schaub, Jörg (2015) 'Misdevelopments, pathologies, and normative revolutions: normative reconstruction as method of critical theory', Critical Horizons 16(2) abstract


@ Honneth and capitalism: general

   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Honneth and Marx')

   Honneth, Axel (1994) 'History and interaction', in G. Elliott (ed) Althusser. A Critical Reader

   Honneth, Axel (1998) 'Paradoxes of capitalism', Political Theory 26(6)

   Hartmann, Martin and Honneth, Axel (2006) 'Paradoxes of capitalism', Constellations 13(1)

   Honneth, Axel (2003) 'Redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', in Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (see section 2 'The capitalist recognition order and struggles over distribution')


@ Honneth and capitalism: social freedom

* Honneth, Axel [2011] Freedom's Right: The Social Foundations of Democratic Life, tr. 2014, ch. 6

   Claassen, R. (2014) 'Social freedom and the demands of justice: a study of Honneth's Recht der Freiheit', Constellations 21 preview

   Shoikhedbrod, Igor (2021) 'Market morality, socialism, and the realization of social freedom: a critique of Honneth's normative reconstruction', Critical Horizons 22(4) abstract


@ Honneth and socialism

   Honneth, Axel [2015] The Idea of Socialism: Towards a Renewal, tr. 2016

   Kempf, Victor (2019) 'The subjects of socialism: politicizing Honneth's idea of socialism', Critical Horizons 20(3) abstract

   Piromalli, Eleonora (2020) 'Does socialism need fraternity? On Axel Honneth's The Idea of Socialism', European Journal of Political Theory 19(3) abstract

   Shoikhedbrod, Igor (2021) 'Market morality, socialism, and the realization of social freedom: a critique of Honneth's normative reconstruction', Critical Horizons 22(4) abstract 


@ Honneth on Hegel

   (See A Hegel bibliography)


@ Honneth and Marx

   (See A Marx bibliography)


@ Honneth and Lukács

   Honneth, Axel [1986] 'A fragmented world: on the implicit relevance of Lukács' early work', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

* Axel Honneth (2008) Reification. A New Look at an Old Idea

   Honneth, Axel (2006) 'Reification: a recognition-theoretical view', The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, also available online


@ Honneth and critical theory

   (See also 'Honneth on social pathology')

   Honneth, Axel [1982] 'Communication and reconciliation: Habermas's critique of Adorno', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995 (abbreviated version translated in Telos 39, 1979)

   Honneth, Axel (1982) 'Work and instrumental action: on the normative basis of critical theory', Thesis 11 5/6, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Honneth, Axel [1986] 'Diskursethik und implizites Gerechtigkeitskonzept. Eine Diskussionsbemerkung', in W. Kuhlman (ed) Moralität and Sittlichkeit: Das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik

* Honneth, Axel (1987) 'Critical theory', in A. Giddens and J. Turner (eds) Social Theory Today, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

* Honneth, Axel [1988] The Critique Of Power. Reflective Stages In A Critical Theory Of Society

   Honneth, Axel (1993) 'Max Horkheimer and the sociological deficit of critical theory', in S. Benhabib, W. Bonns and J. McCole (eds) On Max Horkheimer: New Perspectives

   Honneth, Axel [1994] 'Pathologies of the social', in D. Rasmussen (ed) The Handbook of Critical Theory 1996

+ Honneth, Axel and Critchley, Simon (1998) 'Philosophy in Germany', Radical Philosophy 89

* Honneth, Axel (2000) 'The possibility of a disclosing critique of society: The Dialectic of Enlightenment in the light of current debates in social criticism', Constellations 7(1)

   Honneth, Axel (1994) 'The social dynamics of disrespect: on the location of critical theory today', Constellations 1, reprinted in his Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory 2007

   Honneth, Axel (2009) Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory    

   Schmidt am Busch, Hans-Christophe (2009) 'Can the goals of critical theory be achieved by the theory of recognition?', in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Critical Perspectives

   Anderson, Joel (2011) 'Situating Axel Honneth In The Frankfurt School tradition', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays

   Honneth, Axel and Moncelo, Goncalo (2013) 'Recognition and critical theory today: an interview with Axel Honneth', Philosophy and Social Criticism 39(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2017) 'Is there an emancipatory interest? an attempt to answer critical theory's most fundamental question', European Journal of Philosophy 25(4)




@ Hume's political and legal philosophy: texts

   Hume, D. Essays Moral Political and Literary, part 2

   Hume, D. A Treatise of Human Nature, part 3

   Hume, D. Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals

   Hume, D. David Hume's Political Essays, ed. K. Haakonssen 1994


@ Hume's political and legal philosophy: commentaries

   Forbes, D. (1975) Hume's Philosophical Politics

   Miller, David (1981) Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought

   Haakonssen, K. (1981) The Science of a Legislator: The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and Adam Smith

   Lieberman, D. (1989) The Province of Jurisprudence Determined: Legal Theory in Eighteenth-Century Britain

+ Haakonssen, K. (1994) 'Introduction' to Haakonssen (ed) David Hume's Political Essays


@ Hume on justice and artificial virtues and convention

   Hobbes Leviathan, chs. 13-17, 26

   Kemp Ethical Naturalism

   Hume Treatise, 3.2 (Especially 3.2.1, 3.2.2)

   Hume Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, appendix 3 'Some further considerations with regard to justice'

   Hume, letters to Hutcheson, in D.D. Raphael (ed) British Moralists 1650-1800 vol. 2

   Dunn, J. (19?) Rethinking Modern Political Theory, ch. 3

   Stroud, B. (1977) Hume, ch. 9

   Cottle, C.E. (1979) 'Justice as an artificial virtue in Hume's Treatise', Journal of the History of Ideas 40(3)

   Mackie, J.L. (1980) Hume's Moral Theory, ch. 6, especially sec. 1

   Miller, David (1981) Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought, chs. 3-4

   Haakonssen, K. (1981) The Science of a Legislator, ch. 2 'Hume's theory of justice', especially secs. 3-5

   Harrison, J. (1981) Hume's Theory of Justice, especially secs. 1-2

   Blackburn, S. (1998) Ruling Passions, ch. 6

   Vanderschraaf, P. (1998) 'The informal game theory in Hume's account of convention', Economics and Philosophy 14(2)

   Baldwin, J. (2004) 'Hume's knave and the interests of justice', Journal of the History of Philosophy 42(3)

   Krause, S.R. (2004) 'Hume and the (false) luster of justice', Political Theory 32(5)

   Hardin, R. (2007) David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist, ch. 3 'Strategic analysis', ch. 4 'Convention', ch. 6 'Justice'


@ Hume on social contract

   Gauthier, David (1979) 'David Hume, contractarian', Philosophical Review 88


@ Hume on government and allegiance

   Taylor, M. (1987) The Possibility of Cooperation, pp. 150-163

   Cohon, R. (2001) 'The shackles of virtue: Hume on allegiance to government', History of Philosophy Quarterly 18(4)

   Yellin, M.E. (2000) 'Indirect utility, justice, and equality in the political thought of David Hume', Critical Review 14(4)

   Hardin, R. (2007) David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist, ch. 5 'Politics'

   Church, J. (2007) 'Selfish and moral politics: David Hume on stability and cohesion in the modern state', Journal of Politics 69(1)


@ Hume on history

   Forbes, D. (1963) 'Politics and history in David Hume'

   Wertz, S.K. (1975) 'Hume, history and human nature', Journal of the History of Ideas 45(2)

   Livingstone, D.W. (1984) Hume's Philosophy of Common Life, ch. 8



(Political philosophy, philosophy of history and ethics)


@ Kant and self-consciousness

   Schopenhauer, Arthur [1841] On the Basis of Morality, ch. 2

   Bennett, Jonathan (1974) Kant's Dialectic, chs. 4-6

   Wilkerson, T. (1980) 'Kant on self-consciousness', Philosophical Quarterly 30(118)

   Priest, Stephen (1981) 'Descartes, Kant, and self-consciousness', Philosophical Quarterly 31

   Ameriks, Karl (1982) Kant's Theory of Mind: An Analysis of the Paralogisms of Pure Reason

   Kitcher, Patricia (1982) 'Kant on self-identity', Philosophical Review 91

   Kitcher, Patricia (1984) 'Kant's thinking self', in Allen Wood (ed) Self and Nature in Kant's Philosophy

   Sturma, D. (1985) Kant über Selbstbewusstsein, especially pp 93-106, 142-156

   Strawson, P.F. [1987] 'Kant's paralogisms: self-consciousness and the 'outside observer'', in his Entity and Identity and Other Essays 1997

   Cassam, Quassim (1989) 'Kant and reductionism', Review of Metaphysics 43(1)

   Powell, C.T. (1990) Kant's Theory of Self-Consciousness

   Castaneda, H.-N. (1990) 'The role of apperception in Kant's transcendental deduction of the categories', Nous 24

   Hatfield, G. (1992) 'Empirical, rational and transcendental psychology: psychology as science and as philosophy, in Guyer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant

   Ameriks, Karl (1994) 'Understanding apperception today', in P. Parrini (ed) Kant and Contemporary Epistemology

   Bossart, W.H. (1994) Apperception, Knowledge, and Experience

   Bermudez, J.L. (1994) 'The unity of apperception in the Critique of Pure Reason', European Journal of Philosophy 2

   Brook, Andrew (1994) Kant on the Mind

   Carl, W. (1997) 'Apperception and spontaneity', International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5(2)

   Allison, Henry (1996) Idealism and Freedom, ch. 4 'On naturalizing Kant's transcendental psychology'

   Ameriks, Karl (1997) 'Kant and the self: a retrospective', in G. Zöller (ed) Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute, and Others in Classical German Philosophy

   Kitcher, Patricia (1999) 'Kant on self-consciousness', Philosophical Review 108(3)

   Van Cleve, J. (1999) Problems from Kant, ch. 11 'Problems of the self'

* Brook, Andrew (2001) 'Kant, self-awareness, and self-reference', in A. Brook and R. DeVidi (eds) Self-Reference and Self-Awareness

* Klass, Gregory M. (2003) 'A framework for reading Kant on apperception: seven interpretive questions', Kant-Studien 94

   Brook, Andrew (2004) 'Kant's view of the mind and consciousness of self', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, available online

   Kulangara, G. (2007) 'Is there a theological mode of apperception in Kant? The quest for personal identity in ethical perspective', Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie 63(1)

   Schulting, Dennis (2008) 'On Strawson on Kantian apperception', South African Journal of Philosophy 27(3)

   Merritt, Melissa McBay (2011) 'Kant's argument for the apperception principle', European Journal of Philosophy 19(1)


@ Kant and self-consciousness: impersonal interpretations

   Fichte, J.G. [1797] Second Introductions to the Wissenschaftslehre, in Introductions to the Wissenschaftslehre and Other Writings, tr. Daniel Breazeale 1994

   Vendler, Zeno (1976) 'A note to the paralogisms', in G. Ryle (ed) Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy

   Keller, Pierre (1999) Kant and the Demands of Self-Consciousness

   Baumann, Charlotte (2017) 'Kant, Neo-Kantians, and transcendental subjectivity', European Journal of Philosophy 25(3) abstract


@ Kant and Spinoza

   Edwards, Jeffrey (2000) ' Spinozism, freedom, and transcendental dynamics in Kant's final system of transcendental idealism', in Sally Sedgwick (ed) The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel abstract


@ Political content of Kant's three critiques

   Saner, H. (1973) Kant's Political Theory: Its Origins and Development

   Shell, Susan M. (1980) The Rights of Reason: A Study of Kant's Philosophy and Politics

   O'Neill, Onora (1989) Constructions of Reason

   Caygill, Howard (1989) Art of Judgement

   Velkley, R.L. (1989) Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundations of Kant's Critical Philosophy

   Knippenberg, J.M. (1993) 'The politics of Kant's philosophy', in B. Beiner and W. Booth (eds) Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy


@ Kant's ethics: texts

   Kant [1781-94] Lectures on Ethics

   Kant [1785] Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

   Kant [1788] Critique of Practical Reason

   Kant [1793] Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, books 1 and 2

   Kant [1797] The Metaphysics of Morals, part 2 'The Doctrine of Virtue'


@ Kant's ethics: introductions

   Körner, S. (1955) Kant, chs. 6-7

   Kemp, J. (1968) The Philosophy of Kant, ch. 3

   Mackie, J. (1975) Ethics, pp. 27-30, chs. 3,4

   Walker, R.C.S. (1978) Kant, ch. 11 'The moral law'

   Scruton, R. (1982) Kant, ch. 5 'The categorical imperative'

   van der Linden, H. (1988) Kantian Ethics and Socialism, chs. 1-2

   Nelson, W.M. (1991) Morality: What's In It For Me?, ch. 3

* Schneewind, J.B. (1992) 'Autonomy, obligation and virtue: an overview of Kant's moral philosophy', in Paul Guyer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant

   Korsgaard, Christine (1998) 'Introduction' to Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, tr. M. Gregor

   Walker, R.C.S. (1998) Kant: Kant and the Moral Law

   Guyer, Paul (1998) 'Introduction' to Guyer, Paul (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays


@ Kant's ethics: commentaries

+ Acton, Harry B. (1970) Kant's Moral Philosophy

   Nell, Onora [O'Neill] (1975) Acting on Principle: An Essay on Kantian Ethics

   Darwall, Stephen (1983) Impartial Reason

   Atwell, John E. (1986) Ends and Principles in Kant's Moral Thought

* O'Neill, Onora (1989) Constructions of Reason: Explorations of Kant's Moral Philosophy

   Sullivan, Roger J. (1989) Immanuel Kant's Moral Theory, part 1

   Allison, Henry E. (1990) Kant's Theory of Freedom

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1992) Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory

   Herman, Barbara (1993) The Practice of Moral Judgment

   Korsgaard, Christine (1996) Creating the Kingdom of Ends

   Wood, Allen (1999) Kant's Ethical Thought

   Guyer, Paul (2000) Kant on Freedom, Law and Happiness


@ Kant's ethics: collections of essays

   Henrich, Dieter [1955?] The Unity of Reason: Essays on Kant's Philosophy, tr. 1994

   Wolff, Robert Paul (ed) (1967) Kant: A Collection of Critical Essays

   Wolff, Robert Paul (ed) (1969) Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals: Text and Commentary (the essays appear to all be from Wolff 1967)

   Wood, Allen (ed) (1984) Self and Nature in Kant's Philosophy

   Höffe, Orfried and Bittner, Rüdiger (eds) (1989) Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten: Ein kooperativer Kommentar (6 of the essays in this book are in English)

   Yovel, Yirmiahu (ed) (1989) Kant's Practical Philosophy Reconsidered

   Chadwick, R. (ed) (1992) Immanuel Kant: Critical Assessments vol. 3: Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy

* Guyer, Paul (ed) (1998) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays

   Timmons, Mark and Baiasu, Sorin (eds) (2013) Kant on Practical Justification


@ Kant's ethics and constructivism and constitutivism

   (See also 'Derivation of morality from rationality or freedom in Kant', 'Kant's political philosophy and constructivism and constitutivism')

   (For all O'Neill's work on this see 'O'Neill's constructivism')

   Rawls, John (1980) 'Kantian constructivism in moral theory (The Dewey Lectures)', Journal of Philosophy 77, see pp. 554-560 on 'construction and objectivity'

* Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1989) 'Kantian constructivism in ethics', Ethics 99, reprinted in his Dignity and Practical Reason 1992

   Rawls, John (1989) 'Themes in Kant's moral philosophy', in E. Förster (ed) Kant's Transcendental Deductions

   Krasnoff, Larry (1999) 'How Kantian is constructivism?', Kant-Studien 90(4)

   O'Neill, Onora (1999) Kantian Constructivisms

   Rawls, John (2000) Lectures in the History of Ethics, section on Kant

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2001) 'Hypothetical consent in Kantian constructivism', Social Philosophy and Policy 18(2)

   Schwartz, Jeremy (2017) 'Was Kant a 'Kantian constructivist'?' Kantian Review 22(2) abstract


@ Derivation of morality from rationality or freedom in Kant, the reciprocity thesis

   (The 'reciprocity thesis' (Allison) is that morality and freedom are reciprocal concepts) 

   (See also 'Kant's ethics and constructivism and constitutivism')

   (See also 'Autonomy of the will in Kant')

   Kant Groundwork, 446-453

   Kant Critique of Practical Reason, tr. Beck, pp. 28-30, 17-42, 42-50, 92-110

   Paton, H.J. (1947) The Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant's Moral Philosophy, ch. 24

   Liddel, B. (ed) (1970) Kant on the Foundation of Morality

+ Acton, H.B. (1970) Kant's Moral Philosophy, ch. 8

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, sec. 40

* Henrich, Dieter [1975] 'The deduction of the moral law: the reasons for the obscurity of the final section of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   Aune, B. (1979) Kant's Theory of Morals, ch. 3 sec. 4

   Bittner, R. [198?] What Reason Demands, tr. 1989

* Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1985) 'Kant's argument for the rationality of moral conduct', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 66, reprinted in Hill's Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory 1992, and in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   Williams, Bernard (1985) Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, ch. 2 'Foundations: practical reason'

* Allison, Henry (1986) 'Morality and freedom: Kant's reciprocity thesis' Philosophical Review 95, reprinted in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   O'Neill, Onora (1989) Constructions of Reason, chs. 3,4 (exegesis)

   Sullivan, R.J. (1989) Immanuel Kant's Moral Theory, ch. 7, pp. 153-157

   Korsgaard, Christine (1989) 'Morality as freedom', in Y. Yovel (ed) Kant's Practical Philosophy Reconsidered

* Allison, Henry E. (1990) Kant's Theory of Freedom, chs. 11-12

   Wiggins, David (1991) 'Categorical requirements: Kant and Hume on the idea of duty' The Monist

+ Schneewind, J.B. (1992) 'Autonomy, obligation and virtue: an overview of Kant's moral philosophy', sec. 8, in Paul Guer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant

   Wallace, R.B. (1995) 'Mutual recognition and ethics: A Hegelian reformulation of the Kantian argument for the rationality of morality', section 1 'The Kantian argument and a problem with it', American Philosophical Quarterly 32(3)


@ Formula of universal law in Kant

   (Including the 'emptiness', 'formalism' and 'heteronomy' criticisms)

   (Formalism – we have no motivation to act on the categorical imperative; emptiness – the categorical imperative lacks content; heteronomy – the categorical imperative smuggles in egoistic or utilitarian or theocentric motivations and content)

   (For discussions centred on Hegel, see A Hegel bibliography: Kant's ethics: Hegel's critique of its formalism)

   Groundwork 402-403, 420-425

   Hegel [1807] Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 5C sec. c 'Reason as testing laws'

   Hegel [1821] Philosophy of Right §§135, 135R

   Schopenhauer, A. [1841] On the Basis of Morality, ch. 2

   Mill, J.S. [1863] Utilitarianism, ch. 1

   Bradley, F.H. [1876] Ethical Studies, 2nd ed. 1927, essay 4 'Duty for duty's sake'

   Broad, C.D. (1930) Five Types of Ethical Theory, ch. 5

   Singer, M.G. (1963) Generalisation in Ethics, chs. 8-9

   Goldman, A. (1988) Moral Knowledge ch. 3 'Kant: objective rationality and obligation'

+ Acton, H.B. (1970) Kant's Moral Philosophy, ch. 5

   Nell, O. [O'Neill] (1975) Acting on Principle: An Essay on Kantian Ethics, relevant chs. (probably 1-3)

   Aune, B. (1979) Kant's Theory of Morals, ch. 1 sec. 5 (points out the slide from 'conform to universal law' to the formula of universal law at 402-3)

   Herman, Barbara (1985) 'The practice of moral judgment', The Journal of Philosophy 82, reprinted in her The Practice of Moral Judgment

* Korsgaard, Christine (1985) 'Kant's formula of universal law', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 66

* O'Neill, Onora (1985) 'Consistency in action', in N. Potter and N. Timmons (eds) Universality and Morality: Essays on Ethical Universalizability, reprinted with slight revisions as ch. 5 of O'Neill's Constructions of Reason: Explorations of Kant's Moral Philosophy 1989, and (apparently with the same revisions) in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998 (seminal rejection of the heteronomy criticism)

   Rotenstreich, N. (1986) 'On the formalism of Kant's ethics', in Y. Yovel (ed) Kant's Practical Philosophy Reconsidered

   Goldman, A. (1988) Moral Knowledge ch. 3 'Kant: objective rationality and obligation' (see pp. 97-112 on rationality and impartiality)

* Allison, Henry E. (1990) Kant's Theory of Freedom, ch. 11 sec. 4

* Wood, Allen (1990) Hegel's Ethical Thought, ch. 9 secs. 6-8

   Allison, Henry E. (1991) 'On a presumed gap in the derivation of the categorical imperative', Philosophical Topics 19(1)

   Wood, Allen (1990) Hegel's Ethical Thought, ch. 9 'The emptiness of the moral law'

   Nagel, Thomas (1991) Equality and Partiality, ch. 5 'Kant's test'

+ Schneewind, J.B. (1992) 'Autonomy, obligation and virtue: an overview of Kant's moral philosophy', sec. 5, in Paul Guyer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant

+ Patten, A. (1999) Hegel's Theory of Freedom, ch. 3 secs. 2-3


@ Formula of humanity in Kant, respect and self-respect in Kant

   (See also 'Respect and esteem', 'Self-respect and self-esteem', 'Sympathy and duty of beneficence in Kant')

   Kant [1785] Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 4:425-430

   Derrida, Jacques (1971) 'The ends of man', in P. Kurtz (ed) Language and Human Nature: A French-American Philosophers Dialogue

   Nell, Onora [O'Neill] (1975) Acting on Principle: An Essay on Kantian Ethics

   McCloskey, M.A. (1976) 'Kant's kingdom of ends', Philosophy 51(198)

   Stark, Cynthia A. (1997) 'The rationality of valuing oneself: a critique of Kant on self-respect', Journal of the History of Philosophy 35(1) (see section 5 of this article: 'An untenable but popular alternative')

+ Aune, Bruce (1979) Kant's Theory of Morals, ch. 3, secs. 1-2

   Riley, Patrick (1979) 'Kant on persons as 'ends in themselves'', Modern Schoolman 5

   Cranor, Carl (1980) 'Kant's respect-for-persons principle', International Studies in Philosophy 12

* Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1980) 'Humanity as an end in itself' Ethics 91, reprinted in Hill's Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory 1992

   Teuber, A. (1983) 'Kant's respect for persons', Political Theory 11(3)

* Korsgaard, Christine (1986) 'Kant's formula of humanity', Kant-Studien 7, reprinted in her Creating the Kingdom of Ends 1996

   Watson, S. (1986) 'Reason and the face of the other', Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54(1)

* O'Neill, Onora (1989) 'Universal laws and ends-in-themselves', The Monist 72, also as ch. 7 of O'Neill's Constructions of Reason: Explorations of Kant's Moral Philosophy 1989

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1992) Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory

   Herman, Barbara (1993) 'Leaving deontology behind', in her The Practice of Moral Judgment

   Wood, Allen (1995) 'Humanity as an end in itself' Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress vol. 1 part 1, reprinted in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   Guyer, Paul (1996) 'The value of agency', Ethics 106

   Dean, R. (1996) 'What should we treat as an end in itself?', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77

   Stark, Cynthia A. (1997) 'The rationality of valuing oneself: a critique of Kant on self-respect', Journal of the History of Philosophy 35(1)

   Guyer, Paul (1998) 'The value of reason and the value of freedom', Ethics 109,

   Wood, Allen (1999) Kant's Ethical Thought, ch. 4

   Sokoloff, W.W. (2001) 'Kant and the paradox of respect', American Journal of Political Science 45(4)

   Regan, D.H. (2002) 'The value of rational nature', Ethics 112

   Sussman, D. (2003) 'The authority of humanity', Ethics 113

   Hills, A. (2005) 'Rational nature as the source of value', Kantian Review 10

   Timmermann, J. (2006) 'Value without regress: 'Kant's 'formula of humanity' revisited', European Journal of Philosophy 14(1) abstract

   Dean, R. (2006) The Value of Humanity in Kant's Moral Theory contents

   Martin, A. (2006) 'How to argue for the value of humanity', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87(1) abstract

   Denis, Laura (2007) 'Kant's formula of the end in itself: some recent debates', Philosophy Compass 2(2) abstract

   Nelson, William (2008) 'Kant's formula of humanity', Mind 117(465) abstract

   Timmermann, Jens (2012) 'Autonomy and moral regard for ends' in Oliver Sensen (ed) Kant on Moral Autonomy preview

   Cureton, Adam (2013) 'A contractualist reading of Kant's proof of the formula of humanity', Kantian Review 18(3) abstract

   Cureton, Adam (2013) 'From self-respect to respect for others', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 94(2) abstract

   Pallikkathayil, Japa (2010) 'Deriving morality from politics: rethinking the formula of humanity', Ethics 121(1) abstract


@ Happiness and well-being in Kant

   (Including the duty of beneficence)

   Wike, V.S. (1994) Kant on Happiness in Ethics

   Engstrom, S. and Whiting, J. (eds) (1998) Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty

   Guyer, Paul (2000) Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2002) Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives


@ Sympathy and duty of beneficence in Kant

   (Also, adopting the ends of another, thinking in the position of another)

   Kant [1785] Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 4:398-399

   Kant [1793] Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View 7:200, 228

   Kant [1797] Metaphysics of Morals 6:450-457

   Fahmy, Melissa Seymour (2009) 'Active sympathetic participation: reconsidering Kant's duty of sympathy', Kantian Review 14(1)

   Makkreel, R. A. (2012) 'Relating aesthetic and sociable feelings to moral and participatory feelings: reassessing Kant on sympathy and honor', in S. M. Shell and R. Velkley (eds) Kant's Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide

* Vilhauer, Benjamin (2022) ''Reason's sympathy' and others' ends in Kant', European Journal of Philosophy 30(1)


@ Formula of autonomy, and the relation between the formulas, in Kant

+ Acton, H.B. (1970) Kant's Moral Philosophy, ch. 7

* Aune, B. (1979) Kant's Theory of Morals, ch. 3, secs. 3-4; ch. 4 secs. 1-3

   O'Neill, Onora (1989) 'Universal laws and ends-in-themselves', Monist 72, 341-361

   Pogge, T.W. (1989) 'The categorical imperative', O. Höffe (ed) Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten: Ein kooperativer Kommentar, reprinted in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

+ Schneewind, J.B. (1992) 'Autonomy, obligation and virtue: an overview of Kant's moral philosophy', sec. 6, in Paul Guyer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant

   Guyer, Paul (1995) 'The possibility of the categorical imperative' Philosophical Review 104, reprinted in Paul Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2018) 'The principle of autonomy in Kant's moral philosophy: its rise and fall', in her Kant on Persons and Agency, ed. Eric Watkins


@ Kant and free will and spontaneity

   (Including practical and transcendental freedom)

   Allison, Henry E. (1983) Kant's Transcendental Idealism, ch. 15

   Meerbote, Ralf (1984) 'Kant on the nondeterminate character of human actions', in William E. Harper and Ralf Meerbote (eds) Kant on Causality, Freedom, and Objectivity

   Taylor, Charles (1984) 'Kant's theory of freedom' in Z.A. Pelczynski and J. Gray (eds) Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985

* Allison, Henry E. (1986) 'Morality and freedom: Kant's reciprocity thesis' Philosophical Review 95, sec. 4, reprinted in P. Guyer (ed) Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays 1998

   Allison, Henry E. (1990) Kant's Theory of Freedom

   Allison, Henry (1996) 'Autonomy and spontaneity in Kant's conception of the self', in his Idealism and Freedom

   Sgarbi, Marco (2012) Kant on Spontaneity

   Saunder, Joe (ed) (2023) Freedom After Kant: From German Idealism to Ethics and the Self, part I 'Kant and his contemporaries' contents


@ Autonomy of the will in Kant

   (This is on the idea of the will as a law to itself)

   (Including holy will)

   (For the broader issue of the connection of freedom with morality see 'Derivation of morality from rationality or freedom')

   Kant [1784] 'An answer to the question: what is enlightenment?'

   Taylor, Charles (1984) 'Kant's theory of freedom' in Z.A. Pelczynski and J. Gray (eds) Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985

   Strawson, Galen (1986) Freedom and Belief, ch. 3 'Kant and commitment'

   Audi, R. (1989) Practical Reasoning, ch. 3

   Wood, Allen (1990) Hegel's Ethical Thought, ch. 2

   Galvin, R. (1991) 'Does Kant's psychology of morality need basic revision?', Mind 100 (see pp. 223-227)

   Allison, Henry (1996) 'Autonomy and spontaneity in Kant's conception of the self', in his Idealism and Freedom

   Allison, Henry (1997) 'We can only act under the idea of freedom', Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71(2)

   Pippin, Robert B. (2000) 'Kant's theory of value: on Allen Wood's Kant's Ethical Thought', Inquiry 43

   Pippin, Robert B. (2001) 'A mandatory reading of Kant's ethics?' Philosophical Quarterly 51

   Reath, Andrews (2006) 'Autonomy of the will as the foundation of morality', in his Agency and Autonomy in Kant's Moral Theory

   Larmore, Charles (2010) 'Back to Kant? No way', Inquiry 46

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2012) 'Kantian autonomy and contemporary ideas of autonomy', in Oliver Sensen (ed) Kant on Moral Autonomy

   Schönecker, Dieter (2012) ''A free will and a will under moral laws are the same': Kant's concept of autonomy and his thesis of analyticity in Groundwork III' in Oliver Sensen (ed) Kant on Moral Autonomy

   Timmermann, Jens (2012) 'Autonomy and moral regard for ends', in Oliver Sensen (ed) Kant on Moral Autonomy

   Pinkard, Terry (2004) 'Response to Stern and Snow', Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 49–50

   Stern, Robert (2012) Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, chs 1-3

   Stern, Robert (2013) 'Kant, moral obligation, and the holy will', in Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (eds) Kant on Practical Justification (reworking of ch. 3 of Stern 2012)

   Reath, Andrews (2013) 'Kant's conception of autonomy of the will', in Oliver Sensen (ed) Kant on Moral Autonomy

   Saunder, Joe (ed) (2023) Freedom After Kant: From German Idealism to Ethics and the Self, part I 'Kant and his contemporaries' contents


@ Kingdom of ends in Kant

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1972) 'The kingdom of ends' in L.W. Beck (ed) Proceedings of the 3rd International Kant Congress abstract

   McCloskey, Mary A. (1976) 'Kant's kingdom of ends', Philosophy 51(198) preview

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1989) 'Kantian constructivism in ethics', Ethics 99(4), reprinted in his Dignity and Practical Reason 1992 preview

   Holtman, Sarah (2009) 'Autonomy and the kingdom of ends', in E.H. Thomas (ed) Ethics abstract

   Guyer, Paul (2011) 'Kantian communities: the realm of ends, the ethical community, and the highest good', in Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (eds) Kant and the Concept of Community abstract


@ Highest good in Kant

   Kant [1781] Critique of Pure Reason, section on 'The ideal of the highest good, as a determining ground of the ultimate end of pure reason'

   Kant [1788] Critique of Practical Reason, ch. 2 'On the dialectic of pure reason in determining the concept of the highest good'

   Kant [1790] Critique of Judgment §87

   Kant [1793] 'Theory and practice' (Full title: 'On the proverb: that may be true in theory but it is of no practical use')

   Reath, Andrew (1988) 'Two conceptions of the highest good in Kant', Journal of the History of Philosophy 26(4)

   Ypi, Lea (2010) 'Natura daedala rerum? On the justification of historical progress in Kant's guarantee of perpetual peace', Kantian Review 14(2)

   Pasternack, Lawrence (2021) 'The ethical community in Kant's pure rational system of religion: comments on Rossi's The Ethical Commonwealth in History', Philosophia 49, sec. 2 'Kant's concept of the highest good'


@ Community in Kant: general

   Fischer, Norman (1978) 'The concept of community in Kant's architectonic', Man and World 11

   Thompson, Aundrey (1986) 'Kant and community', Philosophy of Education 42, 299-303

   Samples, John (1987) 'Kant, Toennies and the liberal idea of community in early German sociology', History of Political Thought 8

   Shell, Susan M. (1993) 'Commerce and community in Kant's early thought' in R. Beiner and W.J. Booth (eds) Kant and Political Philosophy

   Morrison, Margaret (1998) 'Community and coexistence: Kant's third analogy of experience', Kant-Studien 89

   Gehrke, Pat J. (2002) 'Turning Kant against the priority of autonomy: communication ethics and the duty to community', Philosophy and Rhetoric 35(1)

   Stroud, Scott R. (2006) 'Kant on community: a reply to Gehrke', Philosophy and Rhetoric 39(2)

   Payne, Charlton Payne and Thorpe, Lucas (eds) (2011) Kant and the Concept of Community


@ Community in Kant: ethical community

   (Or ethical commonwealth)

   Rossi, Philip (1984) 'Autonomy and community: the social character of Kant's moral faith', Modern Schoolman 61(3)

   Moore, Jennifer (1992) 'Kant's ethical community', Journal of Value Inquiry 26(1)

   Axinn, Sidney (1994) The Logic of Hope: Extensions of Kant's View of Religion

   Pogge, Thomas (1998) 'Public argument and social responsibility: the moral dimensions of citizenship in Kant's ethical commonwealth' in J. Kneller and S. Axinn (eds) Autonomy and Community: Readings in Contemporary Kantian Social Philosophy

   Stroud, Scott R. (2005) 'Rhetoric and moral progress in Kant's ethical community', Philosophy and Rhetoric 38(4)

   Guyer, Paul (2011) 'Kantian communities: the realm of ends, the ethical community, and the highest good', in Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (eds) Kant and the Concept of Community

   Wood, Allen (2011) 'Religion, ethical community, and the struggle against evil', in Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (eds) Kant and the Concept of Community

   Rossi, Philip (2019) The Ethical Commonwealth in History: Peace-making as the Moral Vocation of Humanity

   Wood, Allen W. (2020) Kant and Religion, ch. 7 'The ethical community and the church'

   Pasternack, Lawrence (2021) 'The ethical community in Kant's pure rational system of religion: comments on Rossi's The Ethical Commonwealth in History', Philosophia 49


@ Kant and perfectionism

   (See also 'Perfectionism')

   Guyer, Paul (2011) 'Kantian perfectionism' in Lawrence Jost (ed) Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics, reprinted in Guyer's The Virtues of Freedom: Selected Essays on Kant 2016

   Stern, Robert (2015)' The ethics of the British Idealists: perfectionism after Kant', in Stern's Kantian Ethics: Value, Agency, and Obligation

   Brink, David O. (2019) 'Normative perfectionism and the Kantian tradition', Philosophers Imprint 19(45)

   Moggach, Douglas (2021) 'Left-Kantian perfectionism', Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33(2)

   Moggach, Douglas (2022) 'Post-Kantian perfectionism: a study in the political thought of German idealism, from Leibniz to Marx', Academicus International Scientific Journal 13(26)


@ Kant's political philosophy: texts

   Kant [1784] 'An answer to the question: what is enlightenment?'

   Kant [1793] 'Theory and practice' (Full title: 'On the proverb: that may be true in theory but it is of no practical use')

   Kant [1793] Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, tr. T. Greene and H. Hudson, Harper 1960, pp. 85-93

   Kant [1795] 'Perpetual peace: a philosophical sketch'

   Kant [1797] The Metaphysics of Morals, tr. M. Gregor, 1991

   Reiss, H. (ed) (1970) Kant: Political Writings, tr. H.B. Nisbet, enlarged edition 1990

   Humphrey, T. (ed) (1983) Kant: Perpetual Peace and Other Essays


@ Kant's political philosophy: introductions

   Kretschmann, P.M. (1939) 'An exposition of Kant's philosophy of law', in Whitney, G.T. and Bowers, D.F. (eds) The Heritage of Kant

   Murphy, J.G. (1970) Kant: The Philosophy of Right, ch. 4

   Reiss, H. (1970) 'Introduction' to Reiss (ed) Kant's Political Writings, secs. 4-6

   Kemp, J. (1970) The Philosophy of Kant, ch. 4

   Hassner, P. (1973) 'Immanuel Kant', in Strauss and Cropsey (eds) The History of Political Philosophy

   Riley, Patrick (1986) 'The 'elements' of Kant's political philosophy', Political Theory 14(4)

* Sullivan, R.J. (1989) Immanuel Kant's Moral Theory, chs. 16-17

   Kersting, W. (1992) 'Politics, freedom and order: Kant's political philosophy' in Paul Guyer (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Kant


@ Kant's political philosophy: more advanced studies

   Gregor, Mary (1963) Laws of Freedom: A Study of Kant's Method of Applying the Categorical Imperative in the Metaphysik der Sitten, chs. 3-4

   Saner, Hans (1973) Kant's Political Theory: Its Origins and Development

   Ferry, Luc [1984] Political Philosophy vol. 2: The System of Philosophies of History, tr. F. Philip 1992

   Shell, Susan M. (1980) The Rights of Reason: A Study of Kant's Philosophy and Politics

   Arendt, Hannah (1982) Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy

   Williams, Howard (1983) Kant's Political Philosophy

   Riley, Patrick (1983) Kant's Political Philosophy

   Mulholland, Leslie A. (1990) Kant's System of Rights summary

   Rosen, Allen D. (1996) Kant's Theory of Justice summary

   Flikschuh, Katrin (2000) Kant and Modern Political Philosophy contents

   Beck, Gunnar (2008) Fichte and Kant on Freedom, Rights, and Law summary

   Ripstein, Arthur (2009) Force and Freedom: Kant's Legal and Political Philosophy summary


@ Kant's political philosophy: collections

   Williams, Howard (ed) (1992) Essays on Kant's Political Philosophy contents

   Beiner, Ronald and Booth, William J. (eds) (1993) Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy contents

   Timmons, Mark A. (ed) (2002) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays contents

   Ellis, Elisabeth (ed) (2015) Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications contents


@ Kant's political philosophy and constructivism and constitutivism

   (The idea of freedom as the ground of his political philosophy)

   (See also 'Kant and social contract, general will and consent', 'Kant's ethics and constructivism and constitutivism')

   Beck, Lewis W. [1962] 'Kant's two conceptions of will in their political context' in Studies in the Philosophy of Kant 1965

   Goedecke, Robert (1973) 'Kant and the radical regrounding of the norms of politics', Journal of Value Inquiry 7(2) preview

   Taylor, Charles (1984) 'Kant's theory of freedom' in Z.A. Pelczynski and J. Gray (eds) Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers 2, 1985

   Hochberg, Gary M. (1982) Kant, Moral Legislation and the Two Senses of 'Will'

   Mulholland, Leslie A. (1990) Kant's System of Rights

   Beck, Gunnar (2006) 'Immanuel Kant's theory of rights', Ratio Juris 19(4) abstract


@ Universal principle of right in Kant

   (Also the relation between the categorical imperative and the principle of right)

   Riley, Patrick (1983) Kant's Political Philosophy

   Taylor, Charles (1984) 'Kant's theory of freedom' in Z.A. Pelczynski and J. Gray (eds) Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985

   Pippin, Robert B. (1985) 'On the moral foundations of Kant's Rechtslehre' in R. Kennington (ed) The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, reprinted in Pippin's Idealism as Modernism 1997

   Mulholland, Leslie A. (1989) Kant's System of Rights

   Beck, G. (1999) 'Autonomy, history and political freedom in Kant's political philosophy', History of European Ideas 25

   De Bolt, Darian (1997) 'Kant and Clint: Dirty Harry meets the categorical imperative', Southwest Philosophy Review 13

   Heller, Agnes (1990) 'Freedom and happiness in Kant's political philosophy', Graduate Faculty Philosophical Journal 13

   Wood, Allen (1997) 'The final form of Kant's practical philosophy', Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 Supplement, reprinted in M. Timmons (ed) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays 2002

   Guyer, Paul (1997) 'Comments on Pogge: justice and morality', Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 Supplement

   Ludwig, Bernd. (1997) 'Comments on Pogge: what's great about 'Recht'?' Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 Supplement

   Guyer, Paul (2002) 'Kant's deductions of the principle of right', in M. Timmons (ed) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays


@ Innate right to freedom in Kant

   (Including all work on Ripstein's interpretation of Kant's political philosophy)

   Ripstein, Arthur (2009) Force and Freedom: Kant's Legal and Political Philosophy summary

   Hodgson, Louis-Philippe (2010) 'Kant on the right to freedom: a defense', Ethics 120(4) preview

   Höffe, Otfried (2010) 'Kant's innate right as a rational criterion for human rights', in Lara Denis (ed) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide summary

   Valentini, Laura (2012) 'Kant, Ripstein and the circle of freedom: a critical note', European Journal of Philosophy 20(3) abstract

   Kisilevsky, Sari and Stone, Martin J. (2018) Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant's Legal Philosophy contents

   Flikshuh, Katrin (2022) 'Innate right in Kant - a critical reading', European Journal of Philosophy 30(2) abstract


@ Kant and social contract, general will and consent

   Kant [1793] 'Theory and practice', section 2

   Riley, Patrick (1973) 'On Kant as the most adequate of the social contract theorists', Political Theory 1(4)

   Rawls, John (1975) 'A Kantian conception of equality', Cambridge Review 96, reprinted as 'A well-ordered society', in P. Laslett and J. Fishkin (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, 5th series, 1979

   Mulholland, Leslie A. (1990) Kant's System of Rights

   Kersting, Wolfgang (1992) 'Kant's concept of the state', in Howard Williams (ed) Essays on Kant's Political Philosophy

   Dodson, K.E. (1997) 'Autonomy and authority in Kant's 'Rechtslehre'', Political Theory 25(1)

* O'Neill, Onora (2000) 'Kant and the social contract tradition', in F. Duchesneau and others (eds) Kant Actuel: Hommage à Pierre Laberge

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2001) 'Hypothetical consent in Kantian constructivism', Social Philosophy and Policy 18(2)

   Ellis, Elisabeth (2006) 'Citizenship and property rights: A new look at social contract theory', Journal of Politics 68(3)

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2018) 'The principle of autonomy in Kant's moral philosophy: its rise and fall', in her Kant on Persons and Agency, ed. Eric Watkins


@ Kant and property

   (See also 'Rousseau and possession and property')

   Grotius [1642] De jure belli ac pacis, book 3 chapter 20 § 48

   Pufendorf [1672] De jure naturae et gentium, book 4 chapter 9, §§ 5ff

   Kant [1793] Metaphysics of Morals, Doctrine of Right §5

   Williams, Howard (1977) 'Kant's theory of property', Philosophical Quarterly 27

   Schmidlin, B. (1982) 'La propriété et ses limites', Studia Philosophica 41(63)

   Struck, Peter (1987) 'Ist Kants Rechtpostulat der praktischen Vernunft aporetisch: ein Beitrag zur neuerlich ausgebrochenen Kontroverse um Kants Rechtsphilosophie', Kant-Studien 78

   Buck, Wayne (1987) 'Kant's justification of private property', in B. den Ouden (ed) New Essays on Kant

   Gregor, Mary (1988) 'Kant's theory of property', Review of Metaphysics 41(4)

   Baynes, Kurt (1989) 'Kant on property rights and the social contract', Monist 72

   Baumann, P. (1994) 'Zwei Seiten der Kant'schen Begründung von Eigentum und Staat', Kant-Studien 85(2)

   Westpahl, Kenneth R. (1997) 'Do Kant's principles justify property or usufruct?', Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik 5

   Brandt, Reinhard (1999) 'Person und Sache: Hobbes' 'jus omnium in omnia et omnes' und Kants Theorie des Besitzes der Willkur einer anderen Person im Vertrag', Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie 47(6)

   Westphal, Kenneth R. (2002) 'A Kantian justification of possession', in M. Timmons (ed) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays

   Tierney, Brian (2001) 'Kant on property: the problem of permissive law', Journal of the History of Ideas 62(2)

   Tierney, Brian (2001) 'Permissive natural law and property: Gratian to Kant', Journal of the History of Ideas 62(3)

   Verhaegh, Marcus (2006) 'Property by agreement: interpreting Kant's account of right', British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14(4)

   Hodgson, Louis-Philippe (2010) 'Kant on property rights and the state', Kantian Review 15

   James, David (2016) 'Independence and property in Kant's Rechtslehre', British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 abstract

   Love, Suzie M. (2020) 'Communal ownership and Kant's theory of right', Kantian Review 25(3)

   Messina, J. P. (2021) 'The postulate of private right and Kant's semihistorical principles of property', British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29(1)


@ Kant and the market and labour

   Exdell, John (1977) 'Distributive justice: Nozick on property rights', Ethics 87

   Fleischacker, Samuel (1996) 'Values behind the market: Kant's response to the Wealth of Nations', History of Political Thought 17(3)

   Ypi, Lea (2014) 'Commerce and colonialism in Kant's philosophy of history', In Katrin Flikschuh and Lea Ypi (eds) Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

   Pascoe, Jordan (2017) 'Working women and monstrous mothers: Kant, Marx, and the valuation of domestic labour', Kantian Review 22(4) abstract

   Pascoe, Jordan (2022) Kant's Theory of Labor


@ Kant and citizenship and civil independence

   (Active vs. passive citizenship)

   ('Civil independence' is also translated as 'civil self-sufficiency')

   Kant [1784] 'Theory and practice', part 2

   Kant [1797] Metaphysics of Morals §46

   Weinrib, Jacob (2008) 'Kant on citizenship and universal independence', Australasian Journal of Legal Philosophy 33 abstract

   Patellis, Ioli (2013) 'Kant on independence, ideal and empirical', Kant-Studien 104(4) abstract

   Faggion, Andrea and others (eds) (2016) Kant and Social Policies abstract

   James, David (2016) 'Independence and property in Kant's Rechtslehre', British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 abstract

   Moran, Kate A. (2021) 'Kant on traveling blacksmiths and passive citizenship', Kant-Studien 112(1) abstract

   Vrousalis, Nicholas (2022) 'Interdependent independence: civil self-sufficiency and productive community in Kant's theory of citizenship', Kantian Review 27(3) abstract

   Davies, Luke (2023) 'Kant on civil self-sufficiency', Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105(1) abstract


@ Kant and social justice, poverty and welfare

   (Including the idea of 'general injustice')

   Kant [1797] Metaphysics of Morals, 6:325–26

   Kaufman, Alexander (1999) Welfare in the Kantian State summary

   O'Neill, Onora (2000) Bounds of Justice, ch. 4 'Kant's justice and Kantian justice' abstract

   Dierksmeier, C. (2002) 'Kant on Selbständigkeit', Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1 abstract

   Weinrib, Ernest. (2003) 'Poverty and property in Kant's system of rights', Notre Dame Law Review 78, revised as ch. 8 of his Corrective Justice 2012 abstract

   Holtman, Sarah (2004) 'Kantian justice and poverty relief', Kant-Studien 95(1) preview

   Gilabert, Pablo (2010) 'Kant and the claims of the poor', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81(2) preview

   Allais, Lucy (2014) 'What properly belongs to me: Kant on giving to beggars', Journal of Moral Philosophy 12(6) abstract

   Faggion, Andrea (2014) 'Kantian right and poverty relief', Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 13(2) abstract

   Faggion, Andrea and others (eds) (2016) Kant and Social Policies abstract

   Moran, Kate A. (2017) 'Neither justice nor charity? Kant on 'general injustice'', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47(4) abstract

   Holtman, Sarah (2018) Kant on Civil Society and Welfare summary

   Hasan, Rafeeq (2018) 'Freedom and poverty in the Kantian state', European Journal of Philosophy 26(3) abstract

   Varden, Helga (2020) Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Theory, ch. 7 'Public right: systemic justice' abstract

   Loriaux, Sylvie (2023) 'Kant on social justice: poverty, dependence, and depersonification', Southern Journal of Philosophy 61(1) abstract


@ Kantian socialism and egalitarianism: 1870s-1920s

   (Hermann Cohen, Franz Stammler, Karl Vorländer, Max Adler)

   (See also: A Marx bibliography: 'Kant and Marx: ethics and political philosophy')

   Cohen, Hermann (1877) Kants Begründung der Ethik

   Stammler, Rudolf (1896) Wirtschaft und Recht nach der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung

   Staudinger, Franz (1896) Ethik und Politik

   Vorländer, Karl (1900) Kant und der Sozialismus

   Cohen, Hermann (1904) Ethik des reinen Willens, 2nd ed. 1907

   Vorländer, Karl (1904) Marx und Kant. Vortrag gehalten im Wien am 8. April 1904

   Kautsky, Karl (1906) Ethics and the Materialist Conception of History, tr. John B. Askew 1909, ch. 3 'The ethic of Kant', available online

   Staudinger, Franz (1907) Wirtschaftliche Grundlagen der Moral

   Adler, Max (1908) Marx als Denker: zum 25 Todesjahr von Karl Marx

* Vorländer, Karl (1911) Kant und Marx: Ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Sozialismus, 2nd ed. 1926 (with added conclusion 'What do we keep from historical materialism?')

   Vorländer, Karl (1920) Kant, Fichte, Hegel und der Sozialismus

   Chojnacki, Pierre (1924) Die Ethik Kants und die Ethik des Sozialismus. Ein Vermittlungsversuch der Marburger Schule

   Adler, Max (1924) Das Soziologie in Kants Erkenntniskritik

   Adler, Max (1925) Kant und der Marxismus

   Schwarzschild, Steven (1956) 'The democratic socialism of Hermann Cohen', Hebrew Union College Annual 27

   Keck, Timothy Raymond (1975) Kant and Socialism. The Marburg School in Wilhelmian Germany, 2 vols

   Kolakowski, Leszek (1978) Main Currents of Marxism vol. 2, ch. on 'Kantians in the Marxian movement'

* Van der Linden, Harry (1988) Kantian Ethics and Socialism review

   Holzhey, Helmut (ed) (1994) Ethischer Sozialismus. Zur politischen Philosophie des Neukantianismus

   Van der Linden, Harry (1994) 'Cohens sozialistische Rekonstruktion der Ethik Kants', in Helmut Holzhey (ed) Ethischer Sozialismus. Zur politischen Philosophie des Neukantianismus, English original available online

   Van der Linden, Harry (1998) 'A Kantian defense of enterprise democracy', in J. Kneller and S. Axinn (eds) Autonomy and Community: Readings in Contemporary Kantian Social Philosophy

   Williams, Howard (2021) 'Karl Vorlaender's Kantian synthesis of Marx and Kant', Kant Yearbook 13(1) abstract


@ Kantian socialism and egalitarianism: in recent thought

   (See also: A Marx bibliography: 'Kant and Marx: ethics and political philosophy')

   (See also 'Black and anti-racist Kantianism', 'Kant and feminism')

   Geiman, Kevin Paul (1990) 'Lyotard's 'Kantian socialism'', Philosophy and Social Criticism 16(1)

   Dodson, Kevin E. (2003) 'Kant's socialism: a philosophical reconstruction', Social Theory and Practice 29(4) abstract

   Weinrib, Jacob (2008) 'Kant on citizenship and universal independence', Australasian Journal of Legal Philosophy 33 abstract

   Bonefeld, Werner and Psychopedis, Kosmas (eds) (2005) Human Dignity: Social Autonomy and the Critique of Capitalism

   Wayne, Mike (2014) Red Kant: Aesthetics, Marxism, and the Third Critique contents

   Gilabert, Pablo (2017) 'Kantian dignity and Marxian socialism', Kantian Review 22(4) abstract

   Love, Suzie M. (2020) 'Socialism and freedom', Philosophical Topics 48(2) abstract

   Basevich, Elvira (2020) 'The promise and limit of Kant's theory of justice: on race, gender and the structural domination of labourers', Kantian Review 27(4)

   Furner, James (2023) Rescuing Autonomy from Kant: A Marxist Critique of Kant's Ethics, chs. 2-4, 10


@ Public reason in Kant

   O'Neill, Onora (1986) 'The public use of reason', Political Theory 14, revised as ch. 2 of her Constructions of Reason 1989

   Deligiorgi, Katerina (2002) 'Universalisability, publicity, and communication: Kant's conception of reason', European Journal of Philosophy 10


@ Kant and revolution

   Pike, K.R. (2004) 'Reason to revolt: on Kantian ethics and revolution', Aporia 14(1), also available online

   Ypi, Lea (2014) 'On revolution in Kant and Marx', Political Theory 42(3)


@ Kant's international theory

   (Discussions of right of peoples and cosmopolitan right together)

   (See also 'Kantian cosmopolitan right')

   Kant [1793] 'Theory and practice', section 3

   Kant [1795] 'Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch', including the two supplements

   Kant [1784] 'Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Purpose'

   Kant [1797] The Metaphysics of Morals, §§53-62 ('The right of nations' and 'Cosmopolitan right')

   Schwarz, W. (1962) 'Kant's philosophy of law and international peace', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23

   Hinsley, F.H. (1963) Power and the Pursuit of Peace, ch. 4

   Linklater, A. (1982) Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations, 2nd ed. 1990, ch. 6

   Doyle, M.W. (1983) 'Kant, liberal legacies and foreign affairs', parts 1 and 2, Philosophy and Public Affairs 12(3-4)

   Wight, M. (1987) 'An anatomy of international thought', Review of International Studies 13

   Archibugi, D. (1995) 'Immanuel Kant, peace and cosmopolitan law', European Journal of International Relations 1

   Bohman, J. and Lutz-Bachmann, M. (eds) (1997) Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal

   Nussbaum, Martha (1997) 'Kant and Stoic cosmopolitanism', Journal of Political Philosophy 5(1)

   Covell, C. (1998) Kant and the Law of Peace

   Orendt, B. (1999) 'Kant's just war theory', Journal of the History of Philosophy

   Franceschet, A. (2001) 'Sovereignty and freedom: Immanuel Kant's liberal internationalist 'legacy'', Review of International Studies 27

   Hoffe, O. (2006) Kant's Cosmopolitan Theory of Law and Peace

   Valdez, Inés (2019) Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft summary


@ Kant and colonialism

   (See also 'Kant and race')

   Kant [1795] 'Perpetual Peace'

   Kant [1797] Metaphysics of Morals 6:264-6

   Elden, Stuart and Mendieta , Eduardo (eds) (2011) Reading Kant's Geography

   Flikschuh, Katrin and Ypi, Lea (eds) (2014) Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2014) 'Kant's second thoughts on colonialism', in Katrin Flikschuh and Lea Ypi (eds) Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives

   Williams, Howard (2014) ' Colonialism in Kant's political philosophy', Diametros 39

   Valdez, Inés (2017) 'It's not about race: good wars, bad wars, and the origins of Kant's anti-colonialism', American Political Science Review 111

   Eberl, Oliver (2019) 'Kant on race and barbarism: towards a more complex view on racism and anti-colonialism in Kant', Kantian Review 24(3) abstract


@ Kant and Eurocentrism

   (See also 'Kant and race')

   Serequeberhan, Tsenay (1996) 'Eurocentrism in philosophy: the Case of Immanuel Kant', Philosophical Forum 27


@ Kant's philosophy of history: texts

   Kant [1784] 'Idea for a universal history with cosmopolitan purpose'

   Kant [1784] 'What is enlightenment?'

   Kant [1786] 'Conjectural beginning of human history'

   Kant [1794] 'The end of all things'

   Kant [1798] 'An old question raised again: is the human race constantly progressing?, in The Conflict of the Faculties


@ Kant's philosophy of history: commentary

   (See also 'Kant and Eurocentrism')

   Fackenheim, E. (1957) 'Kant's concept of history', Kant-Studien 48

   Wilkins, B.T. (1966) 'Teleology in Kant's philosophy of history', History and Theory 5

   Kelly, G.A. (1968) 'Rousseau, Kant, and history, Journal of the History of Ideas 29

   Kelly, G.A. (1969) Idealism, Politics and History, pp. 149ff, 170ff

   Despland, M. (1973) Kant on History and Religion

   Galston, W.A. (1975) Kant and the Problem of History

   Shell, Susan M. (1980) The Rights of Reason, pp. 59-71

* Yovel, Yirmiahu (1980) Kant and the Philosophy of History

   Booth, W.J. (1983) 'Reason and history: Kant's other Copernican revolution', Kant-Studien 74

   Booth, W.J. (1986) Interpreting the World: Kant's Philosophy of History and Politics

   Krasnoff, R. (1994) 'The fact of politics: history and teleology in Kant', European Journal of Philosophy 2

   Dupre, L. (1998) 'Kant's theory of history and progress' Review of Metaphysics 51(4)

   Kleingeld, P. (1999) 'Kant, history, and the ideas of moral development', History of Philosophy Quarterly 16(1)

   Wood, Allen (1999) Kant's Ethical Thought, ch. 7

   Anderson-Gold, S. (2001) Unnecessary Evil: History and Moral Progress in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant


@ Kant's anthropology

   (See also 'Kant and race')

   Kant [1772-89] Lectures on Anthropology

   Kant [1784] 'Idea for a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view'

   Kant [1798] Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View

   Wood, Allen (1991) 'Unsociable sociability: the anthropological basis of Kantian ethics', Modern Philosophy 19(1)

   Wood, Allen (1999) Kant's Ethical Thought, ch. 6 'The study of human nature'

   Wood, Allen (2003) 'Kant and the problem of human nature' in P. Kain (ed) Essays on Kant's Anthropology

   Darwall, Stephen (2014) 'The social and the sociable', Philosophical Topics 42(1)


@ Kant and race

   (For a full bibliography see North American Kant Society: resources on Kant, race and racism)

   (See also 'Black and anti-racist Kantianism', 'Kant and colonialism')

   Kant [1775] 'The difference races of mankind' in Jon M. Mikkelson (ed) (2013) Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings

   Louden, Robert B. (2000) Kant's Impure Ethics: From Rational Beings to Human Beings

   Bernasconi, Robert (2001) 'Who invented the concept of race? Kant's role in the enlightenment construction of race', in Robert Bernasconi (ed) Race

   Hill, Thomas, and Boxill, Bernard (2001) 'Kant and race', in Bernard Boxill (ed) Race and Racism

   Bernasconi, Robert (2002) 'Kant as an unfamiliar source of racism', in Julie Ward and Tommy Lott (eds) Philosophers on Race: Critical Essays

   Mills, Charles W. (2005) 'Kant's Untermenschen', in Andrew Valls (ed) Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy, reprinted as ch. 6 of his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism

* Mikkelson, Jon M. (ed) (2013) Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings (the Translator's Introduction has a bibliography on Kant and race)

   Eze, Emmanuel Chukwudi (1995) 'The color of reason: the idea of 'race' in Kant's anthropology', The Bucknell Review 38(2), reprinted in Katherine Faull (ed) Anthropology and the German Enlightenment

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2007) 'Kant's second thoughts on race', Philosophical Quarterly 57(229)

   Larrimore, Mark (2008) 'Antinomies of race: diversity and destiny in Kant', Patterns of Prejudice 42

   Bernasconi, Robert (2011) 'Kant's third thoughts on race', in Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (eds) Reading Kant's Geography

   Mills, Charles W. (2014) 'Kant and race, redux', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35(1/2)

   Allais, Lucy (2016) 'Kant's racism', Philosophical Papers 45

   Boxill, Bernard (2017) 'Kantian racism and Kantian teleology', in Naomi Zack (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race

   Kirkland, Frank (2018) 'Kant on race and transition', in Paul Taylor and others (eds) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Race

   Allais, Lucy (2019) 'Kant's a priori philosophy and his racism', SGIR Review 2(2)

   Eberl, Oliver (2019) 'Kant on race and barbarism: towards a more complex view on racism and anti-colonialism in Kant', Kantian Review 24(3) abstract

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2019) 'On dealing with Kant's sexism and racism', SGIR Review 2(2)

   Basevich Elvira (2020) 'Reckoning with Kant on race', Philosophical Forum 51(3)

   Yab, Jimmy (2021) Kant and the Politics of Racism: Toward Kant's Racialised Form of Cosmopolitan Right

   Lu-Adler, Huaping (2022) 'Kant and slavery: or why he never became a racial egalitarian', Critical Philosophy of Race 10(2)

   Marwah, Inder (2022) 'White progress: Kant, race and teleology', Kantian Review 27(4)

   Lu-Adler, Huaping (2023) Kant, Race, and Racism: Views from Somewhere


@ Black and anti-racist Kantianism

   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Black and decolonial Marxism')

   (See also 'Mills's theory of racial justice')

   Pascoe, Jordan (2019) 'Rethinking race and gender in Kant: towards a non-ideal, intersectional Kant', SGIR Review 2(2)


@ Kant and feminism

   Mendus, Susan (1987) 'Kant: 'an honest but narrow-minded bourgeois'?' in Ellen Kelly and Susan Mendus (eds) Women in Western Political Philosophy: Kant to Nietzsche

   Herman, Barbara (1993) 'Could it be worth thinking about Kant on sex and marriage?' in A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity eds Louise M. Anthony and Charlotte Witt

   Kleingeld, Pauline (1993) 'The problematic status of gender-neutral language in the history

of philosophy: the case of Kant', Philosophical Forum 25(2)

   Schott, Robin May (ed) (1997) Feminist Interpretations of Immanuel Kant

   Schott, Robin May (1997) 'The gender of enlightenment' in Schott (ed) Feminist interpretations of Immanuel Kant

   Schott, Robin May (1998) 'Kant' in Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young (eds) A Companion to Feminist Philosophy

   Rumsey, J.P. (1997) 'Re-visions of agency in Kant's moral theory', in R.M. Schott (ed) Feminist Interpretations of Immanuel Kant

   Schott, Robin May (1998) 'Feminism and Kant: antipathy or sympathy' J.E. Keller (ed) Autonomy and Community

   Mosser, Kurt (1999) 'Kant and feminism', Kant-Studien 90(3)

   Cash, Mason (2002) 'Distancing Kantian ethics and politics from Kant's views on women', Minerva 6

   Nye, Andreas (2004) Feminism and Modern Philosophy, ch. 7 'Feminist antimonies: Immanuel Kant'

   Mikkola, Mari (2011) 'Kant on moral agency and women's nature', Kantian Review 16(1)

   Marwah, Inder (2013) 'What nature makes of her: Kant's gendered metaphysics', Hypatia 28(3)

   Hay, Carol (2013) Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppression

   Pascoe, Jordan (2017) 'Working women and monstrous mothers: Kant, Marx, and the valuation of domestic labour', Kantian Review 22(4) abstract

   Varden, Helga (2017) 'Kant and women', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98(4)

   Huseyinzadegan, Dilek (2018) 'For what can the Kantian feminist hope? constructive complicity in appropriations of the canon', Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4(1)

   Kleingeld, Pauline (2019) 'On dealing with Kant's sexism and racism', SGIR Review 2(2)

   Pascoe, Jordan (2019) 'Rethinking race and gender in Kant: towards a non-ideal, intersectional Kant', SGIR Review 2(2)

   Varden, Helga (2020) 'Public right: systemic justice', in her Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Theory

   Sabourin, Charlotte (2021) 'Kant's enlightenment and women's peculiar immaturity', Kantian Review 26(2)

   Huseyinzadegan, Dilek, and Pascoe, Jordan (2022) 'Kant and feminist political thought, redux: complicity, accountability and refusal', in Susanne Lettow and Tuija Pulkkinen (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and German Idealism




@ Kropotkin: texts

   (See also Anarchy Archives Kropotkin bibliography)

   Kropotkin, P. (1924) Ethics: Origin and Development, also available online

   Kropotkin, P. (2002) Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings



   (Political philosophy)


@ Leibniz's political philosophy: texts

   Leibniz [1667] New Method for Learning and Teaching Jurisprudence, partly translated in Christopher Johns, The Science of Right in Leibniz's Moral and Political Philosophy 2013

   Riley, Patrick (ed) (2012) Leibniz: Political Writings, 2nd ed


@ Leibniz's political philosophy: commentary

   Riley, Patrick (1994) ''New' political writings of Leibniz', Journal of the History of Ideas 55(1)

   Johns, Christopher (2013) The Science of Right in Leibniz's Moral and Political Philosophy

   Jolley, Nicholas (2019) Leibniz, ch. 8 'Ethics and politics'



   (On the social and political)

   (See also A Hegel bibliography: 'Levinas and Hegel' and A Marx bibliography: 'Levinas and Marx')


@ Levinas's social and political thought: texts

   Levinas, Emmanuel [194?] From Existence to the Existent

   Levinas, Emmanuel [1954] 'The ego and the totality' in his Collected Philosophical Papers 1987

+ Levinas, Emmanuel [1957] 'Philosophy and the idea of infinity' in his Collected Philosophical Papers 1987

* Levinas, Emmanuel [1961] Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority, tr. 1969

* Levinas, Emmanuel [1968] 'Substitution', in A.T. Peperzak, S. Critchley and R. Bernasconi (eds) Emmanuel Levinas: Basic Philosophical Writings Being (the core chapter in the book)

   Levinas, Emmanuel [1978] Otherwise than Being

   Levinas, Emmanuel [1978] 'Substitution' (revised version), in Otherwise than Being

   Levinas, Emmanuel [19?] 'Ethics as first philosophy', in S. Hand (ed) The Levinas Reader

   Levinas, Emmanuel [19?] Ethics and Infinity. Conversations with Philippe Nemo, tr. 1985

   Levinas, Emmanuel [19?] Time and the Other, tr. 1987

   Levinas, Emmanuel [19?] 'Philosophy and the idea of infinity' in his Collected Philosophical Papers, tr. 1992


@ Levinas's social and political thought: commentary

   Derrida, J. [1964] 'Violence and metaphysics: an essay on the thought of Emmanuel Levinas', in Writing and Difference

   Peperzak, A. (1978) 'Beyond being', Research in Phenomenology 8(1)

   Bernasconi, Robert (1990) 'The ethics of suspicion', Research in Phenomenology 20(1)

   Critchley, S. (1992) The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas

   Peperzak, A.T. (1993) To the Other: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas

   Llewelyn, J. (1995) Emmanuel Levinas: The Genealogy of Ethics

+ Davis, C. (1996) Levinas: An Introduction, chs. 2-3

   Kemp, P. (1997) 'Introduction' to symposium on Levinas, Philosophy & Social Criticism 23(6)

   Peperzak, A. (1997) 'On Levinas's criticism of Heidegger', in his Beyond the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas

   Caygill, Howard (2000) Levinas and the Political

   Bernasconi, Robert (2002) 'What is the question to which 'substitution' is the answer?', in S. Critchley and R. Bernasconi (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Levinas

   Bernasconi, Robert (2005) 'No exit: Levinas' aporetic account of transcendence', Research in Phenomenology 35(1)

   Horowitz, Asher and Horowitz, Gad (2006) 'Is liberalism all we need? Prelude via fascism', in A. Horowitz and G. Horowitz (eds) Difficult Justice: Commentaries on Levinas and Politics

   Critchley, Simon (2007) Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance

   Smith, Daniel (2017) ''After you, sir!': substitution in Kant and Levinas', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48(2)

   Lewis, James and Thornton, Simon (2023) 'Levinas and 'finite freedom'', in Joe Saunders (ed) Freedom After Kant: From German Idealism to Ethics and the Self contents




@ Locke's political philosophy: texts

   Locke, Second Treatise, chs. 2,6-13,15,19, especially secs. 4-16, 59-60, 87-91, 95-99, 104-7, 116-122, 123-132, 134-9, 149-53, 197-202, 211-220, 225, 230, 240


@ Locke's political philosophy: introductions

* Laslett, P. (1960) 'Introduction', part 5, to Locke: Two Treatises of Government, ed. P. Laslett

   Wolin, S. (1960) Politics and Vision, ch. 9

   Plamenatz, John (1963) Man and Society vol. 1 ch. 6

   Parry, G. (1978) John Locke, especially chs. 3-6

   Dunn, J. (1984) Locke, Pastmasters, ch. 2

* Hampsher-Monk, I. (1992) A History of Modern Political Thought, ch. 2 'John Locke'


@ Locke's political philosophy: fuller treatments

   Gough, J.W. (1950) John Locke's Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. 1973

   Seliger, S. (1968) The Liberal Politics of John Locke

   Dunn, J. (1969) The Political Thought of John Locke, chs. 8-14

   Mabbott, J. (1973) John Locke

   Franklin, J.H. (1981) John Locke and the Theory of Sovereignty

   von Leyden, W. (1981) Hobbes and Locke, section on Locke

   Ashcraft, R. (1986) Revolutionary Politics and Locke's 'Two Treatises of Government'

   Ashcraft, R. (1987) Locke's Two Treatises of Government

   Harris, Ian (1994) The Mind of John Locke: A Study of his Political Theory

* Lloyd Thomas, D. (1995) Locke on Government, Routledge Philosophy Guide


@ Locke's political philosophy as ideology

   Strauss, L. (1953) Natural Right and History, ch. 5B

   Macpherson, C.B. (1962) The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, ch. 5

   Dunn, J. (1969) The Political Thought of John Locke, especially chs. 1,7

   Tully, J. (1980) A Discourse on Property: John Locke and his Adversaries

   Wood, N. (19?) John Locke and Agrarian Capitalism


@ Locke on natural law, natural rights, and the state of nature

   (For natural rights in general see 'Natural rights')

   Locke, J. [1663-64] Essays on the Law of Nature, ed. W. von Leyden 1954, or in M. Goldie (ed) Locke: Political Essays 1997

   Gough, J.W. (1950) John Locke's Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. 1973, chs. 1-2

   Brown, S.M. (1955) 'Inalienable rights', Philosophical Review, April 1955

   Frankena, W.K. (1955) 'Natural and inalienable rights', Philosophical Review, April 1955

   Jenkins, J. (1967) 'Locke and natural rights', Philosophy, April 1967

   Simmons, A. John (1983) 'Inalienable rights and Locke's Treatises', Philosophy and Public Affairs, Summer 1983

   Simmons, A. John (1989 'Locke's state of nature', Political Theory 17(3)

   Simmons, A. John (1992) The Lockean Theory of Rights

+ Lloyd-Thomas, D. (1995) Locke on Government, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, pp. 15-19


@ Self-ownership and property in Locke

   (See also 'Self-ownership')

   Locke [1689] Two Treatises of Government, First Treatise secs. 29, 39-43, 86-93, Second Treatise secs. 1-16, 25-51, 134-135, 149, 183

   Macpherson, C.B. (1962) The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, ch. 5

   Olivecrona, K. (1974) 'Locke's theory of appropriation', Philosophical Quarterly 24

   Olivecrona, K. (1974) 'Appropriation in the state of nature: Locke's on the origin of property', Journal of the History of Ideas 35(2)

* Becker, L.C. (1977) Property Rights: Philosophic Foundations, ch. 4

   Steinber, H. (1977) 'The natural right to the means of production', Philosophical Quarterly 27

   Waldron, Jeremy (1979) 'Enough and as good for others', Philosophical Quarterly

+ Ryan, A. (1984) Property and Political Theory, ch. 1

   Cohen, G.A. (1985) 'Marx and Locke on land and labour', Proceedings of the British Academy 71

   Grunebaum, J.O. (1987) Private Ownership, ch. 3A

   Rapaczynski, A. (1987) Nature and Politics, ch. 4

   Waldron, Jeremy (1988) The Right to Private Property, introduction, ch. 6

   Williams, A. (1992) 'Cohen on Locke, land and labour', Political Studies 40

   Glouberman, M. (1993) 'John Locke: an English transcendentalist', Idealistic Studies 23(2-3)

   Coleman, Janet (2005) 'Pre-modern property and self-ownership before and after Locke; or, when did common decency become a private rather than a public virtue', European Journal of Political Theory 4(2)

   Olsthoorn, Johan (2019) 'Self-ownership and despotism: Locke on property in the person, divine dominium of human life, and rights-forfeiture', Social Philosophy and Policy 36(2)


@ Locke on political legitimacy

   Gough, J.W. (1950) John Locke's Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. 1973, ch. 3 'Government by consent'

   Plamenatz, John (1963) Man and Society vol. 1 ch. 6 sec. 3 'Locke's conception of society and consent'

   Dunn, J. (1967) 'Consent in the political theory of John Locke', Historical Journal 10(2), reprinted in J. Dunn and I. Harris (eds) Locke, Great Political Thinkers vol. 1

   Seliger, S. (1968) The Liberal Politics of John Locke, ch. 7

   Dunn, J. (1969) The Political Thought of John Locke, ch. 10

   Parry, G. (1978) John Locke, chs. 5-6

   Steinberg, J. (1978) Locke, Rousseau and the Idea of Consent

   Grant, R.C. (1987) John Locke's Liberalism, Chicago, 64-98

+ Lloyd Thomas, D. (1995) Locke on Government, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, pp. 19-34

   Harvey, M. (2003) 'Classical contractarianism: from absolutism to constitutionalism', International Philosophical Quarterly 43(4)


@ Locke on democracy

   Wood, E.M. (1982) 'Locke against democracy: representation, consent and suffrage in the Two Treatises', History of Political Thought 13(4)


@ Locke on political obligation

   Pitkin, H. (1965-66) 'Obligation and consent' parts 1 and 2, American Political Science Review 59 and 60, reprinted in P. Laslett and R.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy Politics and Society, Fourth Series, 1972

* Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, chs. 3-4

   Russell, P. (1986) 'Locke on express and tacit consent', Political Theory

   Grant, R.C. (1987) John Locke's Liberalism, Chicago, 101-136

+ Lloyd Thomas, D. (1995) Locke on Government, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, pp. 34-56


@ Locke on trusteeship

   Gough, J.W. (1950) John Locke's Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. 1973, ch. 7 'Political trusteeship'

   Dunn, J. 'The concept of trust in the politics of John Locke', in R Rorty, Q Skinner and J Schneewind (eds) Philosophy in History


@ Locke on the right of rebellion

   Seliger, S. (1968) The Liberal Politics of John Locke, ch. 10

   Dunn, J. (1969) The Political Thought of John Locke, ch. 13

   Grant, R.C. (1987) John Locke's Liberalism, Chicago, 136-178

   Ashcraft, R. (1980) 'Revolutionary politics and Locke's Two Treatises of Government', Political Theory 8(4), reprinted in J. Dunn and I. Harris (eds) Locke vol. 1

   Ashcraft, R. (1987) Locke's Two Treatises of Government, ch. 8

* Lloyd Thomas, D. (1995) Locke on Government, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, ch. 3


@ Locke on democracy and property-ownership

   Wood, E.M. (1982) 'Locke against democracy: representation, consent and suffrage in the Two Treatises', History of Political Thought 13(4), reprinted in J. Dunn and I. Harris (eds) Locke vol. 2

   Cohen, Joshua (1986) 'Structure, choice and legitimacy: Locke's theory of the state', Philosophy and Public Affairs, reprinted in J. Dunn and I. Harris (eds) Locke, Great Political Thinkers vol. 2



   (See A Marx bibliography)




@ Mead: texts (especially on social formation of the self)

   Mead, George H. (1899) 'Review of Le Bon, Psychology of Socialism', American Journal of Sociology 5

   Mead, George H. (1903) 'The definition of the psychical', in University of Chicago, The Decennial Publications, 1st series vol. 3

   Mead, George H. (1909) 'Social psychology as counterpart to physiological psychology', Psychological Bulletin 6

   Mead, George H. (1910) 'Social consciousness and the consciousness of meaning', Psychological Bulletin 7(12)

   Mead, George H. (1912) 'The mechanism of social consciousness', Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9(15)

   Mead, George H. (1913) 'The social self', Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10(14)

   Mead, George H. (1924-25) 'The genesis of the self and social control', International Journal of Ethics 35(3)

   Mead, George H. (1932) The Philosophy of the Present

* Mead, George H. (1934) Mind, Self and Society

   Mead, George H. (1936) Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century

   Mead, George H. (1938) The Philosophy of the Act

   Mead, George H. (1956) The Social Psychology of George Herbert Mead, ed. Anselm Strauss, republished as On Social Psychology 1964

   Mead, George H. (1964) Selected Writings: George Herbert Mead, ed. Andrew J. Reck

   Mead, George H. (1982) The Individual and the Social Self: Unpublished Work of George Herbert Mead, ed. David Miller


@ Mead: introductions

   Carreira da Silva, Filipe (2007) G.H. Mead: A Critical Introduction, ch. 3 'Mead's social psychology: basic concepts'

   Cronk, George, 'George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)', Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, sections 3a, 3c, 6c

   Joas, Hans [1980] G.H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-Examination of his Thought, ch. 5 'The origin of the concept of symbolic interaction, tr. 1997 (pp. 112-120 of this chapter)

   Carreira da Silva, Filipe (2007) G.H. Mead: A Critical Introduction

   Aboulafia, Mitchell (2008) 'George Herbert Mead', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, revised 2012, secs. 2-4

   Cronk, George (n.d.) 'George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)', Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, sections 3a, 3c, 6c


@ Mead: general commentary

   Dewey, John (1931) 'George Herbert Mead', Journal of Philosophy, 28(12)

   Faris, Ellsworth (1936) 'Review of Mind, Self, and Society by G.H. Mead', American Journal of Sociology 41

   Reck, A.H. (1963) 'The philosophy of G.H. Mead', Tulane Studies in Philosophy 12

   Strauss, Anselm L. (ed) (1964) George Herbert Mead: On Social Psychology

   Miller, David L. (1973) G.H. Mead: Self, Language, and the World

   Tugendhat, Ernst [1979] Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination, tr. 1986, lectures 11-12

* Joas, Hans [1980] G.H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-Examination of his Thought (original title Praktische Intersubjektivität. Die Entwicklung des Werkes von G.H. Mead), tr. 1997

   Aboulafia, Mitchell (ed) (1991) Philosophy, Social Theory, and the Thought of George Herbert Mead

* Cook, Gary A. (1993) George Herbert Mead: The Making of a Social Pragmatist

   Parkovnick, Sam (2015) 'The behaviorism of George Herbert Mead' and 'George Herbert Mead's social psychology', The American Sociologist 46(2)


@ Mead on the self

   Lewis, J. David (1979) 'A social behaviorist interpretation of the Meadian 'I'', American Journal of Sociology 85

   Aboulafia, Mitchell (1986) 'Mead, Sartre: self, object and reflection', Philosophy & Social Criticism 11

   Aboulafia, Mitchell (1986) The Mediating Self: Mead, Sartre and Self-Determination

   Hanson, Karen (1987) The Self Imagined: Philosophical Reflections on the Social Character of Psyche

   Dodds, Agnes and others (1997) 'The personal and the social: Mead's theory of the 'generalised other'', Theory and Psychology 7

   Markell, Patchen (2007) 'The potential and the actual: Mead, Honneth, and the 'I'' in Bert van den Brink and David Owen (eds) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory (sections 3-5 of this article)


@ Mead on social order and social explanation

   Blumer, Herbert (1966) 'Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert Mead', American Journal of Sociology 71(5)

   Joas, Hans (1981) 'George Herbert Mead and the 'division of labor': macrosociological implications of Mead's social psychology', Symbolic Interaction 4(2)


@ Mead's political thought

   Mead, George H. (1934) Mind, Self and Society, pp. 167-8, 199-200, 216, secs. 34-41

   Shalin, Dmitri N. (1988) 'G. H. Mead, Socialism, and the progressive agenda', American Journal of Sociology 93(4), especially the last three sections, pp. 927-947


@ Mead and collective action

   (See also 'Mead and Blumer')

   Joas, Hans (1981) 'George Herbert Mead and the 'division of labor': macrosociological implications of Mead's social psychology', Symbolic Interaction 4(2)


@ Mead and Blumer

   Blumer, Herbert (1966) 'Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert Mead', American Journal of Sociology 71(5)

   Bales, R.F. (1966) 'Comment on Herbert Blumer's paper', American Journal of Sociology 71(5)

   Blumer, Herbert (1969) Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method, see pp. 61-89

   Blumer, Herbert (1981) 'George Herbert Mead', in R. Buford edition The Future of the Sociological Classics, see pp. 137-143

   Blumer, Herbert (2004) George Herbert Mead and Human Conduct

   Cook, Gary A. (2011) 'Revisiting the Mead-Blumer controversy', in N.K. Denzin (ed) Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape


@ Mead and Marx

   (See A Marx bibliography)


@ Mead and the Frankfurt School

   Habermas, Jürgen [1981] The Theory of Communicative Action, tr. 1987 vol. 2, ch. 5 'The paradigm shift in Mead and Durkheim', sections 1 and 3, especially section 1E

   Habermas, Jürgen (1988) 'Individuation through socialization: on George Herbert Mead's theory of subjectivity', in his Postmetaphysical Thinking, tr. 1992

   Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts, tr. 1995, ch. 4 'Recognition and socialization: Mead's naturalistic transformation of Hegel's idea'

   Aboulafia, Mitchell (1995) 'Habermas and Mead: on universality and individuality', Constellations 2

   Honneth, Axel [1990] 'Decentered autonomy: the subject after the fall', in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995 (section 2 of this essay)

   Dews, Peter (1999) 'Communicative paradigms and the question of subjectivity: Habermas, Mead, and Lacan', in Dews (ed) Habermas: A Critical Reader (sections I, VII-IX of this article)




@ Mill on liberty: texts

   J.S. Mill [18?] Utilitarianism

   J.S. Mill [1859] On Liberty


@ Mill: short introductions

+ Letwin, S. (1965) The Pursuit of Certainty, ch. on J.S. Mill

+ Mendus, S. (1989) Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism, ch. 3

+ Hampsher-Monk, I. (1992) A History of Modern Political Thought, ch. on Mill


@ Mill: longer introductions

   Skorupski, J. (1989) John Stuart Mill

   Thomas, W. (1985) Mill, Past Masters [2, o(Jan 97)]

   Ryan, A. (1974) J.S. Mill


@ Mill's political theory as a whole

   J.S. Mill [18?] Considerations on Representative Government

   Ryan, A. (1972) 'Two concepts of politics and democracy: James and John Stuart Mill', in M. Fleischer (ed) Machiavelli and the Nature of Political Thought


@ Mill and feminism



@ Mill on liberty: introductions

   Cowling, M. (1963) 'Mill and liberalism', in Schneewind (ed) Mill: A Collection of Critical Essays

   McCloskey, H.J. (1971) John Stuart Mill: A Critical Study, ch. on liberty

   Ryan, A. (1974) J.S. Mill, ch. 5

   Spitz, D. (1975) 'Freedom and individuality: Mill's liberty in retrospect', in Spitz (ed) Mill: On Liberty

   Norman, R. (1987) Free and Equal, ch. 1

   Thomas, W. (1985) Mill, ch. 5

   Skorupski, J. (1989) John Stuart Mill, ch. 10


@ Mill on liberty: collections

   Schneewind, J.B. (ed) (1968) Mill: A Collection of Critical Essays

   Radcliff, P. (ed) (1966) Limits of Liberty: Studies of Mill's 'On Liberty'

   Gray, J. and Smith, G.R.S. (eds) (1990) J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty' in Focus


@ Mill on liberty: commentaries

* Stephen, J.W. [1873] Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, chs. 1,4

* Ten, C.L. (1980) Mill on Liberty, chs. 2-4

   Gray, J. (1983) Mill on Liberty: A Defence, especially chs. 1,3

   Rees, J.C. (1985) John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty'

   Lindley, R. (1986) Autonomy, ch. on Mill

   Lloyd Thomas, D.A. (1988) In Defence of Liberalism, ch. 2

   Gray, T. (1991) Freedom, ch. 3

   Ryan, A.P. (19?) 'Mill's essay on liberty', in G. Vesey (ed) Philosophers Ancient and Modern


@ Mill's justification for the principle of liberty

   Mendus, S. (1989) Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism, ch. 3


@ Mill and the self-regarding/other-regarding distinction

   (Affecting others vs. affecting others interests, acts vs. omissions, acts that cause harm vs. acts that to prevent which would prevent harm)

* Rees, J.C. (1960) 'A rereading of Mill on liberty', Political Studies 8, reprinted in Radcliff (ed) and in Smith and Gray (eds)

   Stephen, J.W. [1873] Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, preface to 2nd ed

   Gray, J. (1983) Mill on Liberty: A Defence, 52-58


@ Paternalism and self-harm

   (In contemporary political philosophy)

   Feinberg, Joel (1986) The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, vol. 2: Harm to Self


@ Toleration and legal moralism

   (Legal moralism: using law to enforce social morality. Toleration: refusal to use state power to impose one's cultural or religious views on others)

   Locke, J. [1685] A Letter Concerning Toleration

   Devlin, P. (1959) The Enforcement of Morals

   Hart, H.L.A. [1959] 'Immorality and treason', in R. Dworkin (ed) The Philosophy of Law 1977

* Hart, H.L.A. (1963) Law, Liberty and Morality

   Devlin, P. [1965] 'Morals and the criminal law', in R. Dworkin (ed) The Philosophy of Law 1977

   Dworkin, Ronald [1966] 'Liberty and moralism', ch. 10 of Taking Rights Seriously

   Hart, H.L.A. [1967] 'Social solidarity and the enforcement of morality', in Beauchamp and Pinkard (eds) Ethics and Public Policy

   Abrahams, G. (1971) Morality and the Law

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, secs. 33-35

   Leisser, B.M. (1973) Liberty, Justice and Morals

* Harris, J.W. (1980) Legal Philosophies, ch. 10

   Ten, C.L. (1980) Mill on Liberty, ch. 6

   Feinberg, Joel (198?) The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, vol. 3: Offense to Others

+ Mendus, S. (1988) 'Introduction' to S. Mendus and J. Horton (eds) Justifying Toleration

   Mendus, S. and Horton, John (eds) (1988) Justifying Toleration

   Raphael, D.D. (1988) 'The intolerable' in S. Mendus and J. Horton (eds) Justifying Toleration

   Mendus, S. (1989) Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism, especially chs. 1,4

   Heyd, D. (ed) (1996) Toleration: An Elusive Virtue

   Walzer, M. (1997) On Toleration


@ Mill's socialism

   Mill, J.S. [1879] Socialism 1891, reprinted as 'Chapters on socialism' in various collections of his works, also available online

   Miller, D.E. (2003) 'Mill's 'socialism'', Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (2)



   (See also A Hegel bibliography: 'Nancy and Hegel')


@ Nancy: texts

* Nancy, Jean-Luc [1983] The Inoperative Community, tr. P. Connor and others 1991

   Nancy, Jean-Luc [1988] The Experience of Freedom, tr. B. McDonald 1993

   Nancy, Jean-Luc (1991) La Comparution

   Nancy, Jean-Luc (1991) ''La comparution'/the compearance: from the existence of 'communism' to the community of 'existence'', Political Theory 20(3)

   Nancy, Jean-Luc (1991) 'Of being-in-common', in Miami Theory Collective (ed) Community at Loose Ends

   Nancy, Jean-Luc [19?] The Birth to Presence, tr. B. Holmes and others 1993

* Nancy, Jean-Luc [1996] 'Being singular plural', in his Being Singular Plural, tr. R. Richardson and A. O'Byrne 2000

   Nancy, Jean-Luc and Lacoue-Labarthe, P. (19?) Retreating the Political, tr. 1997

   Nancy, Jean-Luc (1999) 'Heidegger's originary ethics', Studies in Practical Philosophy 1(1)

   Nancy, Jean-Luc [2003] 'The being-with of being-there', Continental Philosophy Review 41(1)


@ Nancy: commentaries

   Ingram, D. (1988) 'The retreat of the political in the modern age: Jean-Luc Nancy on totalitarianism and community', Research in Phenomenology 18

   Bernasconi, Robert (1993) 'On deconstructing nostalgia for community within the West: the debate between Nancy and Blanchot', Research in Phenomenology 23(1)

   Sparks, S. and others (eds) (1997) On Jean-Luc Nancy: The Sense of Philosophy

   Critchley, Simon (1999) 'With being-with? Notes on Jean-Luc Nancy's rewriting of Being and Time', Studies in Practical Philosophy 1(1)

   Derrida, J. (2000) Le Toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy

   Devisch I. (2000) 'A trembling voice in the desert: Jean-Luc Nancy's re-thinking of the space of the political', Cultural Values 4(2)

   Norris, A. (2000) 'Jean-Luc Nancy and the myth of the common', Constellations 7(2)

   George, T.D. (2003) 'The myth of the West interrupted: community and cultural difference in Nancy's 'literary communism'', International Studies in Philosophy 35(1)

   Rehberg, A. (2004) 'Exposures: Nancy and Heidegger on community', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35(3)

   Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2006) A Postcapitalist Politics

   Rugo, Daniele (2013) Jean-Luc Nancy and the Thinking of Otherness: Philosophy and Powers of Existence




@ Nozick: text

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia chs. 1-2, 3, 7, (8-9)


@ Nozick: introductions

   Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) Rawls: 'A Theory of Justice' and its Critics, ch. 5

   Steiner, H. (1977) Critical notice of Anarchy, State and Utopia, Mind ?

   Brown, A. (1986) Modern Political Philosophy, ch. 4

   Paul, J. (1981) 'Introduction', J. Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Gutmann, A. (1980) Liberal Equality, ch. 6

   Williams, Bernard [1975] 'The minimal state', in Reading Nozick

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) 95-132

   Cohen, G.A. (1990) 'Marxism and contemporary political philosophy, or: why Nozick exercises some Marxists more than he does any egalitarian liberals', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, sup. vol. 16 'Canadian Philosophers'

   Gray, J. (19?) Liberalisms ch 3


@ Nozick: fuller treatments

   Pogge, T.W. (1989) Realizing Rawls, ch. 1

   Miller, David (1989) Market, State and Community, part 1

* Wolff, Jonathan (1991) Robert Nozick: Property, Justice and the Minimal State

   Rothbard, Murray N. (1982) The Ethics of Liberty


@ Nozick: collections

   Paul, J. (ed) (1981) Reading Nozick

   Angelo Corlett, J. (ed) (1991) Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick, part 2


@ Nozick's foundations for natural rights

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, ch. 3 especially pp 26-35, 48-51

   Scheffler, Samuel (1976) 'Natural rights, equality, and the minimal state', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, reprinted in J. Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Lyons, D.B. (1976) 'Rights against humanity', Philosophical Review 85

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1976) 'Nozick on rights, liberty and property', Philosophy and Public Affairs, reprinted in Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Hart, H.L.A. (1979) 'Between utility and rights', in A. Ryan (ed) The Idea of Freedom, parts 1-3

   Nagel, Thomas (1975) 'Libertarianism without foundations', Yale Law Journal 85, reprinted in J. Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Steiner, H. (1981) 'Liberty and equality', Political Studies 29

   Sen, Amartya K. (1981) 'Rights and agency', Philosophy and Public Affairs 11, reprinted in Scheffler (ed) Consequentialism and its Critics

+ Wolff, Jonathan (1991) Robert Nozick: Property, Justice and the Minimal State, chs. 1,2


@ Nozick on natural property rights

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, 174-183

   Gibbard, A. (1976) 'Natural property rights', Nous 10

   Scheffler, Samuel (1976) 'Natural rights, equality, and the minimal state', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, reprinted in Paul ed

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1976) 'Nozick on rights, liberty and property', Philosophy and Public Affairs, reprinted in Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

* Steiner, H. (1977) 'The natural right to the means of production', Philosophical Quarterly 27

   Steiner, H. (1980) 'Slavery, socialism and private property', in Pennock and Chapman (eds) Nomos XXll: Property

   O'Neill, Onora (1981) 'Nozick's entitlements' in Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Drury, S.B. (1982) 'Locke and Nozick on property', Political Studies 30

   Christman, J. (1986) 'Can ownership be justified by natural rights?' Philosophy and Public Affairs 15

   Ryan, A. (1987) Property, ch. 5

   Grunebaum, J.O. (1987) Private Ownership, ch. 3C

   Stick, ? (1987) 'Turning Rawls into Nozick and back again', Northwestern University Law Review 81

   Okin, S.M. (1989) Justice, Gender and the Family, ch. 4

+ Wolff, Jonathan (1991) Robert Nozick: Property, Justice and the Minimal State, 100-115

   Weinrib, E.J. (1991) 'Right and advantage in private law', in D. Cornell and others (eds) Hegel and Legal Theory, see section on 'Nozick's proviso on appropriation'

   Steiner, H. (1994) An Essay on Rights


@ Nozick's entitlement theory of justice (the principles of transfer and rectification)

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia ch. 7 sec. 1

   Goldman, A.H. (1976) 'The entitlement theory of distributive justice', Journal of Philosophy 73:21

   Davis, L. (1976) 'Comments on Nozick's entitlement' theory', Journal of Philosophy 73:21

   Davis, L. (1977) 'Necessity and Nozick's theory of entitlement', Political Theory

   Holmes, R. (1977) 'Nozick on anarchism', Political Theory

   Lyons, David (1977) 'The new Indian claims and original rights to land', Social Thoery and Practice 4(3), reprinted in Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Barber, B. (19?) The Conquest of Politics ch. 4

   Sher, George (198?) Desert, ch. 2

   Cohen, G.A. (1983) 'The structure of proletarian unfreedom', Philosophy and Public Affairs 12(1), somewhat revised in Cohen's History, Labour and Freedom sec. 3


@ Nozick's entitlement theory and freedom

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1976) 'Nozick on rights, liberty and property', Philosophy and Public Affairs 6(1), reprinted in Paul ed

   Ryan, C.C. (1977) 'Yours, mine and ours: property rights and individual liberty', Ethics, reprinted in Paul (ed) Reading Nozick

   Loevinsohn, E. (1977) 'Liberty and the redistribution of property', Philosophy and Public Affairs

   Gutmann, A. (197?) Liberal Equality, ch. 6


@ Nozick's freedom-based critique of distributive justice (Wilt Chamberlain argument)

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, 'How liberty affects patterns' (160-164), ch. 7 sec. 2 'Rawls's theory'

   Cohen, G.A. (1977) 'Robert Nozick and Wilt Chamberlain: how patterns preserve liberty', Erkenntnis 11, slightly revised version in J. Arthur and W.H. Shaw (eds) Justice and Economic Distribution 1978

   Loevinsohn, E. (1977) 'Liberty and the redistribution of property', Philosophy and Public Affairs ?

   Rawls, John (1977) 'The basic structure as subject', American Philosophical Quarterly 14, revised version in A. Goldman and J. Kim (eds) Values and Morals 1978

   Varian, H.R. (1975) 'Distributive justice, welfare economics, and the theory of fairness', Philosophy and Public Affairs 4(3)

   Wolff, Jonathan (1991) Robert Nozick: Property, Justice and the Minimal State, 79-100




@ Pufendorf: texts

   Pufendorf, S. The Political Writings of Samuel Pufendorf , ed. C.L. Carr 1994

   Pufendorf, S. [1672] Of the Law of Nature and Nations [De jure naturae et gentium] (available online)

   Pufendorf, S. [1673] On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to Natural Law [De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem] (ed) J. Tully 1991 or as The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature, tr. A. Tooke 1691, eds I. Hunter and D. Saunders 2003 (available online)

   Pufendorf, S. [1675] On the Natural State of Men [De statu hominum naturali] (ed) M. Seidler 1990


@ Pufendorf: introductions

   Schneewind, J.B. (1987) 'Pufendorf's place in the history of ethics', Synthese 72

   Carr, C.L. and Seidler, M.J. (1996) 'Pufendorf, sociality and the modern state', History of Political Thought. 17(3)


@ Pufendorf: commentaries

   Kreiger, L. (1965) The Politics of Discretion: Pufendorf and the Acceptance of Natural Law

   Laurent, P. (1982) Pufendorf et la loi naturelle

   Haakonssen, K. (ed) (1998) Grotius, Pufendorf and Modern Natural Law

   Goyard-Fabre, S. (1994) Pufendorf et le droit naturel

   Saastamoinen, K. (1995) The Morality of the Fallen Man: Samuel Pufendorf on Natural Law


@ Pufendorf on natural law and the state of nature

   Nutkiewica, M. (1983) 'Samuel Pufendorf: obligation as the basis of the state', Journal of the History of Philosophy 21


@ Pufendorf on property

   Watner, C. (1982) The proprietary theory of justice in the libertarian tradition, Journal of Libertarian Studies 6

   Schmidlin, B. (1982) 'La propriété et ses limites', Studia Philosophica 41

   Simmons, A. John (1994) 'Original-acquisition justifications of private property', Social Philosophy and Policy 11(2)


@ Pufendorf on the state and political authority

   Seidler, M. (1993) 'Religion, populism, and patriarchy: political authority from Luther to Pufendorf', Ethics 103(3)

   Behme, T. (1998) 'Samuel von Pufendorf: Naturrecht und Staat: Eine Analyse und Interpretation seiner Theorie, ihrer Grundlagen und Probleme', History of Political Thought 19(4)


@ Pufendorf, Hobbes and Locke

   Goyard-Fabre, S. (1989) 'Pufendorf, adversaire de Hobbes', Hobbes Studies 2




@ Rawls: texts

   (For commentaries on his development see 'Rawls and communitarianism')

   Rawls, John (1951) 'Outline of a decision procedure for ethics', Philosophical Review 60

   Rawls, John (1955) 'Two concepts of rules' Philosophical Review 64, reprinted in Foot ed., also in Gorovitz ed., also in Hearn ed., also in Pahel and Schiller (eds)

   Rawls, John (1958) 'Justice as fairness' Philosophical Review 67

   Rawls, John (1967) 'Distributive justice', in P. Laslett and W.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, 3rd series, reprinted with part of 'Distributive justice: some addenda' included in it in E.S. Phelps (ed) Economic Justice 1973

   Rawls, John (1968) 'Distributive justice; some addenda', Natural Law Reform 13

   Rawls, John (1969) 'The justification of civil disobedience' in Hugo Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience, reprinted in K. Edward edition Revolution and the Rule of Law 1971

* Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999

   Rawls, John (1971) 'Justice as reciprocity', in S. Gorovitz (ed) John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism, with Critical Essays

   Rawls, John (1974) 'Some reasons for the maximin criterion', American Economic Review 64, May 1974

   Rawls, John (1974) 'Reply to Alexander and Musgrave', Quarterly Journal of Economics 88, November 1974

   Rawls, John (1975) 'Fairness to goodness', Philosophical Review 84

   Rawls, John (1975) 'A Kantian conception of equality', Cambridge Review, February 1975, reprinted as 'A well-ordered society', in P. Laslett and J. Fishkin (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, 5th series 1979

   Rawls, John (1975) 'The independence of moral theory', Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 48, November 1975

   Rawls, John (1977) 'The basic structure as subject', American Philosophical Quarterly 14, revised version in A. Goldman and J. Kim (eds) Values and Morals 1978

   Rawls, John (1980) 'Kantian constructivism in moral theory' (Dewey Lectures), Journal of Philosophy 77(9), September 1980

   Rawls, John (1982) 'The basic liberties and their priority', in The Tanner Lectures on Human Values III (ed) S. MacMurrin

   Rawls, John (1982) 'Social unity and primary goods', in A. Sen and B. Williams (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond

   Rawls, John (1985) 'Justice as fairness: political not metaphysical', Philosophy and Public Affairs 14, Summer 1985

   Rawls, John (1987) 'Preface', Théorie de la Justice, tr. C. Audart

   Rawls, John (1987) 'The idea of an overlapping consensus', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 7

   Rawls, John (1988) 'The priority of right and ideas of the good', Philosophy and Public Affairs 17, Fall 1988

   Rawls, John (1989) 'The domain of the political and overlapping consensus', New York University Law Review 64, reprinted in Rawls's Collected Papers, in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology, and in D. Matravers and J. Pike (eds) Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy [b]

   Rawls, John (1989) 'Themes in Kant's moral philosophy', in E. Förster (ed) Kant's Transcendental Deductions

   Rawls, John (1991?) 'A theory of civil disobedience' in H. Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus 1991

* Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism

   Rawls, John (1993) 'The law of peoples', in S. Shote and S. Hurley (eds) On Human Rights: Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993

   Rawls, John (1995) 'Reply to Habermas's 'Reconciliation through the public use of reason'', Journal of Philosophy 92(3)

   Rawls, John (1997) 'The idea of public reason revisited', University of Chicago Law Review 64

   Rawls, John (1999) The Law of Peoples

   Rawls, John (1999) Collected Papers

   Rawls, John (2000) Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy

* Rawls, John (2001) Justice as Fairness: A Restatement

   Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy


@ Rawls: short introductions

   Daniels, Norman (1975) 'Introduction' to his Reading Rawls

   Buchanan, Alan E. (1980) 'A critical introduction to Rawls's theory', in H. Blocker and E. Smith (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Justice: An Introduction

   Buchanan, Alan E. (1982) Marx and Justice, ch. 6 secs. 1-2

   Campbell, Tom (1988) Justice, ch. 3

   Brown, A. (1986) Modern Political Philosophy, ch. 3

   Kymlicka, Will (1990), ch. 3

+ Mullhall, Stephen and Swift, Adam (1996) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction¸ 2nd ed. (1st ed. 1992), Introduction, ch. 5

   Wolff, Jonathan (1996) An Introduction to Political Philosophy, ch. 5

   Pettit, Philip (1998) 'The contribution of analytical philosophy', in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy


@ Rawls: book-length introductions

   Wolff, Robert Paul (1977) Understanding Rawls

   Blocker, H. and Smith, E. (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Justice: An Introduction

   Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) John Rawls: A Theory of Justice and its Critics, chs. 1-4

   Freeman, Samuel (2007) Rawls

   Graham, P. (2007) Rawls

   Maffettone, S. (2011) Rawls: An Introduction


@ Rawls: commentaries

   Pogge, Thomas (1989) Realizing Rawls

   Barry, Brian (1989) Theories of Justice, chs. 5-6

   Chandler, Daniel (2023) Free and Equal: What Would a Fair Society Look Like?


@ Rawls: collections

   Daniels, Norman (ed) (1975) Reading Rawls (Especially Nagel, Dworkin, Dworkin, Fisk, Lyons)

+ Blocker, H. and Smith, E. (eds) (1980) John Rawls' Theory of Justice: An Introduction

   Corlett, J.A. (ed) (1991) Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick, part 1

   Richardson, H. and Weithman, P. (eds) (1999) The Philosophy of Rawls: Reasonable Pluralism

   Freeman, Samuel (ed) (2003) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls contents

   Mandle, Jon (ed) (2014) The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon contents


@ Reflective equilibrium in Rawls

   (And the idea of justification from a people's existing sense of justice)

   (See also 'Political liberalism and overlapping consensus in Rawls', 'Realism and Rawls')

   Rawls, John (1951) 'Outline of a decision procedure for ethics', Philosophical Review 60

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 4, 9

   Nagel, Thomas (1973) 'Rawls on justice', Philosophical Review 82(2), reprinted in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls 1975

   Rawls, John (1974) 'The independence of moral theory', Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47

   Daniels, Norman (1979) 'Wide reflective equilibrium and theory acceptance in ethics', Journal of Philosophy 76(5)

   Daniels, Norman (1980) 'On some methods of ethics and linguistics', Philosophical Studies 37(1)

   Haslett, D.C (1987) 'What is wrong with reflective equilibrium?', Philosophical Quarterly 37

+ Buchanan, A.E. (1980) 'A critical introduction to Rawls's theory', in H. Blocker and E. Smith (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Justice: An Introduction

   Raz, Joseph (1982) 'The claims of reflective equilibrium', Inquiry 25(3), reprinted in Chandran Kukathas (ed) John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers vol. 1: Foundations and Methods 2003

   Miller, David (1995) 'Introduction' to Miller and Walzer (eds) Pluralism, Justice and Equality

   Daniels, Norman (1996) Justice and Justification: Reflective Equilibrium in Theory and Practice

+ Scanlon, Thomas M. (2003) 'Rawls on justification', in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls (see section 3)

   Raekstad, Paul (2021 online) 'The radical realist critique of Rawls: a reconstruction and response', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy abstract


@ Rawls and utilitarianism

   Mill, J.S. Utilitarianism, ch. 5

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 5, 6, 21, 27, 30

   Lyons, David (1972) 'Rawls versus utilitarianism', Journal of Philosophy 69

   Hare, R.M. (1973) 'Rawls' theory of justice', Philosophical Quarterly 23 slightly revised version in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls 1975

   Feinberg, Joel (1975) 'Rawls and intuitionism', in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Williams, Bernard (1975) 'Rawls and Pascal's wager', Cambridge Review, reprinted in his Moral Luck

   Miller, David (1976) Social Justice ch. 1, secs. 3-4


@ Original position in Rawls

   (See also 'Rawls and constructivism')

   Rawls, A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 3-4, 20-25

   Rawls, John (1974) 'Reply to Alexander and Musgrave', Quarterly Journal of Economics 88 (4)

   Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) Rawls, ch. 2

   Nagel, Thomas (1973) 'Rawls on justice', Philosophical Review 8(2), reprinted in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Dworkin, Ronald (1973) 'The original position', University of Chicago Law Review 40, reprinted in N. Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls 1975, also as 'Justice and rights', ch. 6 of Dworkin's Taking Rights Seriously 1977

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1975) 'Rawls' theory of justice', part 1A, in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Lyons, David (1975) 'Nature and soundness of the contract and coherence arguments', in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

+ Mulhall, Stephen and Swift, Adam (1992) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1996, Introduction


@ Veil of ignorance reasoning

   (In Rawls and others)

   (See also 'Rawls and socialism', 'Cohen's critique of Rawls', 'Veil of ignorance in Dworkin and inequalities in natural goods')

   Harsanyi, John C. (1953) 'Cardinal utility in welfare economics and in the theory of risk-taking', Journal of Political Economy 61(5)

   Harsanyi, John C. (1955) 'Cardinal welfare, individualistic ethics, and interpersonal comparisons of utility', Journal of Political Economy 63(4)

* Rawls (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 24, 81

   Crocker, Lawrence (1977) 'Equality, solidarity, and Rawls's maximin', Philosophy and Public Affairs 6(3) preview

   Nielsen, Kai (1979) 'Radical egalitarian justice: justice as equality', Social Theory and Practice 5(2) abstract

   Roemer, John E. (1992) 'Egalitarianism against the veil of ignorance', Journal of Philosophy 99(4) preview

   Veatch, Robert M. (1998) 'Egalitarian and maximin theories of justice: directed donation of organs for transplant', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23(3) abstract

   Dumitru, Speranta (2007) 'Equal minds behind the veil of ignorance', Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1 abstract

   Moreno-Ternero, Juan D. and Roemer, John E. (2008) 'The veil of ignorance violates priority', Economics and Philosophy 24(2) abstract

   Soto, Carlos (2012) 'The veil of ignorance and health resource allocation', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37(4) abstract

   Muldoon, Ryan and others (2014) 'Disagreement behind the veil of ignorance', Philosophical Studies 170(3) abstract

   Moehler, Michael (2016) 'Impartiality, priority, and justice: the veil of ignorance reconsidered', Journal of Social Philosophy 47(3) abstract

   Lara, Buchak (2017) 'Taking risks behind the veil of ignorance', Ethics 127(3) abstract

   Gustafsson, Johan E. (2018) 'The difference principle would not be chosen behind the veil of ignorance', Journal of Philosophy 115 (11) preview

   Huang, Karen and others (2019) 'Veil-of-ignorance reasoning favors the greater good', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(48) abstract

   Motchoulski, Alexander and Smolenski, Phil (2019) 'Principles of collective choice and constraints of fairness: why the difference principle would be chosen behind the veil of ignorance', Journal of Philosophy 116 (12) abstract

   Davies, Ben (2019) 'John Rawls and the 'veil of ignorance'', in An Introduction to Ethics: An Open Educational Resource, available online

   Coate, Matthew (2020) 'Face-to-face, but behind a veil of ignorance: a Levinasian analysis of Rawls's political conception', Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34(3) preview

   Nebel, Jacob M. (2020) 'Rank-weighted utilitarianism and the veil of ignorance', Ethics 131(1) abstract

   Stefánsson, H. Orri (2021) 'Ambiguity aversion behind the veil of ignorance', Synthese 198 abstract


@ Veil of ignorance in Dworkin and inequalities in natural goods

   Dworkin, Ronald (1981) 'What is equality? part 2: equality of resources', Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(4)

   Narveson. J. (1983) 'On Dworkinian equality', Social Philosophy and Policy 1

   Van Parijs, Philip (1995) Real Freedom for All: What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism?


@ Rawls and Kant, Rawls and constructivism

   (For discussion of Rawls's concept of the self see 'Liberal-communitarian debate')

   (See also 'Constructivism in political philosophy', 'Kant's ethics and constructivism', 'Kant's political philosophy and constructivism')

* Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 40 'The Kantian interpretation of justice as fairness'

   Johnson, Oliver A. (1974) 'The Kantian interpretation', Ethics 85 (preview

   Levine, Andrew (1974) 'Rawls' Kantianism', Social Theory and Practice 3(1) (preview

   Bloom, Allan (1975) 'Justice: John Rawls vs the tradition of political philosophy', The American Political Science Review 69(2)

   Baumrin, Bernard H. (1976) 'Autonomy in Rawls and Kant', Midwest Studies in Philosophy 1(1)

   Darwall, Stephen (1976) 'A defense of the Kantian interpretation', Ethics 86(2), reprinted in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls. vol. 2: The Two Principles and their Justification

   Mason, H.E. (1976) 'On the Kantian interpretation of Rawls' theory', Midwest Studies in Philosophy 1(1)

   Johnson, Oliver A. (1977) 'Autonomy in Kant and Rawls: a reply', Ethics 87(3)

   Darwall, Stephen (1980) 'Is there a Kantian foundation for Rawlsian justice?' in H.G. Blocker and E. Smith (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Justice: An Introduction

* Rawls, John (1980) 'Kantian constructivism in moral theory: the Dewey lectures 1980', Journal of Philosophy 77(9)

   Brink, David O. (1987) 'Rawlsian constructivism in moral theory, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17(1)

   Doppelt, Gerald (1988) 'Rawls' Kantian ideal and the viability of modern liberalism', Inquiry 31

   McCarthy, Thomas (1994) 'Kantian constructivism and reconstructivism: Rawls and Habermas in dialog', Ethics 105(1)

   Grcic, Joseph M. (1991) 'Kant and Rawls: contrasting conceptions of moral theory', in J. Angelo Corlett (ed) Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick abstract

   Krasnoff, Larry (1999) 'How Kantian is constructivism?', Kant-Studien 90(4)

* Rawls, John (2000) Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, lectures on Kant

   O'Neill, Onora (2002) 'Constructivism in Rawls and Kant', in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

   Taylor, Robert S. (2003) 'Rawls's defense of the priority of liberty: a Kantian reconstruction', Philosophy and Public Affairs 31(3) preview

   Budde, Kirstin (2007) 'Rawls on Kant: Is Rawls a Kantian or Kant a Rawlsian?' European Journal of Political Theory 6(3) abstract

   Roberts, Peri (2007) Political Constructivism, chs. 1 and 2

   Tampio, Nicholas (2007) 'Rawls and the Kantian ethos', Polity 39(1) abstract

   Taylor, Robert S. (2011) Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness summary


@ Public reason in Rawls: texts

   (Including public justification)

   (See also 'Political liberalism and overlapping consensus in Rawls')

   (For critiques on Rawls and democracy see 'Democracy vs. political philosophy')

   Rawls, John (1951) 'Outline of a decision procedure for ethics', Philosophical Review 60

   Rawls, John (1958) 'Justice as fairness' Philosophical Review 67

* Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism, expanded edition 2005, ch. 6 'The idea of public reason', reprinted in J. Bohman (ed) Deliberative Democracy 1997

   Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism, expanded edition 2005, pp. 136-7, 225-6

   Rawls, John (1996) 'Introduction' to the paperback edition of Political Liberalism

* Rawls, John (1997) 'The idea of public reason revisited', University of Chicago Law Review 64(3), reprinted in his The Law of Peoples and Collected Papers


@ Public reason in Rawls: as condition for legitimate power

   (The Liberal principle of legitimacy)

   (See also 'Political obligation: consent and self-imposition arguments, democracy and political obligation')

   Darwall, Stephen (1976) 'A defense of the Kantian interpretation', Ethics 86(2), reprinted in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls. vol. 2: The Two Principles and their Justification

   Waldron, Jeremy (1987) 'Theoretical foundations of liberalism', Philosophical Quarterly 37:147

   Barry, Brian (1989) Theories of Justice, appendix C

   Okin, S.M. (1989) Justice, Gender and the Family, ch. on Rawls

   Solum, Lawrence B. (1993) 'Constructing an ideal of public reason', San Diego Law Review 30

   Carter, S.L. (1993) The Culture of Disbelief

   Brower, B.W. (1994) 'The limits of public reason' The Journal of Philosophy 91

   D'Agostino, F. (1995) Free Public Reason: Making it up as we Go

   Gauthier, David (1995) 'Public reason', Social Philosophy and Policy 12

   Weithman, P. (1995) 'Waldron on political legitimacy and the social minimum', Philosophical Quarterly 45:179

   Bertram, C. (1995) 'Democratic community, theoretical complexity and justification', Ethics 107(4)

   Gaus, G.F. (1996) Justificatory Liberalism  

   Ivisin, D. (1997) 'The secret history of public reason: Hobbes to Rawls', History of Political Thought 18(1)

   D'Agostino, F. and Gaus, G.F. (eds) (1998) Public Reason

   Ridge, Michael (1998) 'Hobbesian public reason', Ethics 108(3)

   Scheffler, Samuel (1999) 'The appeal of political liberalism', in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls: Reasonable Pluralism

   Reidy, D. (2000) 'Rawls's wide view of public reason: not wide enough', Res Publica 6(1)

   Eberle, O. (2002) 'Justificatory liberalism', in Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics

+ Dreben, B. (2003) 'On Rawls and political liberalism', in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

+ Larmore, C. (2003) 'Public reason' in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

   Brown, Eric (2003) 'Rawls and the duty of civility', Locations of the Political 15

   Thunder, David (2006) 'A Rawlsian argument against the duty of civility', American Journal of Political Science 50(3)

   Quong, Jonathan (2011) Liberalism without Perfection

+ Quong, Jonathan (2014) 'On the idea of public reason', in J. Mandle and D. Reidy (eds) The Blackwell Companion to Rawls

   Sleat, Matthew (2015) 'Justice and legitimacy in contemporary liberal thought: a critique', Social Theory and Practice 41(2)

   Thrasher, John and Vallier, Kevin (2015) 'The fragility of consensus: public reason, diversity and stability', European Journal of Philosophy 23(4)

   Enoch, David (2015) 'Against public reason', in Peter Vallentyne and others (eds) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 4-8


@ Public reason in Rawls: as basis for principles of justice

   (Including all O'Neill on public reason)

   O'Neill, Onora (1986) 'The public use of reason, Political Theory 14(4)

   O'Neill, Onora (1997) 'Political liberalism and public reason', Philosophical Review 106(3)

   O'Neill, Onora (2002) 'Constructivism in Rawls and Kant', in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

   Laden, Anthony S. (2003) 'The house that Jack built', Ethics 113(2)

   O'Neill, Onora (2003) 'Constructivism vs. contractualism', Ratio 16(4)

   Laden, Anthony S. (2013) 'The justice of justification', in J.G. Finlayson and F. Freyenhagen (eds) Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political


@ Public reason in Rawls: as basis for state neutrality

   (See also 'Rawls and neutrality')

   Rawls, John (1985) 'Justice as fairness: political not metaphysical', Philosophy and Public Affairs 14

   Rawls, John (1987) 'The idea of an overlapping consensus', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 7

   Rawls, John (1988) 'The priority of right and ideas of the good', Philosophy and Public Affairs 17, Fall 1988 (revised as Political Liberalism 1993, lecture 5)

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 31-34, 50, 68, 85

   Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) John Rawls, ch. 7, especially second section

   Kymlicka (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture, ch. 3


@ Public reason in Rawls: reasonableness

   Quong, Jonathan (2004) 'The rights of unreasonable citizens', Journal of Political Philosophy 12(3)

   Enoch, David (2015) 'Against public reason', in David Sobel and others (eds) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 4-8 (see section 3.3)


@ Public reason in Rawls: religion

   Wolterstoff, N. (1997) 'The role of religion in decision and discussion of political issues', in R. Audi and N. Wolterstoff (eds) Religion in the Public Sphere

   Lafton, C. (2007) 'Religion in the public sphere: remarks on Habermas's conception of public deliberation in postsecular societies', Constellations 14(2)

   March, A. (2013) 'Rethinking religious reasons in public justification', American Political Science Review 107


@ Political liberalism and overlapping consensus in Rawls

   (Including Rawls and pragmatism)

   (For 'Rawls and neutrality' see that)

   (See also 'Public reason in Rawls', 'Modus vivendi in Rawls')

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1982) 'Contractualism and utilitarianism', in Sen and Williams (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond

   Rawls, John (1982) 'Social unity and primary goods', in B. Williams and A. Sen (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond

   Rawls, John (1985) 'Justice as fairness: political not metaphysical', Philosophy and Public Affairs 14, revised as lecture 1 secs. 1-5 of Rawls's Political Liberalism 1993

* Rawls, John (1987) 'The idea of an overlapping consensus', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 7

   Doppelt, Gerald (1988) 'Rawls's Kantian ideal and the viability of modern liberalism', Inquiry 31

* Rawls, John (1989) 'The domain of the political and overlapping consensus', New York University Law Review 64, reprinted in Rawls's Collected Papers, in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology, and in D. Matravers and J. Pike (eds) Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy

   Larmore, C. (1990) 'Political liberalism', Political Theory 18

   Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism

   Alejandro, R. (1993) 'Rawls's communitarianism', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23(1)

   Hampton, Jean (1993) 'The moral commitments of liberalism' in D. Copp, J. Hampton and J.E. Roemer (eds) The Idea of Democracy

   Cohen, Joshua (1993) 'Moral pluralism and political consensus', in D. Copp, J. Hampton and J. Roemer (eds) The Idea of Democracy, reprinted in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls: Reasonable Pluralism

   Wenar, Leif (1995) 'Political Liberalism: an internal critique', Ethics 106(1)

   Klosko, George (1997) 'Political constructivism in Rawls's Political Liberalism', American Political Science Review 91(3)

+ Kymlicka, Will (2002) Contemporary Political Philosophy¸ 2nd ed., ch. 6 sec. 7 'Political liberalism'

   Weithman, Paul (2010) Why Political Liberalism? On John Rawls's Political Turn

   Nussbaum, Martha (2011) 'Rawls's political liberalism: a reassessment', Ratio Juris 24(1)

   Gaus, Gerald (2014) 'The turn to a political liberalism ', in John Mandle and David E. Reidy (eds) A Companion to Rawls abstract

   Testini, F. (2022) 'Testing pragmatic genealogy in political theory: the curious case of John Rawls', European Journal of Political Theory 21(4) abstract


@ Rawls and modus vivendi

   Horton, John (2010) 'Realism, liberal moralism and the political theory of modus vivendi', European Journal of Political Theory 9(4)

   Rossi, Enzo (2010) 'Modus vivendi, consensus, and (realist) liberal legitimacy', Journal of Political and Moral Philosophy 2(2)

   Jones, P. (2017) 'The political theory of modus vivendi', Philosophia 45(2)


@ Rawls and communitarianism

   (See 'Liberal-communitarian debate')


@ Primary goods in Rawls

   (See also 'Equality of what?')

   Rawls, John (1982) 'Social unity and primary goods', in B. Williams and A. Sen (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond


@ Well-ordered society in Rawls

   Rawls, John (1974) 'Reply to Alexander and Musgrave', Quarterly Journal of Economics 88 (4)

   Ivison, D. (1995) 'The art of liberalism' Canadian Journal of Political Science 28(2)


@ Principle of liberty in Rawls

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 33-35, 39-40, 82

   Hart, H.L.A. [1973] 'Rawls on liberty and its priority' in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls 1975

   Daniels, Norman (1975) 'Equal liberty and unequal worth of liberty' in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Rawls, John (1982) 'The basic liberties and their priority', in S. MacMurrin (ed) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values III


@ Principle of fair equality of opportunity in Rawls

   (See 'Luck egalitarianism', 'Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome')


@ Difference principle in Rawls: derivation

   (See also 'Levelling-down objection to egalitarianism', 'Prioritarianism')

   (Pareto vs. Original Position justifications)

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 11-13, 26, 29

   Rawls, John (1967) 'Distributive justice'

   Barry, Brian (1973) The Liberal Theory of Justice, especially chs. 1-4

   Williams, Bernard [1975] 'Rawls and Pascal's wager' in Moral Luck

   Harsanyi, J. (1975) 'Is the maximin principle a basis for morality?', American Political Science Review 59, reprinted in Harsanyi's Essays on Ethics, Social Behaviour and Scientific Explanation 1976

   Grey, T.C. (1973) 'The first virtue', Stanford Law Review 25

   Barry, Brian (1989) Theories of Justice, appendix: 'Economic motivation in a Rawlsian society'

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, ch. 3


@ Difference principle in Rawls: natural talents

   (See also 'Luck egalitarianism')

   Nozick, Robert (1975) Anarchy State and Utopia, ch. 7 sec. 2

   Michelman, F. (1975) 'Constitutional welfare rights and A Theory of Justice' in Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Daniels, Norman (1975) 'Equal liberty and unequal worth of liberty' in Norman Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Gutmann, Amy (1980) Liberal Equality, ch. 5

   Sher, George (1987) Desert, ch. 2

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. 3 secs. 1-2

   Gorr, M. (1991) 'Rawls on natural inequality', in A. Corlett (ed) Equality and Liberty

   Waldron, Jeremy (1993) 'John Rawls's social minimum' in his Liberal Rights

   Wyatt, C. (2008) The Difference Principle Beyond Rawls


@ Civic friendship and community in Rawls

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999 sec. 17

   Nickel, J.N. (1990) 'Rawls on political community and principles of justice', Law and Philosophy 9(2)

   Mendus, Susan (1999) The importance of love in Rawls's theory of justice', British Journal of Political Science 29(1)

   Cohen, G.A. (2008) Rescuing Justice and Equality, ch. 1 'The incentives argument'

   Vergés-Gifra, Joan (2017) 'The unfeasibly narrow Rawlsian interpretation of fraternity', Theoria 150(64)

   Brudney, Daniel (2013) 'Two types of civic friendship', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16(4)


@ Rawls and stability, Rawls and the sense of justice

   (This is the question of how a society based on justice as fairness can maintain itself over time by perpetuating the corresponding sense of justice)

   Barry, Brian (1995) 'John Rawls and the search for stability', Ethics 105(4)

   Wingenbach, E. (1999) 'Unjust context? The priority of stability in Rawls's contextualised theory of justice', American Journal of Political Science 43(1)

   Baumeister, A. (1998) 'Cultural diversity and education: the dilemma of political stability', Political Studies 46(5)

   Zink, James R. (2011) 'Reconsidering the role of self-respect in Rawls's A Theory of Justice', Journal of Politics 73(2) abstract

* Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2014) 'Stability, a sense of justice, and self-respect', in Jon Mandle and David A. Reidy (eds) A Companion to Rawls abstract

   Garthoff, Jon (2016) 'Rawlsian stability', Res Publica 22(3) abstract


@ Rawls and self-respect, Rawls and recognition

   (For self-respect and self-esteem in general see 'Self-respect and self-esteem')

   Shue, Henry (1975) 'Liberty and self-respect', Ethics 85(3)

   Doppelt, Gerald (1981) 'Rawls' system of justice: a critique from the left', Nous 15

   Dillon, Robin S. (ed) (1995) Dignity, Character, and Self-Respect

   Zaino, Jeanne S. (1998) 'Self-respect and Rawlsian justice', The Journal of Politics 60(3)

   Eyal, Nir (2005) ''Perhaps the most important primary good': self-respect and Rawls's principles of justice', Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4(2) abstract

   Doppelt, Gerald (2009) 'The place of self‐respect in a theory of justice', Inquiry 52(2) abstract

   Moriarty, Jeffrey (2009) 'Rawls, self-respect, and the opportunity for meaningful work', Social Theory and Practice 35(2) abstract

   Stark, Cynthia A. (2011) 'Rawlsian self-respect', in Mark Timmons (ed) Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, vol. 2 abstract

   Zink, James R. (2011) 'Reconsidering the role of self-respect in Rawls's A Theory of Justice', Journal of Politics 73(2) abstract

   Aguayo Westwood, Pablo (2021) 'Self-respect and the justification of Rawlsian principles of justice', Ethics and Social Welfare 15(3) abstract

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (2014) 'Stability, a sense of justice, and self-respect', in Jon Mandle and David A. Reidy (eds) A Companion to Rawls abstract


@ Rawls and work

   Hasan, Rafeeq (2015) 'Rawls on meaningful work and freedom', Social Theory and Practice 41(3) abstract

   Moriarty, Jeffrey (2009) 'Rawls, self-respect, and the opportunity for meaningful work', Social Theory and Practice 35(2) abstract


@ Rawls and Rousseau

   Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, lectures on Rousseau

   Grcic, Joseph (1985) 'Rawls and Rousseau on the social contract', Auslegung 12(1)

   Neal, Patrick (1987) 'In the shadow of the general will: Rawls, Kant and Rousseau on the problem of political right', Review of Politics 49(3)    

   Jubb, Robert (2011) 'Rawls and Rousseau: amour-propre and the strains of commitment', Res Publica 17 abstract

   Bercuson, Jeffery (2014) John Rawls and the History of Political Thought: The Rousseauvian and Hegelian Heritage of Justice as Fairness, ch. on 'The Rousseauvian dimensions of justice as fairness' site

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2014) Rousseau's Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse, ch. 5 ' The contemporary relevance of Rousseau's critique' preview

   Brooke, Christopher (2015) 'Rawls on Rousseau and the general will', in James Farr and David L. Williams (eds) The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept site

   Warner, John M. and Zink, James R. (2016) 'Therapeutic politics: Rawls's respect for Rousseau', Review of Politics 78(1) abstract

   Spector, Céline (2016) 'Rousseau at Harvard: John Rawls and Judith Shklar on realistic utopia', in Avi Lifschitz (ed) Engaging with Rousseau: Reaction and Interpretation from the Eighteenth Century to the Present site


@ Rawls and Hegel

   Hoy, J.B. (1981) 'Hegel's critique of Rawls', Clio 10(4)

   Rawls, John (1989) 'Themes in Kant's moral philosophy', in E. Förster (ed) Kant's Transcendental Deductions

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. (1991) 'Rawls, Hegel and communitarianism', Political Theory 19(4)

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. (1992) 'Traces of Hegelian philosophy of law in John Rawls, A Theory of Justice', Hegel-Studien 27

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. and Benson, P. (1994) 'Rawls, Hegel and personhood', Political Theory 22(3)

   Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism, pp. 285-288

   Cohen, Joshua (1993) 'Moral pluralism and political consensus', in D. Copp, J. Hampton and J. Roemer (eds) The Idea of Democracy, reprinted in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls: Reasonable Pluralism

   Browning, Gary K. (1999) 'Rawls and Hegel: the reasonable and the rational in theory and practice', in his Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy preview

   Houlgate, Stephen (2001) 'Hegel, Rawls and the rational state', in R.R. Williams (ed) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right preview

   Bercuson, Jeffery (2014) John Rawls and the History of Political Thought: The Rousseauvian and Hegelian Heritage of Justice as Fairness, ch. on 'The Hegelian dimensions of justice as fairness' site

   Hendrick, Todd (2018) Reconciliation and Reification: Freedom's Semblance and Actuality from Hegel to Contemporary Critical Theory, ch. 3 'Rawls' Liberal Right Hegelianism' abstract

   Nielsen, Carsten Fogh and Hartz, Emily (2018) 'Why be just? the problem of motivation in Hegel and Rawls', Ratio Juris 31(3) abstract


@ Rawls: left critiques

   (See also 'Rawls and inequality and envy', 'Rawls and socialism', 'Cohen's critique of Rawls')

   Macpherson, C.B. (1973) 'Rawls' models of man and society', Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3

   Macpherson, C.B. (1973) 'Revisionist liberalism', in his Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval

   Clark, Barry and Gintis, Herbert (1978) 'Rawlsian justice and economic systems', Philosophy and Public Affairs 7(4), reprinted in Chandran Kukathas (ed) John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers vol. 3: Principles of Justice II, 2003

   Nielsen, Kai (1980) 'Rawls and the left: some left critiques of Rawls' principles of justice', Analyse & Kritik 2(1) preview

   Doppelt, Gerald (1981) 'Rawls' system of justice: a critique from the left', Nous 15(3)

   DiQuattro, Arthur (1983) 'Rawls and left criticism', Political Theory 11(1)

   Connin, Lawrence J. (1985) 'On DiQuattro, 'Rawls and left criticism'', Political Theory 13(1)

   Fisk, Milton (1985) 'The state and the market in Rawls', Studies in Soviet Thought 30(4)

   Forrester, Katrina (2019) In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Making of Political Philosophy. ch. 7 summary


@ Rawls and inequality and envy

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 80 'The problem of envy'

   Tomlin, Patrick (2008) 'Envy, facts and justice: a critique of the treatment of envy in Justice as Fairness', Res Publica 14 abstract

   Green, Jeffrey E. (2013) 'Rawls and the forgotten figure of the most advantaged: in defense of reasonable envy toward the superrich', American Political Science Review 107(1) abstract

   Frye, Harrison P. (2016) 'The relation of envy to distributive justice', Social Theory and Practice 42(3) preview

   Stensen, Vegard (2022 online) 'Envy, self-esteem, and distributive justice', European Journal of Political Theory abstract


@ Property-owning democracy and welfare-state capitalism in Rawls

   (See also 'Rawls and socialism')

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 43

   Rawls, John (2001) Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, secs. 41-42

   Krouse, Richard and McPherson, Michael (1988) 'Capitalism, 'property owning democracy' and the welfare state' in A. Gutmann (ed) Democracy and the Welfare State

   Brennan, Jason (2007) 'Rawls's paradox', Constitutional Political Economy 18

   Little, Daniel (2014) 'Rawls and economics', in John Mandle and David E. Reidy (eds) A Companion to Rawls

   O'Neill, Martin and Williamson, Thad (eds) (2014) Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond contents

   Thomas, Alan (2017) 'Rawls and political realism: realistic utopianism or judgement in bad faith?' European Journal of Political Theory abstract

   Thomas, Alan (2017) Republic of Equals: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy summary

   Vallier, Kevin (2019) 'Rawls, Piketty, and the critique of welfare-state capitalism', Journal of Politics 81(1) abstract


@ Rawls and socialism

   (Discussions of the socialist or anti-capitalist implications of Rawls's theory)

   (See also 'Cohen's critique of Rawls')

   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Rawls and Marx')

   Schweickart, David E. (1978) 'Should Rawls be a socialist? A comparison of his ideal capitalism with worker-controlled socialism', Social Theory and Practice 5(1)

   Grcic, Joseph (1980) 'Rawls and socialism', Philosophy and Social Criticism 7(1)

   Nielsen, Kai (1980) 'Capitalism, socialism, and justice: reflections on Rawls's theory of justice', Social Praxis 7(3-4)

* Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, pp. 351, 362-66

   Wyatt, Chris (2008) The Difference Principle Beyond Rawls

   Nielsen, Kai (1991) 'Capitalism, socialism, and justice: reflections on Rawls' theory of justice', in J. Angelo Corlett (ed) Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick

   Malleson, Tom (2014) 'Rawls, property-owning democracy, and democratic socialism', Journal of Social Philosophy 45(2)

   Edmundson, William A. (2017) John Rawls: Reticent Socialist

   O'Neill, Martin (2020) 'Social justice and economic systems: on Rawls, democratic socialism and alternatives to capitalism', Philosophical Topics 48(2)

   Raekstad, Paul (2022) 'Freedom, socialism, and property-owning democracy', Journal of Applied Philosophy 39(4)


@ Cohen's critique of Rawls

* Cohen, G. A. (1992), 'Incentives, inequality, and community', in G. B. Peterson (ed), The Tanner Lectures on Human Values vol. 13

* Cohen, G.A. (1995) 'The Pareto argument for inequality', Social Philosophy and Policy 12

* Cohen, G.A. (1997) 'Where the action is: on the site of distributive justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs 26

   Cohen, Joshua (2001) 'Taking people as they are?' Philosophy and Public Affairs, 30

   Smith, Paul (1998) 'Incentives and justice: G.A. Cohen's egalitarian critique of Rawls', Social Theory and Practice 24

   Williams, Andrew (1998) 'Incentives, inequality, and publicity,' Philosophy and Public Affairs 27

   Wolff, Jonathan (1998) 'Fairness, respect, and the egalitarian ethos,' Philosophy and Public Affairs 27

   Estlund, D. (1998) 'Liberalism, equality and fraternity in Cohen's critique of Rawls', Journal of Political Philosophy 6(1)

* Cohen G. A. (2000) If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich?

   Pogge, Thomas (2000) 'On the site of distributive justice: reflections on Cohen and Murphy,' Philosophy and Public Affairs 29

   Scheffler, Samuel (2003) 'What is egalitarianism?' Philosophy and Public Affairs 31

   Cohen, G.A. (2003) 'Facts and principles', Philosophy and Public Affairs 31(3)

   Sensat, Julius (2003) 'Classical German philosophy and Cohen's critique of Rawls', European Journal of Philosophy 11( 3)

   Daniels, Norman (2003) 'Democratic equality Rawls's complex egalitarianism', in S. Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

   Baynes, Kurt (2006) 'Ethos and institutions: on the site of distributive justice,' Journal of Social Philosophy 37

   Scheffler, Samuel (2006) 'Is the basic structure basic?' in C. Sypnowich (ed) The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen

   Freeman, Samuel (2007) 'Rawls and luck egalitarianism' in Justice and the Social Contract: Essays on Rawlsian Political Philosophy

* Cohen, G.A. (2008) Rescuing Justice and Equality

   Feltham, Brian (ed) (2008) special issue on 'Justice, equality and constructivism', Ratio: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy 21(4)

   Mandle, J. (2009) 'Distributive justice at home and abroad' in Thomas Christiano and John Christman (eds) Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Feltham, Brian (ed) (2009) Justice, Equality and Constructivism: Essays on G.A. Cohen's Rescuing Justice and Equality

   Moon, J. Donald (2015) 'Cohen vs Rawls on justice and equality', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18(1)

   Vrousalis, Nicholas (2015) The Political Philosophy of G.A. Cohen: Back to Socialist Basics


@ Rawls and Marx

   (See this topic in A Marx bibliography)


@ Rawls and Aristotle

   DeLue, Steven M. (1980) 'Aristotle, Kant and Rawls on moral motivation in a just society', American Political Science Review 74(2) abstract

   Kraut, Richard (2013) 'Aristotle and Rawls on the common good', in M. Deslaurier and P. Destrée (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Politics


@ Rawls and the self

   (See 'Liberal-communitarian debate')


@ Rawls and intergenerational justice

   Parfit, D. (1984) Reasons and Persons, ch. 16 'The non-identity problem'


@ Rawls's international theory: texts

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 58

   Rawls, John (1993) 'The law of peoples', in S. Shote and S. Hurley (eds) On Human Rights: Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993

   Rawls, John (1999) The Law of Peoples


@ Rawls's international theory: commentary

   (For Rawls on international distributive justice see 'International distributive justice, global distributive justice')

   Beitz, C.R. (1979) 'Bounded morality: justice and the state in world politics', International Organization 33

   Beitz, C.R. (1980) 'Justice and international relations', in H.G. Blocker and E.H. Smith (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Social Justice, reprinted in in Beitz and others (eds) International Ethics

   Pogge, T.W. (1992) 'Cosmopolitanism and sovereignty', Ethics 103

   Tesón, F.R. (1995) 'The Rawlsian theory of international justice', Ethics and International Affairs 9, revised as ch. 4 of his A Philosophy of International Law 1998

   Moellendorf, D. (1996) 'Constructing the law of peoples', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77(2)

   O'Neill, Onora (1997) 'Political liberalism and public reason: a critical notice of John Rawls, Political Liberalism', Philosophical Review 106(3)

   McCarthy, T. (1997) 'On the idea of a reasonable law of peoples', in J. Bohman and M. Lutz-Bachmann (eds) Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal

   Charvet, John (1998) 'International society from a contractarian perspective' in D.R. Mapel and T. Nardin (eds) International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives

   Beitz, C.R. (2000) 'Rawls's law of peoples', Ethics 110

   Buchanan, A. (2000) 'Rawls's Law of Peoples: rules for a vanished Westphalian world', Ethics 110(4)

   Tan, K.C. 'Liberal toleration in Rawls's Law of Peoples', Ethics 110(4)

   Tan, K.C. (2000) 'Critical notice: Rawls's The Law of Peoples', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31(1)

   Kuper, A. (2000) 'Rawlsian global justice: beyond 'The Law of Peoples' to a cosmopolitan law of persons', Political Theory 28(5)

   Pogge, Thomas (2000) 'The international significance of human rights', Journal of Ethics 4(1)

   Beitz, C.R. (2001) 'Human rights as common concerns', American Political Science Review 95(2)

   Simpson, G. (2001) 'Two liberalisms,' European Journal of International Law, 12(3)

   Caney, Simon (2002) 'Cosmopolitanism and the Law of Peoples', Journal of Political Philosophy 10(1)

   Wenar, Leif (2002) 'The legitimacy of peoples', in P. de Greiff and C. Cronin (eds) Global Justice and Transnational Politics

   Pogge, Thomas (2004) 'The Law of Peoples: the incoherence between Rawls's theories of justice', Fordham Law Review 72

   Reidy, D. (2004) 'Rawls on international justice: a defense', Political Theory 32(3), also available online

   Nussbaum, Martha (2007) Frontiers of Justice, ch. 4


@ Rawls's international theory: intervention vs. sovereignty

   Beitz, C.R. (1980) 'Non-intervention and communal integrity', Philosophy and Public Affairs 9

   Wicclair, M.R. (1980) 'Rawls and the principle of non-intervention', in H.G. Blocker and E.H. Smith (eds) John Rawls' Theory of Social Justic

   Tesón , F.R. (1988) Humanitarian Intervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality, 2nd ed. 1997, pp. 61-74


@ Rawls and feminism

   (See also 'Feminism and contractarianism and contractualism and constructivism')

   Kearns, D. (1983) 'A theory of justice – and love: Rawls on the family', Politics 18(2)

   Green, K. (1986) 'Rawls, women and the priority of liberty', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, supplement to vol. 64, 26-36

   Matsuda, M. (1986) 'Liberal jurisprudence and abstracted visions of human nature: a feminist critique of Rawls's theory of justice', New Mexico Law Review 16

   Benhabib, Seyla (1987) 'The generalised and the concrete other: the Kohlberg-Gilligan controversy and feminist theory', in S. Benhabib and D. Cornell (eds) Feminism and Critique, revised version in Benhabib's Situating the Self 1992

   Okin, Susan Moller (1987) 'Justice and gender', Philosophy and Public Affairs 16(1)

* Okin, Susan Moller (1989) Justice, Gender and the Family, ch. 5 'Justice as fairness: for whom?'

   Russell,-J.S. (1995) 'Okin's Rawlsian feminism? Justice in the family and another liberalism', Social Theory and Practice 21(3)

   Okin, Susan Moller (1994) 'Political liberalism, justice and gender', Ethics 105(1)

   Sehon, S.R. (1996) 'Okin on feminism and Rawls', Philosophical Forum 27(4)

   Baehr, A.R. (1996) 'Toward a new feminist liberalism: Okin, Rawls, and Habermas', Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 11(1)

   Nussbaum, Martha C. (2002) 'Rawls and feminism', in Samuel Freeman (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

   Okin, Susan Moller (2005) 'Forty acres and a mule' for women: Rawls and feminism', Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4(2)

* Mills, Charles W. (2004) ''Ideal theory' as ideology', in Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker (eds) Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, reprinted in Hypatia 20(3), 2005, and as ch. 5 of Mills's Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017

   Abbey, Ruth (ed) (2013) Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls

   Cordeiro-Rodrigues, Luis (2016) 'Is Rawls's theory of justice gendered?' Magazine of Letters 56(1)


@ Rawls and feminism: neutrality

   (Especially Mackinnon)

   Mackinnon, Catharine (1989) Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, ch. 8 'The liberal state'

   Laden, Anthony Simon (2003) 'Radical liberals, reasonable feminists: reason, power, and objectivity in MacKinnon and Rawls', Journal of Political Philosophy 11(2), reprinted in Ruth Abbey (ed) Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls 2013

   Brake, Elizabeth (2004) 'Rawls and feminism: What should feminists make of liberal neutrality?', Journal of Moral Philosophy 1(3)

   Schwartzman, Lisa H. (2013) 'Feminism, method and Rawlsian abstraction', in Ruth Abbey (ed) Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls


@ Rawls and race

   (For reworkings of Rawlsian theory to provide a theory of racial justice see 'Racial justice')

   (See also 'Rawls and self-respect', 'Racial exclusion in political philosophy', 'Ideal and nonideal theory')

   Rawls, John (2001) Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, pp. 64-66

   Arneson, Richard (1999) 'Against Rawlsian equality of opportunity', Philosophical Studies 93(1)

   Ficek, Douglas (2002) 'Rawls, race and reparations', Radical Philosophy Review 5(1-2)

   Nagel, Thomas (2003) 'Rawls and affirmative action', Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 39

   Allen, Anita L (2004) 'Race, face and Rawls', Fordham Law Review 72(4)

   Foster, Sheila (2004) 'Rawls, race and reason', Fordham Law Review 72(4)

   Mills, Charles W. (2004) ''Ideal theory' as ideology', in Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker (eds) Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, reprinted in Hypatia 20(3), 2005, and as ch. 5 of Mills's Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017

   Pateman, Carole and Mills, Charles W. (2007) Contract and Domination, chs. 3, 4 and 8

   Mills, Charles W. (2009) 'Rawls on race/race in Rawls', Southern Journal of Philosophy 47(51), reprinted as ch. 8 of his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017 preview

   Matthew, D.C. (2017) 'Rawls and racial justice', Politics Philosophy and Economics 16(3) abstract

   Mills, Charles W. (2020) 'Theorizing racial justice', Tanner Lectures on Human Values pdf


@ Ideal and nonideal theory

   (See also 'Realism and Rawls', 'Racial exclusion in political philosophy')

   Rawls, John (1999) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 2, 26, 39, 47, 53

   Rawls, John (2000) Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, secs. 5, 18

* Mills, Charles W. (2004) ''Ideal theory' as ideology', in Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker (eds) Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, reprinted in Hypatia 20(3), 2005, and as ch. 5 of Mills's Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017 preview

   Farrelly, Colin (2007) 'Justice in ideal theory: a refutation', Political Studies 55(4) abstract

   Mills, Charles W. (2008) 'Racial liberalism', Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 123(5), reprinted as ch. 3 of his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017 abstract

   Robeyns, Ingrid (2008) 'Ideal theory in theory and practice', Social Theory and Practice 34(3) preview

   Stemplowska, Zofia (2008) 'What's ideal about ideal theory?' Social Theory and Practice 34(3), reprinted in Tom Campbell and Alejandra Mancilla (eds) Theories of Justice preview

   Swift, Adam (2008) 'The value of philosophy in nonideal circumstances', Social Theory and Practice 34(3) preview

   Sen, Amartya (2009) The Idea of Justice summary

   Stemplowska, Zofia and Swift, Adam (2012) 'Ideal and nonideal theory', in David Estlund (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy abstract

   Schmidtz, David (2011) 'Nonideal theory: what it is and what it needs to be', Ethics 121(4) (review of Sen 2009) abstract

   Valentini, Laura (2012) 'Ideal vs. nonideal theory: a conceptual map', Philosophy Compass 7(9) abstract

   Zack, Naomi, 'Ideal, nonideal, and empirical theories of social justice: the need for applicative justice in addressing injustice', in Naomi Zack (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race abstract

   Adams, Matthew (2019) 'An ideology critique of nonideal methodology', European Journal of Political Theory 20(4) abstract

   Stahl, Titus (2022 online) 'What (if anything) is ideological about ideal theory?' European Journal of Political Theory abstract


@ Rawls's historical context

   Fleischacker, Samuel (2005) A Short History of Distributive Justice summary

   Forrester, Katrina (2019) In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Making of Political Philosophy summary

   Smith, Sophia (2021) 'Historicizing Rawls', Modern Intellectual History 18(4) abstract


@ Rawls and the role of political philosophy

   Raz, Joseph (1990) 'Facing diversity: the case for epistemic abstinence', Philosophy and Public Affairs 19(1)

   Waldron, Jeremy (1999) 'Disagreements about justice' in H. Richardson and P. Weithman (eds) The Philosophy of Rawls: Reasonable Pluralism


@ Rawls and discrimination

   (See 'Rawls and race', 'Rawls and feminism')


@ Rawls and egalitarianism

   (See 'Veil of ignorance reasoning', 'Difference principle in Rawls')


@ Rawls and Hegel

   (See A Hegel bibliography: 'Rawls and Hegel')


@ Rawls and Habermas

   (See 'Habermas and Rawls')


@ Rawls and Marx

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Rawls and Marx')


@ Rawls and realism in political philosophy

   (See 'Realism and Rawls')




@ Rorty (texts)

   Rorty, R. (1980) Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

   Rorty, R. (1982) Consequences of Pragmatism

   Rorty, R. (1989) Contingency, Irony and Solidarity

   Rorty, R. (1991) Objectivity, Relativism and Truth, especially 'Solidarity or objectivity?'

   Rorty, R. (1991) Essays on Heidegger and Others


@ Rorty (commentary)

   Holland, A.J. (ed) (1985) Philosophy, its History and Historiography

   Bernstein, R. (1987) 'One step forward, two steps back: Richard Rorty on liberal democracy and philosophy', Political Theory 15(4)

   Putnam, H. (1987) 'Why reason can't be naturalised', in K. Baynes (ed) After Philosophy: End or Transformation?

   Malachowski, A. (ed) (1990) Reading Rorty, especially article by Williams

   Sorell, T. (1990) 'The world from its own point of view' in Malachowski (ed) Reading Rorty

   Bhaskar, R. (1991) Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom


@ Rorty's political philosophy and ethics, the political implications of Rorty's pragmatism

   Rorty, R. (1980) Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, c. 383-6

   West, C. (1985) 'Afterword' to Rajchman, J. and West, C. (eds) Post-Analytic Philosophy

   Rorty, R. (1988) 'The priority of democracy to philosophy' in M.D. Peterson and R.C. Vaughan (eds) The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom: Its Evolution and Consequences for American History, reprinted in Rorty's Objectivity, Relativism and Truth

   Rorty, R. (1989) Contingency, Irony and Solidarity, especially Introduction and c. pp. 53-68

   Rorty, R. (1991) Objectivity, Relativism and Truth, especially 'Introduction' and 'Postmodernist bourgeois liberalism'

+ Plant, R. (1991) Modern Political Thought, ch. 9

   Frazer, N. (1991) 'Solidarity or singularity?' in Malachowski (ed) Reading Rorty

+ Mullhall, S. and Swift, A. (1992) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction, ch. on Rorty

   Geras, N. (1995) 'Language, truth and justice', New Left Review 209

   Geras, N. (1995) Solidarity in the Conversation of Humankind: The Ungroundable Liberalism of Richard Rorty



   (Social and political thought)


@ Rousseau: texts

   Discourse on the Sciences and Arts [1750]

* Discourse on Inequality [1755]

   Discourse on Political Economy [1755]

   Letter to D'Alembert [1758]

* The Social Contract [1762]

* Emile [1762]

   Considerations on the Government of Poland [1770-71]

   Confessions [1765-70]


@ Rousseau: collected editions:

   The Political Writings of Rousseau, ed. C.E. Vaughan 1915

   Political Writings ed. F. Watkins, London 1953

   Du Contrat Social et autres oeuvres politiques, Paris,1973

   The Social Contract and Discourses, tr. G.D.H. Cole, revised J.H. Brumfitt and J.C. Hall, Dent 1973

   The Indispensable Rousseau, ed. J.H. Mason, London,1979

   The First and Second Discourses, tr. V. Gourevitch, New York 1986

   Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings, ed. P. Gay, tr. D.A. Cress, Hackett 1987


@ Rousseau's social and political thought: introductions

   Cassirer, E. [1932] The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, ch. 6

   Sabine, G.H. [1937] A History of Political Theory, many subsequent eds., ch. on Rousseau

   Plamenatz, John (1963) Man and Society vol. 1, ch. 10

   Cranston, Maurice (1968) 'Introduction' to J.‑J. Rousseau, The Social Contract, Penguin, Harmondsworth

   Grimsley, R. (1973) The Philosophy of Rousseau, chs. 2-7

   Skillen, A. (1985) 'Rousseau and the fall of social man', Philosophy 60

   Wokler, Robert (1995) Rousseau

   Bertram, Christopher (2004) Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Rousseau and The Social Contract

   Delaney, J. (2009) Starting With Rousseau


@ Rousseau's social and political thought: fuller treatments

   (Single-author books and collections)

   Wright, Ernest H. (1929) The Meaning of Rousseau

   Carritt, E.F. (1935) Morals and Politics

   Broome, J.H. (1963) Rousseau: A Study of his Thought

   Masters, R.D. (1968) The Political Philosophy of J.-J. Rousseau

   Shklar, Judith N. (1969) Men and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory

   Cranston, Maurice and Peters, R.S. (eds) (1972) Hobbes and Rousseau

   Cobban, A. (1972) Rousseau and the Modern State

* Hall, J.C. (1973) Rousseau: An Introduction to his Political Philosophy

   Charvet, John (1974) The Social Problem in the Philosophy of Rousseau

   Ellenburg, S. (1976) Rousseau's Political Philosophy: An Interpretation from Within

   Shklar, Judith N. (1979) Men and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory

* Noone, J.B. (1981) Rousseau's 'Social Contract': A Conceptual Analysis, chs. 1-4

   Levine, Andrew (1976) The Politics of Autonomy: A Kantian Reading of Rousseau's Social Contract

   Gildin, Hilail (1983) Rousseau's 'Social Contract': The Design of the Argument

   Miller, James (1984) Rousseau: Dreamer of Democracy

   Blum, Carol (1984) Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue: The Language of Politics in the French Revolution

   Dent, Nicholas J.H. (1988) Rousseau

   Melzer, Arthur M. (1990) The Natural Goodness of Man

   Charvet, John (1995) The Idea of an Ethical Community

   Strong, Tracey B. (1994) Rousseau: The Politics of the Ordinary

   Riley, Patrick (ed) (2001) The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau

   O' Hagan, Timothy (2003) Rousseau

   Marks, Jonathan (2007) Perfection and Disharmony in the Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

   Cohen, Joshua (2010) Rousseau: A Free Community of Equals

   Lauritsen, Holger Ross and Thorup, Mikkel (eds) (2011) Rousseau and Revolution

   James, David (2013) Rousseau and German Idealism: Freedom, Dependence and Necessity

   Harris, Neal and others (eds) (2023) Rousseau Today: Interdisciplinary Essays contents


@ Historically influential views of Rousseau's thought

   Durkheim, Emile [1918] Lecture on Rousseau, in Montesquieu and Rousseau: Forerunners of Sociology, tr. R. Manheim 1960

   Bosanquet, B. [1899] Philosophical Theory of the State, 2nd ed. 1923, ch. 5

   Cassirer, Ernst [1932] The Question of Jean Jacques Rousseau

   Talmon, J.L. (1952) The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, ch. 3


@ Rousseau: biographies

   Einaudi, M. (1967) The Early Rousseau

   Grimsley, R. (1969) J.-J. Rousseau: A Study of Self-Awareness

   Cranston, Maurice (1982) Jean-Jacques: The Early Life and Work of J-J Rousseau 1712-1754

   Damrosch, Leo (2005) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Restless Genius


@ Discourse on Inequality

   (See also 'Rousseau and property and commercial society', 'Rousseau's historical anthropology')

   Lovejoy, A.O. (1923) 'The supposed primitivism of Rousseau's 'Discourse on Inequality'', Modern Philology 21(2), reprinted in Lovejoy's Essays in the History of Ideas 1955

   Allers, U.S. (1958) 'Rousseau's second discourse', The Review of Politics 20(1)

   MacAdam, J.I. (1972) 'The Discourse on Inequality and the Social Contract', Philosophy, Oct 1972, reprinted in J. Lively and A. Reeve (eds) Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx 1989

   DeLue, S.M. (1974) 'Rousseau: a theory of history that vindicates the common man', Polity 7(2)

   Plattner, M.F. (1979) Rousseau's State of Nature: An Interpretation of the Discourse on Inequality, N. Illinois

   Skillen, A. (1985) 'Rousseau and the fall of social man', Philosophy 60

   Scott, J.T. (1992) 'The theodicy of the Second Discourse: the 'pure state of nature' and Rousseau's political thought', American Political Science Review, 86(3)

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2008) Rousseau's Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality and the Drive for Recognition

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2012) 'The critical function of genealogy in the thought of J.-J. Rousseau', Review of Politics 74

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2015) Rousseau's Critique of Inequality


@ Rousseau's historical anthropology

   (See also 'Discourse on Inequality')

   Jouvenel, Bertrand de (1961-62) 'Rousseau the pessimistic evolutionist', Yale French Studies 28

   Gossman, Lionel (1964) 'Time and history in Rousseau', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 30: Theories of the Political State

   Wokler, Robert (1978) 'Perfectible apes in decadent cultures: Rousseau's anthropology revisited', Daedalus 107(3)

   Wokler, Robert and Frayling, Christopher (1982) 'From the orang-utan to the vampire: towards an anthropology of Rousseau', in R. A. Leigh (ed) Rousseau after Two Hundred Years. Proceedings of the Cambridge Bicentennial Colloquium

   Horowitz, Asher (1987) Rousseau, Nature and History, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo and London

   Noble, Richard (1988) 'Freedom and sentiment in Rousseau's philosophical anthropology', History of Political Thought 9(2)

   Horowitz, Asher (1990) ''Laws and customs thrust us back into infancy': Rousseau's historical anthropology', Review of Politics 52(2)


@ Pity and compassion in Rousseau

   Boyd, Richard (2004) 'Pity's pathologies portrayed: Rousseau and the limits of democratic compassion', Political Theory 32(4)


@ Amour-propre: general

   (Including selfhood and Rousseau, recognition and Rousseau)

   Discourse on Inequality


   Alford, C.F. (1991) The Self in Social Theory: A Psychoanalytic Account of its Construction in Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawls and Rousseau

   Taylor, Charles (1992) 'The politics of recognition', parts 1-3, in Amy Gutmann (ed) Multiculturalism and the 'Politics of Recognition'

   O'Hagan, Tim (ed) (1997) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Sources of the Self

   James David (2017) 'Reading Rousseau's Second Discourse in the light of the question: what is the source of inequality?' European Journal of Philosophy 26(1) abstract

   Hivonen, Onni (2023) 'The ambivalence of human sociality: Rousseau and recognition', in Neal Harris and others (eds) Rousseau Today: Interdisciplinary Essays


@ Amour-propre: narrow interpretations

   (Amour-propre as always a drive to be seen as in some way superior to others.)

   Starobinski, Jean [1957] Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Transparency and Obstruction, tr. 1988

   McManners, John (1972) 'The Social Contract and Rousseau's revolt against society', in M. Cranston and R. Peters (eds) Hobbes and Rousseau

   Bloom, Allan (1979) 'Introduction', in Emile: Or, on Education, Basic Books

   Rapaczynski, Anton (1987) Nature and Politics, part 3

   Chazan, Pauline (1993) 'Rousseau as a psycho-social moralist: the distinction between amour de soi and amour-propre', History of Philosophy Quarterly 10(4) preview

   McLendon, Michael L. (2003) 'The overvaluation of talent: an interpretation and application of Rousseau's amour-propre', Polity 36(1) abstract

   McLendon, Michael L. (2018) The Psychology of Inequality: Rousseau's 'Amour-Propre', chs. 2-3 summary

* Inbar, Avner (2019) 'The rehabilitation of amour-propre', History of Political Thought 40(3) abstract

   Holley, Jared (2022 online) 'The aesthetic dimensions of esteem in Rousseau: amour-propre general will and general taste', British Journal for the History of Philosophy abstract


@ Amour-propre: wide interpretations

   (Amour-propre as taking the form either of a drive to be seen as in some way equal to others - sometimes called 'healthy' amour-propre - or else of a drive be seen as in some way superior to others - sometimes called 'inflamed' amour-propre)

   Kant (1793) Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, 6:27

   Dent, Nicholas J.H. (1988) Rousseau: An Introduction to His Psychological, Social and Political Theory, pp. 20-26, 52-58, 143-145 contents

* Dent, Nicholas J.H. (1992) A Rousseau Dictionary, entry on 'Amour-propre'

   Neuhouser, Frederick (1993) 'Freedom, dependence and the general will', Philosophical Review 102(3), revised as ch. 2 of his Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory 2000 preview

   Cohen, Joshua (1997) 'The natural goodness of humanity', in Andrews Reath and others (eds) Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls, revised as ch. 4 of his Rousseau: A Free Community of Equals abstract

   Cooper, L.aurence D. (1998) 'Rousseau on self-love: what we've learned, and what we might have learned', Review of Politics 60(4) abstract

   Cooper, Laurence D. (1999) Rousseau, Nature, and the Problem of the Good Life site

   Dent, Nicholas J.H. (1998) 'Rousseau on amour-propre', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 72 abstract

   O'Hagan, Tim (1998) 'Rousseau on amour-propre', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 72 abstract

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2003) 'Rousseau on the relation between reason and self-love (amour propre)', Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus 1

   Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, pp. 198-200

* Neuhouser, Frederick (2008) Rousseau's Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality and the Drive for Recognition, esp. chs. 1-3 site

   Kolodny, Niko (2010) 'The explanation of amour-propre', Philosophical Review 119(2) preview

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2012) 'The critical function of genealogy in the thought of J.-J. Rousseau', Review of Politics 74(3) abstract

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2014) Rousseau's Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse, ch. 2 'Amour propre is the source of social inequality' preview

   Hasan, Rafeeq (2015) 'Rousseau on the ground of obligation: reconsidering the social autonomy interpretation', European Journal of Political Theory 17(2) abstract


@ Rousseau and alienation

   Bacczko, L. and B. (1959-62) 'Rousseau et l'aliénation sociale', Annales de J.-J. Rousseau 35

   Moore, S. (1991) 'Rousseau on alienation and the rights of man', History of Political Thought 12(2)

   Campbell, Sally Howard (2012) Rousseau and the Paradox of Alienation summary


@ Rousseau and recognition

   (See 'Amour-propre: general')


@ Rousseau and property and commercial society

   (See also 'Smith on commercial society')

   West, E.G. [1971] 'Adam Smith and Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality: inspiration or provocation?', Journal of Economic Issues 5(2), reprinted in Cunningham Wood 1984 vol. 1

   Colletti, L. (1972) 'Mandeville, Rousseau, Smith', in From Rousseau to Lenin, New Left Books, London

   Colletti, L. (1972) 'Rousseau as critic of 'civil society'', in From Rousseau to Lenin

   Rod, W. (1978) 'Eigentum und Arbeit in Rousseaus politischer und okonomischer Theorie', Archiv für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie 32

   Bertil, F. (1998) Rousseau's Economic Philosophy: Beyond the Market of Innocents

   Pierson, Chris (2013) 'Rousseau and the paradoxes of property', European Journal of Political Theory 12(4)


@ General will, popular sovereignty and common good in Rousseau

   (See also 'Rawls and Rousseau')

   Diderot (1755) 'Natural rights', The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert

   Rousseau, Social Contract first draft ch. 2 'The general society of the human race'

   Rousseau, Social Contract especially bk. 1 chs. 6-7; bk. 2 chs. 3,6,7; bk. 4 chs. 1-2

   Rousseau, 'Discourse on political economy'

   Bosanquet, B. [1899] Philosophical Theory of the State, ch. 5

   Ginsberg, M. (1919) 'Is there a general will?' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 20

* Barry, Brian (1964) 'The public interest', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 38, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967

* Runciman, W.G. and Sen, Amartya K. (1965) 'Games, justice and the general will', Mind 74

   Thomson, D. (1966) 'Rousseau and the general will', in his Political Ideas

   Riley, Patrick (1970) 'A possible explanation of Rousseau's general will', American Political Science Review 64(1), reprinted in Morris (ed) The Social Contract Theorists, and as ch. 4 of his Will and Political Legitimacy 1982

   Dagger, Richard (1981) 'Understanding the general will', Western Political Quarterly 34 (3)

   Riley, Patrick (1982-83) 'The General Will before Rousseau: The Contributions of Arnauld, Pascal, Malebranche, Bayle, and Bossuet', Studi Filosofici, reprinted in Farr and Williams (eds) The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept 2015

   Wood, Ellen Meiksins (1983) 'The state and popular sovereignty in French political thought: a genealogy of Rousseau's 'general will', History of Political Thought 4(2)

   Meltzer, A. (1983) 'Rousseau's moral realism: replacing natural law with the general will', American Political Science Review 77(3)

* Elster, Jon (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory

   Rosenfeld, David (1987) 'Rousseau's unanimous contract and the doctrine of popular sovereignty', History of Political Thought 8(1)

   King, P. (1987) 'Towards a theory of the general will', History of Philosophy Quarterly 4(1)

* Jones, W.T. (1987) 'Rousseau's general will and the problem of consent', Journal of the History of Philosophy 25

   Hiley, D. (1990) 'The individual and the general will: Rousseau reconsidered', History of Philosophy Quarterly 7(2)

   Neuhouser, Frederick (1993) 'Freedom, dependence and the general will', Philosophical Review 102(3), revised as ch. 2 of his Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory 2000

   Mandle, Jon (1997) 'Rousseauian constructivism', Journal of the History of Philosophy 35(4)

   Sreenivasan, G. (2000) 'What is the general will?', Philosophical Review 109(4)

* Riley, Patrick (2001) 'Rousseau's general will' in P. Riley (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau

   Williams, David Lay (2005) 'Justice and the general will: affirming Rousseau's ancient orientation', Journal of the History of Ideas 66(3)

   Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, lectures on Rousseau

   Williams, David Lay (2010) 'Spinoza and the general will'', Journal of Politics, reprinted in Farr and Williams (eds) The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept 2015

   Lauritsen, Holger Ross (2011) 'The general will between conservation and revolution', in H.R. Lauritsen and M. Thorup (eds) Rousseau and Revolution

   Farr, James and Williams, David Lay (eds) (2015) The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept

   James, David (2011) 'Rousseau on needs, language and pity: the limits of 'public reason'', European Journal of Political Theory 10(3) abstract

   Thompson, Michael J. (2017) 'Autonomy and common good: interpreting Rousseau's general will', International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25(2)


@ Rousseau and freedom

   Hegel [1807] The Phenomenology of Spirit, section on 'absolute freedom and terrror'

   Talmon, J.L. (1952) The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, ch. 3

   Berlin, I. [1958] 'Two concepts of liberty', secs. 2-5, in his Four Essays on Liberty 1969, also in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967

   Plamenatz, John [1965] 'Ce qui ne signifie autre chose, sinon qu'on le forcera d'être libre', in Cranston and Peters (eds) Hobbes and Rousseau

   Chapman, J.W. (1968) Rousseau: Totalitarian or Liberal?

   Dodge, G.H. (ed) (1971) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Authoritarian Libertarian?

   Levine, Andrew (1976) The Politics of Autonomy: A Kantian Reading of Rousseau's Social Contract

   Wokler, Robert (1979) 'Rousseau's perfectibilian libertarianism' in Alan Ryan (ed) The Idea of Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin

   Sorenson, L.R. (1982) Rousseau and the End of Political Philosophy

   Wokler, Robert (1987) 'Rousseau's two concepts of liberty' in G. Feaver and F. Rosen (eds) Lives, Liberties and the Public Good

   Jones, W.T. (1987) 'Rousseau's general will and the problem of consent', Journal of the History of Philosophy 25

   Hiley, D. (1990) 'The individual and the general will', History of Philosophy Quarterly 7(2)

   Riley, Patrick (1991) 'Rousseau's general will: freedom of a particular kind', Political Studies 39

   Neuhouser, Frederick (1993) 'Freedom, dependence and the general will', Philosophical Review 102(3), revised as ch. 2 of his Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory 2000

   Cullen, D. (1993) Freedom in Rousseau's Political Philosophy

   Wokler, Robert (ed) (1995) Rousseau and Liberty

   Crocker, L.G. (1995) 'Rousseau's soi-disant liberty', in R. Wokler (ed) Rousseau and Liberty

   Masters, R. (1995) 'Forced to be free' in R. Wokler (ed) Rousseau and Liberty

   Evans, M. (1995) 'Freedom in modern society: Rousseau's challenge', Inquiry 38(3)

   Affeldt, S.G. (1999) 'The force of freedom: Rousseau on forcing to be free', Political Theory 27

   Miller, J. (2006) ''The abyss of philosophy': Rousseau's concept of freedom', Modern Intellectual History 3(1)

   Simpson, M. (2006) Rousseau's Theory of Freedom

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2011) 'Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the origins of autonomy', Inquiry 54(5)


@ Rousseau: the 'social autonomy' interpretation

   (See also 'Rawls and Rousseau')

   Neuhouser, Frederick (1993) 'Freedom, dependence and the general will', Philosophical Review 102(3), revised as ch. 2 of his Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory 2000

   Rawls, John (2007) Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, lectures on Rousseau

   Cohen, Joshua (2010) Rousseau: A Free Community of Equals

   Hasan, Rafeeq (2015) 'Rousseau on the ground of obligation: reconsidering the social autonomy interpretation', European Journal of Political Theory 17(2)

   Hasan, Rafeeq (2016) 'Autonomy and happiness in Rousseau's justification of the state', Review of Politics 78


@ Rousseau and political obligation

   (The grounds of political obligation and the motivations for political obedience in Rousseau)

   Cranston, Maurice and Peters, R.S. (eds) (1972) Hobbes and Rousseau, relevant articles

   Steinberg, J. (1978) Locke, Rousseau and the Idea of Consent

   Macadam, J. (1980) 'Rousseau and Hobbes' in R. Fitgerald (ed) Comparing Political Thinkers


@ Rousseau and political legitimacy

   Rousseau, Social Contract especially bks. 1-2

   Cassirer, E. [1932] The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, ch. 6 sec. 2 'The contract and the method of the social sciences'

   Althusser, L. (1973) 'Rousseau: the social contract', in his Politics and History

* Noone, J.B. (1981) Rousseau's 'Social Contract': A Conceptual Analysis, chs. 1-4

   Riley, Patrick (1982) Will and Political Legitimacy, chs. 1,2,4

   Barnard, F.M. (1984) 'Will and political rationality in Rousseau', Political Studies 32, reprinted in J. Lively and A. Reeve (eds) Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx 1989

   Jones, W.T. (1987) 'Rousseau's general will and the problem of consent', Journal of the History of Philosophy 25

   Barnard, F. (1988) Self-direction and Political Legitimacy: Rousseau and Herder


@ Rousseau and natural law

   Vaughan, C.E. (1915) 'Introduction' to The Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

   Cassirer, E. [1932] The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, ch. 6 sec. 2 'The contract and the method of the social sciences'

   Derathé, R. (1950) Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la Science Politique de son Temps

   Strauss, L. (1953) Natural Right and History, ch. 6A

   Cobban, A. (1951) 'New light on the political thought of Rousseau', Political Science Quarterly 66(2)

   Steinberg, J. (1978) Locke, Rousseau and the Idea of Consent

   Wokler, Robert (1994) 'Rousseau's Pufendorf: natural law and the foundations of commercial society', History of Political Thought 15(3)


@ Rousseau and republicanism

   Viroli, M. (1987) 'The concept of 'ordre' and the language of classical republicanism in J.-J. Rousseau', in A. Pagden (ed) The Languages of Political Theory in Early Modern Europe

   Canovan, M. (1987) 'Rousseau's two concepts of citizenship', in E. Kennedy and S. Mendus (eds) Women in Western Political Philosophy: Kant to Nietzsche

   Viroli, M. (1988) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and The Well Ordered Society

   Mason, J.H. (1989) 'Individuals in society: Rousseau's republican vision', History of Political Thought 10

   Bloom, Alan (1997) 'Rousseau's critique of liberal constitutionalism', in C. Orwin and N. Tarcov (eds) The Legacy of Rousseau


@ Civic virtue, the 'remarkable change in man' and the legislator

   Charvet, John (1974) The Social Problem in the Philosophy of Rousseau

   Shklar, Judith N. (1979) Men and Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory

   Gauthier, David (1990) 'The politics of redemption', in Moral Dealing: Contract, Ethics, and Reason

   Trachtenberg, Z. (1993) Making Citizens: Rousseau's Political Theory of Culture

   Hollis, Martin (1997) 'A remarkable change in man', in T. O'Hagan (ed) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Sources of the Self

   Trachtenberg, Z. (1997) 'Subject and citizen: Hobbes and Rousseau on sovereignty and the self', in T. O'Hagan (ed) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Sources of the Self


@ Rousseau and Hobbes

   Cranston, Maurice and Peters, R. (eds) (1972) Hobbes and Rousseau: A Collection of Critical Essays

   Trachtenberg, Z. (1997) 'Subject and citizen: Hobbes and Rousseau on sovereignty and the self', in T. O'Hagan (ed) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Sources of the Self

   Steinberger, Peter J. (2008) 'Hobbes, Rousseau and the modern conception of the state', Journal of Politics 70

   Douglass, R. (2015) Rousseau and Hobbes: Nature, Free Will and the Passions


@ Rousseau and educational theory (Emile)

   Boyde, W. (1911) The Educational Theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau

   Jimack, P.D. (1974) 'Introduction' to J.‑J. Rousseau, Emile, Everyman's Library, Dent

   Sahakian, M.L and Sahakian, W.S (1974) Rousseau as Educator

   Jimack, P.D. (1983) Rousseau: Emile, Critical guides to French texts

   Emberley, P. (1985) 'Rousseau and the management of the passions', Interpretation 13(2)


@ Rousseau's political thought: other topics

   Tuttle, A.W. (1972) The Concept of Equality in the Writings of Rousseau, Bentham and Kant

   Ryan, A. (1984) Property and Political Theory, Oxford, pp. 49-72

   Kelly, C. (1987) Rousseau's Exemplary Life: The 'Confessions' as Political Philosophy

   Rapaczynski, A. (1989) Nature and Politics

   Still, J. (1993) Justice and Difference in the Works of Rousseau


@ Rousseau and religion

   Emile, 'Profession of faith of a Savoard vicar'

   Social Contract, book 4 last ch

   Letter to Christophe de Beaumont [1763]

   Wolin, S. (1961) Politics and Vision

   Grimsley, R. (1968) Rousseau and the Religious Quest

   Riley, Patrick (19?) The General Will Before Rousseau

   Brooke, Christopher (2001) 'Rousseau's political thought: Stoic and Augustinian origins', in P. Riley (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau


@ Rousseau and women

   Lange, R. (1979) 'Women and the general will', in L.M.G. Clark and Lynda Lange (eds) The Sexism of Social and Political Theory: Women and Reproduction from Plato to Nietzsche

   Lloyd, G. (1983) 'Rousseau on reason, nature and women', Metaphilosophy 14(3-4)

   Bloch, M. and Bloch, J.H. (1980) 'Women and the dialectics of nature in eighteenth-century French thought', in C.P. MacCormack and M. Strathern (eds) (1980) Nature, Culture and Gender


@ Rousseau and critical theory

   Honneth, Axel (2014) 'The diseases of society: approaching a nearly impossible concept', Social Research 81(3)

   Ferrara, Alessandro (2017) Rousseau and Critical Theory



   (Social and political thought)


@ Smith: introductory

   Blaug, Mark (1962) Economic Theory in Retrospect, 5th ed. 1996, ch. 2

   Raphael, D.D. (1985) Adam Smith, Pastmasters

   Skinner, A.S. (1987) 'Adam Smith' in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics vol. 4

   Cropsey, Joseph (1987) 'Smith', in Joseph Strauss and Leo Cropsey (eds) History of Political Philosophy, 3rd edition

   Gordon, H. Scott (1991) The History and Philosophy of Social Science, ch. 7C preview


@ Smith: more advanced

   West, E.G. (1969) Adam Smith

   Reisman, D.A. (1976) Adam Smith's Sociological Economics

   Winch, Donald (1978) Adam Smith's Politics: An Essay in Historiographic Revision

   Campbell, R.H. and Skinner, Andrew S. (1982) Adam Smith

   Hollander, Samuel (1973) The Economics of Adam Smith

   Skinner, Andrew S. (1979) Adam Smith: A System of Social Science

   Haakonssen, Knud (1981) The Science of a Legislator: The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and Adam Smith

   Rashid, Salim (1998) The Myth of Adam Smith summary

   Fleischacker, Samuel (2005) On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion summary

   Hanley, Ryan P. (2009) Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue contents

   Schliesser, Eric (2017) Adam Smith: Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker

   Hill, Lisa (2020) Adam Smith's Pragmatic Liberalism: The Science of Welfare contents

   Sagar, Paul (2022) Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics summary


@ Smith on sympathy vs. self-interest (the 'Adam Smith problem')

   Choi, Y.B. (1990) 'Smith's View on human nature: a problem in the interpretation of 'The Wealth of Nations' and 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments'', Review of Social Economy 48(3)

   Smith, V.L. (1998) 'The two faces of Adam Smith', Southern Economic Journal 65(1)

   Otteson, J.R. (2000) 'The recurring 'Adam Smith Problem'', History of Philosophy Quarterly 17(1)


@ Smith on commercial society

   (See also 'Rousseau and property and commercial society')

   Rasmussen, Dennis C. (2008) The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society: Adam Smith's Response to Rousseau

   Berry, Christopher J. (2013) The Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment, ch. 7 ' The idea of a commercial society' abstract

   Hont, István (2015) Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith contents

   Dellemotte, Jean and Walraevens, Benoît (2015) 'Adam Smith on the subordination of wage-earners in the commercial society', European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 22(4)

   Sagar, Paul (2022) Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics, ch. 1 'Commercial society, history, and the four stages theory', ch. 4 'Whose corruption, which polity?' summary


@ Smith and Rousseau

   Rasmussen, Dennis (2008) The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society: Adam Smith's Response to Rousseau

   Hanley, Ryan P. 'Commerce and corruption: Rousseau's diagnosis and Adam Smith's cure', European Journal of Political Theory 7(2)

+ Rasmussen, Dennis (2013) 'Adam Smith and Rousseau: enlightenment and counter-enlightenment', in C.J. Berry, M.P. Paganelli, and C. Smith (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith

   Hont, István (2015) Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith contents

   Douglass, Robin (2018) 'Theorising commercial society: Rousseau, Smith and Hont', European Journal of Political Theory 17(4) abstract

   Sagar, Paul (2022) Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics, ch. 3 'Smith and Rousseau, after Hume and Mandeville' abstract


@ Smith on freedom

   Forbes, Duncan (1976) 'Sceptical Whiggism, commerce and liberty', in A. S. Skinner and T. Wilson (eds) Essays on Adam Smith

   Berry, Christopher J. [1989] 'Adam Smith: commerce, liberty and modernity', in his Essays on Hume,

Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment 2018 preview

* Sagar, Paul (2022) Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics, ch. 2 'Domination, liberty, and the rule of law', especially pp. 83-96 abstract


@ Smith on the invisible hand and the state

   Kennedy, G. (2000) 'Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand: from metaphor to myth', Econ Journal Watch 6(2)

   Samuels, W.J. and Medema, S.G. (2005) 'Freeing Smith from the 'free market': on the misperception of Adam Smith on the economic role of government', History of Political Economy 37(2)

   Wight, J.B. (2007) 'The treatment of Smith's Invisible Hand', Journal of Economic Education 38(3)

   Harrison, P. (2011) 'Adam Smith and the history of the Invisible Hand', Journal of the History of Ideas 72(1)


@ Smith's conception of the good society

   Coker, E.W. (1990) 'Adam Smith's concept of the social system', Journal of Business Ethics 9(2)

   Waterman, A.M.C. (2002) 'Economics as theology: Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations', Southern Economic Journal 68(4)


@ Smith's theory of history

   Meek, Ronald (1971) 'Smith, Turgot and the 'four stages' theory', History of Political Economy 3(1)

   Skinner, Andrew S. (1975) 'Adam Smith: an economic interpretation of history', in Andrew S. Skinner (ed) Essays on Adam Smith

   Meek, Ronald (1976) Social Science and the Ignoble Savage

   Salter, John (1992) 'Adam Smith on feudalism, commerce and slavery', History of Political Thought 13(1) abstract

   Schliesser, E. (2011) 'Reading Adam Smith after Darwin: on the evolution of propensities, institutions, and sentiments', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 77(1) abstract

   Berry, Christopher J. (2013) The Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment, ch. 2 'Commerce, stages and the natural history of society' abstract

   Pauchant, Thiery C. (2017) 'Adam Smith's four-stages theory of sociocultural evolution: new insights from his 1749 lecture', The Adam Smith Review 9 site

   Sagar, Paul (2022) Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics, ch. 1 'Commercial society, history, and the four stages theory' abstract


@ Smith and women

   Rendall, J. (1987) 'Virtue and commerce: women in the making of Adam Smith's political economy', in Kennedy and Mendus (eds) Women in Western Political Philosophy

   Nerozzi, S and Nuti, P. (2011) 'Adam Smith and the family', History of Economic Ideas 19(2)








@ General

   Ramose, M. (1999) African Philosophy through Ubuntu

   Shutte, Augustine (2001) Ubuntu: An Ethic for the New South Africa


@ Collections

   Wright, Richard A. (ed) (1984) African Philosophy: An Introduction

   Wiredu, Kwasi and Gyekye, Kwame (eds) (1992) Person and Community, Ghanaian Philosophical Studies I

   Mutiso, Gideon-Cyrus M. and Rohio, S. W. (eds) (1987) Readings in African Political Thought

   Coetzee, P.H. and Roux, A.P.J

   Brown, Lee (ed) (2004) African Philosophy

   Wiredu, Kwasi (ed) (2004) A Companion to African Philosophy


@ Menkiti

* Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (1984) 'Person and community in African traditional thought', in Richard A. Wright (ed) African Philosophy: An Introduction

   Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (2004) 'On the normative conception of a person', in Kwasi Wiredu (ed) A Companion to African Philosophy

   Matolino, Bernard (2011) 'The (mal) function of 'it' in Ifeanyi Menkiti's normative account of person', African Studies Quarterly

   Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (2008) 'Philosophy and the state in Africa: some Rawlsian considerations', Philosophia Africana 5(2)

   Ikuenobe, Polycarp (2017) Matolino's misunderstanding of Menkiti's African moral view of the person and community, South African Journal of Philosophy, 36(4)

   Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (2017) 'Africa and global justice' 46(1)


@ Gyekye

   Gyekye, Kwame (1978) 'Akan concept of a person', International Philosophical Quarterly 18(3), reprinted in Richard A. Wright (ed) African Philosophy: An Introduction 1984

   Gyekye, Kwame (1987) African Philosophical Thought: The Akan Conceptual Scheme

* Gyekye, Kwame (1992) 'Person and community in African thought', in Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyekye (eds) Person and Community: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies I

   Gyekye, Kwame (1997) Tradition and Modernity: Philosophical Reflections on the African Experience

   Gyekye, Kwame (2004) Beyond Cultures: Perceiving a Common Humanity, Ghanaian Philosophical Studies III

   Matolino, Bernard (2009) 'Radicals versus moderates: a critique of Gyekye's moderate communitarianism', South African Journal of Philosophy 28

   Famakinwa, J.O (2010) 'The moderate communitarian individual and the primacy of duties', Theoria 76

   Famanikwa, J.O. (2010) 'How moderate is Kwame Gyekye's moderate communitarianism?', Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 2

   Gyekye, Kwame (2010) 'African ethics', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


@ Wiredu

   (For Wiredu on democracy see 'Consensual democracy')

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1992) 'African concept of personhood', in Harley E. Flack and Edmond D. Pellegrino (eds) African American Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics

* Wiredu, Kwasi (1992) 'The moral foundations of an African culture', in Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyekye (eds) Person and Community: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies I, reprinted in P. H. Coetzee and A. P. J. Roux (eds) The African Philosophy Reader: A Text with Readings 1998, 2nd ed. 2003

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1996) Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1996) 'Custom and morality: a comparative analysis of some African and western conceptions of morals', in his Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1996) 'An Akan perspective on human rights', in his Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective


@ Personhood and community, Menkiti-Gyekye debate

   Gbadegesin, Segun (2003) 'Eniyan: The Yoruba concept of a person', in P.H. Coetzee and A.P.J. Roux (eds) The African Philosophy Reader

   Kaphagawani, D. (2004) 'African conceptions of a person: a critical survey', in Kwasi Wiredu (ed) A Companion to African Philosophy

   Appiah, Anthony Kwame (2004) 'Akan and Euro-American concepts of the person', in Lee Brown (ed) African Philosophy

   Behrens, K. (2013) 'Two 'normative' conceptions of personhood', Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 25

   Molefe, Motsamai (2016) 'Revisiting the Menkiti-Gyekye debate: who is a radical communitarian?', Theoria 63(149)


@ Ubuntu

   Louw, Dirk (2001) 'Ubuntu and the challenges of multiculturalism in post-apartheid South Africa', Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 15

   Dreyer, J.S. (2015) 'Ubuntu' International Journal of Practical Theology 19(1)

   Ntibagirirwa, Symphorien (2018) 'Ubuntu as a metaphysical concept', Journal of Value Inquiry 52(1)


@ Critiques of Afro-communitarianism

   Matolino, B. and Kwingdingwi, W. (2013) 'The end of Ubuntu', South African Journal of Philosophy 32(2)


@ Human rights and Afro-communitarianism

   Howard, R.E. (1992) 'Communitarianism and liberalism in the debates on human rights in Africa', Journal of Contemporary African Studies 11(1)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2010) 'Human dignity, capital punishment, and an African moral theory: toward a new philosophy of human rights', Human Rights Review 9

* Metz, Thaddeus (2011) 'Ubuntu as a moral theory and human rights in South Africa', African Human Rights Law Journal 11(2), sections 2-5

   Metz, Thaddeus (2012) 'African conceptions of human dignity: vitality and community as the ground of human rights', Human Rights Review 13

   Metz, Thaddeus (2012) 'An African theory of moral status: a relational alternative to individualism and holism', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15(3)

   Oyowe, Anthony O. (2013) 'Personhood and human rights: a critical study of the African-communitarian and normative conception of the self', PhD thesis, University of Kwazulu-Natal, available online

   Oyowe, Anthony O. (2013) 'Strange bedfellows: rethinking ubuntu and human rights in South Africa', African Human Rights Law Journal 13(1)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2014) 'African values and human rights as two sides of the same coin: a reply to Oyowe', African Human Rights Law Journal 14(2)

   Ikuenobe, Polycarp (2016) 'The communal basis for moral dignity: an African perspective', Philosophical Papers 45(3)

   Molefe, Motsamai (2017) 'A critique of Thad Metz's African theory of moral status', South African Journal of Philosophy, 36(2)

   Chimakonan, J.O. and Nweke, V.C. (2018) 'African communitarianism and the question of human rights', Theoria 65(157)

   Molefe, Motsamai (2017) 'Critical comments on Afro-communitarianism: the community versus the individual', Filosofia Theoretica 6(1)

   Chemhuru, Munamato (2018) 'African communitarianism and human rights: towards a compatibilist view', Theoria 65(157)

   Molefe, Motsamai (2018) 'Personhood and rights in an African tradition', Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 45(2)

   Matolino, Bernard (2018) 'Restating rights in Afro-communitarianism', Theory 65(157)


@ Metz

   (For Metz on human rights see 'Human rights and moral status')

   Metz, Thaddeus (2007) 'Toward an African moral theory', Journal of Political Philosophy 15(3)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2007) 'Ubuntu as a moral theory: reply to four critics', South African Journal of Philosophy 26

   Metz, Thaddeus and Gaie, J.B. (2010) 'The African ethic of Ubuntu/Botho: implications for research on morality', Journal of Moral Education 39(3)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2011) 'Two conceptions of African ethics', Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 25 (1-2)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2012) 'Developing African political philosophy: moral-theoretic strategies', Philosophia Africana 14

   Metz, Thaddeus (2012) 'Ethics in Africa and in Aristotle: some points of contrast', Phronimon 13(2)

   Metz, Thaddeus (2013) 'The Western ethic of care or an Afro-communitarian ethic? Specifying the right relational morality', Journal of Global Ethics 9(1)


@ Consensual democracy and Afro-communitarianism

   Toure, Sekou [1975] 'National democracy', excerpted in Mutiso and Rohio (eds) Readings in African Political Thought 1987

   Gyekye, Kwame (1992) 'Person and community in African thought', in Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyekye (eds) Person and Community: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies I

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1996) 'Democracy and consensus in African traditional politics: a plea for a non-party polity', The Centennnial Review 39(1), reprinted in Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective, and in Polylog 2, 2000, available online

   Ramose, M. (1999) African Philosophy through Ubuntu, pp. 135-153

   Wiredu, Kwasi (2007) 'Democracy by consensus: some conceptual considerations', Socialism and Democracy 21(3)

   Eze, Michael O. (2008) 'What is African communitarianism? Against consensus as a regulative ideal', South African Journal of Philosophy 27(4)

   Matolino, Bernard (2009) 'A response to Eze's critique of Wiredu's consensual democracy', South African Journal of Philosophy 28(1)

   Matolino, Bernard (2013) 'The nature of opposition in Kwasi Wiredu's democracy by consensus', African Studies 72(1)


@ Economics and Afro-communitarianism

   Wiredu, Kwasi (1992) 'The moral foundations of an African culture', in Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyekye (eds) Person and Community: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies I, reprinted in P. H. Coetzee and A. P. J. Roux (eds) The African Philosophy Reader: A Text with Readings 1998, 2nd ed. 2003

   Masolo, A. (2004) 'Western and African communitarianism: a comparison', in Kwasi Wiredu (ed) A Companion to African Philosophy


@ Rawls and Afro-communitarianism

   Letseka, M. (2014) 'Ubuntu and justice as fairness', Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 9(5)


@ Humanism and Afro-communitarianism

   Molefe, Motsamai (2015) 'A rejection of humanism in African moral tradition', Theoria 62(143)




@ Anarchism: general

   Godwin, William [1793] An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, available online

   Horowitz, I.L. (ed) (1964) The Anarchists

   Guerin, D. (1970) Anarchism

   Skillen, A. (1977) Ruling Illusions, ch. 1

   Miller, David (1984) Anarchism


@ Anarcho-capitalism

   (Alternatives to the state through competing legal systems, protection associations etc.)

   Friedman, D. (1978) The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism, 2nd ed. 1989

   Machan, T. (1990) Capitalism and Individualism: Reframing the Argument for the Free Society



   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Capitalism in recent thought' )



   (See also 'Cultural relativism in political philosophy')


@ Communitarianism: introductions

   Sandel, M. (1984) 'The procedural republic and the unencumbered self', Political Theory 12(1), reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

* Sandel, M.J. (1984) 'Morality and the liberal ideal', New Republic, 7 May 1984 reprinted as 1-7 of the 'Introduction' to M.J. Sandel (ed) Liberalism and Its Critics 1984

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. 6, secs. 2-5

   Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) Rawls, ch. 6

* Mulhall, S. and Swift, A. (1992) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction


@ Communitarianism: collections

   Sandel, M.J. (ed) (1984) Liberalism and its Critics, part 2

   Rosenblum, N. (ed) (1989) Liberalism and the Moral Life

   Avineri, S. and De-Shalit, A. (eds) (1993) Communitarianism and Individualism

   Rasmussen, D. (ed) (1995) Universalism vs. Communitarianism


@ Communitarianism: surveys

   Buchanan, A. (1988) 'Assessing the communitarian critique of liberalism', Ethics 99(4)

   Mulhall, S. and Swift, A. (1992) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction

   Phillips, D.L. (1993) Looking Backward: A Critical Appraisal of Communitarian Thought

   Bell, D. (1993) Communitarianism and its Critics

   Frazer, E. (1999) The Problems of Communitarian Politics: Unity and Conflict


@ MacIntyre's communitarianism

   MacIntyre, A. (1971) Against the Self-Images of the Age

   MacIntyre, A. (1981) After Virtue

   MacIntyre, A. (1988) Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, chs. 1, 17, 18, 20

   Taylor, Charles (19?) 'Justice after virtue', in Horton and Mendus (eds) Reading MacIntyre

   Pettit, Philip (19?) 'Liberal/communitarian: MacIntyre's mesmeric dichotomy' in Horton and Mendus (eds) Reading MacIntyre

   Mulhall, S. (19?) 'Liberalism, morality and rationality: MacIntyre, Rawls and Cavell', in Horton and Mendus (eds) Reading MacIntyre


@ Walzer's communitarianism

   (Especially his cultural relativism, and including critiques from a liberal universalist standpoint)

   (For Walzer on just war see 'Intervention vs. sovereignty')

   Walzer, M. (1981) 'Philosophy and democracy', Political Theory 9

* Walzer, M. (1983) Spheres of Justice, chs. 1, 13

   Dworkin, Ronald (1983) 'To each his own', New York Review of Books, 14 April 1983

   Dworkin, Ronald and Walzer, M. (1983) 'Spheres of Justice: an exchange', New York Review of Books, 21 July 1983

   Walzer, M. 'Complex equality' reprinted in Goodin and Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Walzer, M. (1984) 'Liberalism and the art of separation', Political Theory ?

   Cohen, Joshua (1986) 'Review of Michael Walzer, Spheres of Justice', Journal of Philosophy 83

   Walzer, M. (1987) Interpretation and Social Criticism

   Walzer, M. (1990) 'Nation and universe', in G.B. Petersen (ed) Tanner Lectures on Human Values XI

   Barry, Brian (1990) 'Social criticism and political philosophy', Philosophy and Public Affairs

   Walzer, M. (1990) 'The communitarian critique of liberalism', Political Theory 18(1)

   Warnke, G. (1992) Justice and Interpretation

   Walzer, M. (1994) Thick and Thin: Moral Arguments at Home and Abroad

   Miller, David and Walzer, M. (eds) (1995) Plurality, Justice and Equality

   Barry, Brian (1995) 'Spherical justice and global injustice' in D. Miller and M. Walzer (eds) Plurality, Justice and Equality

   Walzer, M. (1995) 'Response' in D. Miller and M. Walzer (eds) Plurality, Justice and Equality

   Walzer, M. (1997) On Toleration

   Jones, C. (1999) Global Justice, ch. 7

+ Orend, B. (2000) Michael Walzer on War and Justice, introduction and chs. 1-2


@ Taylor's communitarianism

* Taylor, Charles (1979) 'Atomism', in A. Kontos (ed) Powers, Possessions and Freedoms, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985, also in Avineri and de-Shalit (eds) Communitarianism and Individualism

   Taylor, Charles (1985) Philosophical Papers, vol. I: Human Agency and Language


@ Sandel's communitarianism

   (See also 'Communitarian and pragmatist critiques of Rawls')

* Sandel, Michael J. (1982) Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, 2nd ed. 1988, introduction, chs. 1-3, conclusion

   Sandel, Michael J. (1984) 'The procedural republic and the unencumbered self', Political Theory 12(1), reprinted in Avineri and De-Shalit (eds) Communitarianism and Individualism, and in Goodin and Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy

   Baker, C.E. (1985) 'Sandel on Rawls', University of Pennsylvania Law Review 133(4)

   Thigpen, R.B. and Downing, L.A. (1987) 'Liberalism and the communitarian critique', American Journal of Political Science 31(3)

   Sandel, Michael J. (1988) 'The political theory of the procedural republic', Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 93(1)

   Pogge, Thomas (1989) Realizing Rawls, ch. 2 'Sandel and the conception of the person'

   Sandel, Michael (2009) Justice: What is the Right Thing to Do?

   Caney, Simon (1991) 'Rawls, Sandel and the self', International Journal of Moral Social Studies

   Sandel, Michael J. (1996) Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy

   Dagger, Richard (1999) 'The Sandelian republic and the encumbered self', Review of Politics 61(2)

   Sandel, Michael J. (1999) 'Liberalism and republicanism: friends or foes? A reply to Richard Dagger', Review of Politics 61(2)

   Dagger, Richard (1999) 'Rejoinder to Michael Sandel', Review of Politics 61(2)

   Sandel, Michael J. (2005) Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics

   Rookchnik, D. (2011) 'Michael Sandel's neo-Aristotelianism', BUL Review 1405(91)


@ Social constitution

   (The neo-Hegelian idea that individuals are constituted as free and/or capable of living meaningful lives by a certain sort of community, specifically that of the modern state)

   (For these ideas in Hegel see A Hegel bibliography: 'Ethical substance, community and social constitution in Hegel')

   Taylor, Charles (1979) 'Atomism', in A. Kontos (ed) Powers, Possessions and Freedoms, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985

   Frost, M. (1986) Towards a Normative Theory of International Relations

   Brown, C. (1992) International Relations Theory: New Normative Approaches

   Frost, M. (1986) Ethics in International Relations: A Constitutive Theory

   Frost, M. (1994) 'Constituting a new world order', Paradigms 8(1)

   Jones, C. (1999) Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism, ch. 8


@ Liberal-communitarian debate

   (Including communitarian and pragmatist critiques of Rawls, specifically of his notion of the self)

* Sandel, M.J. (1982) Liberalism an the Limits of Justice, 2nd ed. 1988, introduction, chs. 1-3, conclusion

   Walzer, M. (1983) Spheres of Justice, preface, ch. 1

   Sandel, M.J. (1984) 'The procedural republic and the unencumbered self', Political Theory 12(1), reprinted in Avineri and De-Shalit (eds) and in Goodin and Petti (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy

   Gutmann, A. (1985) 'Communitarian critics of liberalism', Philosophy and Public Affairs 14

* Rawls, John (1985) 'Justice as fairness: political not metaphysical', Philosophy and Public Affairs 14, revised as lecture 1 secs. 1-5 of Rawls's Political Liberalism 1993          

   Baker, C.E. (1985) 'Sandel on Rawls', University of Pennsylvania Law Review 133(4)

   Wallach, J. (1987) 'Liberals, communitarians and the tasks of political theory', Political Theory ?

   Thigpen, R.B. and Downing, L.A. (1987) 'Liberalism and the communitarian critique', American Journal of Political Science 31(3)

* Rorty, R. (1988) 'The priority of democracy over philosophy' in M.D. Peterson and R.C. Vaughan (eds) The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom: Its Evolution and Consequences for American History, reprinted in Rorty's Objectivity, Relativism and Truth

* Kymlicka, Will (1988) 'Liberalism and communitarianism', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18(2)

   Feinberg, Joel (1988) Harmless Wrongdoing

   Doppelt, Gerald (1989) 'Is Rawls's Kantian liberalism coherent and defensible?', Ethics 99         

   Kymlicka, Will (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture, chs. 4-5

   Pogge, Thomas (1989) Realizing Rawls, ch. 2 'Sandel and the conception of the person'

   Holmes, S. (1989) 'The permanent structure of antiliberal thought', in N. Rosenblum Liberalism and the Moral Life

   Taylor, Charles (1989) 'Cross-purposes: the liberal-communitarian debate', in N. Rosenblum (ed) Liberalism and the Moral Life, reprinted in his Philosophical Arguments 1995

   Miller, David (1989) 'In what sense must socialism be communitarian?', Social Philosophy and Policy ?

+ Kukathas, Chandran and Pettit, Philip (1990) Rawls: A Theory of Justice and Its Critics, ch. 6

   Alford, C.F. (1991) The Self in Social Theory: A Psychoanalytic Account of its Construction in Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawls and Rousseau, ch. on Rawls

   Caney, Simon (1992) 'Liberalism and communitarianism: a misconceived debate', Political Studies 60

+ Mulhall, S. and Swift, A. (1992) Liberals and Communitarians: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1996, Introduction, chs. 5,6

   Mulhall, S. and Swift, A. (1993) 'Liberalisms and communitarianisms: whose misconception?' Political Studies 61(4)

   Mouffe, C. (1993) The Return of the Political, chs. 2, 4

   Frazer, E. and Lacey, N. (1993) The Politics of Community: A Feminist Critique of the Liberal-Communitarian Debate

   Delaney, C.F. (ed) (1994) The Liberalism-Communitarianism Debate: Liberty and Community Values

   Kautz, S. (1997) Liberalism and Community

   Forst, R. (2002) Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism

   Etzioni, A. (2003) The Monochrome Society

   Geuss, R. (2008) Philosophy and Real Politics, c. p.90


@ Liberal conceptions of community

   (Including arguments that liberal and communitarian values are mutually supportive)

   (See also 'Multiculturalism and multi-identity politics')

   Cochran, C. (1989) 'The thin theory of community: communitarians and their critics', Political Studies 37

   Dworkin, Ronald (1989) 'Liberal community', California Law Review 77(3)

   Kymlicka, Will (1989) Liberalism, Community, and Culture

   Selznick, P. (1989) 'Dworkin's unfinished task', California Law Review 77(3)

   Buchanan, A. (1994) 'Liberalism and Group Rights', in J. Coleman and A. Buchanan (eds) In Harm's Way

   McCabe, D. (1998) 'Private lives and public virtues: The idea of a liberal community', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 28(4)

   Brudner, A. (2004) Constitutional Goods

   Charvet, John (2009) 'Transitional problems in Brudner's inclusive conception of liberalism', Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22(1), available online


@ Nationalism, patriotism and partiality

   (See also 'Citizenship and solidarity')

   (Including critiques of this from a liberal universalist position. For positive elaborations of such universalism, see 'Cosmopolitan citizenship, global citizenship' and 'Global distributive justice' below.)

   (Nationalism strictly refers to identification with a nation, constituted by a shared language/history/ culture/ancestry; patriotism to identification with a politically unified country and its state; however nationalism is often used for the latter)

   (See also 'Civic virtues')

   Williams, Bernard (1976) 'Persons, character and morality', in A.O. Rorty (ed) The Identities of Persons, reprinted in Williams, Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973-80

   Miller, David (1988) 'The ethical significance of nationality', Ethics 98

   Nathanson, S. (1989) 'In defense of 'moderate patriotism'', Ethics 99

   Baron, M. (1989) 'Patriotism and 'liberal' morality', in D. Weissbord edition Mind, Value and Culture

   Nagel, Thomas (1991) Equality and Partiality

   Nathanson, S. (1993) Patriotism, Morality and Peace

   Miller, David (1993) 'In defence of nationality', Journal of Applied Philosophy 10

   Fletcher, G.P. (1993) Loyalty: An Essay on the Morality of Relationships

   Tamir, Y. (1993) Liberal Nationalism

   Freeman, M. (1994) 'Nation-state and cosmopolis: a reply to David Miller', Journal of Applied Philosophy 11

   Miller, David (1994) 'The nation-state: a modest defence', in C. Brown (ed) Political Restructuring in Europe

* Miller, David (1995) On Nationality

* Barry, Brian (1995) Justice as Impartiality, part 3

   Viroli, M. (1995) For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism

   Simmons, A. John (1996) 'Associative political obligations', Ethics 106

   Miller, David (1997) 'Nationality: some replies', Journal of Applied Philosophy 14

   Hurka, T. (1997) 'The justification of national partiality', in J. McMahan and R. McKim (eds) The Morality of Nationalism

   Jones, C. (1999) Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism, chs. 5-6

   Miller, David (2000) Citizenship and National Identity




@ History of social contract theory

   Lessnoff, M. (1986) Social Contract

   Riley, Patrick (2006) 'Social contract theory and its critics', in M. Goldie and R. Wokler (eds) The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought

   Freeman, Samuel (1990) 'Reason and agreement in social contract views', Philosophy and Public Affairs19(2)

   Riley, Patrick (1973) 'How coherent is the social contract tradition?' Journal of the History of Ideas 34(4)


@ Contractarianism and contractualism in political philosophy

   (Contractualism is sometimes distinguished from contractarianism as involving a hypothetical rather than an actual contract)

   (For this in Rawls see 'Rawls on public justification and public reason')

   (For democracy-based critiques see 'democracy vs. justice')

   Gauthier, David (1986) Morals by Agreement, Clarendon Press, Oxford

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1982) 'Contractualism and utilitarianism', in Sen and Williams (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond

   Barry, Brian (1989) Theories of Justice

   Buchanan, Alan (1990) 'Justice as reciprocity versus subject-centred justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs 19(3)

+ Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, p. 131

   Sugden, R. (1993) 'The contractarian enterprise', in D. Gauthier and R. Sugden (eds) Rationality, Justice and Social Contract


@ Constructivism in political philosophy

   (See also 'Kant's ethics and constructivism', 'Kant's political philosophy and constructivism')

   Lafont, C. (2004) 'Moral objectivity and reasonable agreement: can realism be reconciled with Kantian constructivism?', Ratio Juris 17(1)

   Roberts, Peri (2007) Political Constructivism

   Buckley, Michael (2010) 'The structure of justification in political constructivism', Metaphilosophy 41(5)


@ Constructivism in Rousseau

   Mandle, J. (1997) 'Rousseauian constructivism', Journal of the History of Philosophy 35(4)



   (Including 'politics' understood as decision-making by argument and negotiation)


@ Democracy: Introductions

   Dahl, R.A. (1979) 'Procedural Democracy' in P. Laslett and J. Fishkin (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, Fifth series, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology


@ Democracy: general books

   Holden, B. (1974) The Nature of Democracy

* Lively, J. (1975) Democracy

   Nelson, W.N. (1980) On Justifying Democracy

   Graham, K. (1986) The Battle for Democracy

   Sartori, G. (1987) The Theory of Democracy Revisited

   Hyland, J.L. (1995) Democratic Theory: The Philosophical Foundations


@ Democracy: historically influential views

   Burke, E. [1774] 'Address to the electors of Bristol' in Speeches and Letters on American Affairs 1908

   Mill, J.S. [1861] Considerations on Representative Government

   Schumpeter, J. (1942) Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 5th ed. 1976, chs. 21-22, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy


@ Conceptions of democracy

   May, J. (1978) 'Defining democracy: a bid for coherence and consensus', Political Studies

   Elster, J. (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Held, D. (1987) Models of Democracy, chs. 2,(3),5,8


@ What is politics?

   Crick, B. (1962) In Defence of Politics ch. 1 and appendix

   Raphael, D.D. (1970) Problems of Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. 1990, ch. 2 'Politics and the state'

   Leftwich, A. (ed) (1984) What is Politics? introduction and essays 1-3

   Elster, J. (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology


@ Public/private division

   Arendt, Hannah (1958) 'The public and the private realm', part 2 of The Human Condition

   Barry, Brian (1964) 'The public interest', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supp. vol. 38, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967

   Benn, S.I and Gaus, G.F. (1983) 'Introduction', and 'The liberal conception of the public and the private', in S.I. Benn and G.F. Gaus (eds) Public and Private in Social Life

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. on feminism


@ Representative democracy

   Mill, J.S. [18?] Considerations on Representative Government

   Held, D. (1987) Models of Democracy, ch. 2

   Pitkin, H.F. (1967) The Concept of Representation, chs. 7-8

   Birch, A.H. (1972) Representation

   Pitkin, H.F. (1989) 'Representation', in T. Ball and others (eds) Political Innovation and Conceptual Change


@ Democracy vs. justice and rights

   (Liberal democracy, justice-required or self-required abridgments of democracy)

   (For Habermas on this, see 'Habermas on law and democracy')

   Macpherson, C.B. (19?) The Real World of Democracy

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty, RKP, pp. 103-4

   Elster, J. and Slagstad, R. (eds) (1988) Constitutionalism and Democracy

   Holmes, S. (1988) 'Precommitment and the paradox of democracy' in J. Elster and R. Slagstad (eds) Constitutionalism and Democracy

   Dahl, R. (1989) Democracy and its Critics

* Waldron, Jeremy (1990) 'Rights and majorities: Rousseau revisited', in Nomos XXXII: Majorities and Minorities, reprinted in Waldron's Liberal Rights: Collected Papers 1981-1991, 1993

   Gray, J. (1992) 'Against the new liberalism', Times Literary Supplement, 3 July 1992

   Mouffe, C. (1993) The Return of the Political

   Rummens, S. (2006) 'Debate: The co-originality of private and public autonomy in deliberative democracy', Journal of Political Philosophy 14(4)


@ Democracy vs. political philosophy

   (Including critiques of Rawls on this)

   Walzer, M. (1981) 'Philosophy and democracy', Political Theory 9(3)

   Barber, B. (1988) The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times

   Mouffe, C. (1993) 'Rawls: political philosophy without politics', in The Return of the Political

   Mouffe, C. 'The limits of John Rawls's pluralism', Politics Philosophy and Economics 4(2)

   Honig, B. (1993) Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics

   Habermas, J. (1995) 'Reconciliation through the public use of reason: remarks on John Rawls' Political Liberalism', Journal of Philosophy 92(3), reprinted as 'Political Liberalism: a debate with John Rawls', in Habermas's The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory 1999


@ Social choice theory: introductions

   Arrow, K. (1969) 'Values and collective decision-making', in P. Laslett and W.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, Third Series

   Weale, A. (1984) 'Politics as collective choice', A. Leftwich (ed) What is Politics?

   Bonner, J. (1986) Introduction to the Theory of Social Choice, chs. 3-4


@ Social choice theory and democracy

   Elster, J. (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', section 1, in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Arrow, K.J. (1963) 'Notes on the theory of social choice', postscript to 2nd ed. of his Social Choice and Individual Values

   Wolff, Robert Paul (1970) In Defence of Anarchism, ch. 2

   Nelson, W.N. (1980) On Justifying Democracy, ch. 4

   Riker, W.H. (1982) Liberalism against Populism, chs. 1,5,10


@ Agonistic democracy

   Mouffe, Chantal (1993) The Return of the Political

   Mouffe, Chantal (tr. 2005) On the Political

   Mouffe, Chantal (tr. 2005) The Democratic Paradox

   Fossen, Thomas (2008) 'Agonistic critiques of liberalism, perfection and emancipation', Contemporary Political Theory 7

   Schaap, Andrew (ed) (2009) Law and Agonistic Politics


@ Consociational democracy

   (The general idea is that each sector of society gets a place in a decision-making body, as in Hegel; there is an affinity with discourse democracy since a majoritarian decision-making process seems to defeat the point of constituting the decision-making body in this way)

   (See also 'democracy vs. justice')

   ('Political justice' is a kind of consociational democracy)

   Cole, G.D.H. (19?) Guild Socialism

   Black, A. (19?) Guilds and Civil Society

   Hirst, P. (19?) Associative Democracy, or his chapter in D. Held (ed) Prospects for Democracy

   Elster, J. (19?) Local Justice


@ Justifications of democracy (outcome and procedural)

   (See also 'Justification of democracy as necessary condition of political legitimacy')

   Hayek, F.A. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty, University of Chicago Press, pp. 103-117, 'Majority rule'

   Walker, J. (1966) 'A critique of the elitist theory of democracy', American Political Science Review 60(2), reprinted in H.S. Kariel (ed) Frontiers of Democratic Theory 1970

   Pateman, C. (1970) Participation and Democratic Theory chs. 1-2

   Macpherson, C.B. (1973) Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval chs. 1-3

   Lively, J. (1975) Democracy ch. 2 sec. 3

* Nelson, W.N. (1980) On Justifying Democracy chs. 1-3

   Dahl, R. (1989) Democracy and its Critics, chs. 12-13

+ Hyland, J.L. (1995) Democratic Theory: The Philosophical Foundations, ch. 7

   Gutmann, A. (1996) 'Does democracy need foundations?' in S. Benhabib (ed) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political

   Dahl, R.A. (1998) On Democracy, chs. 5-7

   Sen, Amartya K. (1999) 'Democracy as a universal value' Journal of Democracy

   Estlund, D. (2000) 'Democratic authority: toward a philosophical framework', conference paper, University of Texas, February 2000, available online


@ Justification of democracy as being a necessary condition of political legitimacy

   (See also 'Political obligation: consent and self-imposition arguments, democracy and political obligation')

   (See also 'Rawls on public justification and public reason: as condition of legitimate power')

   Barry, Brian (1979) 'Is democracy special?', in Philosophy Politics and Society, 5th series, eds P. Laslett and J. Fishkin

   Waldron, Jeremy (1986) 'Theoretical foundations of liberalism', Philosophical Quarterly 37

   Manin, B. (1987) 'On legitimacy and political deliberation', Political Theory 15

   Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism pp. 136-7, 225-6

+ Flathman, R. (1995) 'Legitimacy' in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy


@ Paradox of democracy

   Wollheim, R. (1962) 'A paradox in the theory of democracy', in P. Laslett and W.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy Politics and Society, Second Series

   Barry, Brian (1965) Political Argument ch. 4 sec. 3 and Note B

   Schiller, M. (1969) 'On the logic of being a democrat', Philosophy

   Harrison, R. (1970) 'No paradox in democracy', Political Studies 18

   Pennock, R. (1974) 'Democracy is not paradoxical', Political Theory ?

   Honderich, T. (1974) 'A difficulty with democracy', Philosophy and Public Affairs ?

   Graham, K. (1976) 'Democracy, paradox, and the real world', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society ?


@ Other material on the theory of democracy

   Sartori, G. (1987) The Theory of Democracy Revisited

   Pennock, J.R. Democratic Political Theory

   Dahl, R.A. Democracy, Liberty and Equality

   Dahl, R.A. A Preface to Democratic Theory

   Duncan, G. (ed) Democratic Theory and Practice

   MacPherson, C.B. 'The maximisation of democracy' in P. Laslett and W.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy, Politics and Society, Third series

   Burnheim, J. (1989) Is Democracy Possible? The Alternative to Electoral Politics


@ Democracy and capitalism

   (See 'Capitalism and political regimes')



   (See 'Environmental and ecological political philosophy')



   (See also 'Justice and injustice', 'Socialism')


@ Equality: introductory

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, ch. 2 (especially secs. 13,14,17)

* Rees, J. (1977) Equality, especially chs. 1-4, 7

   Norman, Richard (1987) Free and Equal, chs. 4-6

   Barry, N.P. (1989) An Introduction to Modern Political Theory, 2nd ed., ch. 7

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy¸ 2nd ed. 2002, ch. 3 'Liberal equality'

   Wolff, Jonathan (2007) 'Equality: the recent history of an idea', Journal of Moral Philosophy 4


@ What is the basis for equality?

   Williams, Bernard (1962) 'The idea of equality' in P. Laslett and W.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy Politics and Society Second Series 1962, reprinted as ch. 14 of Williams' Problems of the Self

   Berlin, I. and R.H. Wollheim (1955-56) 'Equality' (symposium) Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 56

   Vlastos, G. (1962) 'Justice and equality', secs. 1 and 2, in R.B. Brandt (ed) Social Justice, reprinted in J. Waldron (ed) Theories of Rights

   Nagel, Thomas (1978) 'Equality', Critica, reprinted as ch. 8 of Nagel's Mortal Questions 1979

   Dworkin, Ronald (1983) 'In defence of equality', Social Philosophy and Policy 1

   Wolff, Jonathan (1998) 'Fairness, respect and the egalitarian ethos', Philosophy and Public Affairs 27


@ Equality of what?

   (What goods should an egalitarian theory of distributive justice aim to equalise?)

   (See also 'Capabilities approach', 'Primary goods in Rawls', 'Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome')

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, ch. 2

   Buchanan, Alan (1975) 'Revisability and rational choice' Canadian Journal of Philosophy

* Sen, Amartya (1980) 'Equality of what?' The Tanner Lectures on Human Values I, reprinted as Ch. 16 of Sen's Choice, Welfare and Measurement 1982

   Rawls, John (1982) 'Social unity and the primary goods', in A. Sen and B. Williams (eds) Utilitarianism and Beyond

   Dworkin, Ronald (1981) 'What is equality? part 1: equality of welfare', Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(3) (185-246)

   Dworkin, Ronald (1983) 'In defence of equality', Social Philosophy and Policy 1

   Roemer, John (1985) 'Equality of talent' Economics and Philosophy 1

   Cohen, G.A. (1989) 'On the currency of egalitarian justice', Ethics 99

   Barry, Brian (1991) 'Chance, choice and justice' in Liberty and Justice: Essays in Political Theory vol. 2

   Sen, Amartya J. (1992) Inequality Reexamined, Introduction, ch. 1

   Cohen, G.A. (1993) 'Equality of what? On welfare, goods and capabilities', in Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen (eds) The Quality of Life


@ Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome

   (Should an egalitarian theory of distributive justice aim to equalise goods, or the opportunity to acquire goods through work?)

   (See also 'Luck egalitarianism')

   Tawney, R.H. (1931) Equality, ch. 3 sec. 2

   Arneson, Richard (1989) 'Equality and equal opportunity for welfare', Philosophical Studies 56

   Singer, P. (1979) Practical Ethics, ch. 2

   Norman, R. (1987) Free and Equal, ch. 5

   Phillips, Anne (2004) 'Defending equality of outcome', Journal of Political Philosophy 12(1) site


@ Radical egalitarianism

   Nielsen, Kai (1979) 'Radical egalitarian justice: justice as equality', Social Theory and Practice 5(2) abstract

   Nielsen, Kai (1984) Equality and Liberty: A Defense of Radical Egalitarianism


@ Levelling-down objection to radical egalitarianism

   (See also 'Difference principle in Rawls', 'Prioritarianism')

   Parfit, Derek [1991] 'Equality or priority?' in Matthew Clayton and Andrew Williams (eds) The Ideal of Equality 2002

   Temkin, Larry S. (1993) Inequality

   Gustafsson, Johan E. (2020) 'The levelling-down objection and the additive measure of the badness of inequality', Economics and Philosophy 36 (3)


@ Prioritarianism

   (See also 'Difference principle in Rawls', 'Needs in political philosophy')

   (For a fuller bibliography see Philpapers 'Priority and prioritarianism' bibliography)

   Parfit, Derek (1991) 'Equality or Priority? The Lindley Lecture', reprinted in Matthew Clayton and Andrew Williams (eds) The Ideal of Equality 2002 pdf

   Holtug, Nils (2006) 'Prioritarianism', in Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds) Egalitarianism: New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality contents

   McCarthy, David (2017) 'The priority view', Economics and Philosophy 33(2) abstract


@ Sufficientarianism

   (See also 'Needs in political philosophy')

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (1987) 'Equality as a moral ideal', Ethics 98

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (1997) 'Equality and respect', Social Research 64

   Arneson, Richard J. (1997) 'Egalitarianism and responsibility', Journal of Ethics 3

   Crisp, Roger (2005) 'Equality, priority, and compassion', Ethics 113

   Roemer, John E. (2004) 'Eclectic distributional ethics', Politics Philosophy & Economics 3(3)

   Casal, Paula (2007) 'Why sufficiency is not enough', Ethics 117(2) preview

   Shields, Liam (2012) 'The prospects for sufficientarianism', Utilitas 24(1) abstract

   Axelsen, David V. and Nielsen, Lasse (2015) 'Sufficiency as freedom from duress', Journal of Political Philosophy 23(4) preview

   Shields, Liam (2020) ' Sufficientarianism', Philosophy Compass 15(10) abstract

   Timmer, Dick (2022) 'Justice, thresholds, and the three claims of sufficientarianism', Journal of Political Philosophy 30(3) html


@ Luck egalitarianism

   (See also 'Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome')

* Dworkin, Ronald (1981) 'What is equality? Part 2: equality of resources', Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(4) preview

   Cohen, G.A. (1989) 'On the currency of egalitarian justice', Ethics 99(4), reprinted in his On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice and Other Essays, ed. Michael Otsuka 2011 preview

   Arneson, Richard (1989) 'Equality and equal opportunity for welfare', Philosophical Studies 56 site

* Anderson, Elizabeth S. (1999) 'What is the point of equality?' Ethics 109(2) preview

   Arneson, Richard (2000) 'Luck egalitarianism and prioritarianism', Ethics 110(2) preview

   Phillips, Anne (2004) 'Defending equality of outcome', Journal of Political Philosophy 12(1), section IV of the article site

   Barry, Nicholas (2006) 'Defending luck egalitarianism', Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 abstract

   Voigt, Kristin (2007) 'The harshness objection: is luck egalitarianism too harsh on the victims of option luck?' Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 abstract

   Knight, Carl (2009) Luck Egalitarianism: Equality, Responsibility, and Justice summary

   Lippert-Rasmussen, Kaspar (2015) Luck Egalitarianism summary


@ Relational egalitarianism

   (Also initially called 'democratic equality')

   (See also 'Distributive justice: critiques')

* Anderson, Elizabeth S. (1999) 'What Is the point of equality?' Ethics 109(2) preview

   Anderson, Elizabeth S. (2010) 'The fundamental disagreement between luck egalitarians and relational egalitarians', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40(sup.1) preview

   Arneson, Richard (2010) 'Democratic equality and relating as equals', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40(sup.1) preview

   Schemmel, Christian (2012) 'Distributive and relational equality', Politics, Philosophy and Economics 11(2) abstract

   Lippert-Rasmussen, Kaspar (2018) Relational Egalitarianism: Living as Equals summary

   Miklosi, Zoltan (2018) 'Varieties of relational egalitarianism', in D. Sobel, P. Vallentyne and S. Wall (eds) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 4 abstract

   Threet, Dan (2021) 'Relational egalitarianism and emergent social inequalities', Res Publica 28(1) abstract



   (See also 'Rawls and feminism', 'Hobbes and feminism', 'Recognition theory and feminism', 'Structural injustice, systemic injustice and institutional injustice')


@ Feminist political philosophy: introductions

   Kymlicka, Will Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. 7

   Burton, C. (1985) Subordination: Feminism and Social Theory

   Wolff, Jonathan (1996) An Introduction to Political Philosophy, ch. 6


@ History of philosophy and feminism

   Lloyd, Genevieve (1984) The Man of Reason: 'Male' and 'Female' in Western Philosophy

   Tuana, Nancy (1992) Woman and the History of Philosophy

   Nye, Andreas (2004) Feminism and Modern Philosophy: An Introduction

   Alanen, Lili and Witt, Charlotte (eds) (2006) Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy


@ History of political thought and feminism

   Clark, L.M.G., and Lange, L. (eds) (1978) The Sexism of Social and Political Theory: Women and Reproduction from Plato to Nietzsche

   Okin, Susan Moller (1979) Women in Western Political Thought

   Elshtain, J.B. (1981) Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought, 2nd ed. 1993

   Elshtain, J.B. (ed) (1982) The Family in Political Thought

   Saxonhouse, A. (1985) Women in the History of Political Thought: Ancient Greece to Machiavelli

   Kennedy, E. and Mendus, S. (eds) (1987) Women in Western Political Philosophy: Kant to Nietzsche

   Coole, D.H. (1988) Women in Political Theory: From Ancient Misogyny to Contemporary Feminism, 2nd ed. 1993

   Carver, Terrell (2004) Men in Political Theory


@ Ethics of care in political philosophy

   Tronto, J.C. (1993) Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care

   Held, Virginia (2002) 'Care and the extension of markets', Hypatia 17(2)

   Sevenhuijsen, S. (2003) 'The place of care: the relevance of the feminist ethic of care for social policy', Feminist Theory 4

   Held, Virginia (2005) Care as Practice and Value

   Hamington, Maurice and Miller, Dorothy C. (eds) (2006) Socializing Care: Feminist Ethics and Public Issues

   Held, Virginia (2006) The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, and Global

   Schwarzenbach, S.A. (2007) 'Civic friendship: a critique of recent care theory', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 10(2)


@ Objectification

* Bartky, Sandra (1979) 'On psychological oppression', Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10(1), reprinted in her Femininity and Domination 1990, and in Ann E. Cudd and Robin O. Andreasen (eds) Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology (see pp. 108-110 of Cudd and Andreason)

   LeMoncheck, Linda (1985) Dehumanizing Women: Treating Persons as Sex Objects

   Swanton, C., Robinson, V. and Crosthwaite, J. (1989) 'Treating women as sex-objects', Journal of Social Philosophy 20(3)

* MacKinnon, Catharine (1989) 'Sexuality, pornography, and method: 'pleasure under patriarchy'', Ethics 99(2)

   Haslanger, Sally (1993) 'On being objective and being objectified', in Louise M. Antony and Charlotte Witt (eds) A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity

   Dworkin, Andrea (1994) 'Against the male flood: censorship, pornography and equality', in Catherine Itzin (ed) Pornography: Woman, Violence and Civil Liberties, reprinted in Dworkin's Letters for a War Zone 1997, and in Drucilla Cornell (ed) Oxford Readings in Feminism: Feminism and Pornography 2000

* Nussbaum, Martha C. (1995) 'Objectification', Philosophy and Public Affairs 24(4)

   Langton, Rae (1995) 'Sexual solipsism', Philosophical Topics 23(2)

   Fredrickson, Barbara and Roberts, Tomi-Ann (1997) 'Objectification theory', Psychology of Women Quarterly 21(2)

   Soble, Alan (2002) 'Dehumanization, objectification, illusion', in his Pornography, Sex and Feminism

   Nussbaum, Martha C. (2007) 'Feminism, virtue, and objectification', in Raja Halwani (ed) Sex and Ethics: Essays on Sexuality, Virtue, and the Good Life

   Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina) (2007) 'Sexual objectification: from Kant to contemporary feminism', Contemporary Political Theory 6(3)

   Marino, Patricia (2008) 'The ethics of sexual objectification: autonomy and consent', Inquiry 51(4)

   Halwani, Raja (2008) 'Virtue ethics, casual sex, and objectification', in Alan Soble and Nicholas Power (eds) Philosophy of Sex, 5th ed

* Langton, Rae (2004) 'Projection and objectification', in Brian Leiter (ed) The Future for Philosophy, reprinted in her Sexual Solipsism: Philosophical Essays on Pornography and Objectification

   Langton, Rae (2010) Sexual Solipsism: Philosophical Essays on Pornography and Objectification, Especially ch. 10 'Autonomy-denial in objectification', ch. 11 'Projection and objectification'

   Halwani, Raja (2010) 'Sexual objectification', in her Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction

   Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina) (2010) 'What is objectification?', Journal of Moral Philosophy 7(1)

   Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina) (2010) 'Feminist perspectives on objectification', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, revised 2019, available online

   Cahill, Ann (2011) Overcoming Objectification: A Carnal Ethics

   Gervais, Sarah J. and others (2011) 'When what you see is what you get: the consequences of the objectifying gaze for women and men', Psychology of Women Quarterly 35(1)

   Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina) (2012) 'Understanding objectification: is there a special wrongness involved in treating human beings instrumentally?', Prolegomena 11(1)

   Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina) (2015) 'What is wrong about objectification?', in Thom Brooks (ed) Current Controversies in Political Philosophy

   Jütten, Timo (2016) 'Sexual objectification', Ethics 127(1)

   Plaxton, M. (2016) 'Nussbaum on sexual intrumentalisation', Criminal Law and Philosophy 10(1)


@ Feminism and contractarianism, contractualism and constructivism

   (Constructivism can be seen as a free-and-equal-persons version of humanism)

   (For Rawls in particular see 'Feminism and Rawls')

   Flax, Jane (1984) 'Political philosophy and the patriarchal unconscious: a psychoanalytic perspective on epistemology and metaphysics', in S. Harding and M.B. Hintikka (eds) Discovering Reality

   Bordo, Susan (1986) 'The Cartesian masculinisation of thought', Signs 11

* Hampton, Jean (1993) 'Feminist contractarianism', in L. Anthony and C. Witt (eds) A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity, reprinted in Hampton's The Intrinsic Worth of Persons 2007

   Thompson, Janna (1993) 'What do women want? Rewriting the social contract', International Journal of Moral and Social Studies 8(3)

   Cornell, Drucilla (1995) 'Response to Thomas McCarthy: The political alliance between ethical feminism and Rawls's Kantian constructivism', Constellations 2(2)

+ Meyers, Diana T. (1998) 'Agency' in Alison Jaggar and Iris Marion Young (eds) A Companion to Feminist Philosophy

   Seery, John E. (1999) 'Castles in the air: an essay on political foundations', Political Theory 27(4)

   Sample, Ruth (2002) 'Why feminist contractarianism?', Journal of Social Philosophy 33(2)

   Driver, Julia (2012) 'Constructivism and feminism', in Sharon L. Crasnow and Anita M. Superson (eds) Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy


@ Feminism and recognition

   Benhabib, S. (1992) Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics

   Meehan, J. (ed) (1995) Feminists Read Habermas

   Fraser, Nancy (1995) 'From redistribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a 'post-socialist' age', secs. 1 and 2, New Left Review 212

   Fraser, Nancy (2001) 'Recognition without ethics?', Theory Culture and Society 18(2-3)

   Yar, M. (2002) 'Beyond Nancy Fraser's 'perspectival dualism'', Economy and Society 30(3)

   Fiore, Robin N.; Nelson, Hilde Lindemann (2003) Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory

   Kruks, Sonia (2001) Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics

   Gauthier, J.A. (2006) Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition and the Feminine

   McQueen, Paddy (2015) Subjectivity, Gender and the Struggle for Recognition


@ Feminism and Kant

   (See 'Kant and feminism')


@ Feminism and Rawls

   (See 'Rawls and feminism')




@ Freedom: introductory

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty, ch. 1 secs. 1-5, ch. 9 secs. 1-8, reprinted as 'Freedom and coercion' in D. Miller (ed) Liberty

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, ch. 4, especially sec. 32

   Feinberg, Joel (1973) Social Philosophy, ch. 1 'The concept of freedom'

   Norman, R. (1987) Free and Equal, chs. 2-3

   Bauman, Z. (1988) Freedom

* Miller, David (1991) 'Introduction' to D. Miller (ed) Liberty

   Plant, R.. (1991) Modern Political Thought, ch. 1

   Gray, T. (1991) Freedom

   Wolff, Jonathan (1996) An Introduction to Political Philosophy, ch. 4

   Carter, I. (1996) 'The concept of freedom', Humane Studies Review 10(3) and 10(4), available online: part 1, part 2 (introduction and bibliographical essay)

   Kukathas, Chandran (1997) 'Liberty' in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy


@ Freedom: collections

   Ryan, A. (ed) (1979) The Idea of Freedom

   Pelczynski, Z. and Gray, J. (eds) (1984) Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy

   Miller, David (ed) (1991) Liberty

   Carter, A., Kramer, M. and Steiner, H. (eds) Freedom: A Philosophical Anthology


@ Freedom: the positive-negative freedom distinction

* Berlin, I. (1958) Two Concepts of Liberty (pamphlet), reprinted in Four Essays on Liberty 1969

* MacCallum, G. (1967) 'Negative and positive freedom' Philosophical Review 76, reprinted in D. Miller (ed) Liberty

   Benn, S.I. and Weinstein, W.L. (1971) 'Being free to act and being a free man', Mind 80, reprinted in R. Flathman (ed) Concepts in Social and Political Philosophy 1973

   Gray, John N. (1980) 'On negative and positive liberty', Political Studies 28(4)

   Cohen, Gerry A. (2001) 'Freedom and money', in his On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice and Other Essays, ed. Michael Otsuka 2011 pdf

   Dimova-Cookson, M. (2003) 'A new scheme of positive and negative freedom: reconstructing T. H. Green on freedom', Political Theory 31(4)

   Blau, A. (2004) 'Against positive and negative freedom', Political Theory 32(4)

   Nelson, E. (2005) 'Liberty: one concept too many?', Political Theory 33(1)

   Christman, J. (2005) 'Saving positive freedom', Political Theory 33(1)

   Flikschuh, Katrin (2007) Freedom

   Geuss, Raymond (1995) 'Freedom as an ideal', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 69

   Putterman, Thomas L. (2006) 'Berlin's two concept of liberty: a reassessment and revision', Polity 38(3)


@ Freedom as absence of constraints by others

   (This is Berlin's negative liberty)

   (See also 'Coercion' below)

   Cicero, On Duties, book 1 §68

   Hayek, Friedrich A. von (1960) The Constitution of Liberty

   Oppenheim, Felix (1961) Dimensions of Freedom: An Analysis

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 32

   Steiner, H. (1974) 'Individual liberty', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75, reprinted in D. Miller (ed) Liberty 1991

   Parent, W.A. (1974) 'Some recent work on the concept of liberty', American Philosophical Quarterly 11(3)

   Day, J.P. (1977) 'Threats, offers, law, opinion and liberty', American Philosophical Quarterly 14(4)

   Hayek, F. A. von (1982) Law, Legislation and Liberty

   Oppenheim, Felix (1980) ''Constraints on freedom' as a descriptive concept', Ethics 95(2)

   Kristjánsson, K. (1996) Social Freedom: The Responsibility View

   Berlin, I. (2002) Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty

   Miller, David (1983) 'Constraints on freedom', Ethics 94(1)

   Miller, David (1990) Market, State and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism, ch. 1 'Freedom'

   Oppenheim, Felix (2004) 'Social freedom: definition, measurability, valuation', Social Choice and Welfare, 22(1)


@ Coercion

   Nozick, Robert (1969) 'Coercion', in Sidney Morgenbesser, Patrick Suppes and Morton White (eds) Philosophy, Science, and Method: Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel

   Pennock, J. Roland and Chapman, John W. (eds) (1972) Nomos XIV: Coercion

   Ryan, Cheyney C. (1980) 'The normative concept of coercion', Mind 89

   Zimmerman, David (1981) 'Coercive wage offers', Philosophy and Public Affairs 10

   Alexander, Lawrence A. (1983) 'Zimmerman on coercive wage offers', Philosophy and Public Affairs 12

   Stevens, Robert (1986) 'Coercive offers', Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66(1)

   Gorr, Michael (1986) 'Toward a theory of coercion', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16

   Feinberg, Joel (1986) Harm to Self, chs. 23–24

   Wertheimer, Alan (1987) Coercion

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (1973) 'Coercion and moral responsibility', in T. Honderich (ed) Essays on Freedom of Action

   McGregor, Joan (1988–89) 'Bargaining advantages and coercion in the market', Philosophy Research Archives, 14

   Haworth, Alan (1990) 'What's so special about coercion?', Economy and Society 19(3)

   Lamond, Grant (1996) 'Coercion, threats, and the puzzle of blackmail', in A.P. Simester and A.T. H. Smith (eds) Harm and Culpability

   Anderson, Scott (2011) 'Coercion', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, available online


@ Domination and non-domination, the concepts

   Constant, Benjamin [1819] 'Liberty of the ancients compared with that of the moderns', in Political Writings

   Skinner, Quentin (1984) 'The idea of negative liberty: philosophical and historical perspectives', in R. Rorty and others (eds) Philosophy in History

   Skinner, Quentin (1986) 'The paradoxes of political liberty', in S. McMurrin (ed) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values III, reprinted in D. Miller (ed) Liberty 1991

   Skinner, Quentin (1990) 'The republican ideal of political liberty', in G. Bock and others (eds) Machiavelli and Republicanism

   Pettit, Philip (1996) 'Freedom as antipower', Ethics 106(3)

   Pettit, Philip (1997) Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government

* Skinner, Quentin (1998) Liberty before Liberalism

   Pettit, Philip (2001) A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency

   Pettit, Philip (2002) 'Keeping republican freedom simple: on a difference with Quentin Skinner', Political Theory 30(3)

   Skinner, Quentin (2002) 'A third concept of liberty', Proceedings of the British Academy 117(237) pdf

   Skinner, Quentin (2007) 'Freedom as the absence of arbitrary power', in C. Laborde and J. Maynor (eds) Republicanism and Political Theory

   Kramer, M. H. (2007) 'Liberty and domination', in C. Laborde and J. Maynor (eds) Republicanism and Political Theory

   Lovett, F. (2010) A General Theory of Domination and Justice

   McCammon, C. (2015) 'Domination: a rethinking', Ethics 125(4)


@ Structural domination

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Structural domination in capitalism')


@ Freedom as ability or capability

   Feinberg, Joel (1980) 'The idea of a free man', in Rights, Justice and the Bounds of Liberty

   Crocker, L. (1980) Positive Liberty

   Sen, Amartya K. (1985) 'Well-being, agency and freedom', The Journal of Philosophy 82

   Sen, A (1992) Inequality Reexamined

   Van Parijs, Philip (1995) Real Freedom for All: What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism?

   Carter, I. (1999) A Measure of Freedom

   Sen, Amartya K. (1999) Development as Freedom

   Cohen, Gerry A. (2001) 'Freedom and money', in his On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice and Other Essays, ed. Michael Otsuka 2011, also available online

   Kramer, M.H. (2003) The Quality of Freedom

   Dowding, K. (2006) 'Can capabilities reconcile freedom and equality', Journal of Political Philosophy 14(3)


@ Measuring freedom (of a society)

   Steiner, H. (1983) 'How free: computing personal liberty', in A. Phillips Griffiths (ed) Of Liberty

   Sugden, R. (1998) 'The metric of opportunity', Economics and Philosophy 14

   Carter, I. (1999) A Measure of Freedom

   Sen, Amartya K. (2002) Rationality and Freedom


@ Collective freedom

   Cohen, G.A. (1983) 'The structure of proletarian unfreedom', Philosophy and Public Affairs 12(1), somewhat revised in Cohen's History, Labour and Freedom

   Hindriks, Frank A. (2008) 'The freedom of collective agents', Journal of Political Philosophy 16(2)

   Gray, John (1988) 'Against Cohen on proletarian unfreedom', Social Philosophy and Policy, 6(1)

   Hindriks, Frank A. (2017) 'Group freedom: a social mechanism account', Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47(6)


@ Freedom as jointly achieved, sociality of freedom

   (See also A Hegel bibliography: 'Freedom and recognition in Hegel')

   (See also 'Relational autonomy')

   Schoeman, F.D. (1992) Privacy and Social Freedom

   Taylor, Charles (19?) 'Invoking civil society', reprinted in his Philosophical Arguments 1995

   Taylor, Charles (19?) 'Liberal politics and the public sphere', reprinted in his Philosophical Arguments 1995

   Honneth, Axel (2011) Das Recht der Freiheit


@ Autonomy: introductions and surveys

   (Broadly, autonomy or positive freedom is self-determination or self-rule.)

   (Also positive freedom, authenticity, integrity)

   (As ideals or conceptions of the good life)

   Lindley, R. (1986) Autonomy, Introduction

   Feinberg, Joel (1989) 'Autonomy' in J. Christman (ed) The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy

   Geuss, R. (1995) 'Auffassungen der Freiheit', Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 49

   Geuss, R. (1995) 'Freedom as an ideal', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 69

   Kane, R. (1998) The Significance of Free Will


@ Autonomy: collections

   Christman, J. (ed) (1989) The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy (Especially essay by Dworkin which is a critique of Frankfurt)

   Fischer, J.M. and M. Ravizza (1993) Perspectives on Moral Responsibility

   Christman, J. and Anderson, J. (eds) (2005) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays

   Taylor, J. (ed) (2005) Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy


@ Autonomy: self-experience accounts

   (Seeing oneself in one's actions, experiencing one's actions as one's own, either immediately or after reflection)

   Geuss, R. (1995) 'Auffassungen der Freiheit', Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 49


@ Autonomy: real self accounts

   (One's motives express one's real self, or the core of one's personality)

   (NB care accounts can be seen as a version of this insofar as cares are defined in terms of the real self)

   (Also called self-realisation or authenticity)

   Berlin, I. (1958) Two Concepts of Liberty (pamphlet), reprinted in Four Essays on Liberty 1969

   Day, J.P. (1970) 'On liberty and the real will', Philosophy 45(173)

   Double, R. (1992) 'Two types of autonomy accounts', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22

   Wolf, S. (1993) 'The real self view', in Fischer J. and M. Ravizza (eds) Perspectives on Moral Responsibility

   Ferrara, A. (1994) 'Authenticity and the project of modernity', European Journal of Philosophy 2(3)

   Arpaly N. and T. Schroeder (1999) 'Praise, blame and the whole self', Philosophical Studies, 93


@ Autonomy: higher-order desire, identification and what-we-care-about accounts, Frankfurt

   (Coherence between higher-order desires or cares and effective motives)

   (Also wholeheartedness)

   (This is a variant on real self accounts)

* Frankfurt, Harry G. (1971) 'Freedom of the will and the concept of a person', Journal of Philosophy 68(1)

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (1982) 'The importance of what we care about', in his The Importance of What We Care About

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (1987) 'Identification and wholeheartedness', in F.D. Schoeman (ed) Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology

   Cuypers, S.E. (1998) 'Harry Frankfurt on the will, autonomy and necessity', Ethical Perspectives 5

   Cuypers, S.E. (2000) 'Autonomy beyond voluntarism: in defense of hierarchy', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30(2)

   Velleman, David (2002) 'Identification and identity', in S. Buss and L. Overton (eds) Contours of Agency: Essays on Themes from Harry Frankfurt reprinted in his Self to Self 2006 (critique of wholeheartedness, argues for integrating wayward desires rather than disowning them)

   Shoemaker, D. (2003) 'Caring, identification, and agency', Ethics, 114

   Rostboll, C.F. (2004) 'Freedom as satisfaction?' Sats – Nordic Journal of Philosophy

   Frankfurt, Harry G. (2006) Taking Ourselves Seriously and Getting It Right

   Jech, A. (2008) 'The tragic character of Frankfurt's moral theory: a brief introduction', Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress 1, available online


@ Autonomy: evaluation accounts

   (Coherence between one's evaluation about what is worth doing, or one's 'better judgment', and motives)

* Watson, G. (1975) 'Free agency', Journal of Philosophy 72(8) reprinted in G. Watson (ed) Free Will 1982

   Taylor, Charles (1976) 'Responsibility for self', in A. O. Rorty, ed. The Identities of Persons, revised as 'What is human agency?' in T. Mischel (ed) The Self: Psychological and Philosophical Issues 1977

* Taylor, Charles (1979) 'What's wrong with negative liberty?' in A. Ryan (ed) The Idea of Freedom, reprinted in D. Miller (ed) Liberty 1991, and in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology 2007

   Watson, G. (1987) 'Free action and free will', Mind, 96

   Jaeggi, Rahel [2005] Alienation, tr. 2014


@ Autonomy: plan accounts

   (Coherence between long term plans and motives)

   Bratman, M. (1979) 'Practical reasoning and weakness of the will,' Noûs 13

   Bratman, M. (2005) 'Planning agency, autonomous agency,' in J. Taylor (ed) Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy


@ Autonomy: historical accounts

   (One must endorse the process hereby one acquired a motive)

   Arneson, Richard (1985) 'Freedom and desire', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3

* Day, J.P. (1987) 'On liberty and the real will', Philosophy 45, reprinted in his Liberty and Justice

   Christman, J. (1991) 'Liberalism and individual positive freedom', Ethics 101

   Mele, A.R. (1991) 'History and personal autonomy', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 23

   Mele, A.R. (1995) Autonomous Agents: From Self Control to Autonomy


@ Autonomy: reasons-responsive accounts

   (Also called 'normative competence accounts)

   Wolf, Susan (1980) 'Asymmetrical freedom,' Journal of Philosophy, 77

   Wolf, Susan (1987) 'Sanity and the metaphysics of responsibility', in Ferdinand David Schoeman (ed) Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology

   Wolf, Susan (1990) Freedom within Reason

   Wallace, R.J. (1994) Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments

   Berofsky, D. (1995) Liberation from Self

   Fischer, John Martin and Mark Ravizza (1998) Responsibility and Control: A Theory of Moral Responsibility


@ Autonomy: reasoning-responsive accounts

   (One must discern what 'follows from' one's beliefs and desires, and to alter one's motives accordingly)

   Young, R. (1986) Personal Autonomy: Beyond Negative and Positive Liberty

   Meyers, D. (1987) 'Personal autonomy and the paradox of feminine socialization,' Journal of Philosophy, 84

   Dworkin, G. (1988) The Theory and Practice of Autonomy

   Mele, A.R. (1995) Autonomous Agents: From Self Control to Autonomy

   Dworkin, G. (1995) The Theory and Practice of Autonomy


@ Relational autonomy, autonomy and feminism

   (Autonomy as conceptually dependent on certain relations with others)

   Nedelsky, Jennifer (1989) 'Reconceiving autonomy: sources, thoughts and possibilities', Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 1(1)

   Friedman, Marilyn (1989) 'Introduction: autonomy in social context', in Creighton Peden and James P. Sterba (eds) Freedom, Equality, and Social Change

   Benson, Paul (1990) 'Feminist second thoughts about free agency', Hypatia 5

   Crittenden, J. (1993) 'The social nature of autonomy', Review of Politics 55(1)

   Keller, Jean (1997) 'Autonomy, relationality, and feminist ethics', Hypatia 12(2)

   Oshana, M. (1998) 'Personal autonomy and society', Journal of Social Philosophy 29(1)

+ Mackenzie, C. and Stoljar, N. (2000) 'Autonomy reconfigured' in C. Mackenzie and N. Stoljar (eds) Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self

   Friedman, Marilyn (2003) 'Autonomy and social relationships: rethinking the feminist critique', in her Autonomy, Gender, Politics

   Anderson, Joel (2003) 'Autonomy and the authority of personal commitments: from internal coherence to social normativity', Philosophical Explorations 6

   Christman, John (2004) 'Relational autonomy, liberal individualism, and the social constitution of selves', Philosophical Studies 117(1-2)

   Benson, P. (2005) 'Taking ownership: authority and voice in autonomous agency', in J. Christman and J. Anderson (eds) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism

   Oshana, M. (2006) Personal Autonomy in Society

   Kaupinnen, A. (2011) 'The social dimension of autonomy', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays


@ Relational autonomy: dialogue based approaches

   (Based on the idea of dialogue or justification to others)

   Taylor, Charles (1991) 'The dialogical self', in David R. Hiley, James F. Bohmann, and Richard Shusterman (eds) The Interpretive Turn: Philosophy, Science, Culture

   Habermas, Jürgen (1992) 'Individuation through socialization: on George Herbert Mead's theory of subjectivity', in his Postmetaphysical Thinking

   Westlund, Andrea C. (2009) 'Rethinking relational autonomy', Hypatia 24(4)

   Westlund, Andrea C. (2012) 'Autonomy in relation', in Crasnow, Sharon L. and Superson, Anita M. (eds) Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy


@ Relational autonomy: self-worth approaches

   Benson, Paul (1987) 'Freedom and value', Journal of Philosophy 84

   Benson, Paul (1994) 'Free agency and self-worth', Journal of Philosophy 91

   Honneth Axel (2001) 'Invisibility: On the epistemology of 'recognition'', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 75(1)

   Honneth, Axel (2002) 'Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions', Inquiry 45(4)

   Benson, Paul (2005) 'Taking ownership: authority and voice in autonomous agency', in J. Christman and J. Anderson (eds) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays

   Anderson, J. and Honneth, A. (2005) 'Autonomy, vulnerability, recognition, and justice', in J. Christman and J. Anderson (eds) Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays

   Benson, Paul (2005) 'Feminist intuitions and the normative substance of autonomy', in J.S. Taylor (ed) Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy


@ Autonomy: other

   Heineman, F.H. (1948-49) 'Autonomy or orthonomy', Hibbert Journal

   Milne, A.J.M. (1968) Freedom and Rights: A Philosophical Synthesis

   Benn, S.I. (1975-76) 'Freedom, autonomy and the concept of a person', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76 (Cf. his A Theory of Freedom, ch. 9)

   Gibbs, B. (1976) Freedom and Liberation

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom

   Haworth, L. (1986) Autonomy

   Flathman, R. (1987) The Philosophy and Politics of Freedom

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1991) Autonomy and Self-Respect

   Kultken, J. (1995) Autonomy and Intervention

   O'Neill, Onora (2003) 'Autonomy: the emperor's new clothes', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 77

   Taylor, R. (2005) 'Kantian personal authority', Political Theory 33(5)

   Levy, N. (2006) 'Autonomy and addiction', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36(3)


@ Criticisms of autonomy as an ideal

   (As incompatible with social embeddedness, as associated with egoism, as incompatible with commitment)

   Caney, Simon (1991) 'Sandel's critique of the primacy of justice: a liberal rejoinder', British Journal of Political Science 21

   Benson, P. (1991) 'Autonomy and oppressive socialization', Social Theory and Practice 17

   Waldron, Jeremy (1988) 'When justice replaces affection: the need for rights', Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 11(3)

   Dworkin, G. (1995) The Theory and Practice of Autonomy, ch. 1

   Richards, D. (19?) 'Rights and autonomy' in J. Christman (ed) The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy


@ History of idea of autonomy

   Wood, Allen (1990) Hegel's Ethical Thought, ch. 2

   Schneewind, J.B. (1998) The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy

   Darwall, Stephen (1995) British Moralists and the Internal 'Ought': 1640-1740




@ Environmentalism: surveys

   Dobson, Andrew (1990) Green Political Thought: An Introduction

   Goodin, R.E. (1992) Green Political Theory


@ Environmentalism: collections

   Dobson, Andrew (ed) (1994) The Green Reader

   Elliot, R. and Gare, A. (1983) Environmental Philosophy: A Collection of Readings


@ Environmentalism: histories

   Merricks, Linda (1996) 'Environmental history', Rural History 7(1)

   Pepper, D. (1986) The Roots of Modern Environmentalism


@ Nature, concept of

   (For the concept of nature in Marx see A Marx bibliography: 'Nature')

   Collingwood, R.G. (1945) The Idea of Nature

   Leiss, William (1994) The Domination of Nature

   Naess, A. (1973) 'The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement: a summary', Inquiry 16

   Brennan, A. (1988) Thinking about Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology

   Callicott, J.B. (1989) 'The metaphysical implications of ecology' in his In Defence of the Land Ethic

   Soper, Kate (1995) What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human

   McNaghten, Phil and Urry, John (1998) Contested Natures


@ Environmental value theory

   (Especially humanist vs. non-anthropocentric approaches)

   Leopold, A. (1949) A Sand County Almanac

   Naess, A. (1973) 'The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement: a summary', Inquiry 16

   Attfield, Robin (1983) The Ethics of Environmental Concern, 2nd ed. 1991

   Fox, W. (1984) 'Deep ecology: a new philosophy of our time?' the Ecologist 14

   Brennan, A. (1988) Thinking about Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology

   Johnson, L (1991) A Morally Deep World

   O'Neill, J. (1993) Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Wellbeing and the Natural World

   Hayward, T. (1995) Ecological Thought

   Barry, J. (1994) 'The limits of the shallow and the deep: green politics, philosophy and praxis', Environmental Politics 3(3)

   Attfield, Robin (1999) The Ethics of the Global Environment


@ Environmental justice

   (Including political ecology in so far as it makes normative claims)

   Enzensberger, Hans Magnus (1974) 'A critique of political ecology', New Left Review 84

   Eckersley, Robyn (1992) Environmentalism and Political Theory: Toward an Ecocentric Approach

   O'Neill, John (1993) Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World

   Hayward, Tim (1998) Political Theory and Ecological Values

   Low, Nicholas and Gleeson, Brendan (1998) Justice, Society and Nature: An Exploration of Political Ecology

   Dobson, Andrew (1998) Justice and the Environment: Conceptions of Environmental Sustainability and Dimensions of Social Justice

   Gabrielson, Teena and others (eds) (2016) The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory

   Chemhuru, Munamato (2022) Environmental Justice in African Philosophy

   Mazor, Joseph (2023) 'On environmental justice, Part I: an intuitive conservation dilemma', Economics & Philosophy 39(2)

   Mazor, Joseph (2023) 'On environmental justice, Part II: non-absolute equal division of rights to the natural world', Economics & Philosophy 39(2)


@ Climate change and justice

   Caney, Simon (2005) 'Cosmopolitan justice, responsibility and global climate change', Leiden Journal of International Law 18, reprinted in Stephen M. Gardiner and others (eds) Climate Change: Essential Readings abstract Roberts, J. Timmons and Parks, Bradley C. (2007) A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and Climate Policy abstract

   Posner, Eric A. and Weisbach, David (2010) Climate Change Justice summary

   Gardiner, Stephen M. and others (2010) Climate Change: Essential Readings, parts 3 and 4 contents

   Shue, Henry (2014) Climate Justice: Vulnerability and Protection summary

   Gough, Ian (2015) 'Climate change and sustainable welfare: the centrality of human needs', Cambridge Journal of Economics 39(5) abstract

   Heyward, Clare and Roser, Dominic (eds) (2016) Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World contents

   Roser, Dominic and Seidel, Christian (2017) Climate Justice: An Introduction contents

   Skillington, Tracey (2017) Climate Justice and Human Rights contents

   Meyer, Lukas H. and Sanklecha, Pranay (eds) (2017) Climate Justice and Historical Emissions contents

   Caney, Simon (2018) 'Distributive justice and climate change', in Serena Olsaretti (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice abstract

   Kanbur, Ravi and Shue, Henry (eds) (2018) Climate Change: Integrating Economics and Philosophy contents

   Brandstedt, Eric (2019) 'Non-ideal climate justice', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22(2) abstract Jafry, Tahseen (2019) Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice contents

   McCauley, Darren and Heffron, Raphael (2019) 'Just transition: integrating climate, energy and environmental justice', Energy Policy 119 abstract

   Clements, Paul and Formosa, Paul (2021) 'Beyond ideal theory: foundations for a critical Rawlsian theory of climate justice', New Political Science 43 abstract

   Rudolfson, Mark and others (2021) Philosophy and Climate Change, sec. 4 'Climate change and politics' contents

   Corvino, Fausto and Andina, Tiziana (eds) (2023) Global Climate Justice: Theory and Practice pdf


@ Climate change and colonialism

   Reibold, Kerstin (2022) 'Settler colonialism, decolonization, and climate change', Journal of Applied Philosophy 40(4) abstract


@ Climate change and technological solutions

   Fulvi, Daniele and Wodak, Josh (2023 online) 'Using synthetic biology to avert runaway climate change: a consequentialist appraisal', Ethics, Policy and Environment abstract


@ Climate change and individual motivations

   Jamieson, Dale (2014) Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle against Climate Change Failed - And What it Means for our Future, chs. 5 and 6 site

   Pölzler, Thomas (2019) 'The effects of morality on acting against climate change', in Richard Joyce and Richard Garner (eds) The End of Morality: Taking Moral Abolitionism Seriously abstract

   Björnsson, Gunnar (2021) 'On individual and shared obligations: in defense of the activist's perspective', in Mark Budolfson, Tristram McPherson and David Plunkett (eds) Philosophy and Climate Change abstract

   Mittiga, Ross (2022) 'Political legitimacy, authoritarianism, and climate change', American Political Science Review 116(3) abstract

   Coren, Daniel (2022 online) 'Consistent desires and climate change', Analytic Philosophy abstract


@ Climate change: social cost of carbon approach

   Kelleher, J. Paul (2018) 'The Social Cost of Carbon from Theory to Trump', in Ravi Kanbur and Henry Shue (eds) Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy abstract

   Rudolfson, Mark (2023) 'The social cost of carbon, humility, and overlapping consensus on climate policy', In Jonathan H. Adler (ed) Climate Liberalism: Perspectives on Liberty, Property, and Pollution abstract


@ Anthropocene thinking

   McKibben, Bill (1989) The End of Nature

   Crutzen, Paul J. (2002) 'The geology of mankind', Nature 415(23)

   Steffen, Will and others (2007) 'The Anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature?', Ambio 36(8)

   Robin, Libby and Steffen, Will (2007) 'History for the Anthropocene', History Compass 5(5)

   Chakrabaty, Dipesh (2008) 'The climate of history: four theses', Critical Inquiry 35(2)

   Malm, Andreas and Hornburg, Alf (2014) 'The geology of mankind? A critique of the Anthropocene narrative', The Anthropocene Review 1(1)

   Purdy, Jedidiah (2015) After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene

   Di Chiro, Giovanna (2016) 'Environmental justice and the Anthropocene meme ', in Teena Gabrielson and others (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory

   Jason W. Moore (ed) (2016) Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism


@ Ecological thinking and recognition theory

   Thompson, M.J. (2013) 'Enlarging the sphere of recognition: a Hegelian approach to animal rights', Journal of Value Inquiry 45(3)


@ Environmental economics

   Martinez-Allier, Joan (1987) Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society

   Martinez-Allier, Joan and Muradian, Roldan (eds) (2015) Handbook of Ecological Economics


@ Environmentalism and feminism, eco-feminism

   Mellor, Mary (1997) Feminism and Ecology

   Merchant, Carolyn (1980) The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution


@ Future generations

   de-Shalit, A. (1995) Why Posterity Matters: Environmental Policies and Future Generations


@ Eco-socialism

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Ecological Marxism and eco-socialism')


@ Degrowth

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Degrowth theory')




@ Exploitation: the concept

   Arneson, Richard J. (1981) 'What's wrong with exploitation?', Ethics 91

   Steiner, H. (1984) 'A liberal theory of exploitation', Ethics 94

   Reeve, A. (ed) (1987) Modern Theories of Exploitation

   Goodin, R.E. (1987) 'Exploiting a situation and exploiting a person', in Reeve (ed) Modern Theories of Exploitation

   Steiner, H. (1987) 'Exploitation', in Reeve (ed) Modern Theories of Exploitation

   Van Parijs, Philip (1987) 'Exploitation and the libertarian challenge', in Reeve (ed) Modern Theories of Exploitation

   Kymlicka, W. (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, pp. 171-183 (or 2nd ed. 2002 pp. 177-187)

   Schwartz, J.K. (1995) 'What's wrong with exploitation?', Nous 29(2))

   Wood, Allen W. (1995) 'Exploitation', Social Philosophy and Policy 12(2)

   Deveaux, Monique and Panitch, Vida (eds) (2017) Exploitation: From Practice to Theory


@ Exploitation in capitalism

   (See this topic in A Marx bibliography)




@ International and global justice: general

   (For O'Neill's theory see 'O'Neill on global justice')

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 58

   Singer, P. (1972) 'Famine, affluence, and morality', Philosophy and Public Affairs

   Beitz, C.R. (1979) Political Theory and International Relations, part 3

   Shue, H. (1980) Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence and U.S. Foreign Policy, 2nd ed. 1996

   Pogge, T.W. (1989) Realizing Rawls, part 3

   Barry, Brian (1989) Theories of Justice, chs. 4-5

   Thompson, J. (1992) Justice and World Order: A Philosophical Inquiry

   Brown, C. (1992) International Relations: New Normative Approaches

   Pogge, Thomas (1994) 'An egalitarian law of peoples', Philosophy and Public Affairs 23(3) (195-224)

   Barry, Brian (1995) Justice as Impartiality

   Brown, C. (1997) 'Theories of international justice', British Journal of Political Science 27(2)

   Dower, N. (1998) World Ethics: The New Agenda

   Rawls, John (1999) The Law of Peoples, sec. 16

   Jones, C. (1999) Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism

   Jones, C. (2000) 'Global distributive justice', in A. Vallis (ed) Ethics in International Affairs

   Buchanan, A.E. (2000) 'Rawls's law of peoples: rules for a vanished Westphalian world', Ethics 110

   Kok-Chor, Tan (2000) Toleration, Diversity and Global Justice

   Wenar, Leif (2001) 'Contractualism and global economic justice', Metaphilosophy 32:1/2


@ Kantian cosmopolitanism right

   (In contemporary thought)

   (See also 'Kant's international theory')

   Mulholland, Leslie A. (1989) Kant's System of Rights, pp. 348-372

   O'Neill, Onora ( 1991) 'Transnational justice' in D. Held (ed) Political Theory Today

   Tesón, F.R. (1992) 'The Kantian theory of international law', Columbia Law Review 92(1)

   Archibugi, D. (1992) 'Models of international organisation in perpetual peace projects', Review of International Studies 18

   Flikschuh, K. (2000) Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, chs. 5-6


@ O'Neill on global justice

   O'Neill, Onora (1975) 'Lifeboat earth', Philosophy and Public Affairs 4(3)

   O'Neill, Onora (1986) Faces of Hunger

   O'Neill, Onora (1994) 'Justice and boundaries' in C. Brown (ed) Political Restructuring in Europe: Ethical Perspectives

   O'Neill, Onora (1996) Towards Justice and Virtue: A Constructive Account of Practical Reasoning

   O'Neill, Onora (2000) Bounds of Justice

   O'Neill, Onora (2000) 'Bounded and cosmopolitan justice', Review of International Studies 26(5)

   Nagel, Thomas (2005) 'The problem of global justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs 33

   Caney, Simon (2013) 'Agents of global justice', in David Archard and others (eds) Reading Onora O'Neill


@ Cosmopolitan citizenship, cosmopolitan ethics global identity

   (As membership of a global moral rather than political community, global citizenship without a world state)

   (Including nationalist critiques of this. For positive elaborations of nationalism, see 'Nationalism, patriotism and partiality')

   Linklater, A. (1982) Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations, 2nd ed. 1990

   Weale, A. (1991) 'Citizenship beyond borders' in U. Vogel and M. Moran (eds) The Frontiers of Citizenship

   Falk, R. (1994) 'The making of global citizenship' in B. van Steenbergen (ed) The Condition of Citizenship

   Beitz, C. (1994) 'Cosmopolitan liberalism and the states system' in C. Brown (ed) Political Restructuring in Europe: Ethical Perspectives

   Nussbaum, Martha C. (1996) 'Patriotism and cosmopolitanism', in J. Cohen and others (ed) For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism

   Brennan, T. (1997) At Home in the World: Cosmopolitanism Now

   Linklater, A. (1982) The Transformation of Political Community, 2nd ed. 1990, chs. 2,6

   Hutchings, K. and Dannreuther, R. (eds) (1999) Cosmopolitan Citizenship, especially essays by Linklater, Miller, Neff

   Carter, A. (2001) The Political Theory of Global Citizenship

   Dower, N. and Williams, J. (eds) (2002) Global Citizenship: A Critical Introduction

   Heater, D. (2002) World Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Thinking and its Opponents

   Parekh, Bhikhu (2003) 'Cosmopolitanism and global citizenship', Review of International Studies 29(1)

   Buchan, N.R. and others (2011) 'Global social identity and global cooperation', Psychological Science, 22


@ Cosmopolitan democracy, global democracy, cosmopolitan political community

   (And global citizenship as a political status, with or without a world state)

   Held, D. (1993) 'Democracy: from city-states to cosmopolitan order?' in D. Held (ed) Prospects for Democracy: North, South, East, West

   Archibugi, D. and Held, D. (eds) (1995) Cosmopolitan Democracy: An Agenda for a New World Order

   Held, D. (1995) Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance, part 4

   Buzan, B. and Held, D.(1996) 'Realism vs. cosmopolitanism: a debate', available online

   Archibugi, D., Held, D. and Köhler, M. (eds) (1998) Re-Imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy

   Chataway, T. (1999) The Relationship between International Law and Democracy

   Shapiro, I. and Hacker-Cordón (eds) (1999) Democracy's Edges

   Gilbert, A. (1999) Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy?

   Holden, B. (ed) (2000) Global Democracy: Key Debates

   Archibugi, D. (2000) 'Cosmopolitical democracy', New Left Review 2(4), reprinted in D. Archibugi (ed) Debating Cosmopolitics

   Archibugi, D. (ed) (2003) Debating Cosmopolitics

   Archibugi, D. (2003) 'A critical analysis of the self-determination of peoples: a cosmopolitan perspective', Constellations 10(4)


@ Global governance

   (The difference from cosmopolitan democracy is that there is no strong commitment to world-scale democracy)

   Commission on Global Governance (1995) Our Common Neighbourhood

   Suganami, H. (1989) The Domestic Analogy and World Order Proposals

   Falk, R. (1995) On Humane Governance: Toward a New Global Politics

   Doyle, M. (1999) 'A liberal view: preserving and expanding the liberal pacific union', in T.V. Paul and J. Hall (eds) International Order and the Future of World Politics


@ Global civil society

   Walzer, M. (ed) (1995) Toward a Global Civil Society


@ History of international theory in general

   (Including history of cosmopolitan theory)

   Forsyth M.G. and others (eds) (1970) The Theory of International Relations: Selected Sources from Gentili to Treitschke

   Midgley, E.B.F. (1975) The Natural Law Tradition and the Theory of International Relations

   Donelan, M.D. (1978) 'The political theorists and international theory', in M.D. Donelan (ed) The Reason of States: A Study in International Political Theory

   Linklater, A. (1982) Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations, 2nd ed. 1990

   Gallie, W.B. (1978) Philosophers of Peace and War

   Heater, D. (1996) World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of Western Political Thought

   Knutsen, T. (1997) A History of International Relations Theory




@ Intersectionality: key texts

   Combahee River Collective (1977) 'A black feminist statement', available online

   Spelman, Elizabeth (1988) Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought, ch. 6 'Woman: the one and the many'

   Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1989) 'Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics', reprinted in Anne Phillips (ed) Feminism and Politics 1998

   Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1991) 'Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color', Stanford Law Review 43(6)


@ Intersectionality: discussion

   Chang, Robert and McCristal Culp, Jerome (2002) 'After intersectionality', UMKC Law Review 71(485)

   Ludvig, Alice (2006) 'Differences between women? Intersecting voices in a female narrative', European Journal of Women's Studies 13(3)

   McCall, Leslie (2005) 'The complexity of intersectionality', Signs 30(3)

   Zack, Naomi (2006) 'Can Third Wave Feminism be inclusive?' in Eva Feder Kittay and Linda Martin Alcoff (eds) (2006) The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy

   Hancock, A. (2007) 'Intersectionality as a normative and empirical paradigm', Politics and Gender 3(2)

   Nash, Jennifer (2008) 'Rethinking intersectionality', Feminist Review 89

   Bilge, Sirma (2010) 'Recent feminist outlooks on intersectionality', Diogenes 57

   Bailey, Alison (2010) 'On intersectionality and the whiteness of feminist philosophy', in George Yancy (ed) The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness Of Philosophy

   Dhamoon, Rita Kaur (2011) 'Considerations on mainstreaming intersectionality', Political Research Quarterly 64(1)

   Garry, Ann (2011) 'Intersectionality, metaphors, and the multiplicity of gender', Hypatia 26(4), reprinted as 'Who is included? Intersectionality, metaphors, and the multiplicity of gender', in Sharon L. Crasnow and Anita M. Superson (eds) Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy 2012

   Mackinnon, Catharine A. (2013) 'Intersectionality as method: a note', Signs 38(4)

   Goswami, Namita and others (eds) (2014) Why Race and Gender Still Matter: An Intersectional Approach

   Carastathis, Anna (2014) 'The concept of intersectionality in feminist theory', Philosophy Compass 9(5)



   (As a feature of a society or social structure)

   (See also 'Rawls', 'Equality')


@ Justice: introductions

   Campbell, T. (1988) Justice, ch. 1

   Hart, H.L.A. (1961) The Concept of Law, 151-163

   Harris, J.W. (1980) Legal Philosophies, ch. 20

   Brighouse, M.H. (2004) Justice


@ Distributive justice: introductions

   (See also 'Rawls's historical context')

   Miller, David (1976) Social Justice ch. 1

   Plant, R. (1991) Modern Political Thought, ch. 3

   Kolm, S-C. (1997) 'Distributive Justice', in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy

   Fleischacker, Samuel (2005) A Short History of Distributive Justice summary


@ Distributive justice: critiques

   (See also 'Relational egalitarianism')

   Young, Iris Marion (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference summary

   Forst, Rainer (2007) 'Radical justice: on Iris Marion Young's critique of the 'distributive paradigm'', Constellations 14(2) preview


@ Structural injustice, systemic injustice and institutional injustice

   (See also 'Structural racism, systemic racism and institutional racism', 'Discrimination', 'Social kinds')

   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Race and capitalism, racial capitalism')

   Young, Iris Marion (2001) 'Equality of whom?' Journal of Political Philosophy 9

   Young, Iris Marion (2008) 'Structural injustice and the politics of difference', in Gary Craig, Tania Burchardt, and David Gordon (eds) Social Justice and Public Policy: Seeking Fairness in Diverse Societies

   Anderson, Elizabeth (2010) The Imperative of Integration

   Young, Iris Marion (2011) Responsibility for Justice

   Wiecek, William M. (2011) 'Structural racism and the law in America today: an introduction', Kentucky Law Journal 100(1)

   Haslanger, Sally (2015) 'Distinguished lecture: social structure, narrative and explanation', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45(1)

   Zheng, Robin (2018) 'Bias, structure, and injustice: a reply to Haslanger', Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4(1)

   Zheng, Robin (2018) 'What is my role in changing the system? a new model of responsibility for structural injustice', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21

   Davidson, Lacey J. and Kelly, Daniel (2018) 'Minding the gap: bias, soft structures, and the double life of social norms', Journal of Applied Philosophy 37(2)

   Maboloc, Christopher Ryan (2019) 'What is structural injustice?' Philosophia 47

   Powers, Madison and Faden, Ruth (2019) Structural Injustice: Power, Advantage, and Human Rights, especially ch. 4 'What structural injustice is'

   Nuti, Alasia (2019) Injustice and the Reproduction of History: Structural Inequalities, Gender and Redress

+ Ayala-López, Saray and Beeghly, Erin (2020) 'Explaining injustice: structural analysis, bias, and individuals', in Erin Beeghly and Alex Madva (eds) An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind


   McKeown, Maeve (2021) 'Structural injustice', Philosophy Compass 16(7)

   Haslanger, Sally (2023) 'Systemic and structural injustice: is there a difference?' Philosophy98(1)


@ Oppression

   Weil, Simone [1934] 'Reflections concerning the causes of liberty and social oppression', in her Liberty and Oppression, section 2 'Analysis of oppression'

* Frye, Marilyn (1983) 'Oppression', in her The Politics of Reality, reprinted in Ann E. Cudd and Robin O. Andreasen (eds) Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology, also in Anne Minas (ed) Gender Basics

   Bartky, Sandra (1979) 'On psychological oppression', Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10(1), reprinted in her Femininity and Domination, and in Ann E. Cudd and Robin O. Andreasen (eds) Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology

* Young, Iris Marion (1990) 'Five faces of oppression', Philosophical Forum 19(4), revised as chapter 2 of her Justice and the Politics of Difference 1990, reprinted in Ann E. Cudd and Robin O. Andreasen (eds) Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology

   Harvey, Jean (1999) Civilized Oppression

   New, Caroline (2001) 'Oppressed and oppressors? The systematic mistreatment of men', Sociology 35(3)

   Cudd, Ann E. (2006) Analyzing Oppression, chapter 1, especially section 3 'Toward a definition'


@ Justice as mutual advantage

   Gauthier, David (1986) Morals by Agreement

   Nielsen, Kai (1994) 'Justice as a kind of impartiality', Laval théologique et philosophique 50(3)

   Barry, Brian (1995) Justice as Impartiality, §§5-7

   Binmore, Ken (2005) Natural Justice


@ Justice as impartiality

   Barry, Brian (1995) Justice as Impartiality

   Kelly, P. (ed) (19?) Impartiality, Neutrality and Justice

   Matravers, M. (2000) Justice and Punishment, chs. 4-5


@ Desert in the theory of justice

   Sher, George (198?) Desert

   Campbell, T. (1988) Justice, ch. 1

   Sadurski, W. (1985) Giving Desert its Due: Social Justice and Legal Theory


@ Discrimination

   Mackinnon, Catharine (1987) Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, ch. 2 'Difference and dominance', reprinted in H. Barnett (ed) Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence          

   Young, Iris Marion (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference

   Alexander, Larry (1992) 'What makes wrongful discrimination wrong? biases, preferences, stereotypes, and proxies', University of Pennsylvania Law Review 141(1)

   Sunstein, Cass R. (1994) 'The anticaste principle', Michigan Law Review 92(8)

   Pincus, Fred L. (2000) 'Discrimination comes in many forms: individual, institutional, and structural', in M. Adams (ed) Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, also available online

   Altman, Andrew (2011) 'Discrimination', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, revised 2020, available online

   Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper (2014) Born Free and Equal? A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Discrimination


@ Epistemic injustice

   Fricker, Miranda (2007) Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing

   Fricker, Miranda (2016) 'Epistemic injustice and the preservation of ignorance', in Rik Peels and Martijn Blaauw (eds)The Epistemic Dimensions of Ignorance

   Kidd, Ian James; Medina, José and Pohlhaus, Gaile Jr. (eds) (2017) The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice


@ Basic income

   Van Parijs, Philippe (1992) 'Basic income capitalism', Ethics 102(3)

   Van Parijs, Philippe (1995) Real Freedom for All: What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism?

   Vallentyne, Peter (1997) 'Self-ownership and equality: brute luck, gifts, universal dominance, and leximin', Ethics 107(2)

   Van Parijs, Philippe (2000) 'A basic income for all', Boston Review

   Reeve, Andrew Reeve and Williams, Andrew (eds) (2003) Real Libertarianism Assessed: Political Theory after Van Parijs

   McKinnon, C. (2003) 'Basic income, self-respect and reciprocity', Journal of Applied Philosophy 20(2)

   Van Parijs, Philippe (2003) 'Hybrid justice, patriotism and democracy: a selective reply', in Andrew Reeve and Andrew Williams (eds) Real Libertarianism Assessed: Political Theory after Van Parijs

   Van Parijs, Philippe (2009) 'Basic income and social justice: Why philosophers disagree', available online

   Howard, Michael W. (2014) 'Exploitation, labor, and basic income', Analyse und Kritik 37(1-2)

   Van Parijs, Philippe and Vanderborght, Yannick (2017) Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy

   Kandiyali, Jan (2022) 'Marx, communism, and basic Income', Social Theory and Practice 48(4) abstract




@ Philosophy of law: general

   Harris, J. (1980) Legal Philosophies, 2nd ed. 1997

   Murphy, J.G. and Coleman J.L. (eds) (1990) Philosophy of Law: An Introduction to Jurisprudence

   Wacks, R. (1995) Jurisprudence, 4th ed

   Riddall, J.G. (1999) Jurisprudence, 2nd ed


@ Philosophy of law: collections of articles

   Dworkin, R.M. (ed) (1977) The Philosophy of Law

   Hacker, P.M.S. and Raz, Joseph (eds) (1977) Law, Morality and Society

   Feinberg, Joel and Gross, H. (eds) (1980) Philosophy of Law


@ Command theory of law and legal positivism

   Hobbes Leviathan ch. 26

   Bentham, J. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

   Austin, J. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, lectures 1-6

   Kelsen, H. [1934] An Introduction to the Problem of Legal Theory

   Rees, W.J. (1950) 'The theory of sovereignty restated', Mind, reprinted in P. Laslett (ed) Philosophy, Politics and Society First Series 1962

   Benn, S.I. (1955) 'The uses of 'sovereignty'', Political Studies, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967, also in W.J. Stankiewicz (ed) In Defence of Sovereignty

* Hart, H.L.A. (1958) 'Positivism and the separation of law and morals', Harvard Law Review 1958, reprinted in Dworkin ed. The Philosophy of Law, also available online

* Hart, H.L.A. (1961) The Concept of Law, chs. 2-4

   Golding, M.P. (1966) The Nature of Law, 22-107

   Ladenson, R. (1980) 'In defense of a Hobbesian conception of law', Philosophy and Public Affairs 9(2), 1980, reprinted in J. Raz (ed) Authority

   Raz, Joseph (1980) The Concept of a Legal System

+ Harris, J. (1980) Legal Philosophies, 2nd ed. 1997, ch. 3

   Vincent, A. (1987) Theories of the State, 32-40 and 51-61

   Cotterrell, R. (1989) The Politics of Jurisprudence, ch. 3

   Bayles, M.D. (1992) Hart's Legal Philosophy: An Examination

+ Friedmann, W. (19?) Legal Theory, ch. 22


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: historical surveys

   Rommen, H. (1947) The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy

   D'Entrèves, A.P. (1951) Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy

+ Foriers, P. and Perelman, C. (1973) 'Natural law and natural rights', in P.P. Wiener (ed) The Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas (also available online)

   Crowe, M. B. (1977) The Changing Profile of the Natural Law

   Trigeaud, J.-M. (1985) Humanisme de la Liberté et Philosophie de la Justice

+ Buckle, S. (1991) 'Natural law', in P. Singer (ed) A Companion to Ethics

   Finnis, J. (ed) (1991) Natural Law, 2 vols

+ Haakonssen, K. (1992) 'Natural law theory' in L.C. Becker and C.B. Becker (eds) Encyclopedia of Ethics

+ Murphy, M. (2002) 'The natural law tradition in ethics', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, available online


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: Stoic

   (For Stoic cosmopolitanism see 'Greek and Roman international theory')

   Horowitz, M.C. (1974) 'The Stoic synthesis of the idea of natural law in man: four themes', Journal of the History of Ideas 35

   Striker, G. (1986) 'Origins of the concept of natural law', Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 2

   Inwood, B. (1986) 'Commentary on Striker's 'Origins of the concept of natural law'', Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 2

   Schofield, M. and Striker, G. (eds) (1986) The Norms of Nature: Studies in Hellenistic Ethics

   Schofield, M. (1991) The Stoic Idea of the City

   Mitsis, M. (1994) 'Natural law and natural right in post-Aristotelian philosophy: the Stoics and their critics', Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt, part 2, 36(7)

+ Baltzly, D. (2004) 'Stoicism', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, available online


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: Cicero

   Cicero, Latin texts available online

   Cicero [54-51 BC] De Re Publica (On the Commonwealth), partly available online

   Cicero [54-51 BC] De Legibus (On the Laws), partly available online

   Cicero [44 BC] De Officiis (On Duties), available online

   Wood, N. (1988) Cicero's Social and Political Thought

   MacKendrick, P. (1989) The Philosophical Books of Cicero

   Laks, A. and Schofield, M. (eds) (1995) Justice and Generosity: Studies in Hellenistic Social and Political Philosophy, articles by Ferrary, Long and Schofield

   Coleman, J. (2000) A History of Political Thought: From Ancient Greece to Early Christianity, ch. on Cicero

   Radford, R.T. (2002) Cicero: A Study in the Origins of Republican Philosophy


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: Aquinas and Thomism

   Aquinas, Treatise on Law

   O'Connor, D.J. (1967) Aquinas and Natural Law

   Lisska, A.J. (1997) Aquinas's Theory of Natural Law: An Analytic Reconstruction

   Westerman, P.C. (1997) Disintegration of Natural Law Theory: Aquinas to Finnis

   Hallbinding, P.M. (1999) Narrative and the Natural Law: An Interpretation of Thomistic Ethics

   Flannery , K.L. (2001) Acts Amid Precepts: The Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas's Moral Theory


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: Judaism and Islam

   Barton, J. (2003) Understanding Old Testament Ethics, ch. 2 'Natural law and poetic justice in the Old Testament'

   Emon, A.M. (2004) 'Natural law and natural rights in Islamic law', Journal of Law and Religion 20(2)


@ Natural law and natural rights theories: 17th-18th century

   (For specific authors, see below 'Hobbes, natural law theory and classical political philosophy', 'Locke on natural law', 'Rousseau and natural law')

   Reck, A.J. (1977) 'Natural law in American revolutionary thought', Review of Metaphysics 30

   Tuck, R. (1979) Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development

   Haakonssen, K. (1985) 'Natural law and the Scottish Enlightenment' Man and Nature 4

   Haakonssen, K. (1996) Natural Law and Moral Philosophy: from Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment

   Haakonssen, K. (1998) 'Divine/natural law theories in ethics', in D. Geber (ed) The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy

   Braybrooke, D. (2001) Natural Law Modernized


@ Natural law theories: contemporary

   (These are Thomist theories and their critique. For Kant-inspired natural law theory see 'Constructivist justifications of private law after Kant')

   (For the history of natural law theory, see)

   Fuller, L. (1940) The Law in Quest of Itself

* Hart, H.L.A. (1958) 'Positivism and the separation of law and morals', Harvard Law Review 1958, reprinted in Dworkin ed. The Philosophy of Law, also available online

* Fuller, L.L. (1958) 'Positivism and the separation of law and morals: a reply to professor Hart', Harvard Law Review 71

   Hart, H.L.A. (1961) The Concept of Law, 2nd ed. 1994, chs. 5-7

   Fuller, L.L. (1964) The Morality of Law

   Hacker, P.M.S. (1977) 'Hart's philosophy of law', in P.M.S. Hacker and J. Raz (eds) Law, Morality and Society 1977

   MacCormick, N. (1978) Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory, ch. 9

   Radbruch, G. [197?] 'Funf Minuten Rechtsphilosophie', in Feinberg and Gross (eds) Philosophy of Law

   Finnis, J. (1980) Natural Law and Natural Rights, chs. 2,4,10,12

   Weinreb, L.L. (1987) Natural Law and Justice

   Grange, R. (ed) (1992) Natural Law Theory

   Covell, C. (1996) The Defence of Natural Law: A Study of the Ideas of Law and Justice in the Writings of Lon L. Fuller, Michael Oakeshott, F.A. Hayek, Ronald Dworkin and John Finnis

   George, R.P. (ed) (1996) Natural Law, Liberalism and Morality: Contemporary Essays

   George, R.P. (1999) In Defense of Natural Law

   Daly, J. (2000) Deals and Ideals: Two Concepts of Enlightenment

   Braybrooke, D. (2001) Natural Law Modernized


@ Dworkin on law

* Dworkin, Ronald (1978) 'The model of rules 1' in Taking Rights Seriously, reprinted as 'Is law a system of rules?' in Dworkin (ed)

   Dworkin, Ronald (1986) Law's Empire, chs. 1-3, 6-7

   Cohen, M. (ed) (1984) Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence


@ Rule of law

   Rutherford, S. [1644] Lex, Rex

   Montesquieu (1748) The Spirit of the Laws

   Dicey, A.V. (1906) Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution

   Hayek, F. (1960) The Constitution of Liberty, RKP, pp. 205ff

   Oakeshott, M. [197?] 'The rule of law' in On History and Other Essays 1983

   Raz, Joseph (1979) The Authority of Law, Oxford, pp. 212-213

   Raz, Joseph (1992) 'Formalism and the rule of law' in R. Grange ed., Natural Law Theory

   Kramer, M.H. (2004) 'On the moral status of the rule of law', Cambridge Law Journal 63


@ Marx and law

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Law')




@ Liberalism: surveys

   Gray, J. (19?) Liberalisms

   Freeden, M. (1996) Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach


@ Arguments for liberalism

   Kymlicka (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture, ch. 2 or

   Waldron, Jeremy (1986) 'Theoretical foundations of liberalism', Philosophical Quarterly 37


@ Social liberalism

   Mill, J.S. [1879] On Socialism

   Green, T.H. [1880] 'Liberal legislation and freedom of contract' in R. Nettleship (ed) The Works of Thomas Hill Green

   Hobhouse, L.T. [1911] Liberalism


@ Neutrality: statements

   (See also 'Perfectionism')

   (For liberalism that tries to go further in granting rights to cultural groups, see 'multiculturalism and multi-identity politics')

* Dworkin, Ronald (1978) 'Liberalism', in S. Hampshire (ed) Public and Private Morality, reprinted in Dworkin's A Matter of Principle also (except for the introduction) in M.J. Sandel (ed) Liberalism and its Critics 1984

   Ackerman, B.A. (1980) Social Justice in the Liberal State, introduction, ch. 1

   Larmore, C.E. (1987) Patterns of Moral Complexity

+ Kymlicka, Will (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture, chs. 1-2


@ Neutrality: full treatments

   Goodin, R, and Reeve, A. (eds) (1989) Liberal Neutrality

   Galston, William (1991) Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State


@ Interpretations of neutrality

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom, ch. 5, ch. 6 sec.1

* Larmore, C.E. (1987) Patterns of Moral Complexity, 40-55

   Mack, E. (1988) 'Liberalism, neutralism and rights', in J.R. Pennock and J. Chapman (eds) Religion, Morality and the Law: NOMOS XXX

   Rawls, John (1988) 'The priority of right and ideas of the good', Philosophy and Public Affairs 17, sec. 5 (revised as Political Liberalism 1993, lecture 5, sec. 5)

   Kymlicka, Will (1989) 'Liberal individualism and liberal neutrality', Ethics 99(4)

   Mendus, S. (1989) Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism

   Arneson, Richard J. (1990) 'Neutrality and utility', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20(2), secs. 1-3

   de Marneffe, P. (1990) 'Liberalism, liberty and neutrality', Philosophy and Public Affairs 19(3)

   Galston, William (1991) Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State, ch. 5


@ Subject of neutrality

   (To what institutions is it meant to apply?)

   de Marneffe, P. (1990) 'Liberalism, liberty and neutrality', Philosophy and Public Affairs 19(3)


@ Neutrality and scepticism about values, and value pluralism

   Dworkin, G. (1974) 'Non-neutral principles', in N. Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls

   Nagel, Thomas (1987) 'Moral conflict and political legitimacy', Philosophy and Public Affairs 16

   Nathan, N.M.L. (1993) 'Democracy', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 93, 129-132

   Gray, J. (1995) Isaiah Berlin


@ Rawls and neutrality

   (See 'Rawls on public justification and public reason: as basis for state neutrality'


@ Arguments from the nature of the good and from equality of concern/respect

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom, ch. 12

   Dworkin, Ronald (1983) 'In defence of equality', Social Philosophy and Policy 1

   Dworkin, Ronald (1989) 'Liberal community', California Law Review 77(3)

   Arneson, Richard J. (1990) 'Neutrality and utility', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20(2), especially sec. 4


@ Neutrality as internally inconsistent, conceptions of the good and general interests

   (The idea that neutrality itself depends on a particular conception of the good)

   Nagel, Thomas (1973) 'Rawls on justice', Philosophical Review 82, reprinted in N. Daniels (ed) Reading Rawls 1974

   Doppelt, Gerald (1988) 'Rawls's Kantian ideal and the viability of modern liberalism', Inquiry 31

* Arneson, Richard J. (1990) 'Neutrality and utility', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20(2), sec. 4

   Dworkin, Ronald (1990) 'The foundations of liberal equality', The Tanner Lectures on Human Values XI, ch. 4


@ Neutrality as incompatible with support for political virtues

   Galston, William (1982) 'Defending liberalism', American Political Science Review 76(3)

   Galston, William (1982) 'Liberal virtues', American Political Science Review 82(4)

   Taylor, Charles (1989) 'Cross-purposes: the liberal-communitarian debate', in N. Rosenblum (ed) Liberalism and the Moral Life


@ Education in political philosophy

   (Including the question of neutrality vs. perfectionism in state education policy)

   Gutmann, A. (1982) 'What is the purpose of going to school?'

   Gutmann, A. (1987) Democratic Education

   Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism, New York, pp. 199-200



   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Capitalism in recent thought')




@ Multiculturalism and multi-identity politics, politics of identity, minority rights

   Kymlicka, Will (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture

   Kukathas, Chandran (1992) 'Are there any cultural rights?', Political Theory 20(1), slightly abridged in W. Kymlicka (ed) The Rights of Minority Cultures

* Taylor, Charles (1992) 'The politics of recognition' in Amy Gutmann (ed) Multiculturalism and the 'Politics of Recognition', or in the expanded edition of this book, Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition 1994

   Frazer, N. (1995) 'From redistribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a 'post-socialist' age', New Left Review 212

* Kymlicka, Will (1995) Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights

   Tully, J. (1995) Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity

+ Kymlicka, Will (1996) Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford, 26-33, 108-130, reprinted as 'Justice and minority rights', in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: an Anthology,

   Walzer, M. (1997) On Toleration

   Frazer, N. (1998) 'Social justice in the age of identity politics: redistribution, recognition and participation', in G. Peterson (ed) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values XIX

   Parekh, Bhikhu (1999) 'Political theory and the multicultural society', Radical Philosophy 95, 27-32

   Carens, J. (2000) Culture, Citizenship and Community

   Baumeister, A. (2000) Liberalism and the Politics of Difference

   Kymlicka, Will and Norman, W. (2000) Citizenship in Diverse Societies

   Miller, David (2000) Citizenship and National Identity

   Parekh, Bhikhu (2000) Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory

   Parekh, Bhikhu (2000) 'Contemporary liberal responses to diversity', excerpt from Rethinking Multiculturalism, in D. Matravers and J. Pike (eds) Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy 2003

   Kymlicka, Will (2001) Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship

   Barry, Brian (2001) Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism

   Barry, Brian (2001) 'Theories of group rights', excerpt from his Culture and Equality, in D. Matravers and J. Pike (eds) Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy 2003

+ Kymlicka, Will (2002) Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2nd ed., ch. 8 'Multiculturalism'

   Seymour, M. (ed) (2010) The Plural States of Recognition


@ Multiculturalism: collections

   Taylor, Charles and others (1992) Multiculturalism and 'The Politics of Recognition', expanded edition Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition 1994, with essay by Habermas

   Baker, J. (1994) Group Rights

   Kymlicka, Will (ed) (1995) The Rights of Minority Cultures

   Goldberg, D.T. (ed) (1995) Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader

   Shapiro, I. and Kymlicka, Will (eds) (1997) Ethnicity and Group Rights

   Joppke, C. and Lukes, S. (eds) (1999) Multicultural Questions

   Horton, John and Mendus, S. (eds) (1999) Toleration, Identity and Difference


@ Multiculturalism and autonomy

   (Both arguments that autonomy is incompatible with multiculturalism, and that it demands it ('liberal culturalism'))

   (For the attempt to reconcile the two by asserting autonomy only 'in the political realm' see 'Political liberalism and overlapping consensus in Rawls')

   (For Raz see 'Raz's multiculturalist liberalism')

   Kymlicka, Will (1989) Liberalism, Community and Culture

   O'Hagan, Tim (1991) 'An unsolved dilemma of liberalism', Praxis International 11(3)

   McDonald, M. (1991) 'Should communities have rights? Reflections on liberal individualism', Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 4(2), 217-237

   Kukathas, Chandran (1992) 'Are there any cultural rights?', Political Theory 20(1), slightly abridged in W. Kymlicka (ed) The Rights of Minority Cultures

   Mason, A. (1993) 'Liberalism and the value of community', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23(2), 215-240

   Spinner, J. (1994) The Boundaries of Citizenship: Race, Ethnicity and Nationality in the Liberal State

   Galston, William (1995) 'Two concepts of liberalism', Ethics 105(3)

   Kymlicka, Will (1995) Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, especially ch. 3

* Waldron, Jeremy (1995) 'Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative' in W. Kymlicka (ed) The Rights of Minority Cultures

   Kukathas, Chandran (1997) 'Cultural toleration' in I. Shapiro and W. Kymlicka (eds) Ethnicity and Group Rights

+ Kymlicka, Will (2002) Contemporary Political Philosophy¸ 2nd ed., ch. 6 sec. 7 'Political liberalism'

   Young, Iris Marion (2002) Inclusion and Democracy


@ Raz's multiculturalist liberalism

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom

   Regan, D. (1989) 'Authority and value: reflections on Raz's Morality of Freedom', Southern California Law Review 62(3-4)

* Waldron, Jeremy (1989) 'Autonomy and perfectionism in Raz's The Morality of Freedom', Southern California Law Review 62(3-4), 1141-1149

   Raz, Joseph (1989) 'Facing up: a reply', Southern California Law Review 62(3-4), c. 1218-1235

   Raz, Joseph (1994) 'Duties of wellbeing' in his Ethics in the Public Domain

   Raz, Joseph (1994) 'Multiculturalism', in his Ethics in the Public Domain

   Raz, Joseph (1994) 'Multiculturalism: a liberal perspective', Dissent, Winter 1994

   Raz, Joseph (1995) Ethics in the Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics

   Raz, Joseph (1998) 'Multiculturalism', Ratio Juris 11(3)

   Raz, Joseph (2001) Value, Respect, and Attachment (The Seeley Lectures)


@ Politics of difference

   (Basic idea is that treating each other as equals requires different treatments)

   (For advocacy of justice as the product of discussion between groups, see 'deep pluralist politics')

   Young, Iris Marion (1989) 'Polity and group difference: a critique of the idea of universal citizenship', Ethics 99, reprinted in C.R. Sunstein (ed) Feminism and Political Theory, in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology, and in D. Matravers and J. Pike (eds) Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy

   Young, Iris Marion (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference

   Williams, M.S. (1995) 'Justice toward groups: political not juridical', Political Theory 23(1)


@ Deep pluralist politics, democracy and minorities

   (This is the attempt to overcome cultural marginalisation by doing without any appeal to fundamental principles above those of the individual group - I call approaches that try to do without this 'pluralist'.)

   (Including 'political justice', i.e. conceptions of justice mediated by discussion between groups, more or less Hobbesian)

   (See also republicanism above, which also makes democracy the only fundamental principle but does not refer to groups)

   Chapman, J.W. and Wertheimer, A. (eds) (1990) Nomos XXXII: Majorities and Minorities

   Young, Iris Marion (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference

   Bellamy, Richard (1992) Liberalism and Modern Society: An Historical Argument, ch 5

   Williams, M.S. (1995) 'Justice toward groups: political not juridical', Political Theory 23(1)



   (See also 'Neutrality', 'Kant and perfectionism')


@ Perfectionism in political philosophy

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, sec. 50

   Nussbaum, Martha (1988) 'Non-relative virtues', Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13

   Douglass, R.B. and others (eds) (1990) Liberalism and the Good

   Nussbaum, Martha (1990) 'Aristotelian social democracy' in R.B. Douglass and others (eds) Liberalism and the Good

   Dworkin, Ronald (1990) 'The foundations of liberal equality', The Tanner Lectures on Human Values XI

   Galston, William (1991) Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State,

   Sher, George (1997) Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics

   Wall, Stephen (1998) Liberalism, Perfectionism and Restraint

   Chan, J. (2000) 'Legitimacy, unanimity and perfectionism', Philosophy and Public Affairs 29


@ Perfectionism and social justice

   Sher, George (1987) Desert, ch. 8

   Nussbaum, Martha (1988) 'Nature, function and capability: Aristotle on political distribution', in J. Annas and R. Grimm (eds) Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy sup. vol. 1988

* Nussbaum, Martha (1992) 'Human functioning and social justice: in defence of Aristotelian essentialism', Political Theory 20(2)

   Hurka, Thomas (1993) Perfectionism, chs. 12-13


@ Needs, the concept

   Maslow, Abraham H. (1954) Motivation and Personality, 2nd ed. 1970, ch. 4

   Bookchin, Murray [1967] 'Desire and need', in his Post-Scarcity Anarchism 1971

   White, Alan R. (1975) Modal Thinking, chapter on need

   Springborg, Patricia (1981) The Problem of Human Needs and the Critique of Civilisation

   Soper, Kate (1981) On Human Needs: Open and Closed Theories in a Marxist Perspective

   Frankfurt, Harry (1984) 'Necessity and desire', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45, reprinted in Gillian Brock (ed) Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs

   Thomson, Garrett (1987) Needs

   Reader, Soran (ed) (2005) The Philosophy of Need, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 5

   Dean, Hartley (2010) Understanding Human Need: Social Issues, Policy and Practice, 2nd edition 2020


@ Needs in political philosophy

   (And in policy debates)

   (See also 'Sufficientarianism', 'Prioritarianism', 'Basic needs')

   Sen, Amartya K. (1980) 'Equality of what?' The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1, reprinted as Ch. 16 of Sen's Choice, Welfare and Measurement 1982

   Berry, Chistopher J. (1986) Human Nature

   Braybrooke, David (1987) Meeting Needs

   Wiggins, David (1987) 'Claims of need', in his Needs, Values, Truth

   Black, Antony (1988) State, Community and Human Desire: A Group-Centred Account of Political Values

   Burton, John (ed) (1990) Conflict: Human Needs Theory contents

   Brock, Gillian (1998) 'Morally important needs', Philosophia 26

   Brock, Gillian (ed) (1998) Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs summary

   Wiggins, David (1998) 'What is the force of the claim that one needs something?' in Gillian Brock (ed) Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs

   Crisp, Roger (2002) 'Treatment according to need: justice and the British National Health Service', in Rosamund Rhodes, M. Pabst Battin and Anita Silvers (eds) Medicine and Social Justice: Essays on the Distribution of Health Care


@ Basic human needs

   (See also 'Needs in political philosophy', 'Capabilities approach')

   Rist, Gilbert (1980) 'Basic questions about basic human needs', in Katrin Lederer (ed) Human Needs: A Contribution to the Current Debate

   Doyal, Len and Gough, Ian (1984) 'A theory of human needs', Critical Social Policy 4(10)

   Frankfurt, Harry (1984) 'Necessity and desire', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45, reprinted in Gillian Brock (ed) Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs

* Doyal, Len and Gough, Ian (1991) A Theory of Human Needs

   Copp, David (1992) 'The right to an adequate standard of living: justice, autonomy and the basic needs', Social Philosophy & Policy 9(1)

   Doyal, Len (1993) 'Thinking about human need', New Left Review 201

   Soper, Kate (1993) 'A theory of human need', New Left Review 197

   Soper, Kate (1993) 'The thick and thin of human needing, in G. Drover and P. Kerans (eds) New Approaches to Welfare Theory

   Brock, Gillian (1998) 'Morally important needs', Philosophia 26

   Copp, David (1998) 'Equality, justice, and the basic needs', in Gillian Brock (ed) Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs

   Miller, David (1999) Principles of Social Justice, 2nd edition 2001, ch. 10

   Brock, Gillian (2002) 'Are there any defensible indigenous rights?' Contemporary Political

   Theory 1(3)

   Plant, Raymond (2002) 'Needs, agency and welfare rights', In C. Wellman (ed) Rights and Duties

   Gasper, Des (2004) The Ethics of Development: From Economism to Human Development

   Copp, David (2005) 'International justice and the basic needs principle', in Gillian Brock and H. Brighouse (eds) The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism

   Alkire, Sabina (2005) 'Needs and capabilities', in Soran Reader (ed) The Philosophy of Need

   Reader, Soran (2006) 'Does a basic needs approach need capabilities?' Journal of Political Philosophy 14(3)

   Reader, Soran (2007) Needs and Moral Necessity

   Soper, Kate (2007) 'Conceptualizing needs in the context of consumer politics', Journal of Consumer Policy 29(4)

   Brock, Gillian (2009) Global Justice: a Cosmopolitan Account

   Dean, Hartley (2010) Understanding Human Need: Social Issues, Policy and Practice, 2nd edition 2020

   Miller, David (2012) 'Grounding human rights', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15(4)

   Miller, Sarah C. (2012) The Ethics of Need: Agency, Dignity, and Obligation summary

   Miller, David (2020) 'Needs-based justice: theory and evidence', in Alexander M. Bauer and Malte Meyerhuber (eds) Empirical Research and Normative Theory abstract

   Traub, Stefan and Kittel, Bernhard (eds) (2020) Need-Based Distributive Justice

   Nullmeier, Frank (2020) 'Towards a theory of needs-based justice', in Stefan Traub and Bernhard Kittel (eds) Need-Based Distributive Justice

   Siebel, Mark and Schramme, Thomas (2020) 'Need-based justice from the perspective of philosophy', in Stefan Traub and Bernhard Kittel (eds) Need-Based Distributive Justice


@ Capabilities approach

   (Some argue that 'capabilities' are simply capacities to satisfy basic human needs)

   (See also 'Equality of what?', 'Basic human needs')

   Sen, Amartya K. (1979) 'Utilitarianism and welfarism', Journal of Philosophy 76

   Sen, Amartya K. (1980) 'Equality of what?' The Tanner Lectures on Human Values I, reprinted as ch. 16 of Sen's Choice, Welfare and Measurement 1982

   Sen, Amartya K. (1984) Resources, Values and Development

   Sen, Amartya K. (1985) Commodities and Capabilities

   Nussbaum, Martha C. and Sen, Amartya K. (eds) (1993) The Quality of Life

   Nussbaum, Martha C. (2000) Women and Human Development

+ Clark, D.A. (2006) 'The capability approach; its development, critiques and recent advances' in D.A. Clark (ed) The Elgar Companion to Development Studies

   Nussbaum, Martha (2006) Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership

   Nelson, Eric (2008) 'From primary goods to capabilities: distributive justice and the problem of neutrality', Political Theory 36(1)

   Clark, John P. (2009)'Capabilities theory and the limits of liberal justice: on Nussbaum's frontiers of justice', Human Rights Review 10(4 )

   Claassen, Rutger (2011) 'Making capability lists: philosophy versus democracy', Political Studies 59(3)

   Alexander, John M. (2014) 'Social justice and Nussbaum's concept of the person', in Flavio Comim and Martha Nussbaum (eds) Capabilities, Gender, Equality: Towards Fundamental Entitlements

   Robeyns, Ingrid (2016) 'Capabilitarianism', Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17(3)


@ Adjudication of needs

   (On the method for determining which needs that have high moral priority.)

   Fraser, Nancy (1989) Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory

   Sen, Amartya (1994) Development as Freedom

   Hamilton, Lawrence A. (2003) The Political Philosophy of Needs

   Sen, Amartya (200) 'Capabilities, lists, and public reason: continuing the conversation', Feminist Economics 10(3)

   Boss, George (2021 online) 'Basic human needs: abstraction, indeterminacy and the political account of need', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy abstract




@ Political obligation: introductions

   Raphael, D.D. [1970] Problems of Political Philosophy, ch. on 'The grounds of political obligation'

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 51-53

   LeBaron, B. (1973) 'Three components of political obligation', Canadian Journal of Political Science 6(3)

   Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 2

   Harris, J.W. (1980) Legal Philosophies , ch. 16 'The duty to obey the law'

   Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, ch. 1

   Wulf, S. (2008) A Philosophical Theory of Citizenship, ch. 2


@ Political obligation: ideas of obligation and duty

   Hart, H.L.A. (1958) 'Legal and moral obligation' in A.I. Melden (ed) Essays in Moral Philosophy, reprinted in R. Flathman (ed) Concepts in Social Political Philosophy 1973

   Dagger, R.K. (1977) 'What is political obligation?' American Political Science Review


@ Political obligation: surveys and collections

   Pennock, J.R. and Chapman, J. (eds) (1970) Political and Legal Obligation

* Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations

   Harris, P. (ed) (1990) On Political Obligation

* Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, chs. 1-4


@ Political obligation: historically influential views

   Plato, Crito

   Vlastos, G. (1974) 'Socrates on political obedience and disobedience', Yale Review

   Hobbes, Leviathan, ch. 20, Review and conclusion

   Locke, Second Treatise of Government, secs. 116-122

   Hume, Treatise on Human Nature, 3.2.7 and 3.2.8

   Hume, 'On the original contract', in David Hume's Political Essays

   Bradley, F.H. [1876] 'My station and its duties', Ethical Studies

   Green, T.H. [1881-8] Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation


@ Political obligation: utilitarian arguments

   Hare, R. M. (1976) 'Political obligation' in T. Honderich (ed) Social Ends and Political Means

   Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 2 sec. 3

   Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, 51-70


@ Political obligation: consent and self-imposition arguments, democracy and political obligation

   (See also 'History of social contract theory')

   (See also 'Rawls on public justification and public reason: as condition of legitimate power)

   Plamenatz, John (1938) Consent, Freedom and Political Obligation, 2nd ed. 1968, chs. 1,7, Postscript

   Wasserstrom, R. (1968) 'The obligation to obey the law', in R.S. Summers (ed) Essays in Legal Philosophy

   Singer, Peter (1974) Democracy and Disobedience

   Johnson, K. (1976) 'Political obligation and the voluntary association model of the state', Ethics ?

   Simmons, A. John 'Tacit consent and political obligation', Philosophy and Public Affairs 5(3)

   Dagger, R.K. (1977) 'What is political obligation?' American Political Science Review ?

   Beran, Harry (1977) 'In defense of the consent theory of political obligation and authority', Ethics 87

* Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 3 'The consent tradition', ch. 4 'The argument from tacit consent'

   Tuck, R. (1979) Natural Rights Theories pp. 127ff

   Walzer, M. (1979) 'The obligation to disobey', in his Obligations

   Pateman, C. (1985) The Problem of Political Obligation

   Beran, Harry (1987) The Consent Theory of Political Obligation

+ Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, ch. 2 'Voluntarist theories'

   Simmons, A. John (2005) 'Consent theory for libertarians', Social Philosophy and Policy 22


@ Political obligation: Gilbert

   (See 'Collective intentions: Gilbert on large-scale collective intentions and political obligation')


@ Political obligation: principle of fairness or fair play

   (Also, the 'benefits received' and 'gratitude' theories; also Rawls's principles for individuals in general)

   (The Hart-Rawls principle of fairness is that those who accept the benefits of a fair scheme of cooperation have a duty to do their allotted part under that scheme)

   Plato, Crito

   Hart, H.L.A. (1955) 'Are there any natural rights?' Philosophical Review 64

* Rawls, John (1964) 'Legal obligation and the duty of fair play', in S. Hook (ed) Law and Philosophy

   Rawls, John (1969) 'The justification of civil disobedience' in Hugo Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience, reprinted in K. Edward edition Revolution and the Rule of Law 1971

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 18, 19

* Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, pp. 90-91, 93-95

* Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 5 'The principle of fair play', especially sec. 5

   Nelson, W.N. (1980) On Justifying Democracy, ch. 7 sec. 4 'Secondary principles of obligation'

   Arneson, Richard J. (1982) 'The principle of fairness and free-rider problems', Ethics 92(4)

   Klosko, George (1987) 'Presumptive benefit, fairness, and political obligation', Philosophy and Public Affairs ?

   Klosko, George (1987) 'The principle of fairness and political obligation', Ethics 97

   Walker, A.D. (1988) 'Political obligation and the argument from gratitude', Philosophy and Public Affairs 16(3)

   Wolff, Jonathan (1991) 'What is the problem of political obligation?', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 91

   Wilkins, B. and Zelikovitz, K. (1991) 'Principles for individual actions', in J. Corlett (ed) Equality and Liberty

+ Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, pp. 89-98

   Klosko, George (1992) The Principle of Fairness and Political Obligation, 2nd ed. 2004

   Klosko, George (1994) 'Political obligation and the natural duties of justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs 23(3)

   Wellman, C.H. (2005) 'Why I am not an anarchist', part 1 of C.H. Wellman and A.J. Simmons, Is There a Duty to Obey the Law?


@ Political obligation: natural duty of justice

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, ch. 6

   Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 6

   Waldron, Jeremy (1993) 'Special ties and natural duties', Philosophy and Public Affairs 22(1)

   Wellman, Christopher H. (2001) 'Toward a liberal theory of political obligation', Ethics 111

   Wellman, Christopher H. (2005) 'Samaritanism and the duty to obey the law', in Christopher H. Wellman and A. John Simmons, Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? (For and Against)

   Simmons, A. John (2005) 'The duty to obey and our natural moral duties', in Christopher and Wellman and A. John Simmons, Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? (For and Against)

   Wellman, Christopher (2003) 'Samaritanism and political obligation: a response to Christopher Wellman's 'Liberal Theory of Political Obligation'', Ethics 113


@ Political obligation: constitutive rules and conceptual arguments

* Rawls, John (1955) 'Two concepts of rules', Philosophical Review 64, reprinted in P. Foot (ed) Theories of Ethics 1967

   Hart, H.L.A. (1961) The Concept of Law, chs. 1.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1

* Searle, J. (1964) 'How to derive 'ought' from 'is'', Philosophical Review 73, reprinted in P. Foot (ed) Theories of Ethics 1967, and in R. Flathman (ed) Concepts in Social Political Philosophy 1973

* Pitkin, H. (1965-66) 'Obligation and consent' parts 1 and 2, American Political Science Review vols. 59 (1965) and 60 (1966), reprinted in P. Laslett and R.G. Runciman (eds) Philosophy Politics and Society, Fourth Series, 1972

   McPherson, T. (1967) Political Obligation

   Wasserstrom, R. (1968) 'The obligation to obey the law', in R.S. Summers (ed) Essays in Legal Philosophy

   Lewis, D. (1969) Convention, chs. 1, 3.3, 3.4

* Flathman, R.E. (1972) 'Obligation and rules', ch. 3 of Political Obligation, also (shortened) in R. Flathman (ed) Concepts in Social Political Philosophy 1973

   Raz, Joseph (1975) Practical Reason and Norms, chs. 2-3

   Papineau, D. (1978) For Science in the Social Sciences, ch. 4

+ Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 2 sec. 2

+ Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, 137-145


@ Political obligation: communitarian accounts

   (See also 'Citizenship, concept of', 'Republicanism', 'civic virtues')

   (For communitarianism in general see that)

   Milne, A. (1990) 'Political obligation and the public interest', in P. Harris (ed) On Political Obligation

   Charvet, John (1990) 'Political obligation: individualism and communitarianism', in Harris (ed) On Political Obligation

   Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, ch. 6

   Wulf, S. (2008) A Philosophical Theory of Citizenship


@ Political obligation: associative accounts (Gilbert)

   Gilbert, Margaret (1993) 'Agreements, coercion and obligation', Ethics 103, reprinted in her Living Together: Rationality, Sociality, and Obligation 1996

   Gilbert, Margaret (1993) 'Group membership and political obligation', The Monist 76(1), reprinted in her Living Together: Rationality, Sociality, and Obligation 1996

   Gilbert, Margaret (1996) Living Together: Rationality, Sociality, and Obligation

   Simmons, A. J. (1996) 'Associative political obligations', Ethics, 106(2)

   Wellman, Christopher (1997) 'Associative allegiances and political obligations', Social Theory and Practice 23(2)

   Dagger, Richard (1997) Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism

   Gilbert, Margaret (1999) 'Obligation and joint commitment', Utilitas 11

   Gilbert, Margaret (1999) 'Reconsidering the 'actual contract' theory of political obligation', Ethics 109

   Dagger, Richard (2000) 'Membership, fair play, and political obligation', Political Studies 48(1)

   Gilbert, Margaret (2000) Sociality and Responsibility: New Essays in Plural Subject Theory

   Dagger, Richard (2000) 'Membership, fair play, and political obligation', Political Studies 48(1)

   Gilbert, Margaret (2006) A Theory of Political Obligation: Membership, Commitment, and the Bonds of Society

   Horton, John (2006) 'In defence of associative political obligations: part one', Political Studies 54(3)

   Horton, John (2007) 'In defence of associative political obligations: part two', Political Studies 55(1)

   Dworkin, Ronald (2011) Justice for Hedgehogs, ch. 14 'Obligations'


@ Political legitimacy

   (See 'Locke on political legitimacy', 'Habermas on law and democracy', 'Public reason, duty of civility and the liberal principle of legitimacy in Rawls ', 'Political obligation: consent and self-imposition arguments')


@ Philosophical anarchism

   (The view that no state can be legitimate or impose political obligations)

   Wolff, Robert Paul (1970) In Defence of Anarchism

   Simmons, A. John (1979) Moral Principles and Political Obligations, ch. 6

   Senor, T.D. (1987) 'What if there are no political obligations? A reply to A.J. Simmons', Philosophy and Public Affairs

   Simmons, A. John (1987) 'The anarchist position: a reply to Klosko and Senor', Philosophy and Public Affairs

   Horton, John (1992) Political Obligation, ch. 5

   Smith, M.B.E. (1999) 'Is there a prima facie obligation to obey the law?', in W. A. Edmundson (ed) The Duty to Obey the Law

   Raz, Joseph (1999) 'The obligation to obey: revision and tradition', in W. A. Edmundson (ed) The Duty to Obey the Law

   Simmons, A. John (2005) 'The duty to obey and our natural moral duties', in Christopher H. Wellman and A. John Simmons, Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? (For and Against)


@ Civil disobedience

   Thoreau, H. [1849] 'Civil disobedience' (original title: 'Resistance to civil government'), in Seidel (ed) Henry Thoreau: Works

   King, M.L. [1960s] 'Letter from Birmingham City Jail', 'Nonviolence and racial justice', in A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King,

   Storing, H. [1968] 'The case against civil disobedience', reprinted in H. Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus 1991

   Bedau, H.A. (1970) 'Civil disobedience and personal responsibility for injustice', The Monist 54, reprinted in H. Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus 1991

   Gewirth, A. (1970) 'Civil disobedience, law and morality: an examination of Justice Fortas' doctrine', The Monist 54

   Martin, R. (1970) 'Civil disobedience', Ethics 80

   Walzer, M. (1970) 'Civil disobedience and corporate authority', in Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War and Citizenship

   Macfarlane, L.J. (1971) Political Disobedience

   Harris, P. (ed) (1971) Civil Disobedience

   Cohen, C. (1971) Civil Disobedience

* Rawls, John (1971) 'A theory of civil disobedience', in P. Harris (ed) Civil Disobedience, reprinted in H. Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus 1991

   Childress, J.F. (1971) Civil Disobedience and Political Obligation

   Hall, R.T. (1971) The Morality of Civil Disobedience

   Rawls, John (1971) 'The justification of civil disobedience' in K. Edward edition Revolution and the Rule of Law

   Singer, P. (1973) Democracy and Disobedience, pp. 63-92, and appendix 'Disobedience in Northern Ireland'

   Morreall, J. (1973) 'The justification of violent civil disobedience', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 6, reprinted in Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus

   Vlastos, G. (1974) 'Socrates on political obedience and disobedience', Yale Review

   Burton, Z, (1975) Civility and Disobedience

   Smart, B. (1978) 'Defining civil disobedience', Inquiry 21, reprinted in Bedau (ed) Civil Disobedience in Focus

   Dworkin, G. (1985) 'Civil disobedience and nuclear protest', in A Matter of Principle

   Norman, R. (1986) 'Civil disobedience and nuclear protest: a reply to Dworkin', Radical Philosophy 44

   Schlossberger, E. (1989) 'Civil disobedience', Analysis

   Coleman, J. (1990) Against the State

* Bedau, H. (ed) (1991) Civil Disobedience in Focus

   Barker, R. (1992) 'Civil disobedience as persuasion: Dworkin and Greenham Common', Political Studies 40


@ Revolution and rebellion

   (See also 'Locke on the right of rebellion')

   Brinton, C. (1953) The Anatomy of Revolution

   Friedrich, C.J. (ed) (1966) Revolution

   Arendt, Hannah (1963) On Revolution

   Arendt, Hannah (1970) On Violence

   Calvert, P. (1970) Revolution

   Baechler, J. (1970) Revolution

   Kumar, K. (1971) Revolution: The Theory and Practice of a European idea

   Johnson, C. (1982) Revolutionary Change

   Dunn, J. (1989) Modern Revolutions: An Introduction to the Analysis of a Political Phenomenon

   Kimmel, M. (1990) Revolution: A Sociological Interpretation



   (See also Markets, Capitalism)


@ Property: introductions

* Becker, L.C. (1977) Property Rights: Philosophic Foundations, ch. 2

   Ryan, A. (1984) Property and Political Theory, introduction

   Reeve, A. (1986) Property


@ Property: fuller treatments

   Becker, L.C. (1977) Property Rights: Philosophic Foundations

   Radin, M.J. (1981-82) 'Property and personhood', Stanford Law Review 34

   Ryan, A. (1987) Property, chs. 4-7

   Grunebaum, J.O. (1987) Private Ownership

   Waldron, Jeremy (1988) The Right to Private Property

   Carter, A. (1989) Foundations of Private Property

   Munzer, S.R. (1990) A Theory of Property

   Christman, J. (1994) 'Distributive justice and the complex structure of ownership', Philosophy and Public Affairs 23(3)

   Buchanan, J.M. Property as a Guarantor of Liberty

   Bowles, S. and Gintis, H. (19?) Democracy and Capitalism: Property, Community and the Contradictions of Modern Social Thought

   MacPherson, C.B. (ed) (19?) Property

   Beloff, M. (19?) Freedom and Property




@ Public goods

   (Non-excludable and non-rivalrous goods)

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom, pp. 198-203

   Hechter, Michael (1987) Principles of Group Solidarity


@ Irreducibly social goods

   (Goods that are irreducible features of the society as a whole, e.g. a valuable culture)

   Taylor, Charles (1990) 'Irreducibly social goods', G. Brennan and C. Walsh (eds) Rationality, Individualism, and Public Policy (with comments by for others), reprinted in Taylor's Philosophical Arguments 1995


@ Common good

   (See also 'Aristotle on the common good', 'General will and common good in Rousseau')

   Murphy, Arthur E. (1950) 'The common good', Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association vol. 24

   Miller, Peter N. (1994) Defining the Common Good: Empire, Religion and Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain

   Haldane, John (1996) 'The individual, the state, and the common good', Social Philosophy and Policy 13

   Goodin, Robert E. (1996) 'Institutionalizing the public interest: The defense of deadlock and beyond', American Political Science Review 90(2)

   Hollenbach, David (2002) The Common Good and Christian Ethics

   Murphy, Mark C. (2005) 'The common good', Review of Metaphysics 59, reprinted in his Natural Law in Jurisprudence and Politics 2006

   Beerbohm, Eric and Davis, Ryan W. (2017) 'The common good: a buck‐passing account', Journal of Political Philosophy 25(4)



   (See also Philpapers 'Philosophy of race' bibliography)


@ Race and racialisation: general

   Ngo, Helen (ed) (2019) Critical Philosophy of Race: An Introduction

   Zack, Naomi (2018) Philosophy of Race

   Zack, Naomi (ed) (2017) Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race


@ Race, concept of

   (See Philpapers 'Conceptions of race' bibliography)

   Montagu, Ashley (1942) Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race summary

   Glasgow, Joshua and others (2019) What is Race? Four Philosophical Views contents


@ Racism: general

   Garcia, Jose L.A. (1996) 'The heart of racism', Journal of Social Philosophy 27(1)

   Shelby, Tommie (2002) 'Is racism in the 'heart'?' Journal of Social Philosophy 33(3)

   Mills, Charles W. (2003) ''Heart' attack: a critique of Jorge Garcia's volitional conception of racism'. Journal of Ethics, 7


@ Racism: recognitional accounts

   (See also 'Double consciousness in Du Bois')

   Ellison, Ralph (1951) Invisible Man

   Glasgow, Joshua (2009) 'Racism as disrespect', Ethics 120 (1)


@ Structural racism, systemic racism and institutional racism

   (See also 'Structural injustice, systemic injustice and institutional injustice')

   Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo (1997) 'Rethinking racism: toward a structural interpretation', American Sociological Review 62(3) abstract

   Feagin, Joe R. (2006) Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression summary

   Shelby, Tommie (2016) Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform summary

   Banaji, Mahzarin R. and others (eds) (2021) 'Systemic racism: individuals and interactions, institutions and society', Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 6(82) abstract


@ Racial justice

   (Especially Shelby's and Mills's theories)

   (See also 'Rawls and race', Kant and race')

* Shelby, Tommie (2004) 'Race and social justice: Rawlsian considerations', Fordham Law Review 72(4)

* Shiffrin, Seana Valentine (2004) 'Race, labor, and the fair equality of opportunity principle', Fordham Law Review 72(4)

   Mills, Charles W. (2013) 'Retrieving Rawls for racial justice? a critique of Tommie Shelby', Critical Philosophy of Race 1(1), reprinted as 'Retrieving Rawls for racial justice?', ch. 9 of his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017 preview

   Shelby, Tommie (2013) 'Racial realities and corrective justice: a reply to Charles Mills', Critical Philosophy of Race 1(1) abstract

   Mills, Charles W. (2015) 'Racial equality', in George Hull (ed) The Equal Society: Essays on Equality in Theory and Practice contents

* Mills, Charles W. (2017) 'Epilogue (as prologue): toward a black radical liberalism', in his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism abstract

* Mills, Charles W. (2018) 'Black Radical Kantianism', Res Philosophica 95(1) abstract

   Mills, Charles W. (2018) 'Racial justice', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 92(1) abstract

* Mills, Charles W. (2020) 'Theorizing racial justice', Tanner Lectures on Human Values, available online

   Kirkland, Frank (2022) 'Framing Mills' Black Radical Kantianism: Kant and Du Bois', Kantian Review 27(4) abstract

   Huseyinzadegan, Dilek (2022) 'Charles Mills' 'Black Radical Kantianism' as a plot twist for Kant studies and contemporary Kantian-liberal political philosophy', Kantian Review 27(4) abstract


@ Racial exclusion in political philosophy

   (See also 'Rawls and race')

   (For arguments connecting racial exclusion and ideal theory see , 'Ideal and nonideal theory')

   Mills, Charles W. (1997) The Racial Contract summary

   Valls, Andrew (ed) (2005) Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy summary

   Mills, Charles W. (2008) 'Racial liberalism', Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 123(5), reprinted as ch. 3 of his Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017 abstract

   Mills, Charles W. (2020) 'Theorizing racial justice', Tanner Lectures on Human Values, available online


@ Reparations

   (For slavery or other historical wrongs)

   (See also 'Mills's theory of racial justice')

   Ficek, Douglas (2002) 'Rawls, race and reparations', Radical Philosophy Review 5(1-2)

   Boxill, Bernard R. (2003) 'A Lockean argument for black reparations', Journal of Ethics 7(1)

   Posner, Eric and Vermeule, Adrian (2003) 'Reparations for slavery and other historical injustices', Columbia Law Review 103

   Roberts, Rodney C. (ed) (2005) Injustice and Rectification

   de Greiff, Pablo (2006) The Handbook of Reparations

   Brophy, Alfred L. (2006) Reparations: Pro and Con

   Brophy, Alfred L. (2006) 'Reconsidering reparations', Indiana Law Journal 81(3)

   Martin, Michael T. and Yaquinto, Marilyn (eds) (2007) Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States: On Reparations for Slavery, Jim Crow, and Their Legacies

   Lyons, David (2013) Confronting Injustice: Moral History and Political Theory, ch. 5 'Corrective justice, equal opportunity, and the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow' preview

   Táíwò, Olúfẹmi O. (2022) Reconsidering Reparations summary

   Wenar, Leif (2006) 'Reparations for the future', Journal of Social Philosophy 37(3) preview

   Fisette, Jason E. (2022) 'At the bar of conscience: a Kantian argument for slavery reparations', Social Theory and Practice 48(5) abstract

   Page, Jennifer (2022 online) 'Reparations for white supremacy? Charles W. Mills and reparative vs. distributive justice after the structural turn', Journal of Social Philosophy abstract


@ Race and capitalism, racial capitalism

   (See this in A Marx bibliography)


@ Pan-Africanism

   Dubois, W.E.B. [1900] 'To the nations of the world', in David Levering Lewis (ed) W.E.B. Du Bois: A Reader 1995

   Dubois, W.E.B. [1915] 'The negro problems', in David Levering Lewis (ed) W.E.B. Du Bois: A Reader 1995

   Anderson, Patrick (2017) 'Pan-Africanism and economic nationalism: W.E.B. Du Bois's Black Reconstruction and the failings of the 'Black Marxism' thesis', Journal of Black Studies 48(8) abstract

   Adi, Hakim (2018) Pan-Africanism: A History summary

   Abrahamsen, Rita (2020) 'Internationalists, sovereigntists, nativists: contending visions of world order in Pan-Africanism', Review of International Studies 46(1) abstract

   Rabaka , Reiland (ed) (2020) Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism contents


@ Mills

   Mills, Charles W. (1997) The Racial Contract

   Mills, Charles W. (1998) Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race

   Mills, Charles W. (2003) From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism summary

* Mills, Charles W. (2004) ''Ideal theory' as ideology', in Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker (eds) Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, reprinted in Hypatia 20(3), 2005, and as ch. 5 of Mills's Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017

   Mills, Charles W. (2010) Radical Theory, Caribbean Reality: Race, Class and Social Domination

   Mills, Charles W. and Pateman, Carole (2013) The Contract and Domination

   Mills, Charles W. (2015) 'Racial rights and wrongs', Radical Philosophy Review 18(1)

   Mills, Charles W. (2017) Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism


@ Mills and Marx

   Mills, Charles W. (1985) The Concept of Ideology in the Thought of Marx and Engels, PhD thesis, University of Toronto, pdf

   Mills, Charles W. (1985) ''Ideology' in Marx and Engels', Philosophical Forum 16(4)

   Mills, Charles W. (1985) 'Marxism and naturalistic mystification', Science & Society 49(4) preview

   Mills, Charles W. (1989) 'Determination and consciousness in Marx', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19(3) preview

   Mills, Charles W. (1989) 'Is it immaterial that there's a 'material' in 'historical materialism'?', Inquiry 32(3) abstract    

   Mills, Charles W. (1990) 'Getting out of the cave: tension between democracy and elitism in Marx's theory of cognitive liberation', Social and Economic Studies 39(1) preview

   Mills, Charles W. (1994) 'Marxism 'ideology' and moral objectivism', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24(3) preview

   Mills, Charles W. (2003) From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism summary

   Mills, Charles W. (2004) ''Ideal theory' as ideology', in Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker (eds) Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, reprinted in Hypatia 20(3), 2005, and as ch. 5 of Mills's Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism 2017

   Mills, Charles W. (2019) 'Theorizing (racial) justice', interview with Michael C. Dawson, podcast


@ Affirmative action, positive discrimination

   (See also Philpapers 'Affirmative action' bibliography)

   Nagel, Thomas (1973) 'The policy of preference', Philosophy and Public Affairs reprinted as ch. 7 of Nagel's Mortal Questions 1979

   Cohen, Marshall (ed) (1977) Equality and Preferential Treatment: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader

   Thomson, J.J. (1977) 'Preferential hiring' in Marshall Cohen (ed) Equality and Preferential Treatment: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader (also the reply by R. Simon)

   Dworkin, Ronald (1977) 'Reverse discrimination', ch. 9 of Taking Rights Seriously


@ Race and recognition

   (See 'Racism: recognitional accounts')




@ Realism: general

   Williams, Bernard (2005) In the Beginning Was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument summary

   Geuss, Raymond (2008) Philosophy and Real Politics summary

   Galston, William A. (2010) ' Realism in political theory', European Journal of Political Theory 9(4) abstract

   Sleat, Michael (2010) 'Bernard Williams and the possibility of a realist political theory', European Journal of Political Theory 9(4) abstract

   Rossi, Enzo and Sleat, Michael (2014) 'Realism in normative political theory', Philosophy Compass 9(10) abstract

   Geuss, Raymond (2016) Reality and its Dreams

   Hall, Edward (2017) 'How to do realistic political theory (and why you might want to)', European Journal of Political Theory 16(3)

   Burelli, Carlo (2021) 'A realistic conception of politics: conflict, order and political realism', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24(7)


@ Realism and Rawls

   (See also 'Ideal and non-ideal theory', 'Political liberalism')

* Geuss, Raymond (2008) Philosophy and Real Politics, part 2 summary

   Gledhill, James (2012) 'Rawls and realism', Social Theory and Practice 38(1) abstract

   Jubb, Robert (2015) 'Playing Kant at the court of King Arthur', Political Studies 63(4) abstract

   Sleat, Michael (2016) 'Liberalism and non-ideal theory: or are there two ways to do realistic political theory?' Political Studies 64(1) abstract

   Thomas, Alan (2017) 'Rawls and political realism: realistic utopianism or judgement in bad faith?' European Journal of Political Theory 16(3) abstract

   Raekstad, Paul (2021 online) 'The radical realist critique of Rawls: a reconstruction and response', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy abstract


@ Realism and critique

   Rossi, Enzo (2019) 'Being realistic and demanding the impossible', Constellations 26(4)

   Aytac, Ugur and Rossi, Enzo (2022 online) 'Ideology critique without morality: a radical realist approach', American Political Science Review



   (In political philosophy)


@ Recognition: collections

   van den Brink, B. and Owen, D. (eds) (2007) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory

   Sorenson, A. (ed) (2009) Dialectics, Self-Consciousness, and Recognition: The Hegelian Legacy

   Schmidt am Busch, Hans-Christoph and Zurn, C. (eds) (2010) The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Critical Perspectives

   Ikäheimo, Heikki & Laitinen, A. (eds) (2011) Recognition and Social Ontology

   Krijnen, Christian (ed) (2013) Recognition: German Idealism as an Ongoing Challenge


@ Recognition: single-author books

   Markell, Patchen (2003) Bound by Recognition

   McBride, Cillian (2013) Recognition

   McNay, Lois (2007) Against Recognition


@ Recognition and intersubjectivity: histories

   Theunissen, M. [1965] The Other: Studies in the Social Ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Buber, 2nd German ed. 1977, tr. 1984

   Buber, M. (1965) 'The history of the dialogical principle', in Between Man and Man

   Trilling, L. (1969) Sincerity and Authenticity

   Roth, M.S. (1988) Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth Century France

   Taylor, Charles (1989) Sources of the Self

   Honneth, Axel [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995

   Crossley, N.B. (1996) Intersubjectivity

   Todorov, T. (2001) Life in Common. An Essay in General Anthropology

   Ricoeur, Paul (2005) The Course of Recognition, part 3


@ Recognition, concept of

   (See also 'Respect and esteem')

   Cavell, Stanley (1976) 'Knowing and acknowledging', In Must We Mean What We Say: A Book of Essays

+ Inwood, Michael (1992) A Hegel Dictionary, entry on recognition

   Brandom, Robert B. (2007) 'The structure of desire and recognition: self-consciousness and self-constitution', Philosophy and Social Criticism 33(1), reprinted in H. Ikäheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology 2011, originally published as 'Selbstbewusstsein und Selbst-Konstitution', in Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante and Ludwig Siep (eds) Hegels Erbe 2004

   Honneth, Axel (2001) 'Invisibility: on the epistemology of 'recognition'', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 75

   Ikäheimo, Heikki (2002) 'On the genus and species of recognition', Inquiry 45(4)

   Laitinen, Arto (2002) 'Interpersonal recognition: a response to value or a precondition of personhood?, Inquiry 45(4)

   Honneth, Axel (2002) 'Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions', Inquiry 45(4) (section 2 of this article)

   Lazzeri, C. and Christian, A. (2006) 'Recognition today: the theoretical, ethical and political stakes of the concept', Critical Horizons 7(1)

* Ikäheimo, Heikki and Laitinen, A. (2007) 'Analysing recognition: identification, acknowledgement and recognitive attitudes between persons', in B. van den Brink and D. Owen (eds) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory

   Kompridis, Nikolas (2007) 'Struggling over the meaning of recognition: a matter of identity, justice, or freedom?', European Journal of Political Theory 6(3)

   Ikäheimo, Heikki (2007) 'Recognizing persons', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14, reprinted in Arto Laitinen and Heikki Ikäheimo (eds) Dimensions of Personhood


@ Recognition as ontological

   •recognition by others as constituting individuals as self-conscious or subjects or persons)

   Baynes, Kenneth (2001) 'Practical reason, the 'space of reason', and public reason', in J. Bohman and W. Rehg (eds) Pluralism and the Pragmatic Turn

   Strauss, M. (2003) 'The role of recognition in the formation of self-understanding', in R.N. Fiore and H.L. Nelson (eds) Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights

   Winfield, Richard D. (2006) 'Self-Consciousness and intersubjectivity', Review of Metaphysics 59(4

   Ikäheimo, Heikki (2007) 'Recognizing persons' in H. Ikäheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Dimensions of Personhood, special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(5-6), also issued separately as a book

   Ikäheimo, Heikki (2010) 'Making the best of what we are: recognition as an ontological and ethical concept', in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition

   Ikäheimo, Heikki and Laitinen, A. (eds) (2011) Recognition and Social Ontology

   Testa, Italo (2011) 'Social space and the ontology of recognition', in H. Ikäheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology


@ Recognition as an ethical or political ideal

   (See also 'Respect and esteem', 'Honneth on the struggle for recognition')

   Laitinen, Arto (2002) 'Interpersonal recognition: a response to value or a precondition of personhood', Inquiry 45(4)

   Laitinen, Arto (2007) 'Sorting out aspects of personhood: capacities, normativity and recognition', in H. Ikäheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Dimensions of Personhood, special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(5-6), also issued separately as a book


@ Respect and esteem

   (Also dignity)

   (See also 'Self-respect and self-esteem ', 'Formula of humanity in Kant', 'Rawls and self-respect')

   Feinberg, Joel (1975) 'Some conjectures on the concept of respect', Journal of Social Philosophy 4(2) site

* Darwall, Stephen L. (1977) 'Two kinds of respect', Ethics 88(1) preview

   Honneth, Axel (1992) 'Integrity and disrespect: principles of a conception of morality based on the theory of recognition', Political Theory 20(2), reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995 abstract

   Margalit, Avishai (1998) The Decent Society summary

   Dillon, Robert S. (2002) 'Respect', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, revised 2022, available online

   Armitage, Faith (2006) 'Respect and types of injustice', Res Publica 12 abstract

   Waldron, Jeremy and others (2012) Dignity, Rank, and Rights contents

   Mordacci, Roberto (2019) 'A short history and theory of respect', International Philosophical Quarterly 59(2) abstract


@ Self-respect and self-esteem

   (Including claims about causal relations between self-respect, respect from others, and respect for others)

   (See also 'Respect and esteem', 'Formula of humanity in Kant, respect and self-respect in Kant', 'Rawls and self-respect')

   Hill, Thomas E. Jr. (1973) 'Servility and self-respect', The Monist 57(1), reprinted in Hill's Autonomy and Self Respect 1991 preview

   Sachs, David (1981) 'How to distinguish self-respect from self-esteem', Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(4) preview

   Chazan, Pauline (1998) 'Self-esteem, self-respect and love of self: ways of valuing the self', Philosophia 26 preview

   McKinnon, Catriona (2002) Liberalism and the Defence of Political Constructivism, chapter on 'Self-respect' abstract

   Bird, Colin (2010) 'Self-respect and the respect of others', European Journal of Philosophy 18(1) abstract

   Boxill, Bernard and Boxill, Jan (2015) 'Servility and self-respect: an African American and feminist critique', in M. Timmons and R. Johnson (eds) Reasons, Value and Respect: Kantian Themes From the Philosophy of Thomas E Hill Jr abstract

   Basevich, Elvira (2022) 'Self-respect and self-segregation: a Du Boisian challenge to Kant and Rawls', Social Theory and Practice 48(3) abstract


@ Darwall and the second-personal standpoint

   Darwall, Stephen (1983) Impartial Reason

   Darwall, Stephen (1985) 'Kantian practical reason defended', Ethics 96(1)

   Darwall, Stephen (2004) 'Respect and the second-person standpoint', Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78(2)

   Darwall, Stephen (2005) 'Fichte and the second-person standpoint', International Yearbook for German Idealism vol. 3

   Darwall, Stephen (2006) 'The value of autonomy and autonomy of the will', Ethics 116

   Darwall, Stephen (2006) The Second-Person Standpoint: Morality, Respect, and Accountability

   Wallace, R.J. (2007) 'Reasons, relations, and commands: reflections on Darwall', Ethics 118(1)

   Korsgaard, C.M. (2007) 'Autonomy and the second person within: a commentary on Stephen Darwall's The Second‐Person Standpoint', Ethics 118(1)

   Watson, G. (2007) 'Morality as equal accountability: comments on Stephen Darwall's The Second‐Person Standpoint', Ethics 118(1)

   Darwall, Stephen (2007) 'Reply to Korsgaard, Wallace, and Watson', Ethics 118(1)

   Lavin, D. (2008) Review of Darwall, The Second Person Standpoint, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

   Darwall, Stephen (2010) 'Precis: the second-person standpoint', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81(1)

   Schapiro, T. (2010) 'Desires as demands: how the second-person standpoint might be internal to reflective agency', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81(1)

   Sussman, D. (2010) 'The second-person standpoint: morality, respect, and accountability', Journal of Moral Philosophy 7(3)

   Darwall, Stephen (2010) 'Authority and reasons: exclusionary and second‐personal', Ethics 120(2)

   Smith, M. and Strabbing, J.T. (2010) 'Moral obligation, accountability, and second-personal reasons', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 818(1)

   Darwall, Stephen (2010) 'But it would be wrong', Social Philosophy and Policy 27(2)

   Honneth, Axel (2021) ''You' or 'we': the limits of the second-person perspective', European Journal of Philosophy 29


@ Recognition of identities, recognition and multiculturalism

   Adorno, T. [19?] 'Society', in F. Jameson and others (eds) Critical Theory and Society

   Althusser, L. [1968] 'Ideology and the ideological state apparatuses', in Lenin and Philosophy, and Other Essays

   Siep, Ludwig (1979) Anerkennung als Prinzip der Praktischen Philosophie: Untersuchungen zu Hegels Jenaer Philosophie des Geistes, last part

   Gutmann, Amy (ed) (1992) Multiculturalism and the 'Politics of Recognition, enlarged edition as Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition 1994

* Taylor, Charles (1992) 'The politics of recognition' in A. Gutmann (ed) Multiculturalism and the 'Politics of Recognition

   Taylor, Charles (1992) 'The need for recognition', in his The Ethics of Authenticity

   Cornell, D. (1993) Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference

   Brown, W. (1995) States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity, chs. 2-3

   Butler, Judith (1997) Excitable Speech

   Butler, Judith (1997) 'Merely cultural', Social Text 52-53, reprinted in New Left Review 227, 1998

   Düttmann, A.G. [1997] Between Cultures: Tensions in the Struggle for Recognition, tr. 2000

   Wynne, E. (2000) 'Reflections on recognition: a matter of self-realization or a matter of justice?', in Thinking Fundamentals, IWM Junior Visiting Fellows Conferences vol. 9: Vienna 2000, available online

   Kruks, Sonia (2001) 'Recognition, knowledge and identity', in her Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics

   Yar, M. (2001) Recognition and the politics of human(e) desire, Theory, Culture and Society 18(2-3)

   Markell, Patchen (2003) Bound by Recognition, ch. 2 'The distinguishing mark'

   Lazzeri, C. and Christian, A. (2006) 'Recognition today: the theoretical, ethical and political stakes of the concept', Critical Horizons 7(1)

   McNay, Lois (2007) Against Recognition


@ Recognition and race

   (See 'Racism: recognitional accounts')


@ Recognition, work and class

   (See also see A Marx bibliography: 'Recognition and Marx')

   Honneth, Axel (1982) 'Work and instrumental action: on the normative basis of critical theory', Thesis 11 5/6, reprinted in his The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1995

   Petersen, Anders and Willig, Rasmus (2004) 'Work and recognition: new forms of pathological developments', Acta Sociologica 47(4)

   Deranty, Jean-Philippe (2006) 'Repressed materiality: retrieving the materialism in Axel Honneth's theory of recognition', Critical Horizons 7(1)

   Honneth, Axel (2007) Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory

   Deranty, Jean-Philippe and others (eds) (2007) Recognition, Work, Politics: New Directions in French Critical Theory

   Smith, Nicholas H. (2009) 'Work and the struggle for recognition', European Journal of Political Theory 8(1)

   Honneth, Axel (2010) 'Work and recognition, a redefinition', H.-C. Schmidt-am-Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition, reprinted in his The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition 2012

   Smith, Nicholas H. (2014) 'Solidarity and work: a reassessment', in A. Laitinen and A.B. Pessi (eds) Solidarity: Theory and Practice


@ Recognition and feminism

   (See 'Feminism and recognition')


@ Personhood

   Wiggins, David (1987) 'The person as object of science, as subject of experience, and as locus of value', in Arthur R. Peacocke and Grant R. Gillett (eds) Persons and Personality

   Ikäheimo, Heikki and Arto Laitinen, Arto (2007) 'Dimensions of personhood', Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (5-6)

   Laitinen, Arto (2007) 'Sorting out aspects of personhood', Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(5-6)


   Thompson, E. (ed) (2001) Between ourselves: second person issues in the study of consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies special issue 8(5-7)


@ Empathy: psychological approaches

   Batson, C. Daniel (1991) The Altruism Question

   Monroe, Kristen Renwick (1996) The Heart of Altruism: Perceptions of a Common Humanity

   Batson, C. Daniel (2011) Altruism in Humans, ch. 1

   Monroe, Kristen Renwick (2014) 'Empathy and our relations to others', in A. Laitinen and A.B. Pessi (eds) Solidarity: Theory and Practice


@ Empathy: phenomenological approaches

   Zahavi, Dan (2014) 'Empathy and other-directed intentionality', Topoi 33(1)

   Zahavi, Dan (2014) Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy and Shame, ch. 10

   Meacham, Darian (2014) 'Empathy and alteration: the ethical relevance of a phenomenological species concept', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39


@ Empathy: critiques

   Prinz, Jesse (2011) 'Is empathy necessary for morality?', in A. Coplan and P. Goldie (eds) Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives

   Bloom, Paul (2017) Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion


@ Methodological negativism in political philosophy

   (Broadly speaking, developing political philosophy by starting with negative experiences)

   (For Honneth-centred discussions see 'Honneth's epistemology of injustice')

   McNay, Lois (2008) 'Trouble with recognition: subjectivity, redistribution as recognition: a response to Nancy Fraser', Sociological Theory 26

   Renault, Emmanuel (2009) 'The political philosophy of social suffering', in B. de Bruin and C. Zurn (eds) New Waves In Political Philosophy



   (See also 'Communitarianism')


@ Cultural relativism and human rights

   Donnelly, J. (1989) Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. 2003

   Steiner, H. and Alston, P. (eds) (1996) International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics and Morals

   Perry, M. (1997) 'Are human rights universal? The relativist challenge and related matters', Human Rights Quarterly 19(3)

   Wilson, R. (ed) (1997) Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological Perspectives


@ Anti-foundationalist political philosophy

   Williams, Bernard (2005) ' In the beginning was the deed', in G. Hawthorne (ed) In the Beginning was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument

   Williams, Bernard (2005) 'Pluralism community and left Wittgensteinianism', in G. Hawthorne (ed) In the Beginning was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument

   Queloz, Matthieu and Cueni, Damian (2021) 'Left Wittgensteinianism', European Journal of Philosophy 29(4) abstract




@ History of republicanism

   Baron, H. [?] The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Civic Humanism and Republican Liberty in an Age of Classicism and Tyranny tr. 1955

   Bailyn, B. (1967) The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

   Pocock, J.G.A. (1975) The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition

   Skinner, Quentin (1978) The Foundations of Modern Political Thought vol. I: The Renaissance

   Appleby, J. (1992) Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination

   Rahe, P.A. (1992) Republics Ancient and Modern: Classical Republicanism and the American Revolution

   Hankins, J. (2000) Renaissance Civic Humanism: Reappraisals and Reflections


@ Machiavelli and republicanism

   Machiavelli, N. [1531] The Discourses

   Bock, G. and others (eds) (1990) Machiavelli and Republicanism


@ Other classical republican thinkers

   Cicero, On the Commonwealth

   Cicero, On the Laws

   Guicciardini, F. [1520s] Dialogue on the Government of Florence

   Harrington, J. [1652] Commonwealth of Oceania

   Constant, B. [1819] 'Liberty of the ancients compared with that of the moderns' in Political Writings


@ Contemporary republicanism: neo-Athenian or civic humanist strand

   (The central ideals are political participation and civic virtue, and a perfectionist notion of the good based on these)

   Arendt, Hannah (1958) The Human Condition, ch. 5 'The polis and the household'

   Arendt, Hannah [1960] 'Freedom and politics', in Miller (ed) expanded version entitled 'What is freedom?', in Arendt's Between Past and Future 1968

   Lively, J. (1975) Democracy, ch. 2 sec. 3

   Pateman, C. (1970) Participation and Democratic Theory

   Macpherson, C.B. (1973) Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval, chs. 1-3

   Lucas, J.R. (1976) Democracy and Participation

   Barber, B.R. (1984) Strong Democracy: Politics for a New Age, chs. 5-6

+ Elster, J. (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', section 3, in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Held, D. (1987) Models of Democracy, 254-264

   Taylor, Charles (1989) 'Cross-purposes: the liberal-communitarian debate', in N. Rosenblum (ed) Liberalism and the Moral Life, reprinted in his Philosophical Arguments 1995

   Oldfield, A. (1990) Citizenship and Community: Civic Republicanism and the Modern World

   Sandel, M.J. (1996) Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy


@ Contemporary republicanism: neo-Roman or civic republican strand

   (The central ideal is 'non-domination', i.e. the impossibility of anyone exerting an arbitrary power over one, and political participation is seen as a means to this.)

   (See also 'Domination and non-domination, the concepts')

   Sunstein, C. (1988) 'Beyond the republican revival', Yale Law Journal 97(8)

   Pettit, Philip (1992) The Common Mind

   Skinner, Quentin (1992) 'On justice, the common good and the priority of liberty', in C. Mouffe (ed) Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community

   Patten, A. (1996) 'The republican critique of liberalism¸ British Journal of Political Science 26

* Pettit, Philip (1997) Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government

   Brugger, B. (1999) The Republican Revival in Political Thought: Virtuous or Virtual?

   Honohan, I. (2002) Civic Republicanism

   Viroli, M. [19?] Republicanism, tr. A. Shugaar 2002

   Kramer, M. H. (2003) The Quality of Freedom

   Maynor, J.W. (2003) Republicanism in the Modern World

   Laborde, C. and Maynor, J. (eds) (2007) Republicanism and Political Theory

   Pettit, Philip (2007) 'Republican freedom: three axioms, four theorems', in C. Laborde and J. Maynor (eds) Republicanism and Political Theory

   Leipold, Bruno; Nabulsi, Karma; and White, Stuart (eds) (2020) Radical Republicanism: Recovering the Tradition's Popular Heritage


@ Republicanism and democracy

   (Mainly civic republicanism. What kind of democracy will guarantee non-domination?)

   Pettit, Philip (1997) Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government

   Sunstein, C.R. (1993) The Partial Constitution

   Pettit, Philip (1999) 'Republican freedom and contestatory democratization', in I. Shapiro and C. Hacker-Cordon (eds) Democracy's Value

   Richardson, H. S. (2002) Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning About the Ends of Policy


@ Virtues and republicanism

   (Not necessarily those of political participation)

   (This includes both intrinsic and instrumental accounts of the value of civic virtues)

   Taylor, Charles (1979) 'Atomism', in A. Kontos (ed) Powers, Possessions and Freedoms, reprinted in Taylor's Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers vol. 2, 1985

   Macedo, S. (1990) Liberal Virtues: Citizenship, Virtue and Community

   Galston, William (1991) Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State

   Mouffe, C. (1992) 'Democratic citizenship and the political community', in Mouffe (ed) Dimensions of Radical Democracy

   Macedo, S. (1992) 'Charting liberal virtues' in J.W. Chapman and W.A. Galston (eds) Nomos ?

   Dagger, R. (1997) Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism

   Batstone, D. and Mendieta, E. (eds) (1999) The Good Citizen


@ Citizenship

   (See also 'Solidarity', 'Nationalism, patriotism and partiality')

   Miller, David (1995) 'Citizenship and pluralism', Political Studies 43, 432-50

   Viroli, M. (1995) For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism

   Taylor, Charles (1996) 'Why democracy needs patriotism', in J. Cohen (ed) For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism

   Miller, David (2000) Citizenship and National Identity

   Mason, A. (2000) Community, Solidarity and Belonging

   Wulf, S. (2008) A Philosophical Theory of Citizenship

   Cohen, Joshua (1993) 'Moral pluralism and political consensus' in D. Copp, J. Hampton, and J. Roemer (eds) The Idea of Democracy, reprinted in his Philosophy, Politics, Democracy: Selected Essays


@ Civil society and the public sphere

   Arato, A. and Cohen, J. (1992) Democratic Theory and Civil Society

   Jameson, F. (1988) 'On Negt and Kluge', October 46

   Negt, O. and Kluge, A. [1972] 'The public sphere and experience' (selections from Öffentlichkeit und Erfahrung 1972), October 46


@ Deliberative democracy, discursive democracy

   (For Habermas on this see 'Habermas on deliberative democracy')

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 36, 37, 43, 54

   Midgaard, K. (1980) 'On the significance of language and a richer conception of rationality', in L. Lewin and E. Vedung (eds) Politics as Rational Action: Essays in Public Choice and Policy Analysis

   Barber, B. (1984) Strong Democracy

+ Elster, J. (1986) 'The market and the forum: three varieties of political theory', section 2, in J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds) Foundations of Social Choice Theory, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: an Anthology

   Manin, B. (1987) 'On legitimacy and political deliberation', Political Theory 15

   Brennan, G. (1989) 'Politics with romance: towards a theory of democratic socialism', in A. Hamlin and P. Pettit (eds) The Good Polity

* Cohen, Joshua (1989) 'Deliberation and democratic legitimacy', in A. Hamlin and P. Pettit (eds) The Good Polity, reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Dryzek, J. (1990) Discursive Democracy, ch. 1

   Fishkin, J. (1991) Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform

   Miller, David (1992) 'Deliberative democracy and social choice', in D. Held (ed) Prospects for Democracy: North, South, East, West, also in Political Studies 45(5), 1992, special supplement

   Weithman, P.J. (1995) 'Contractualist liberalism and deliberative democracy', Philosophy and Public Affairs 24(4)

   Elster, J. (ed) (1998) Deliberative Democracy

   White, Angela (2011) A Rawlsian Idea of Deliberative Democracy

   Sharon, A. (2018) 'Populism and democracy: the challenge for deliberative democracy', European Journal of Philosophy 27(2)




@ Rights: introductions

   Waldron, Jeremy (1984) 'Introduction' to Theories of Rights ed. Jeremy Waldron


@ Rights: collections

   Waldron, Jeremy (ed) (1984) Theories of Rights

   Frey, R.G. (ed) (1984) Utility and Rights

   Shute, S. and Hurley, S. (eds) (1993) On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993 9used by a student)


@ Rights, concept of

   Flathman, R. (1976) The Practice of Rights, chs. 1-2

+ Harris, J.W. (1980) Legal Philosophies, ch. 7 part 1

* Waldron, Jeremy (1984) 'Introduction' to J. Waldron (ed) Theories of Rights

   Freeden, M. (1991) Rights

   Jones, P. (1994) Rights

   Raz, Joseph (1986) The Morality of Freedom, ch. 7 'The nature of rights'


@ Interest vs. will conceptions of rights

   (Also called benefit vs. choice conceptions. The issue is whether for someone else's having a duty is to count as your having a right against them depends on whether the performance of the duty is in your interest or whether you can release them from the duty)

   Hart, H.L.A. (1955) 'Are there any natural rights?' Philosophical Review 64, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967

   Lyons, David (1969) 'Rights, claimants and beneficiaries' American Philosophical Quarterly 6

   Hart, H.L.A. (1973) 'Bentham on legal rights', in A. Simpson (ed) Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence Second Series, reprinted as ch. 7 of Hart's Essays on Bentham

   MacCormick, N. (1977) 'Rights in Legislation', in P.M.S. Hacker and J. Raz (eds) Law Morality and Society, reprinted in his Essays in Social Democracy

   Campbell, T. (1983) The Left and Rights, 92-102

   Raz, Joseph (1984) 'The nature of rights', Mind 93, revised/expanded as ch. 7 of Raz's The Morality of Freedom 1986


@ Rights as founded in equality: Rawls and Dworkin

   Dworkin, Ronald (1970) 'What rights do we have?', ch. 12 of his Taking Rights Seriously 1978

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999 secs. 26, 39, 82

   Hart, H.L.A. (1979) 'Between utility and rights' in A. Ryan (ed) The Idea of Freedom

   Dworkin, Ronald (1984) 'Rights as trumps' in J. Waldron (ed) Theories of Rights

   Campbell, Tom (1988) Justice, pp. 45-65


@ Natural rights, human rights

   (For 'Cultural relativism and human rights' see that)

   (For the history of natural rights theory, see 'Natural law and natural rights theories: historical surveys')

   Bentham, J. 'Anarchical fallacies: being an examination of the Declaration of Rights issued during the French Revolution', 46-69 of J. Waldron (ed) Nonsense Upon Stilts: Bentham, Burke and Marx on the Rights of Man; also in J. Bowring (ed) The Complete Works of Jeremy Bentham vol. II; also (in part) in B. Parekh (ed) Bentham's Political Thought

   Paine, T. (17?) The Rights of Man

   'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights' [1948], reprinted in M. Cranston What Are Human Rights? 1973, also in P. Davies (ed) Human Rights 1988

+ MacDonald, M. (1970?) 'Natural rights' in Melden (ed) Human Rights

   Melden, A. (ed) (1970) Human Rights

   Cranston, Maurice (1973) What Are Human Rights?

   Finnis, J. (1980) Natural Law and Natural Rights chs. 2, 4, 10, 12

   Shue, H. (1980) 'Basic Rights' in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Shue, H. (1980) Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence and US Foreign Policy

   Nickel, J. (1987) Making Sense of Human Rights

   Sumner, L. (1987) The Moral Foundation of Rights

   Douzinas, C. (2000) The End of Human Rights

   Griffin, J. (2000-2001) 'Discrepancies between the best philosophical account of human rights and the international law of human rights', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100(1)

   Hayden, P. (ed) (2001) The Philosophy of Human Rights

   Gorman, J. (2003) Rights and Reason: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Rights


@ Natural rights as founded in collective rationality

   Gauthier, David (1986) Morals by Agreement


@ 'Right to liberty'

   Hart, H.L.A. (1964) 'Are there any natural rights?' Philosophical Review, reprinted in A. Quinton (ed) Political Philosophy 1967

   Dworkin, Ronald [1970] 'What rights do we have?', ch. 12 of his Taking Rights Seriously 1978




@ Self-ownership

   (See also 'Self-ownership and property in Locke')

   (For the application of this idea to economic exploitation see A Marx bibliography: Exploitation in capitalism: as violation of self-ownership')

   Cohen, G.A. (1981) 'Nozick on appropriation', New Left Review 150

   Cohen, G.A. (1986) 'Self‑ownership, world‑ownership and equality' in F. Lukash (ed) Justice and Equality Here and Now (extended version of Cohen 1981)

   Cohen, G.A. (1986) 'Self‑ownership, world‑ownership and equality: part 2', Social Philosophy and Policy 3(2)

   Cohen, G.A. (1986) 'Peter Mew on justice and capitalism', Inquiry 29

   Cohen, G.A. (1987) 'Socialist equality and capitalist freedom', in J. Elster and K. Moene

   Cohen, G.A. (1988) 'More on exploitation and the labour theory of value' Inquiry 25

   Cohen, G.A. (1990) 'Self‑ownership, communism and equality', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society sup. vol. 64

   Cohen, G.A. (1990) 'Marxism and contemporary political philosophy, or: why Nozick exercises some Marxists more than he does any egalitarian liberals', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, sup. vol. 16 'Canadian Philosophers', reprinted in Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality

   Christman, John (1991) 'Self-ownership, equality and the structure of property rights', Political Theory 19(1)

   Arneson, Richard (1991) 'Lockean self-ownership: towards a demolition', Political Studies 39

   Williams, Andrew (1992) 'Cohen on Locke, land and labour', Political Studies 40

* Cohen, G.A. (1995) Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality, see especially pp. 68

   Weinberg, Justin (1997) 'Freedom, self‐ownership, and libertarian philosophical Diaspora', Critical Review 11(3)

   Taylor, R.S. (2005) 'Self-ownership and the limits of libertarianism', Social Theory and Practice 31(4)

   Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper (2008) 'Against self-ownership: there are no fact-insensitive ownership rights over one's body', Philosophy and Public Affairs 36(1)

   Russell, Daniel C. (2018) 'Self-ownership as a form of ownership', in David Schmidtz and Carmen Pavel (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Freedom

   Thrasher, John (2019) 'Self-ownership as personal sovereignty', Social Philosophy and Policy 36(2) abstract


@ Left libertarianism

   Otsuka, Michael (1998) 'Self-ownership and equality: a Lockean reconciliation', Philosophy and Public Affairs 27

   Palmer, T.G. (1998) 'G.A. Cohen on self-ownership, property, and equality', Critical Review 12(3), pp 225-251

   Otsuka, Michael (2003) Libertarianism without Inequality

   Fried, Barbara H. (2004) 'Left-libertarianism: a review essay', Philosophy and Public Affairs 32

* Vallentyne, Peter; Steiner, Hillel; and Otsuka, Michael (2005) 'Why left-libertarianism is not incoherent, indeterminate, or irrelevant: a reply to Fried', Philosophy and Public Affairs 33



   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Socialism and communism, history of', and 'Socialism and communism in recent thought')



   (See also A Marx bibliography: 'Social ontology in Marx and critical theory, critical social ontology')


@ Social ontology: general

   (Accounts of sociality, social institutions, social relations, social reasons, organisations, social practices, social norms)

   Harre, Rom (1979) Social Being

   Elster, John (1989) Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences, chs. 11-15

   Lawson, Clive, Latsis, John Spiro, and Martins, Nuno (eds) (2006) Contributions to Social Ontology

   Ziv, Anita Konzelmann and Schmid, Hans Bernhard (eds) (2013) Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents: Contributions to Social Ontology

   Epstein, Brian (2015) The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences


@ Social norms

   Elster, John (1989) Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences, ch. 12 'social norms'

   Anderson, Elizabeth (2000) 'Beyond homo economicus: new developments in theories of social norms', Philosophy and Public Affairs 29(2)

   Lapinski, Maria and Rimal, Rajiv (2005) 'An explication of social norms', Communication Theory 15(2)

   Bicchieri, Cristina (2006) The Grammar of Society: The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms

   Brennan, Geoffrey and others (2013) Explaining Norms

   Rimal, Rajiv and Lapinski, Maria (2015) 'A re-explication of social norms, ten years later', Communication Theory 25(4)

   Gaus, Gerald (2014) Review of Brennanand others, Explaining Norms, Notre Dame Philosophical Review htm

   Ostrom, Elinor (2014) 'Collective action and the evolution of social norms', Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 6(4)

   Rimal, Rajiv and Lapinski, Maria (2015) 'A re-explication of social norms, ten years later', Communication Theory 25(4)


@ Searle on social institutions

   (With thanks to Chris Ferguson)

* Searle, John (1995) The Construction of Social Reality

   Hacking, Ian (1997) 'Searle, reality and the social', History of the Human Sciences 10(4)

   Searle, John (1997) 'Responses to critics of The Construction of Social Reality', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57(2)

   Searle, John (1998) 'Social ontology and the philosophy of society', Analyse und Kritik 20

   Searle, John (2005) 'What is an institution?' Journal of Institutional Economics 1(1)

   D'Andrade, Roy (2006) Searle on Institutions, special issue of Anthropological Theory 6(1)

+ Searle, John (2006) 'Social ontology: some basic principles', Anthropological Theory 6(1)

   Rust, Joshua (2006) John Searle and the Construction of Social Reality

   Koepsell, D.R. and L.S. Moss (eds) (2003) John Searle's Ideas about Social Reality: Extensions, Criticisms and Reconstructions, special issue of American Journal of Economics and Sociology 62(1)

   Lukes, Steven (2007) 'Searle versus Durkheim', in Savas L. Tsohatzidis (ed) Intentional Acts and Institutional Facts: Essays on John Searle's Social Ontology

   Tsohatzidis, Savas L. (ed) (2007) Intentional Acts and Institutional Facts: Essays on John Searle's Social Ontology

* Searle, John (2008) 'Language and social ontology', Theory and Society 37(5)

   Searle, John (2008) 'Social ontology and political power', in Barry Smith, David Mark and Isaac Ehrlich (eds) The Mystery of Capital and the Construction of Social Reality

* Searle, John (2010) Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization

   Tuomela, Raimo (2011) 'Searle's new construction of social reality', Analysis 71(4)        

   Laitinen, Arto (2011) 'Recognition, acknowledgement, and acceptance', in Heikki Ikäheimo and Arto Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology

   Hindriks, Frank (2013) 'Collective acceptance and the is-ought argument', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16(3)

   Hindriks, Frank (2013) 'Restructuring Searle's Making the Social World', Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43(3)

   Searle, John (2014) 'Are there social objects?', in M. Gallotti and J. Michael (eds) Perspectives on Social Ontology and Social Cognition

   Lash, Scott (2015) 'Performativity or discourse? An interview with John Searle', Theory, Culture and Society 32(3)

   Zimmermann, Stephan (2014) 'Is society built on collective intentions? A response to Searle', Rivista de Estetica 57

   Lawson, Tony (2016) 'Comparing conceptions of social ontology: emergent social entities and/or institutional facts?', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46(4)

   Corlett, J. Angelo (2016) 'Searle on human rights', Social Epistemology 30(4)

   Searle, John (2016) 'The limits of emergence: Reply to Tony Lawson', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46(4)

   Ludwig, Kirk (2017) From Plural to Institutional Agency: Collective Action vol. 2, ch. 12 'Declarations and status functions'

   McCaffree, Kevin (2018) 'A sociological formalization of Searle's social ontology', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48(3)

   Searle, John (2019) 'Money: ontology and deception, in Angela Condello, Maurizio Ferraris, and John Searle, Money, Social Ontology and Law


@ Other collective acceptance views of social institutions

* Miller, S. (2000) Social Action: A Teleological Account

* Tuomela, Raimo (2002) Philosophy of Social Practices: A Collective Acceptance View

   Tuomela, Raimo (2003) 'Collective acceptance, social institutions, and social reality', American Journal of Economics and Sociology 62(1)

   Tuomela, Raimo (2007) The Philosophy of Sociality: The Shared Point of View, chs. 8-10

   Laitinen, Arto (2011) 'Recognition, acknowledgement, and acceptance', in Heikki Ikäheimo and Arto Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology

   Jennifer Hudin, Jennifer (2013) 'The logical form of totalitarianism', in A.K. Ziv and H.B. Schmid (eds) Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents: Contributions to Social Ontology


@ Social ontology and recognition

   Ikäheimo, Heikki and Laitinen, Arto (eds) (2011) Recognition and Social Ontology

   Gunn, Richard and Wilding, Adrian (2013) 'Revolutionary or less-than-revolutionary recognition?', Heathwood Press, available online

   Gunn, Richard and Wilding, Adrian (2014) 'Recognition contradicted', South Atlantic Quarterly 113(2)


@ Social institutions: convention and equilibrium-based views

   Menger, C. [1883] Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences, bk. 3 ch. 2 'The theoretical understanding of those social phenomena which are not a product of agreement or of positive legislation, but are unintended results of historical development'

   Lewis, David (1969) Convention, ch. 1

   Schotter, A. (1981) The Economic Theory of Institutions

   Sugden, Robert (1986) The Economics of Rights, Cooperation and Welfare

   Skyrms, Brian (1996) Evolution of the Social Contract, 2nd ed. 2014

   Young, Peyton (2001) Individual Strategy and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions

   Skyrms, Brian (2003) The Stag Hunt and the Evolution of Social Structure

   Bickhard, M. H. (2008) 'Social ontology as convention', Topoi 27(1-2)


@ Social institutions: Heideggerian views

   (See 'Heidegger and social ontology')


@ Social kinds

   (Categories such as race and gender as socially constructed, and the consequent kind of injustice

   (Especially Haslanger and critics)

   (See also 'Structural injustice, systemic injustice and institutional injustice')

   Haslanger, Sally (2000) 'Gender and race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?', Nous 34(1)

   Haslanger, Sally (2000) 'Feminism and metaphysics: negotiating the natural', in Miranda Fricker and Jennifer Hornsby (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy

   Haslanger, Sally (2003) 'Social construction: the 'debunking' project', in Frederick Schmidt (ed) Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality

   Haslanger, Sally (2005) 'What are we talking about? The semantics and politics of social kinds', Hypatia 20(4)

   Haslanger, Sally (2006) 'Philosophical analysis and social kinds: what good are our intuitions?', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, supp. vol. 80, reprinted in her Resisting Reality

   Carlson, Asa (2010) 'Gender and sex: what are they? Sally Haslanger's debunking social constructivism', Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 11(1)

   Haslanger, Sally (2012) Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social Critique

   Sveinsdóttir, Ásta Kristjana (2013) 'The social construction of human kinds', Hypatia 28(4

   Jenkins, Katharine (2023) Ontology and Oppression: Race, Gender, and Social Reality


@ Heidegger on sociality and intersubjectivity

   (Mitsein, Mitdasein, Miteinandersein, das Man, Fürsorge)

   (See also 'Heidegger and social ontology')

   (See also A Hegel bibliography: 'Heidegger and Hegel')

   (For Heidegger and technology see A Marx bibliography: 'Heidegger and Marx')

   Löwith, Karl (1928) Das Individuum in der Rolle des Mitmenschen

   Theunissen, M. [1965] The Other: Studies in the Social Ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Buber, 2nd German ed. 1977, tr. 1984, section on Heidegger

   Gadamer, H.G. [1975] 'Subject and intersubjectivity, subject and person', Continental Philosophy Review 33(3) 2000

   Dallmayr, Fred R. (1980) 'Heidegger on intersubjectivity', Human Studies 3(3)

   Mazis, G.A. (1985) 'Co-being [Mitsein] and meaningful interpersonal relationship in Being And Time', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16(3)

   Olafson, Frederick (1987) Heidegger and the Philosophy of Mind

   Hass, Lawrence (1988) 'Dasein and others: Heidegger's ontology of intersubjectivity', Auslegung 15(1)

   Dreyfus, Hubert L. (1991) Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I

   Vogel, Lawrence (1994) The Fragile 'We': Ethical Implications of Heidegger's Being and Time

   Olafson, Frederick A. (1994) 'Heidegger à la Wittgenstein or 'coping' with Professor Dreyfus', Inquiry 37

   Olafson, Frederick A. (1994) 'Individualism, subjectivity, and presence: a response to Taylor Carman', Inquiry 37(3)

   Dreyfus, Hubert L. (1995) 'Interpreting Heidegger on Das Man', Inquiry 38(4)

   Rentsch, Thomas (2000) 'Interexistentialität: Zur Transformation der existentialen Analytik Heideggers', in his Negativität und praktische Vernunft

   Olafson, Frederick A. (1998) Heidegger and the Ground of Ethics: A Study of Mitsein

   Boedeker, Eric C. (2001) 'Individual and community in early Heidegger: situating das Man, the Man-self, and self-ownership in Dasein's ontological structure', Inquiry 44(1)

   Salem-Wiseman, J. (2003) 'Heidegger's Dasein and the liberal conception of the self', Political Theory 31(4)

   Schmid, Hans-Bernard (2003) 'Heidegger und die Sozialwissenschaften. Verabschiedung, Vereinnahmung und vorsichtige Anneigung', in D. Thoma (ed) Heidegger Handbuch: Leben, Werk, Wirkung

   Schatzki, Theodore (2005) 'Early Heidegger on sociality', in H. Dreyfus and M. Wrathall (eds) A Companion to Heidegger

   Lewis, Michael (2005) Heidegger and the Place of Ethics: Being-With in the Crossing of Heidegger's Thought

   Figal, Günter (2005) 'Being-with, Dasein-with, and the 'They' as the basic concept of unfreedom, from Martin Heidegger: Phanomonolegie der Freiheit', in R. Polt (ed), Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays

   McMullin, Irene (2009) 'Sharing the 'now': Heidegger and the temporal co-constitution of world', Continental Philosophy Review 42(2)

   Egan, David (2012) 'Das Man and distantiality in Being and Time', Inquiry 55(3)

   McMullin, Irene (2013) Time and the Shared World: Heidegger on Social Relations

   Dreyfus, Hubert L. (2013) 'Being-with-others', in M. Wrathall (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger's Being and Time

   O'Brien, Mahon (2014) 'Leaping ahead of Heidegger: subjectivity and intersubjectivity in Being and Time', International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(4)

   Rousse, B. Scott (2013) 'Heidegger, sociality, and human agency', European Journal of Philosophy 24(2)

   Zahavi, Dan (2014) Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame, pp. 190-194

   Ferencz-Flatz, Christian (2015) 'The element of intersubjectivity: Heidegger's early conception of empathy', Continental Philosophy Review 48

   Stroh, K.M. (2015) 'Intersubjectivity of Dasein in Heidegger's Being and Time: how authenticity is a return to community', Human Studies 38(2)

   Koo, Jo-Jo (2016) 'Early Heidegger on social reality', in A. Salice and H.B. Schmid (eds) The Phenomenological Approach to Social Reality

   Knudsen, Nicolai Krejberg (2022) 'Heidegger and the genesis of social ontology: Mitwelt, Mitsein, and the problem of other people', European Journal of Philosophy 28(3)


@ Heidegger and social ontology

   (See also 'Heidegger on sociality and intersubjectivity')

   Schatzki, Theodore (2003) 'A new societist social ontology', Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33

   Rouse, Joseph (2007) 'Practice theory', in S. Turner and M. Risjord (eds) Philosophy of Anthropology and Sociology , Handbook of the Philosophy of Science

   Aspers, Patrik and Kohl, Sebastian (2013) 'Heidegger and socio-ontology: a sociological reading', Journal of Classical Sociology 13(4)

   Marchart, Oliver (2013) Das unmögliche Objekt – Eine postfundamentalistische Theorie der Gesellschaft [The Impossible Object: A Postfoundationalist Theory of Society]

   Mertel, Kurt C.M (2017) 'Two ways of being a left-Heideggerian: The crossroads between political and social ontology', Philosophy and Social Criticism 43(9)



   (With thanks to Neal Harris)


@ Social pathology: general

   Finlayson, Gordon (2009) 'Morality and critical theory: on the normative problem of Frankfurt School social criticism', Telos 146

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2012) 'Rousseau und die Idee einer pathologischen Gesellschaft', Politische Vierteljahresschrift 53(4)

   Laitinen, Arto and Sarkela, Arvi (2019) 'Four conceptions of social pathology', European Journal of Social Theory 22(1)

   Neuhouser, Frederick (2022) Diagnosing Social Pathology: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim


@ Social pathology: recognition-based approaches

   (For Honneth see 'Honneth on social pathology')

   Zurn, Christopher F. (2011) 'Social pathologies as second-order disorders', in D. Petherbridge (ed) Axel Honneth: Critical Essays: with a reply by Axel Honneth

   Canivez, Patrice (2011) 'Pathologies of recognition', Philosophy and Social Criticism 37(8): 851-887

   Hirvonen, Onni (2015) 'Pathologies of collective recognition', Studies in Social and Political Thought 25(1)

   Laitinen, Arto (2015) 'Social pathologies, reflexive pathologies, and the idea of higher-order disorders', Studies in Social and Political Thought 25(1)

   Laitinen, Arto, Sarkela, Arvo and Ikäheimo, Heikki (2015) 'Pathologies of recognition: an introduction', Studies in Social and Political Thought 25(1)

   Thompson, Michael J. (2016) The Domestication of Critical Theory

   Thompson, Michael J. (2019) 'Hierarchy, social pathology and the failure of recognition theory', European Journal of Social Theory

   Schaub, Jörg and Odigbo, Ikechukwu (2019) 'Expanding the taxonomy of (mis-)recognition in the economic sphere', European Journal of Social Theory 22(1)

   Hirvonen, Onni and Pennanen, Joonas (2019) 'Populism as a pathological form of politics of recognition', European Journal of Social Theory 22(1)


@ Social pathogenesis

   (The idea that a social structure produces individual ill-health)

   Wilkinson and Picket, Kate (2009) The Spirit Level

   Ehrenberg (2010) The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age


@ Fromm and social pathogenesis

   Fromm, Erich (1944) 'Individual and social origins of neurosis', American Sociology Review 9(4)

   Fromm, Erich [1955] The Sane Society, tr. E. Rotten 1963

   Fromm, Erich (1962) Beyond The Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud

   Fromm, Erich [1991] The Pathology of Normalcy, published 2010

   Burston, Daniel and Olfman, Sharna (1996) 'Freud, Fromm and the pathology of normalcy', in M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (eds) A Prophetic Analyst: Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis

   Funk, Rainer (1999) Erich Fromm: His Life and Ideas

   Funk, Rainer (2010) 'Introduction' to Erich Fromm, The Pathology of Normalcy 2010

   Ratner, Carl (2014) 'Pathological normalcy: a construct for comprehending and overcoming psychological aspects of alienation', The Humanistic Psychologist 42




@ Civic friendship

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. (1996) 'On civic friendship', Ethics 107(1)

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. (2007) 'Civic friendship: a critique of recent care theory', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10(2)

   Schwarzenbach, Sybil A. (2009) On Civic Friendship: Including Women in the State

   Woods, K. (2013) 'Civic and cosmopolitan friendship', Res Publica 19

   Brudney, Daniel (2013) 'Two types of civic friendship', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16(4)


@ Solidarity: general

   (See also 'citizenship')

   Bayertz, Kurt (ed) (1999) Solidarity

   Bayertz, Kurt (1999) 'Four uses of solidarity', in Kurt Bayertz (ed) Solidarity

   Scholz, Sally (2008) Political Solidarity

   Laitinen, Arto and Pessi, Anne Birgitta (eds) (2014) Solidarity: Theory and Practice

   Scholz, Sally (2015) 'Seeking solidarity', Philosophy Compass 10(10)


@ Solidarity, concept of

   May, Larry (1996) The Socially Responsive Self: Social Theory and Professional Ethics

   Bayertz, Kurt (1996) 'Four uses of solidarity', in Kurt Bayertz (ed) Solidarity

* Wildt, Andreas (1999) 'Solidarity: its history and contemporary definition', in Kurt Bayertz (ed) Solidarity

   Mason, Andrew (2000) Community, Solidarity and Belonging: Levels of Community and their Normative Significance

   Rehg, William (2007) 'Solidarity and the common good: an analytical framework', Journal of Social Philosophy 38(1)

   Harvey, Jean (2007) 'Moral solidarity and empathetic understanding: the moral value and scope of the relationship', Journal of Social Philosophy 1

   Scholz, Sally (2008) Political Solidarity, pp. 233-236

   Laitinen, Arto and Pessi, Anne Birgitta (2014) 'Solidarity: theory and practice: an introduction', in their Solidarity: Theory and Practice

   Derpmann, Simon (2014) 'Solidarity, moral recognition and communality', in A. Laitinen and A.B. Pessi (eds) Solidarity: Theory and Practice

   Taylor, A. E. (2014) 'Solidarity: obligations and expressions', Journal of Political Philosophy 23(2)

   ter Meulen, Ruud (2016) 'Solidarity, justice and recognition of the other', Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6


@ Solidarity: historical texts

   Leroux, Pierre [1840] Humanity [De l'humanité, de son principe, et de son avenir], tr. 1985

   Renau, Hyppolite [1842] Solidarité

   Tönnies, Ferdinand [1887] Community and Society (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft)

   Durkheim, Emile [1893] The Division of Labour in Society, tr. 1947

   Scheler, Max [1913] The Nature of Sympathy, tr. 1970

   Scheler, Max [1913-16] Formalism in Ethics and a Non-Formal Ethics of Value, tr. 1973 


@ Solidarity: histories of the idea

   Hayward, J.E.S. (1959) 'Solidarity: the social history of an idea in nineteenth century France', International Review of Social History 4

* Wildt, Andreas (1999) 'Solidarity: its history and contemporary definition', in Kurt Bayertz (ed) Solidarity

   Sterno, Steinar (2004) Solidarity in Europe: The History of an Idea

   Brunkhorst, Hauke (2005) Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community, part 1 'Stages of solidarity'


@ Solidarity in sociological theory

   Hechter, Michael (1987) Principles of Group Solidarity

   Lindenberg, S. and others (2006) 'Solidarity and prosocial behavior: a framing approach', in D. Fetchenhauer, A. Flache, A.P. Buunk, and S. Lindenberg (eds) Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives


@ Solidarity in political philosophy

   Mason, Andrew (2000) Community, Solidarity and Belonging: Levels of Community and their Normative Significance

   Scholz, Sally (2008) Political Solidarity


@ Solidarity and justice

   Rawls, John (19710 A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, ch. 8 'The sense of justice'

   Sandel, M. (1984) 'The procedural republic and the unencumbered self', Political Theory 12(1), reprinted in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

   Gould, Carol (2014) 'Does global justice require solidarity?' in Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice


@ Communal solidarity, community

   (See also 'Multiculturalism and multi-identity politics')

   Plant, Raymond (1974) Community and Ideology

   Bellah, R., and others (1985) Habits of the Heart

   Glendon, M.-A. (1991) Rights Talk: The Impoverishment of Political Discourse

   Bell, S. (1993) Communitarianism and Its Critics, acts 3-5

   Etzioni, A. (1993) The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsibilities and the Communitarian Agenda

   Sandel, Michael (1996) Democracy's Discontent

   Frazer, E. (1999) The Problems of Communitarian Politics

   Honneth, A. (2007) 'Post-traditional communities: a conceptual proposal', in his Disrespect

   Zhao, M. (2019) 'Solidarity, fate-sharing and community', Philosophers' Imprint 19


@ Solidarity as necessarily local

   Rorty, Richard (1989) Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, chs. 3, 9

   Walzer, Michael (1992) 'The new tribalism: notes on a difficult problem', Dissent 39

   Viskers, Rudi (1996) 'The irony of a contingent solidarity: some problems with Rorty', Ethical Perspectives 3

   Mason, Andrew (2000) Community, Solidarity and Belonging: Levels of Community and their Normative Significance

   Derpmann, Simon (2014) 'Solidarity, moral recognition and communality', in A. Laitinen and A.B. Pessi (eds) Solidarity: Theory and Practice

   Heydn, David (2015) 'Solidarity: a local, partial and reflective emotion', Diametros 43

   Abizadeh, Arash (2005) 'Does collective identity presuppose an other? On the alleged incoherence of global solidarity', American Political Science Review 1


@ Human and global solidarity

   (Also transnational, cosmopolitan)

   Lu, Catherine (2000) 'The one and the many faces of cosmopolitanism', Journal of Political Philosophy 2

   Calhoun, Craig (2002) 'Imagining solidarity: cosmopolitanism, constitutional patriotism, and the public sphere', Public Culture 14(1)

   Wiggins, David (2006) Ethics: Twelve Lectures on the Philosophy of Morality, ch. 6

   Gould, Carol C. (2007) 'Transnational solidarities', Journal of Social Philosophy 38(1)

   Brunkhorst, Hauke (2007) 'Globalizing solidarity: the destiny of democratic solidarity in the times of global capitalism, global religion, and the global public', Journal of Social Philosophy 38(1)

   Scholz, Sally (2008) Political Solidarity, chapter 8

   Wiggins, David [2008] 'Solidarity and the root of the ethical', Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 71(2), 2009

   Derpmann, Simon (2009) 'Solidarity and cosmopolitanism', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12

   Lenard, Patti (2009) 'What is solidaristic about global solidarity?', Contemporary Political Theory 9

   Straehle, Christine (2009) 'National and global solidarity', Contemporary Political Theory 9

   Long, Graham (2009) 'Moral and sentimental cosmopolitanism', Journal of Social Philosophy 3

   Ypi, Lea (2009) 'Politically constructed solidarity: the idea of a cosmopolitan avant-garde', Contemporary Political Theory 9

   Wilde, Lawrence (2013) Global Solidarity

   Woods, Kerri (2013) 'Civic and cosmopolitan friendship', Res Publica 19

   Meacham, Darian (2014) 'Empathy and alteration: the ethical relevance of a phenomenological species concept', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39


@ Solidarity and feminism

   Dean, Jodi (1995) 'Reflective solidarity', Constellations 2(1)

   Dean, Jodi (1996) The Solidarity of Strangers: Feminism after Identity Politics

   Ferguson, Ann (2009) 'Feminist paradigms of solidarity and justice', Philosophical Topics 37(2)


@ Solidarity and work

   (See 'Work and solidarity')


@ Solidarity: critiques

   Capaldi, Nicholas (1999) 'What's wrong with solidarity?' in Kurt Bayertz (ed) Solidarity




@ Utilitarianism in political philosophy: introductions

   Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. 2

   Plant, R. (1991) Modern Political Thought, ch. 8


@ Utilitarianism and equality

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 5-6

   Dworkin, Ronald (1983) 'In defence of equality', Social Philosophy and Policy 1(1)

+ Kymlicka, Will (1990) Contemporary Political Philosophy, ch. 2, sec. 4-5


@ Utilitarianism and rights

   Mill Utilitarianism, ch. on justice

   Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, revised edition 1999, secs. 5-6, 26

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, 26-45

   Scanlon, Thomas M. (1977) 'Rights, goals and fairness', Erkenntnis 2(1), reprinted J. Waldron (ed) Theories of Rights

   Sumner, L.W. (1978) The Moral Foundation of Rights

* Hart, H.L.A. (1979) 'Between utility and rights' in A. Ryan (ed) The Idea of Freedom

   Frey, R.G. (ed) (1984) Utility and Rights

   Griffin, J. (1986) Wellbeing, Oxford, pp. 235-231

   Lukes, S. (1993) 'Five fables about human rights', Dissent ?

   Lyons, David (19?) 'Utility and rights' in J. Waldron (ed) Theories of Rights




@ Work: general

   Creegan, R.F. (1951) 'The category of work', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11

   Kwsant, R.C. (1960) Philosophy of Labor

   Braverman, H. (1974) Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

   Meakin, D. (1976) Man and Work

   Anthony, P.D. (1978) The Ideology of Work

   Wood, S. (ed) (1982) The Degradation of Work?

   Thompson, P.B. (1983) The Nature of Work: An Introduction to Debates on the Labour Process

   Lazzarato, M. (1996) 'Immaterial labor', in P. Virno and M. Hardt (eds) Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics

   Sennet, Richard (1998) The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism

   Gorz, Andre (1999) Reclaiming Work: Beyond the Wage-Based Society

   Llorente, R. (2006) 'Analytical Marxism and the division of labor', Science and Society 70(2)

   Granter, E. (2009) Critical Social Theory and the End of Work

   Weeks, K. (2011) The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics and Postwork Imaginaries


@ Work: histories of the idea

   Thompson, E.P. (1967) 'Time, work-discipline and industrial capitalism', Past and Present 38

   Sewell, W.H. Jr. (1980) Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labour from the Old Regime to 1848

   Campbell, J. (1989) Joy in Work, German Work: The National Debate 1800-1945


@ Work in Ruskin and Morris

   Ruskin, John [1853] The Nature of Gothic: A Chapter from the Stones of Venice 1928

   Morris, William [1884] Art and Socialism 2004

   Morris, William [1884?] 'Art under plutocracy', in A.L. Morton (ed) Political Writings of William Morris 1973

   Morris, William [1892] 'Preface to The Nature of Gothic', in his News from Nowhere and Other Writings, ed. C. Wilmer 1993


@ Meaningful work

   Nozick, Robert (1974) Anarchy State and Utopia, pp. 246-250 'Meaningful work', pp. 250-253 'Workers' control', pp. 268-271 'Having a say over what affects you'

   Schwartz, Adina (1982) 'Meaningful work', Ethics 92

   Arneson, Richard J. (1987) 'Meaningful work and market socialism', Ethics 97(3)

   Walsh, Adrian J. (1994) 'Meaningful work as a distributive good', Southern Journal of Philosophy 32

   Arneson, Richard J. (2009) 'Meaningful work and market socialism revisited', Analyse & Kritik 31(1)

   Yeoman, Ruth (2013) 'Conceptualising meaningful work as a fundamental human need', Journal of Business Ethics

   Gheus, Anca and Herzog, Lisa (2016) 'The goods of work (other than money!)', Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (2016


@ Productive justice, contributive justice

   Muirhead, Russell (2004) Just Work

   Gomberg, Paul (2007) How to Make Opportunity Equal: Race and Contributive Justice

   Arnold, Samuel (2012) 'The difference principle at work', Journal of Political Philosophy 20(1)

   Stanczyk, Lucas (2014) 'Productive justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs 40


@ Work and solidarity

   Smith, Nicholas H. and Deranty, Jean-Philippe (2012) New Philosophies of Labour: Work and the Social Bond

   Smith, Nicholas H. (2014) 'Solidarity and work: a reassessment', in Laitinen and Pessi (eds) Solidarity: Theory and Practice


@ Workplace democracy

   Frey, Bruno S. and Stutzer, Alois (2000) 'Happiness, economy and institutions', Economic Journal (110)466

   Sen, Amartya K. (2003) Democratic Management: The Path to Total Quality with Total Liberty and Equality

   Gonzalez-Ricoy, Iñigo (2014) 'The republican case for workplace democracy', Social Theory and Practice 40

   Breen, Keith (2015) 'Freedom, republicanism, and workplace democracy', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18(4)

   Landemore, Hélène and Ferreras, Isabelle (2016) 'In defense of workplace democracy: towards a justification of the firm–state analogy', Political Theory 44(1)

   Vrousalis, Nicholas (2019) 'Workplace democracy implies economic democracy', Journal of Social Philosophy 50(3)


@ Post-work theory

   (See A Marx bibliography: 'Post-work socialism and communism')

