at the University of Sussex

纳米材料    Νανοϋλικά    المواد متناهية الصغر
Led by Dr Qiao Chen, Nanoscience at Sussex pushes the frontiers of solar technology
Our current research focus:

Solar Energy

Water splitting for hydrogen generation and sensitised solar cell construction.


Gas phase photocatalysis for synthesis of useful products and degradation of unwanted gases.

Surface Chemistry

Resolving organic molecules and recognising chirality on the surface of solids.

Water Purification

Using photocatalysts to destroy bacteria and degrade harmful contaminants.


The many pieces of complex equipment used to character


Bioactive nanotubes and fibres ensure highly controlled and intelligent drug delivery.

Solar Energy


We receive more energy from the sun in one day than the world's population uses in one year. Nanomaterials allow us to absorb and use this power with better efficiency than ever before. Solar energy can be captured in chemical bonds through splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. Vertically alligned arrays of zinc oxide nanorods achieve this process, with a wide band gap and high surface area. Additional dopants and fast synthetic methods increase the n-type nature of the semiconductor, increasing conductivity. The group also works on solar cells, converting light into electricity.
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Chemists have been using solar light for synthetic reactions since the beginning of the 20th century in an attempt to mimic and surpass the power of natural photosynthesis. Recent research has focused on the use of nanomaterials as photocatalysts for the synthesis of complex and valuable chemicals. In our research lab we have devised a number of direct gas flow photoreaction systems for the synthesis of chemically valuable species in molecular pipelimes. Current studies have focused on the use of photoactivated nanomaterial morphologies in order to create enhanced synthetic photoreactors.
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Photosynthesis in a UV-Crosslinker

Water Purification

Silver phosphate microleaves

An important application of solar energy is the purification of water, this can be achieved using a variety of different methods. Organic pollutants building up in streams of waste water present a significant threat to the World's water supplies. This has sparked academic interest in the development of eco-friendly methods for the removal of these contaminants. Our research involves the use of heterogenous catalysts for the photo-oxidation of methylene blue, a standard allegorical molecule used as an organic pollutant. The rate of degradation of this molecule is a useful test for the effectiveness of the photocatalyst, which can then be removed from the water easily due to its difference in phase.
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Nanomaterials have a wide range of applications in biotechnology including diagnosis, drug delivery and tissue engineering. Chemically modified nanotubes combine controlled drug release and direct drug application to viruses. An intelligent drug system can minimise side effects by reducing the total dosage through efficient use. Other nanomaterials respond to optical and electronic stimulation in order to manipulate cell growth. We construct biocompatible nanotubes and fibres enabling smart drug delivery a long with metal oxide wires for use as chemical and biological sensors.
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Biological Nanofibres

Surface Chemistry

AFM of Chiral Molecules

Exploring the fundamental surface chemistry of the interaction of organic molecules on metal, metal oxides and semiconductors has a wide range of technological implications. Resolving the geometry of adsorbed organic molecules allows us to probe this chemistry. We have studied the thin-film structures of organic semiconductors to understand their electronic and optical properties. Recognising the chirality of organic molecules on these surfaces is vital to comprehending biological systems, the chemistry of life. We have demonstrated the role of chirality in the interaction of nucleic acid base molecules with amino acids.
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Nanoscience at the University of Sussex has many advanced pieces of equipment for analysis and characterisation of synthesised materials. This includes a Simens D500 powder X-Ray diffractometer; A Jeol 820 scanning electron microscope; Veeco DI3100 atomic force microscope/scanning tunneling microscope for surface analysis. The department is equipped with NMRs, Mass spectrometers, XRD, UV-Vis, FTIR, GCMS, HPLC, AAS and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. If you are interested in characterising samples using our equipment, please click here or hit 'Services'.
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TiO2 nanotubes