My research interests are mainly focused on adaptive
systems, both artificial and biological. They include the
following: the development of artificial nervous systems for
robots, with emphasis on visually guided robots acting in the real
world -- in particular, the development of biologically inspired
behaviour generating networks incorporating mechanisms allowing
reconfiguration and multi-functionality (including virtual
diffusable neuro-modulators, complex oscillatory dynamics, chaotic
dynamics); evolutionary robotics; evolvable systems;
insect-inspired navigation; artificial life; evolutionary and
other stochastic search algorithms; computational neuroscience;
adaptive systems in the visual arts and in music; history and
philosophy of AI; machine learning. Much of my work is highly
Over the years I have had numerous research grants covering these areas, both from national and international funding bodies, including EPSRC, BBSRC, AHRC, BNSC, EU, HFSP, and direct from industry and charitable organisations. I have collaborated with many industrial partners including BT, Intel, BAe, Rolls Royce, The Post Office, Logica, Matra Marconi Space, HP, Nortel, Astrium, MASA, Ricardo, Algorithmix, Infonic.
I am on many journal editorial boards and conference
programme committees, and have chaired a number of international
conferences in my areas.
I have supervised, or co-supervised, more than 40
PhD students to completion and award of their doctorates.
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Some videos of evolutionary robotics research conducted in our group at Sussex can be found here