research interests are mainly in adaptive systems, both
artificial and biological. They include the following: the
development of artificial nervous systems for robots, with
emphasis on visually guided robots acting in the real world --
in particular, the development of biologically inspired
behaviour generating neural networks, including those
incorporating virtual diffusable neuro-modulators; evolutionary
robotics; insect-inspired navigation; artificial life;
evolutionary and other stochastic search algorithms;
computational neuroscience; adaptive systems in the visual arts
and in music; history and philosophy of AI and Cybernetics;
machine learning. For more details follows the links to
publications and
I am co-founder of The
Sussex Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics
(CCNR) , an interdisciplinary centre set up in
collaboration with
The School of Life Sciences.
I am a founding member of the Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems group (now the AI Group) in The Department of Informatics.
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