<:> Markov approximations of Beatles' lyrics

you the to you don't my i a of could and i that to you the should me come you i you i the been to you the she and to you i the you it but you it you i she's the i the i i you please my

you can see the girl when you can show but it's getting so many years yes, wait till tomorrow way get back in my apart but i know we will love you know my life i've never be mine, i want that's why i know i know i held each

you i want me to dance with you and i feel as though you ought to do what he left it won't be my baby, now went wrong i've got a boat on me and so my name you know my baby everybody's trying to be a boat on the hill sees the sheik of love chains of love. come and you know my name you know my name well don't get me mine