<:> Markov approximations from Shakespeare

Samples generated from the Complete Works of Shakespeare (939,067 words)

i is that othello with me and a is had no of of have a a the my you i have and make and he sir, and thy of my so me and go the of a an and the and him my to for to the first on in

i know my lords at this is my good angels sing and so is my lord of his head of all the purpose to your grace! by thy sweet self too late to think you shall i beseech you, sir, i see you shall we shall be this to my

i pray thee, when thou hadst struck so to me as well as i do not say there's grain of it shall be made a world of tyre act i scene ii the palace. [enter a servant] servant o my most of all things are like to see a mess of such a great deal with my lord, you well, my lord. king henry vi the bird the lie, and lie open to give her to the duke of all the duke is like a man of the house of lancaster; and i have of it. pistol 'tis 'semper