Left: Journals
Up: Publications
Right: Reports
- Benedict du Boulay.
Designing affective and cognitive educational interaction.
In Rosemary Luckin, Sadhana Puntambekar, Peter Goodyear, Barbara
Grabowski, Joshua Underwood, and Niall Winters, editors, Handbook of
Design in Educational Technology, chapter 15, pages 163-168. Routeledge,
Pre publication
- Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman and Benedict du Boulay.
On the consideration of learning styles in assessing learners
cognitive load during learning.
In Proceedings of ICCM2013: 9th International Conference on
Computing Technology and Information Management, 2013.
Pre publication
- Jonathan Bacon and Benedict du Boulay.
Overview: doing science.
In Fred Gray, editor, Making the Future: A history of the
University of Sussex, pages 163-168. University of Sussex, 2011.
Pre publication
- Alison Hull and Benedict du Boulay.
Motivational and metacognitive feedback: Linking the past to the
In Gautam Biswas, Susan Bull, and Judy Kayand Antonija Mitrovic,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International
Conference, AIED 2011, number 6738 in Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 600-602. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
Pre publication
- Benedict du Boulay.
Motivational processes.
In Gautam Biswas, Susan Bull, and Judy Kayand Antonija Mitrovic,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International
Conference, AIED 2011, number 6738 in Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 55-62. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
Pre publication
- Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Rosemary Luckin, and Benedict du Boulay.
Designing adaptive motivational scaffolding for a tutoring system.
In Rafael A. Calvo and Sidney D'Mello, editors, New
Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies, pages 155-168. Springer,
New York, 2011.
Pre publication
- Benedict du Boulay.
Towards a motivationally-intelligent pedagogy: How should an
intelligent tutor respond to the unmotivated or the demotivated?
In Rafael A. Calvo and Sidney D'Mello, editors, New
Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies, pages 41-54. Springer,
New York, 2011.
Pre publication
- Benedict du Boulay, Julie Coultas, Rosemary Luckin, and Fred Garnett.
Factors determining the overall effectiveness of e-learning systems
used in higher education.
In Slavomir Stankov, Vlado Glavinic, and Marko Rosic, editors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems in E-Learning Environments: Design,
Implementation and Evaluation, pages 303-326. IGI Global, 2010.
- Mohd Zaliman Mohd Yusoff and Benedict du Boulay.
A tutoring system using an emotion-focused strategy to support
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers
in Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pages 89-91, 2010.
- Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman and Benedict du Boulay.
Learning programming via worked-examples.
In Proceedings of PPIG-WIP, Dundee, 2010.
- Benedict du Boulay.
Motivation, metacognition and affect in learning systems.
In Darina Dicheva, Roumen Nikolov, and Eliza Stefanova, editors, Software, Services & Semantic Technologies: First International Conference,
page 3, Sofia, Amsterdam, 2009.
- Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman and Benedict du Boulay.
The role of worked-examples in schema acquisition: Implications and
preliminary findings.
In Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive
Science Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009.
- Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman and Benedict du Boulay.
Schema acquisition: Implications for the instructional design of
In Vania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, and Art
Graesser, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education. Building
Learning Systems that Care: from Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling AIED2009 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, pages 757-758, Brighton, UK, 2009. IOS Press.
- Alison Hull and Benedict du Boulay.
Scaffolding motivation and metacognition in learning programming.
In Vania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, and Art
Graesser, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education. Building
Learning Systems that Care: from Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling AIED2009 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, pages 755-756, Brighton, UK, 2009. IOS Press.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Judy Robertson, Judith Good, and Katherine
Is embodied interaction beneficial when learning programming?
In VMR '09 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Virtual and Mixed Reality: Held as Part of HCI International 2009, volume
5622 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 97-105, Berlin, 2009.
- Mohd Zaliman Yusoff and Benedict du Boulay.
Can relaxation exercises improve learning?
In Vania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, and Art
Graesser, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education. Building
Learning Systems that Care: from Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling AIED2009 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, pages 623-625, Brighton, UK, 2009. IOS Press.
- Katerina Avramides and Benedict du Boulay.
Motivational diagnosis in itss: Collaborative, reflective
In Vania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, and Art
Graesser, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education. Building
Learning Systems that Care: from Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling AIED2009 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, pages 587-589, Brighton, UK, 2009. IOS Press.
- Katy Howland, Benedict du Boulay, and Judith Good.
Fostering engaged and directed learning by activity foregrounding and
In Vania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, and Art
Graesser, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education. Building
Learning Systems that Care: from Knowledge Representation to Affective
Modelling AIED2009 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in Education, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, pages 241-248, Brighton, UK, 2009. IOS Press.
- Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Ryan S. J. D. Baker, Benedict
du Boulay, Jessica O. Sugay, Sheryl Ann L. Lim, Ma. Beatriz Espejo-Lahoz,
and Rosemary Luckin.
The effects of motivational modeling on affect in an intelligent
tutoring system.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers
in Education, ICCE2008, Taiwan, pages 57-64. Asia-Pacific Society for
Computers in Education, 2008.
- Katherine Howland, Judith Good, and Benedict du Boulay.
A game creation tool which supports the development of writing
skills: Interface design considerations.
In Proceedings of the Narrative in Learning Environments
conference, NILE2008, Edinburgh, pages 23-29, 2008.
- Benedict du Boulay, Genaro Rebolledo Mendez, Rosemary Luckin, Erika
Martinez Miron, and Amanda Harris.
Motivationally intelligent systems: Three questions.
In Second International Conference on Innovations in Learning
for the Future, Future e-Learning 2008, Istanbul, pages 1-10. Istanbul
University Rectorate Publication No: 4793, 2008.
- Judith Good, Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Henry Reid, Katherine Howland,
and Judy Robertson.
An embodied interface for teaching computational thinking'.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent
User Interfaces, Canary Islands, Spain, 2008.
- Sallyann Freudenberg, Pablo Romero, and Benedict du Boulay.
'talking the talk': Is intermediate-level conversation the key to the
pair programming success story.
In Proceedings of Agile 2007, IEEE Computer Society, Los
Alamitos, California, USA., pages 84-91, 2007.
- Benedict du Boulay, Genaro Rebolledo Mendez, Rosemary Luckin, and Erika
Martinez Miron.
Motivationally intelligent systems: Diagnosis and feedback.
In Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building Technology
Rich Learning Contexts. Proceedings of AIED2007, Los Angeles, pages
563-565, 2007.
- Joshua Underwood, Rosemary Luckin, Hilary Smith, Benedict du Boulay, Jospeh
Holmberg, Roland Tongue, and Darren Pearce.
Shared learning: Mobile interractive TV to link home & school.
In Proceedings of EURO ITV 2007, Amsterdam, 2007.
- Rosemary Luckin, Fred Garnett, Julie Coultas, and Benedict du Boulay.
How do we know if e-learning is effective?
In T. Reeves and S. Yamashita, editors, Proceedings of World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher
Education 2006, Chesapeake, VA, pages 217-221. AACE, 2006.
- Joshua Underwood, Hilary Smith, Rosemary Luckin, Benedict du Boulay, Joseph
Holmberg, Lucinda Kerawalla, and Hilary Tunley.
When the NINF came home: Guiding parents and children in the
co-construction of narratives linking home and school learning.
In Presented at the 4th International Narrative and Interactive
Leraning Environments Conference, Nile 2006, Edinburgh, 2006.
- Joshua Underwood, Hilary Smith, Rosemary Luckin, Benedict du Boulay, Joseph
Holmberg, Lucinda Kerawalla, and Hilary Tunley.
Integrating data from multiple contexts.
In Proceedings of HCI 2006 Workshop on Computer-assisted
recording, Pre-processing and Analayis of User Interaction Data, pages
6-29, 2006.
- Sallyann Bryant, Benedict du Boulay, and Pablo Romero.
XP and pair programming practices.
Journal of the Computer Society of India, 30(5):17-22, 2006.
- Sallyann Bryant, Pablo Romero, and Benedict du Boulay.
The collaborative nature of pair programming.
In Pekka Abrahamsson, editor, The 7th. International Conference
on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Oulu,
Finland, 2006. Springer-Verlag.
- Sallyann Bryant, Pablo Romero, and Ben du Boulay.
Pair programming and the re-appropriation of individual tools for
collaborative software development.
In P. Hassanaly, T. Herrmann, G. Kunau, and M. Zacklad, editors, Cooperative Systems Design: Seamless integration of artifact and
conversations - Enhanced concepts of Infrastructure for Communication, pages
55-70, Amsterdam, 2006. IOS press.
- Genaro Rebolledo Mendez, Benedict du Boulay, and Rosemary Luckin.
Motivating the learner: an empirical evaluation.
In Mitsuru Ikeda, Kevin D. Ashley, and Tak-Wai Chan, editors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 8th International Conference, ITS2006,
Taiwan, number 4053 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 545-554.
Springer, Verlag, 2006.
- Sallyann Bryant, Pablo Romero, and Benedict du Boulay.
Pair programming and the re-appropriation of individual tools for
collaborative programming.
In Mark Pendergast, Kjeld Schmidt, Gloria Mark, and Mark Ackerman,
editors, Proceedings of the 2005 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference
on Supporting Group Work, GROUP 2005, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, November
6-9, 2005, pages 332-333, 2005.
- Erika Martinez-Miron, Amanda Harris, Benedict du Boulay, Rosemary Luckin,
and Nicola Yuill.
The role of learning goals in the design of ILEs: Some issues to
In Chee-Kit Looi, Gord McCalla, Bert Bredeweg, and Joost Breuker,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning
through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, number 125 in
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 427-434. IOS
Press, 2005.
- Genaro Rebolledo Mendez, Benedict du Boulay, and Rosemary Luckin.
"Be bold and take a challenge": Could motivational strategies improve
In Chee-Kit Looi, Gord McCalla, Bert Bredeweg, and Joost Breuker,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning
through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, number 125 in
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 459-466. IOS
Press, 2005.
- Joshua Underwood, Rosemary Luckin, Lucinda Kerawalla, Benedict du Boulay, Joe
Holmberg, and Hilary Tunley adn Jeanette O'Connor.
What did you do at school today? using tablet technology to link
parents to their children and teachers.
In Chee-Kit Looi, Gord McCalla, Bert Bredeweg, and Joost Breuker,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning
through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, number 125 in
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 932-934. IOS
Press, 2005.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Richard Cox, Rudi Lutz, and Sallyann
Graphical visualisations and debugging: A detailed process analysis.
In Pablo Romero, Judith Good, Sallyann Bryant, and Edgar A. Chaparro,
editors, Psychology of Programming Interest Group 17th Workshop,
Brighton, UK, June 2005, pages 62-76, 2005.
- Mohd Zaliman Yusoff and Benedict du Boulay.
Integrating domian-independent strategies into an emotionally sound
affective framework for an intelligent tutoring system.
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Agents that Want and Like:
Motivational and Emotional Roots of Cognition and Action, at AISB'05: Social
Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents, University of
Hertfordshire, pages 114-117. AISB, 2005.
- Hilary Tunley, Benedict du Boulay, Rosemary Luckin, Joe Holmberg, and Joshua
Up and down the number line: modelling collaboration in ccontrasting
school and home environments.
In Liliana Ardissimo, Paul Brna, and Antonija Mitrovic, editors, Proceedings of 10th International Conference, User Modelling 2005,
Edinburgh, number 3538 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages
412-416. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Nuno Otero, Yvonne Rogers, and Benedict du Boulay.
Learning interaction patterns using diagrams varying in level and
type of interactivity.
In AAAI Spring Symposium: Reasoning with mental and external
diagrams. Stanford University, California, March 2005, pages 24-29
Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2005.
- Benedict du Boulay.
Representation in learning computer science: Black boxes in glass
boxes revisted.
In Proceedings of Third Program Visualization Workshop,
University of Warwick. July 2004, number 407 in Department of Computer
Science Research Reports, page 1. University of Warwick, 2004.
- Pablo Romero and Benedict du Boulay.
Structural knowledge and language notational properties in program
In Proceedings of 2004 IEEE Symposium on Visual languages and
Human-Centric Computing Languages, Rome, Italy, pages 223-225. IEEE, 2004.
- Erika A. Martinez Miron, Benedict du Boulay, and Rosemary Luckin.
Goal achievement orientation in the design of an ILE.
In Jack Mostow and Patricia Tedesco, editors, Proceedings of
Workshop on Social and Emotional Intelligence in Learning Environments:
Seventh International Conference, ITS2004, Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil,
September, pages 72-78. 2004.
- Rosemary Luckin, Joshua Underwood, Benedict du Boulay, Joe Holmberg, and
Hilary Tunley.
Coherence compilation: applying AIED techniques to the reuse of
educational resources.
In James C. Lester, Rosa Maria Vicari, and Fabio Paranguacu, editors,
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Seventh International Conference, ITS2004,
Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil, September, number 3220 in Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 98-107. Springer, 2004.
- Rosemary Luckin, Joshua Underwood, Benedict du Boulay, Joe Holmberg, and
Hilary Tunley.
The NINF and the teacher: exploring teachers' views of the role of
narrative in lesson planning.
In Paul Brna, editor, NILE 2004: proceedings Narrative and
Interactive Learning Environments, Edinburgh, pages 101-108. 2004.
- Rosemary Luckin, Julie Coultas, and Benedict du Boulay.
Learning with E's: Putting technology in its place.
In Pedro Isaias, Piet Kommers, and Maggie McPherson, editors, e-Society 2004: proceedings of the IADIS International Confernce, Avila,
Spain, pages 903-906. IADIS Press, 2004.
- Rosemary Luckin, Diane Brewster, Darren Pearce, Richard Siddons-Corby, and
Benedict du Boulay.
Smile: the creation of space for interaction through blended digital
In Jill Attewell and Carol Savill-Smith, editors, Learning with
Mobile Devices, pages 87-93. Learning and Skills Development Agency, 2004.
- Rosemary Luckin, Diane Brewster, Darren Pearce, Benedict du Boulay, and
Richard Siddons-Corby.
Whether it's m-learing or e-learning, it must be me learning: a case
study of mobile learning in Higher Education.
In Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and John Traxler, editors, Mobile
Learning: A Handbook for educators and Trainers, chapter 12.
RoutledgeFalmer, 2005.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Richard Cox, Rudi Lutz, and Sallyann
Dynamic rich-data capture and analysis of debugging processes.
In Enda Duncan and Thomas Green, editors, Psychology of
Programming Interest Group 16th Workshop, Carlow, Ireland, April 2004, pages
140-150, 2004.
- Richard Cox, Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, and Rudi Lutz.
A cognitive processing perspective on student programmers'
In Alan Balckwell, Kim Marriott, and Atsushi Shimojima, editors, Proceedings of Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Third International
Conference, Diagrams 2004, Cambridge, UK, volume 2980 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 344-346. Springer, 2004.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Rudi Lutz, and Richard Cox.
The effects of graphical and textual visualisations in
multi-representational debugging environments.
In Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Symposia on Human Centric
Computing Languages and Environments, page in press, 2003.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Richard Cox, and Rudi Lutz.
Java debugging strategies in multi-representational environments.
In Psychology of Programming Interst Group 15th Workshop, pages
421-434, 2003.
- Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, and Rudi Lutz.
Keeping track: Coordinating multiple representations in programming.
In Lucia Mason, Sivia Andreuzza, Barbara Arfe, and Laura Del Favero,
editors, Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Conference of the European
Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI2003), Padova,
Italy, page 32. Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova, 2003.
- Benedict du Boulay, Pablo Romero, Richard Cox, and Rudi Lutz.
Towards a debugging tutor for object-oriented environments.
In Vincent Aleven, Ulrich Hoppe, Judy Kay, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Helen
Pain, Felisa Verdejo, and Kalina Yacef, editors, Supplementary
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (AIED2003),
Sydney, Australia, pages 399-407. University of Sydney, 2003.
- Rose Luckin, Diane Brewster, Darren Pearce, Richard Siddons-Corby, and Benedict
du Boulay.
SMILE: The creation of space for interaction through blended
digital technology.
In Jill Attewell, Giorgio Da Bormida, Mike Sharples, and Carol
Savill-Smith, editors, Abstracts of MLEARN 2000, Learning with mobile
devices, pages 38-39. Learning and Skills Development Agency, 2003.
- Pablo Romero, Rudi Lutz, Richard Cox, and Benedict du Boulay.
Coordination of multiple external representations during java program
In Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric
Computing Languaages and Environemnts, Artlington, Virginia, pages 207-214.
IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
- Aurora Vizcaino and Benedict du Boulay.
Using a simulated student to repair difficulties in collaborative
In Proceedings of ICCE'2002, New Zealand. IEEE, 2002.
- Benedict du Boulay and Rosemary Luckin.
Resource reuse in ie-TV.
In Judith Mastoff and Rosemary Luckin, editors, Future TV:
adaptive instruction in your living room. Workshop proceedings held in
conjunction with Sixth International Conference, ITS2002, Biarritz, France
and San Sebastian, Spain, June, pages 19-21, 2002.
- Benedict du Boulay and Rosemary Luckin.
Resource reuse and broadband user modelling in ie-tv.
In Stefano Cerri, Guy Gouardères, and Fábio Paranguaçu,
editors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Sixth International Conference,
ITS2002, Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June, number 2363 in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 995. Springer, 2002.
- Pablo Romero, Richard Cox, Benedict du Boulay, and Rudi Lutz.
Visual attention and representation switching during java program
debugging: A study using the restricted focus viewer.
In Diagrams 2002: Second International Conference on Theory and
Application of Diagrams, number 2317 in Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 221-235. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
PDF version.
- Rosemary Luckin and Benedict du Boulay.
Construction and abstraction: Contrasting methods of supporting model
building in learning science.
In Michael Baker, Paul Brna, Keith Stenning, and Andrée
Tiberghien, editors, The Role of Communication in Learning to Model,
pages 99-125. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
- Rosemary Luckin and Benedict du Boulay.
How do we provide learners with effective help: Introduction to
workshop on help provision and help seeking in interactive learning
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education,
12:1030-1039, 2001.
- Benedict du Boulay.
How can we learn from ITSs.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education,
11:1040-1049, 2000.
Invited Talk.
- Rosemary Luckin and Benedict du Boulay.
Imbedding AIED in ie-TV through broadband user modelling
In Johanna D. Moore, Carol Luckhardt Redfield, and W. Lewis Johnson,
editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and
Wireless Future, pages 322-333. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001.
PDF version.
- Benedict du Boulay, Lisa Cuthbert, Fernando De Andres Garcia, George
du Boulay, Nathan Jeffrey, Mike Sharples, Briony Teather, Derek Teather, and
Emma Whitcombe.
Training in image description and diagnosis for mr radiology of the
In Ela Claridge, Jeff Bamber, and Keith Marlow, editors, Proceedings of the conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis,
University of Birmingham, pages 85-88. 2001.
- Benedict du Boulay and Rosemary Luckin.
The plausibility problem: An initial analysis.
In Meurig Beynon, Christopher L. Nehaniv, and Kerstin Dautenhahn,
editors, Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind. 4th International
Conference CT 2001, Coventry, number 2117 in Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 289-300. Springer, 2001.
- Nuno Otero, Yvonne Rogers, and Benedict du Boulay.
Is interactivity a good thing? assessing its benefits for learning.
In Michael J. Smithh and Gavriel Salvendy, editors, Systems,
Social and Internationalization Design Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction:
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
volume 2, pages 790-794. Lawrence Erlbaum, New jersey, 2001.
- Benedict du Boulay and Rosemary Luckin.
Evaluating intelligent learning and teaching systems.
In Shelley Shwu ching Young, Jim Greer, Hermann Maurer, and Yam San
Chee, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted
Instruction 2000, ICCE/ICCAI 2000: Learning Societies in the New Millenium:
Creativity, Caring and Commitments, Taipei, Taiwan, page 1554. National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2000.
- Rosemary Luckin and Benedict du Boulay.
Explorers or persisters? evaluating children interacting,
collaborating and learning with computers.
In Shelley Shwu ching Young, Jim Greer, Hermann Maurer, and Yam San
Chee, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted
Instruction 2000, ICCE/ICCAI 2000: Learning Societies in the New Millenium:
Creativity, Caring and Commitments, Taipei, Taiwan, pages 231-238. National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2000.
- Benedict du Boulay.
Can and should teaching systems mimic human teachers?
In Shelley Shwu ching Young, Jim Greer, Hermann Maurer, and Yam San
Chee, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted
Instruction 2000, ICCE/ICCAI 2000: Learning Societies in the New Millenium:
Creativity, Caring and Commitments, Taipei, Taiwan, page 35. National Tsing
Hua University, Taiwan, 2000.
- Benedict du Boulay and Rose Luckin.
How to make your system teach well.
In Benedict du Boulay, editor, Workshop on Modelling Human
Teaching tactics and Strategies, at the 5th International Conference,
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS 2000, Montreal, pages 32-35. 2000.
- Benedict du Boulay.
Can we learn from ITSs?
In Gilles Gauthier, Claude Frasson, and Kurt VanLehn, editors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proceedings of 5th International Conference,
ITS 2000, Montreal, number 1839 in Lectures Notes in Computer Science, pages
9-17. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
- M. Sharples, N. Jeffery, J.B.H. du Boulay, D. Teather, B. Teather, and G.H.
du Boulay.
Socio-cognitive engineering: a methodology for the design of
human-centred computer systems.
In P. Lencs, editor, Proceedings of HCP'99 European Conference
on Human Centred Processes, Brest, France, pages 67-73. 1999.
- T. del Soldato and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Teaching Prolog debugging in a motivating manner.
In Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as
a Case Study, volume 3 of Contemporary Studies in Cognitive Science and
Technology, pages 397-410. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Stamford,
Connecticut, 1999.
Reprinted and revised from del Soldato and du Boulay (1994).
- C.N. Taylor, J.B.H. du Boulay, and M.J. Patel.
A revised Textual Tree Trace notation for Prolog.
In Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as
a Case Study, volume 3 of Contemporary Studies in Cognitive Science and
Technology, pages 267-281. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Stamford,
Connecticut, 1999.
Reprinted and revised from Taylor, du Boulay and Patel (1994).
- Benedict du Boulay.
Support for program analysis.
In Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as
a Case Study, volume 3 of Contemporary Studies in Cognitive Science and
Technology, pages 217-221. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Stamford,
Connecticut, 1999.
- Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain.
In Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as
a Case Study, volume 3 of Contemporary Studies in Cognitive Science and
Technology, pages 1-5. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut,
- Pat Fung, Mike Brayshaw, J. Benedict H. du Boulay, and Mark Elsom-Cook.
Towards a taxonomy of novices' misconceptions of the prolog
In Paul Brna, Benedict du Boulay, and Helen Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as
a Case Study, volume 3 of Contemporary Studies in Cognitive Science and
Technology, pages 73-102. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Stamford,
Connecticut, 1999.
Reprinted and revised from Fung et al. (1990).
- Benedict du Boulay.
Fallible, distractible, forgetful, wilful and irrational learners.
In Susanne P. Lajoie, editor, Computers as Cognitive Tools,
Volume Two: No More Walls, pages 339-375. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
- Benedict du Boulay, Briony Teather, George du Boulay, Nathan Jeffery, Derek
Teather, Mike Sharples, and Lisa Cuthbert.
From description to decision: Towards a decision support system for
MR radiology of the brain.
In Werner Horn, Yuval Shara, Gregor Lindberg, Steen Andreassen, and
Jeremy Wyatt, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Joint
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical
Decision Making, AIMDM99, Aalborg, Denmark. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence 1620, pages 93-102. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
- B. du Boulay, R. Luckin, and T. del Soldato.
The plausibility problem: Human teaching tactics in the `hands' of a
In Susanne P. Lajoie and Martial Vivet, editors, Artificial
Intelligence in Education: Open Learning Environments: New Computational
Technologies to Support Learning, Exploration and Collaboration. Proceedings
of the International Conference of the AI-ED Society on Artificial
Intelligence and Education, Le Mans France, pages 225-232. IOS Press, 1999.
- Benedict du Boulay, Rigoberto Bacallao Corrales, Lisa Cuthbert, Fernando
De Andres Garcia, George du Boulay, Nathan Jeffery, Mike Sharples, Briony
Teather, and Derek Teather.
Current developments in the MR tutor.
In Workshop 5 -- Medical Image Tutoring, International
Conference of the AI-ED Society on Artificial Intelligence and Education,
Le Mans, France, pages 2-9. 1999.
- R. Luckin and B. du Boulay.
Capability, potential and collaborative assistance.
In Judy Kay, editor, UM99 User Modelling: 7th International
conference on user modeling, Banff, Alberta, Canada, number 407 in CISM
Courses and Lectures, pages 139-148. Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1999.
- Sadhana Puntambekar and Benedict du Boulay.
Design of MIST - a system to help students develop metacognition.
In P. Murphy, editor, Learners, Learning & Assessment, pages
245-257. Open University and Paul Chapman Publishing, 1999.
Reprinted from Puntambekar and du Boulay (1997).
- B. du Boulay.
What does the AI in AIED buy?
In Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence in Educational
Software, pages 3/1-3/4. IEE Digest No: 98/313, 1998.
- G.H. du Boulay, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, M. Jeffery, N.P. Sharples, and B. du
MEDIATE -- an interactive tutor and diagnostic aid for MRI.
In SNR/ASNR'98 Symposium Neuroradiologicum XVI, page 281.
- N.P. Jeffery, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, and G.H.
du Boulay.
Computer based radiological training and education.
In J. Blackledge, editor, Image Processing: Mathematical Methods
and Applications, pages 501-516. Oxford University Press, 1997.
- G.H. du Boulay, B. Teather, D. Teather, N.P. Jeffery, M. sharples, and J.B.H.
du Boulay.
MEDIATE: Medical image description and training environment.
In 22nd Congress European Society of Neuro Radiology (ESNR),
Milan, Italy, page 673. 1996.
- M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, N. Jeffery, D. Teather, B.A. Teather, and G.H.
du Boulay.
Interactive display of typicality and similarity using multiple
correspondence analysis.
In Ann Blandford and Harold Thimbleby, editors, Industry Day and
Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th British Computer Society Annual Conference on
Human Computer Interaction, HCI'96, Imperial College, London, pages
162-167. Middlesex University Press, 1996.
- N. Jeffery, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, and G.H. du
MEDIATE: A magnetic resonance tutor.
In Proceedings for the Computers in Medical Education
Conference, September 1995, pages 138-147. CTI Centre for Medicine,
University of Bristol, 1996.
- M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, D. Teather, B.A. Teather, N. Jeffery, and G.H.
du Boulay.
The MR tutor: Computer-based training and professional practice.
In Proceedings of World Conference on Artificial Intelligence
and Education (AI-ED 95), Washington, USA, pages 429-436. 1995.
- M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, D. Teather, B.A. Teather, N. Jeffery, and G.H. du
The cognitive basis for an MR image tutor.
In Proceedings of East-West International Conference on
Computer Technologies in Education, Crimea, Ukraine, pages 214-219. 1994.
- C.N. Taylor, J.B.H. du Boulay, and M.J. Patel.
Textual Tree Trace notation for Prolog: an overview.
In Proceedings of post-conference workshop on Logic Programming
and Education, International Conference on Logic Programming, Santa
Margherita Ligure, Italy, pages 73-80. 1994.
- D. Teather, B.A. Teather, M. Sharples, N. Jeffery, B. du Boulay, and G.H.
du Boulay.
Intelligent tutoring for MR imaging of the head and cerebral
In Proceedings of Twelfth International Congress of the European
Federation for Medical Informatics, MIE 94, Lisbon, pages 650-653. 1994.
- N. Jeffery, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, and G.H.
du Boulay.
Intelligent tutoring for mr image interpretation and the diagnosis of
cerebral disease.
In Proceedings of British Institute of Radiology Conference,
Radiology and Oncology '94, Harrogate, volume 67 Congress Supplement, page
144. British Journal of Radiology, 1994.
- M.J. Patel, C. Taylor, and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Textual Tree (Prolog) Tracer: An experimental evaluation.
In D. Gilmore, R. Winder, and F. Detienne, editors, User-Centred
Requirements for Software Engineering Environments, NATO ASI Series (Series
F: Computer and Systems Sciences), Vol 123, pages 127-141. Springer-Verlag,
- N. Jeffery, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, A.I. Direne,
and G.H. du Boulay.
Statistical modelling and intelligent tutoring of visual concepts for
MR imaging of the head.
In Proceedings of World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Education, AI-ED'93, Edinburgh, page 562. 1993.
- H. Ramadhan and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Programming environments for novices.
In E. Lemut, J.B.H du Boulay, and G. Dettori, editors, Cognitive
Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning Programming, NATO ASI Series
(Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences), Vol 111, pages 125-134.
Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Towards more versatile tutors for programming.
In E Scanlon and T. O'Shea, editors, New Directions in
Educational Technology, pages 191-198. Springer-Verlag, 1992.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Programming environments for novices.
In Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Second International
Conference, ITS'92, Montreal. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 608,
page 37. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.
- J.B.H. du Boulay, M. Patel, and C. Taylor.
Programming environments for novices.
In Cognitive Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning
Programming: Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, S. Margherita,
Italy, pages 105-107. 1992.
- P. Goodyear and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Systems and architectures for instruction.
In M. Jones and P.H. Winne, editors, Adaptive Learning
Environments: foundations and frontiers, pages 13-17. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1992.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and P. Goodyear.
Diagnosing students' learning and adjusting plans for instruction.
In M. Jones and P.H. Winne, editors, Adaptive Learning
Environments: foundations and frontiers, pages 203-208. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1992.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and P. Goodyear.
Student-system interactions.
In M. Jones and P.H. Winne, editors, Adaptive Learning
Environments: foundations and frontiers, pages 319-324. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1992.
- M. Jones, J. Greer, E. Mandinach, J.B.H. du Boulay, and P. Goodyear.
Synthesising instructional and computational science.
In M. Jones and P.H. Winne, editors, Adaptive Learning
Environments: foundations and frontiers, pages 383-401. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1992.
- M.J. Patel, J.B.H. du Boulay, and C. Taylor.
Prolog tracers and information access.
In Proceedings of 1st Moscow International HCI'91 Workshop,
pages 140-145. 1991.
- M.J. Patel, J.B.H. du Boulay, and C. Taylor.
Effect of format on information and problem solving.
In Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society. Chicago, pages 852-856. 1991.
- J. Benedict H. du Boulay.
Some difficulties of learning to program.
In E. Soloway and J.C. Spohrer, editors, Studying the Novice
Programmer, pages 283-299. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 1989.
Reprinted from du Boulay (1986).
- J. Benedict H. du Boulay, Tim O'Shea, and John Monk.
The black box inside the glass box: Presenting computing concepts to
In E. Soloway and J.C. Spohrer, editors, Studying the Novice
Programmer, pages 431-446. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 1989.
Reprinted from du Boulay, O'Shea and Monk (1981).
- C. Dichev and J.B.H. du Boulay.
An enhanced trace tool for Prolog.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Children
in the Information Age. Sofia, Bulgaria, pages 149-163. 1989.
- D. Dicheva and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Do what i do and do what i say: an improved blocks tutor.
In Proceedings of Third International Conference: Children in
the Information Age. Sofia, Bulgaria, pages 164-175. 1989.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Non-adversary problem solving by machine.
In K.J. Gilhooly, editor, Human and Machine Problem Solving,
pages 13-37. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 1989.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and P. Ross.
Intelligent tutoring systems.
In Tutorial Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence. Munich, pages 1-93. 1988.
- C. Dichev and J.B.H. du Boulay.
A data tracing system for prolog novices.
In T. O'Shea and V. Sgurev, editors, Artificial Intelligence
III: methodology, systems, applications. Proceedings of Artificial
Intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, pages
329-336. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
- M. Sharples and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Knowledge representation for a concept tutoring system.
In Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Munich, pages 268-270. Pitman, 1988.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and A. Sloman.
Bread today, jam tomorrow: the impact of AI on education.
In J.H. Collins, N. Estes, and D. Walker, editors, Proceedings
of Fifth International Conference on Technology and Education, pages 82-85.
Edinburgh, 1988.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Intelligent systems for teaching programming.
In P. Ercoli and R. Lewis, editors, Artificial Intelligence
Tools in Education, pages 361-373. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
- M. Elsom-Cook and J.B.H. du Boulay.
A pascal program checker.
In J. Self, editor, Artificial Intelligence and Human Learning:
intelligent computer-aided instruction, pages 361-373. Chapman and Hall,
London, 1988.
Reprinted from Elsom-Cook and du Boulay (1986).
- J.B.H. du Boulay and J. Taylor.
Learning prolog: an introductory bibliography.
In R. Lewis and E.D. Tagg, editors, Trends in Computer Assisted
Education, pages 19-21. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 1987.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and C. Sothcott.
Computers teaching programming.
In R.W. Lawler and M. Yazdani, editors, Artificial Intelligence
and Education: Vol 1, Learning Environments and Tutoring Systems, pages
345-372. Ablex, Norwood, New Jersey, 1987.
- J. Taylor and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Studying novice programmers: Why they may find learning Prolog
In J. Rutkowska and C. Crook, editors, Computers, Cognition and
Development: Issues for Psychology and Education, pages 153-173. John
Wiley, Chichester, 1987.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
POPLOG for beginners: a powerful environment for learning
In R. Hawley, editor, Artificial Intelligence Programming
Environments, pages 31-42. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1987.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Computers and teacher education.
In E. Scanlon and T. O'Shea, editors, Educational Computing,
pages 51-58. John Wiley, Chichester, 1987.
Reprinted from du Boulay (1983).
- J.B.H. du Boulay, M. Elsom-Cook, T. Khabaza, and J. Taylor.
POPLOG and the learner: An artificial intelligence programming
environment used in education.
In Directory of Computer Training 1986, pages 29-33. Badgemore
Park Enterprises, 1986.
- M. Elsom-Cook and J.B.H. du Boulay.
How to tell novices that their programs are wrong.
In Proceedings of the workshop on Intelligent Computer Assisted
Instruction, page 17. Windermere, 1986.
- M. Elsom-Cook and J.B.H. du Boulay.
A pascal program checker.
In Proceedings of ECAI-86, (Vol. II), 7th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 90-95. Brighton, 1986.
Reprinted as Elsom-Cook and du Boulay (1988).
- P.M.D. Gray, D.S. Moffat, and J.B.H. du Boulay.
Persistent Prolog: A secondary storage manager for Prolog.
In M. Atkinson, editor, Proceedings of Appin Workshop on Data
Types and Persistence. Persistent Programming Research Report 16, pages
353-368. University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science, 1985.
- T. O'Shea, R. Bornat, J.B.H. du Boulay, M. Eisenstadt, and I. Page.
Tools for creating intelligent computer tutors.
In A. Elithorn and R. Banerji, editors, Artificial and Human
Intelligence, pages 181-199. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.
- A. Bundy, J.B.H. du Boulay, J.A.M. Howe, and G. Plotkin.
How to get a Ph.D. in A.I.
In T. O'Shea and M. Eisenstadt, editors, Artificial
Intelligence: Tools, Techniques and Applications, pages 139-154. Harper and
Row, London, 1984.
- J.B.H. du Boulay.
Computers and teacher education.
In J. Megarry, D. R. F. Walker, and E. Hoyle, editors, World
Yearbook of Education 1982/83, pages 177-185. Kogan Page, London, 1983.
Reprinted as du Boulay (1987).
- J.B.H. du Boulay, J.A.M. Howe, and K. Johnson.
Making programs vs. running programs: microcomputers in the
mathematical education of teachers.
In R. Lewis and E.D. Tagg, editors, Involving Micros In
Education, pages 119-123. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and T. O'Shea.
Teaching novices programming.
In M.J. Coombs and J.L. Alty, editors, Computing Skills and the
User Interface, pages 147-200. Academic Press, London, 1981.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and J.A.M. Howe.
Student teachers attitudes to mathematics: differential effects of a
computer based course.
In R. Lewis and E.D. Tagg, editors, Computers in Education,
pages 707-713. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1981.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and J.A.M. Howe.
Re-learning mathematics through LOGO: helping student teachers who
don't understand mathematics.
In J.A.M. Howe and P.M. Ross, editors, Microcomputers in
Secondary Education: Issues and Techniques, pages 69-81. Kogan Page,
London, 1981.
- J.B.H. du Boulay and T. O'Shea.
Seeing the works: A strategy for teaching interactive programming.
In Proceedings of Workshop on Computing Skills and Adaptive
Systems. Liverpool, 1978.

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