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20.7.5 Subtree data file.

An example of the data for a subtree. The rule and network size is the same as in #20.4.1 for a network size of 150. Note that the seed state is only shown for n<=160.


k5-rule=(dec)2857723553 (hex)aa5566a1 network data as in #20.7.1.

Size=150 ld=0.469 ld-r=0.938

zl=0.938 zr=0.672 Z=0.9375 C=0/5 below, subtree size, seed (root of subtree) in hex.

subtree=516 seed(hex)=355ab2b23e87c4ea9ffb0992ae3ca6a3355ab2b23e87c4ea9ffb0992ae3ca6a3

g=442 gd=0.857 ml=4 mp=91 as in #20.7.3.