Motor Control and Locomotion

This session aims at exploring and discussing how robots can be used as tools to test models of animal motor and locomotion control.

The session will cover both low level spinal mechanisms such as central pattern generators and force fields, and higher-level mechanisms such as internal models and motor planning. it will explore how articulated robots can serve as artificial embodiments to neuronal models, and provide means for testing issues such as inter- and intra-limb coordination and the role of proprioceptive feedback in motor control.

Hiroshi Kimura (National University of Electro-Communications, Japan)

How does robotics contribute to biomechanics and neuroscience beyond the engineering limitations?

Stefan Schaal (University of Southern California, USA)

Learnable pattern generators for limb control.

Auke Ijspeert and Alessandro Crespi (EPFL, Switzerland)

Neurorobotics models of lower vertebrate locomotion: towards a salamander-like swimming and walking robot.