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13.1.1 The totalistic code table

``Totalistic'' rules are rules where a cell's value depends only on the sum of 1s in its neighbourhood. The totalistic ``code'' is defined by a lookup table of k+1 possible totals set out in reverse value order from k to 0. Each total is assigned an output (0,1). The resulting bit string defines each of the 2k+1 possible totalistic codes. DDLab automatically transforms the code into the rule-table format.

For example, the k=5 totals are set out thus,

5 4 3 2 1 0 - totals

- - - - - -

1 1 0 0 1 0 - code 50 in dec, 32 in hex = rule 3900801302, e8 81 81 16 in hex.