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11.6 Wiring by hand.

If ``3'' is selected in #11.2, a blank wiring scheme is presented in the form of a matrix or ``spread sheet``, which may be filled in with the wiring positions for each cell's pseudo-neighbourhood wire. The wire position of the cell's pseudo-neighbourhood, k-1...0, indexes columns, the cell network position, n-1...0, indexes rows. The 0-0 grid (or the 0-minimum n grid if the whole matrix does not fit within one window) is in the lower right corner. Thus each grid records the coupling made by a single ``wire'' to an arbitrary position in the network, n-1...0.

Move around the spread sheet with the arrow keys. Enter the position at the flashing green cursor and complete the entry by moving to another grid with an arrow key or ``return``. ``return'' on a blank or 0 gives a random position. An entry outside the network limits will be ignored. Enter ``q`` to finish (any undefined grids will be set to position 0).

While the wiring matrix is being set, the following prompt and reminder will be displayed in top right window.

hand wire/revise: jump-j

enter wiring positions 0-144 (``return`` on blank/0=random) (depending on network size)

move-arrows, more/complete-m, quit-q:

Enter ``m'' to complete or see successive windows, ``j'' to jump to a new cell index (see #11.5.1), or ``q'' exit the wiring by hand'' routine. The wiring scheme can be reviewed and revised in the same wiring matrix format (see #12.2) or as a wiring graphic in 1d or 2d (see #14).