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A4. Filing and Printing

Network parameters and states can be saved and loaded with default file extensions (and default file names) for the following: rules, rule-schemes, wiring-schemes, wiring/rule schemes, neighbourhood mix, and network state.

The screen image is saved and loaded using a home made compressed format. In DOS, to save the image in a standard format (and print to any printer), use a ``stay resident screen grabber``. A number a specialist screen grabbers are available, and others are part of ``paint'' programs. Alternatively run DDLab as a DOS application in Microsoft Windows and use their ``paint'' screen grabber. The screen image can be printed at any time directly from DDLab (in DOS reliably only to the Epson MX-82 dot matrix printer, or to the Cannon BJC 4000 bubble jet - printing to other printers is worth a try but is unpredictable). In the XWindows versions the screen can be printed from options within DDLab, or alternativly use XView to grab the image and print.

Detailed data on attractor basins can be automatically saved (also printed). A file of ``exhaustive pairs``, made up of each state and its successor, can be created for very fast generation of the basin of attraction field of a random Boolean network. Various data on space-time patterns such as the entropy variance for different CA rules can be automatically saved and sorted to create a data base of complex rules, those featuring ``gliders'' or other large scale emergent structure*.