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28.1 File types, default extensions and filenames

DDLab allows saving and loading of a number of file types with default extensions. Default filenames are also provided. The file types, and default extensions and filenames are listed below.

Typeextension Default filename(without extension)

SCREEN (image) .nat myimage

N'HOOD MIX, .mix my_mix

WIRING ONLY .w_s my_wso

RULE SCHEME ONLY .r_s my_rso


SINGLE RULE .rul myrule.rul

last1, last2, last3, ... last9

(i.e. last[k], the last rule is automatically saved)

SEED .eed myseed

DATA .dat my_data (Field/Basin/Subtree ascii file)

EXHAUSTIVE (pairs) .exh my_exhau