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27.8 Learn, forget, or highlight only.

Once the target state and aspiring pre-image(s) have been set in #27.5-6 and reviewed in #27.7 above, a prompt is presented to learn or forget the aspiring pre-images, i.e. add/remove them from the existing pre-image fan of the target state. When the attractor basin is redrawn according to the altered network, the target and aspiring pre-image states will be highlighted (see #27.1 and 27.**). An alternative to learning or forgetting is to just highlight these states, without altering the network.

The following prompt is presented,

highlight only-h, FORGET-f, LEARN-default:

Note that for a 1d regular CA ``highlight`` is the only option available. See #11.3 to treat local wiring as if it where random, and #13.3.1 to set up a rule mix where all the rules are the same.