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26.2.5 analysis

(if analysis not suppressed, and not for 2d)

s.. toggle LOOKUPFREQ-eeg or EEG-lookupfreq (see #24.4.1-2)*

Key ``s'' toggles the analysis of 1d space-time patterns between the two methods of analysis (see #24.4).

LOOKUPFREQ. (see #24.4.2, for homogeneous neighbourhood networks only) The lookup frequency, entropy plots, and the lookup frequency histogram or 3d graph. This is calculated on the basis of the last x time-steps (generations). The initial default is x=1, but this can be reset (see ``G'' below, or #24.5).

EEG. (see #24.4.1) The pattern density, the density of 1s at each time-step (analogous to the electro-encephalogram (EEG) of the mean excitatory state of a patch of neurons). This is calculated on the basis of the last x time-steps (generations) including the current time-step. The initial default is x=1, but this can be reset (see ``G'' below, or #24.5).

L.. toggle HISTOGRAM-graph or GRAPH-histogram (not for mixed neighbourhoods)*

The lookup frequency histogram may be extended into a 3d graph with an extra ``time'' axis. Key ``L`` toggles between the two methods of presentation.

G.. generations (now 1) to change default number of generations above, see #24.5*

The default number of generations (or time-steps) for both the lookup frequency and pattern density analysis may be reset. If key ``G'' is hit, the following top right prompt appears,

enter new 'analysis' generation size (now 1):

Enter the new size which becomes the default.