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26.2.3 2d-space-time pattern

(2d network only)

t/T toggle 3d-2d/2d-1d to show a time dimension, 3d = isometric projection, 1d = slices*

The 2d space-time pattern is initially displayed as a normal 2d grid at the top right of the screen. Key ``t`` will toggle the presentation between this and an isometric projection (as if looking up at a transparent lift shaft), where each successive 2d grid is placed below the existing stack of 2d grids. This provides a time dimension as with 1d space-time patterns, is best seen when cells are colored according to the neighbourhood.

Key ``T'' will toggle the presentation between a 2d display and a ``1d'' space-time pattern made up of ``slices``. The rows of the 2d pattern are shown side by side, the top row on the left

p.. draw plane (in 3d a isometric projection)*

Key ``p'' will draw a translucent plane in the 3d isometric at the current time-step to highlight the isometric geometry. This also occurs if a new seed is assigned to the network.