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25.1 Interrupting attractor basins.

Enter ``q'' to interrupt attractor basins. If the interrupt occurred between successive pre-images within one pre-image fan (as opposed to between successive pre-image fans) the following message is initially displayed (top right),

early exit - in pre-image fan

One of the following prompts is then displayed, depending on whether the attractor basin is a subtree, single basin or a basin of attraction field,

next tree/basin-n, options-o, stop field-q, cont-ret: (for a basin of attraction field)

next tree-n, options-o, stop basin-q, cont-ret: (for a single basin)

options-o, stop subtree-q, cont-ret: (for a subtree)

If the in-degree histogram was set in #17.2 a further option is offered to view the histogram as computed so far, for example,

inhist-h, options-o, stop subtree-q, cont-ret: (for a subtree)

Enter ``h'' to view the in-degree histogram (see #17.2.2-6). Options ``q``, ``o'' and ``n`` are described below (#25.1.1-3). After these various options are complete, the program generally returns to the prompt above (#25.1). Enter ``return'' to continue the attractor basin from the point of interrupt.