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3.6 Space-time pattern only, 1d

Backtrack with ``q'' (or right mouse button) to the start of the program.

At the very first prompt enter ``s'' for forwards only.

At the ``cell size...'' prompt select 1 (for 1 pixel).

At the ``network size... '' prompt select 150.

At the ``Neighbourhood size...'' prompt select 5.

Keep entering ``return'' to accept defaults for the rule, seed etc.

At the OUTPUT PARAMETERS prompt enter ``s`` for ``space-time pattern only``.

Keep entering ``return'' to accept space-time pattern defaults.

The space-time pattern is generated on the left of the screen. Alongside is a plot of the lookup frequency of each entry in the 5-neighbour lookup-table, and the entropy of this frequency distribution. A histogram of the lookup frequency changing at each time step is shown alongside. An ``interrupt key index'' on the right of the screen gives a list of key presses to change settings ``on the fly``.

Enter ``g'' a few times to change the rule to different complex ``glider'' rules. Try other key presses to change the rule, wiring, seed, colour, analysis, scale and size.

Enter ``q'' to interrupt (and backtrack).