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20.7.1 Network data.

The following network data is given first, including the neighbourhood size, rule number, network size and rule parameters. This example relates to the examples in #20.7.2-3 below.

k3-rule=(dec)193 (hex)c1 neighbourhood size k, rule number in decimal and hex.

Size=12 ld=0.375 ld-r=0.75 network size, lambda and lambda ratio rule parameters.

zl=0.625 zr=0.75 Z=0.75 C=0/3 Z left, Z right and the Z parameter, canalyzing inputs.

Note that for networks which are not regular CA, with mixed rules and/or mixed wiring, or mixed neighbourhoods, the network parameters are not given at this stage. They may be printed or saved as an ascii file at the prompt described in #14.7.5.