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20.4.4 Data on basins.

Anexample of data on a basin, k=3 rule 193 (decimal), n=12, the same basin as for the tree above (#20.4.3).

basin 2, equiv basins=4 att(hex)=0c 7c

period=9 size=831 81.2% g=402 gd=0.484 ml=35 mp=13

basin 2 the basin in question is the prototype of the 2nd type.

equiv basins=4 the number of equivalent basins of this type.

att(hex)=0c 7c the ``first'' attractor state.

period=9 attractor period.

size=831 the size of the basin.

81.2% the percentage of state-space made up by this basin and its equivalents.

g=402 the number of garden-of-Eden states in the basin.

gd=0.484 the density of garden-of-Eden states in the basin.

ml=35 the maximum number of levels in the basin from the attractor.

mp=13 the maximum in-degree found in the basin